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Stages of having a short (gay) haircut! 
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I want younger trans men to know it's never too late to start T. I see teenagers saying it's too late for them all the time but I'm almost 23 and I'm starting it today. I have many friends who started in their 30s or 40s. Starting in your teens is a really new phenomenon, and while it may be normal now, there are entire generations of trans men who started in their 20s and beyond and they turned out just fine.
Don't feel ashamed if you can't, don't feel ready, or don't want to go on T yet. Hell, even if you never go on it, there's no shame in that. Your body, your choice. And please, if you're in an unsupportive household, keep your head up. You'll get there one day, and it'll be worth it. I never thought I'd be here, but here I am.
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Successful trans men
Part 2 Part 3
I wish I knew about men like these growing up, I wish I knew that trans men could be successful after a lifetime of never seeing anyone ‘like me’ excelling in life. So here are some trans men - some that you may have heard of, some that you may not - that are successful in a range of careers. Never let being trans hold you back, never think you can’t do something, never think there is not a place for you.
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Ben Barres American neurobiologist for Stanford University and advocate for women in science. Barre’s research on the interactions between glial cells and neurons changed the way that we understand the brain and opened up a whole new field of research.
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Stephen Whittle Professor of equalities law. Founder of FTM Network in 1989 and Press for Change in 1992. Whittle has been heavily involved in trans activism since joining the Self Help Association for Transsexuals in 1979. His research and activism has been instrumental in ensuring the rights of trans people in the UK.
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Michael D Cohen Actor, teacher and coach. Making his break in award-winning Nickelodeon sitcoms Henry Danger and Danger Force he was the first series regular actor to publicly come out as transgender. Cohen has a BSc in cell biology and a masters degree in adult education, teaching at his own acting studio and providing workshops.
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Chris Mosier American triathlete and award-winning coach. Six time member of Team USA in both duathlon and triathlon, Mosier also won two national championships in racewalking and was the first transgender athlete to qualify for the Olympic trials to compete against other members of his gender.
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Yance Ford African-American film producer and director. Ford received an Emmy for Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking and was nominated for an Oscar for his part in producing and directing the documentary Strong Island which follows the death of his brother.
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Kael McKenzie Canadian judge. Serving in the Canadian Armed Forces for several years, McKenzie later attended law school and and worked as a lawyer before being appointed as a judge to the Provincial Court of Manitoba in 2015. 
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Shane Ortega Native American former flight engineer in the US army, former marine and professional bodybuilder. Throughout his career Ortega has served in Iraq and Afghanistan in over 400 combat missions. He has a long history of advocating for the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the recent banning on transgender service members in the US army. 
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Drago Renteria Chicano photojournalist and deaf and LGBT activist. Renteria founded the Deaf Queer Resource and is CEO of DeafVision - a webhosting and development company run by deaf people and the founder of the National Deaf LGBTQ Archives. Renteria has been instrumental in both creating and hosting many online deaf/queer spaces online along with being heavily involved in real-world activism for decades.
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Phillipe Cunningham Elected city councillor for ward 4 Minneapolis and previous special education teacher, Cunningham holds a masters degrees in Organizational Leadership & Civic Engagement and in Police Administration and is passionate about tacking inequalities in his community. 
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Anxiety comes from feeling out of control and helpless, and I suffered greatly before realizing the truth. You ARE out of control. We can’t control everything, even our own reactions and feelings sometimes. But that’s okay. Everything is okay. It’s part of the human experience, and I just needed to have faith that I’d be able to handle each situation that life throws at me, when it comes to me. We can’t cope with imaginary projections of what the future could hold. We can only cope with this tiny fragment of a moment in front of us.
I needed to know that it’s okay to struggle and that we are all feeling a similar human struggle. I needed to know that I was capable. You are capable, too. That’s not to undermine your struggle. But you can make a difference in the world, and in your own inner world.
Just some thoughts 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I’m Jaiden, 24, I’ve been on T for a year and a half and I had too surgery around the same time. I’m a theatre student, soon to be working on my grad degree and looking forward to teaching my own university courses in the upcoming years.
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Name: Terre Morgan
Gender: male (ftm)
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 21
Hey I like writing poems, reading about serial killers, swimming and watching football/cricket...I’m a sophomore in uni
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Transitioning Abroad - Hello!
Hi everyone! my name is A. I am almost a year on T, and half a year post-op. I am from the USA, but I live in the UK and am transitioning there as well. There is not a lot of information about this topic, so I will be writing my advice on all things transition in the UK, especially for foreign nationals transitioning in the UK. Everything from changing your name and gender marker abroad, to getting on HRT.
Regardless, whether you are from the UK or outside it, I can answer most questions about transitioning in the UK system. Check back here for more posts, or feel free to ask me anything!
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Changing Your Name in the UK as a Foreign National
This is not a replacement for actual legal advice, but this information may be a good place to start if you are a foreign national, especially a US national, living and transitioning in the UK. 
A name change in the US is a lengthy and expensive process involving the court system. Changing a name in your state of residence from abroad is even more difficult. Luckily, if you have a residence permit or leave to remain within the UK, there is a much easier solution. 
You are entitled to change your name via Deed Poll, which costs only 15£ and can be ordered online. The only difference is that you need to get the Deed Poll signed and stamped by a solicitor to make it internationally recognised as a legal document. 
Once you have your signed Deed Poll, you should bring it, along with other required documentation and renewal fee, to the consulate/embassy to get your new passport issued in this name. If you are only changing your name, then you could also mail it in, but if you are changing your gender marker at the same time you will be required to physically bring the papers to the consulate. Details on changing your gender marker are available here.
BE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR VISA INFORMATION OR RESIDENT’S PERMIT WITHIN 3 MONTHS OF GETTING YOUR UPDATED PASSPORT. This can be done via a ‘Change of Circumstances’ forum and an application for a new BRP card if necessary. 
This is how I was able to change my name as of 2020
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Changing your Gender Marker as a Foreign National in the UK
This is not a replacement for actual legal advice, but this is a good place to start if you are transitioning in the UK as a foreign national, especially as a US national. 
In order to change your gender marker, you will need proof of transition. As far as I am aware, there is no specification as far as needing to have both HRT and surgery, or only one or the other, or something else. All you will need to prove your transition is a letter from your GP confirming that you are under their care and transitioning or transitioned.
In the case of transitioning, you will be issued a passport with a validity of 2 years. If you are fully transitioned, you will be issued a regular length passport. 
Instead of filling out the regular DS-82 passport renewal form, you will need the DS-11 forum.
Additionally, the details required for your physician letter should be as followed, and are also available here:
A signed, original statement from a licensed physician must be on office letterhead and include:
Physician’s full name, address, and telephone number
Medical license or certificate number
Issuing state or other jurisdiction of medical license/certificate
Language stating that:
The statement must include, “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct.”
He or she has treated you, or has reviewed and evaluated your medical history
You have had appropriate clinical treatment for transition to male or female, or are in the process of transition to male or female
You will need to deliver the required documentation IN PERSON to the consulate or embassy. Also be sure to bring your name change documents if you have not already changed your name. Details on changing your name from abroad are available here. 
BE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR VISA INFORMATION OR RESIDENT’S PERMIT WITHIN 3 MONTHS OF GETTING YOUR UPDATED PASSPORT. This can be done via a ‘Change of Circumstances’ forum and an application for a new BRP card if necessary. 
This is how I was able to change my gender marker in the UK as a US national as of 2020
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How could I get a chest binder without my mum knowing?
One option is to give a friend you trust the money and have them buy for it or have it shipped to their home (if you have your own card).
Some stores have Visa giftcards that you can pay for in cash and then use as you would as a credit/debit card. And having a friend/family members whose address you could send to might be helpful.
Giveaways are always a good option. They're not a guarentee but theres a chance.
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My name is Ellie and people call me elliot and i dont like either of the names what do i do x
Hey, I’ve been in similar situations. If you don’t feel comfortable being called Elliot then asked those you are close/comfortable with to for a while to try out other names that catch your interest until you find one that fits you. Personally, I kept a list in my phone until I was sure I found the right one. It is never too late to change your name. You also don’t have to tell everyone.Good luck in your search.
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My mom refuses to buy a binder because of the possible risks. She won't listen to me even thought I know how to lower these risks. She keeps telling me I could use ace bandages or find a DIY method. She has no idea just how harmful many of these methods are. It would be so much easier to just buy my own binder, but she won't let me! How do I convince her that I know what I'm doing and I know how to keep myself safe? I'm 17 and she still won't listen. It's been 5 years
I’m so sorry about this going on. I think the best thing would be to try to educate her on the dangers of DIY methods. Perhaps try and to find videos/pictures of what can happen. Or see if perhaps she would be more on board with methods such as the Trans Tape? Please try to stay safe.
Any other suggestions??
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no one:
trans men adjusting their binders every five fucking seconds:
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In case anyone needs it!
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untreated adhd in college: *apologizes to prof and asks for extension* *apologizes to friends for not talking to them* *apologizes to roommate for not doing x chore* *apologizes to therapist for being late again* *apologizes to
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how to be okay when I see my deadname
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