I do truly have a blessed life. Yet I also have depression. I have it every minute of everyday. Time like this blinders come off and I see all I have. Rather than seeing all I don’t. The things that one needs I have. That’s more than what millions of people on the street can say. Depression is such a shitty thing. It takes over all and ruins good times. It plants seeds of smoke and mirrors that give off the intoxicating scent of warmth. You know that warmth. Stay in bed, stay warm, your just gonna fail anyway…
You listen to it of course. Because if you don’t try, you will never know, so no harm. But depression doesn’t ride alone. It carries a nasty weapon, it will use when depression feels like it’s not winning. Because a little voice, that squeaks usually, choose to roar. That roaring voice, gives you umph to move something. Move yourself.
Not so fast. Reinforcements have been called. They find said hope, and silence them immediately. They are the goons. Anxiety leads the pack.
This one most dangerous because he is just so scared.
When one is scared they are always dangerous.
His fingers are cold and wet. Long and boney. They slide up your spine, you feel the dread coming. Hands so cold every inch shakes..
Just before he hits your heart with that grip, that makes your chest engine scream for air. But depression is right by your ear, whispering, don’t bother because no one understands…and those who do, ain’t talking any moment sooner.
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“About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won’t like you at all.”
— Rita Mae Brown
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Why am i ike this
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) dir. Jim Sharman
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Rejected Cartoons
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Nobody: Me After 2 Coors Lights:
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Well it is
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*sad ww1 noises*
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Saturn is so beautiful
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hang in there
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“Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place.”
— Robert Brault (via quotefeeling)
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New merch! Available until October 14!
[Tees | Hoodies | Sweatshirts | Mugs]
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To whomever put this into that complete simplification of time, mind blowingly not cool laddie.
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Hope you’re enjoying the last 100 days of the decade, lads. 
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