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I was thinking about malfoy’s demeaning quote about Ron in the first movie and turned it into something fluffy for these two (you can tell Ron doesn’t know what this is all about in the third panel, lol) Let these boys hug more 2k19
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I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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Poor Zuko
He just wanted to join the Gaang but now the blind girl is moving metal, the sweet watergirl is bending blood and the kid is talking to spirits
At least he can count on Sokka to be normal. Oh, where did you say that sword was from?
Yeah, that’s right, fucking outer space
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
Canon Sirius through quotes
Part 1. Appearance
In the canon, he's described as handsome 3 times from Harry's point of view - but never pretty. By the way, Harry has only described four people as handsome (+ Tom Riddle, Cedric Diggory and Gellert Grindelwald).
"Sirius was tall and handsome. He loped with an easy grace, his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face."
"Beside him was Sirius, carelessly handsome, his slightly arrogant face so much younger and happier than Harry had ever seen it alive."
"Sirius stared around at the students milling over the grass, looking rather haughty and bored, but very handsomely so."
"Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James’s nor Harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed."
"He's still handsome, isn't he, even after Azkaban?" (Tonks about Sirius, Pottermore)
So, Sirius was handsome, but definitely not pretty. The word handsome can be used for all genders, highlighting attributes like strength, elegance, or a more classic form of beauty.
His height is described as tall several times. James is described as the same height as Harry in the Deathly Hallows, meaning at the time of his death James was as tall as Harry in the 7th book: “James was exactly the same height as Harry”. He was described as tall in later books but not as tall as other characters like Dumbledore, Ron, Sirius, Draco, Tom Riddle, Bill.
In England, as in most Western countries, a man is usually considered tall if he is over 6 feet. Typically, very tall is considered to be 6 feet 3 inches and above. So, James could be somewhere from 6 to 6'3", and Sirius taller, say 6'3"-6'4", Remus possibly under 6', but not short, since Harry doesn't note his height at all.
"To Sirius’s right stood Pettigrew, more than a head shorter, plump and watery-eyed, flushed with pleasure at his inclusion in this coolest of gangs, with the much admired rebels that James and Sirius had been."
The average head length of an adult, regardless of gender and age, usually about 8.7 to 9.8 inches. So, Peter was noticeably shorter.
6'3"-6'4" is indeed very tall. (When fanon gives Remus a height of 6.7, I wonder, have you often seen such giants in real life? My granddad is 6'8" – and he's huge to me, frighteningly so.)
After Azkaban and in the fifth book, he has long hair, but in the fourth book, when Sirius is doing well and is relaxing somewhere in the south, he has short hair.
"Sirius looked different – the hair was short and clean now, Sirius’ face was fuller, and he looked younger, much more like the only photograph Harry had of him, which had been taken at the Potters’ wedding."
"Sirius, when he still had short hair" (Moody about Sirius in the Order of the Phoenix photo)
Though in the story about Sirius and James for the auction, Sirius had long hair in 1977:
"The one who had been driving had long black hair; his insolent good looks reminded Fisher unpleasantly of his daughter’s guitar-playing, layabout boyfriend."
I prefer him with long hair, so that's usually what I go with.
Build isn't described. We know Regulus was definitely smaller than Sirius, but nothing specific about Sirius himself.
"Regulus was instantly recognisable as the boy sitting in the middle of the front row: he had the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of his brother, though he was smaller, slighter and rather less handsome than Sirius had been."
His animagus form is a bear-like dog of huge size, but that’s a weak argument.
"The enormous, bear-like dog bounded forwards."
Perhaps canonically Sirius was naturally inclined to muscle (i.e., tall and muscular rather than lanky, because lankiness usually suggests skinniness. Regulus, likely, was lanky), but since he probably didn't engage in activities like workouts, he wasn't exactly buff. Muscles don't just appear out of thin air, but some people are naturally more muscular. Basically, a normal build that doesn't need any special description (not bulky, not skinny, just normal, but tall).
He definitely doesn’t have any tattoos described, but it's unlikely Harry would have inspected every part of his body for tattoos... So, I don’t quite get it when someone says "Sirius didn’t have tattoos". It's a blank slate.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
I need to know where this idea of Sirius being drama incarnate originated. Right now, someone please tell me. Hysterical. That's it. One word. Sirius: hysterical.
Where did it come from?
Canonically, Sirius is extremely level-headed and composed. Yes, he's headstrong. Yes, he can be stubborn. He's got a mountain of issues and he's also got his flaws, but that's why we all love him, yet never once is he hysterical or overly dramatic, and most of those issues can be traced back to a few things that I'll not get into here, but feel free to come have a separate conversation with me about it. The only times we ever see him get truly worked up over anything has to do with Harry or Peter, and even that is just anger, something no one should blame him for. He's spent twelve years wrongly imprisoned. He lost his best friends and family due to trusting the wrong person. He's been separated from his godson, who's been left virtually alone and unloved for all that time. He spent another two years on the run, hiding out in caves, keeping his ear to the ground, trying to protect Harry the only ways he could, and then he's locked away inside a place that he hates, that he offered willingly for the good of all, as his reward for all his suffering. He has a right to be angry at times, but he's never dramatic or hysterical, not once.
Please, for the love of everything, just stop.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
Always thought that!
do you guys think that maybe the reason why percy never clocked that someone had a crush on him wasn't because he was oblivious, but because up until he learned he was a halfblood he felt broken and unlovable? just a thought.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
february 28th? whats next, february 29th?
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
The willpower and resilience of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin in canon and fanon
The main conflict in the characterization of these characters or why those who love the canon Sirius and Remus get so irritated by their fanon versions?
The primary difference between the canon and fanon Sirius and Remus is their willpower and resilience. Not masculinity, femininity, intelligence, beauty, or height. But specifically willpower, resilience, psychological strength, and typical coping strategies.
Canon Sirius
Sirius in the canon has remarkable willpower. Even in Azkaban, after a decade, he looks and speaks like a normal person, whereas other prisoners are insane, sitting in darkness, muttering. Dementors patrol Sirius's door around the clock in Azkaban, but it hardly affects him. Yes, he transformed into a dog, but what primarily helped him, why he didn't lose his mind, is the thought that he was innocent. This thought could not be sucked out by the dementors, but it preserved his mind and self-awareness, and he maintained this thought for many years. He had no strength, no wand, but still, when he saw Peter in a photograph years later and recognized him (good attentiveness even after years in Azkaban), he found the strength to finish what he started.
He retained his sanity in Azkaban for 12 years to make the right conclusions and then find the strength to escape from that prison.
Moreover, he didn't recognize authorities, even years later. He opposes Dumbledore in PoA, stands against his family as a 16-year-old teenager. Moreover, he was the first of the Blacks to be sorted into Gryffindor. He didn't even know if he wanted to be there, but on the train, he thought it would be nice to break the tradition. This was a deliberate act.
Tradition for the Blacks is not an empty sound. Constantly going against traditions is not just impulsive rebellion; it's the ability and willingness to withstand backlash, aggression, abuse towards oneself for disobedience.
Sirius didn't stop at being sorted into Gryffindor. He went further - made "wrong" friends, hung up nude posters, refused to accept family traditions, and eventually ran away. In a closed, strict, and dysfunctional family like the Blacks, it's quite difficult to withstand the constantly looming threat - primarily existential - to your life.
Yes, he lived 10 months a year at Hogwarts, but the threat remained always - he was always the one who was "against", they tried to bring him back, teach him, in Slytherin were his family and childhood friends, who surely interacted with him on a closer-farther level, trying to influence him. Sirius still found the strength to resist. This is a very high level of resilience, and most likely, his psyche always mobilizes in conditions of stress and conflicts. It's as if he gets a second wind.
In OotP, he's locked at home and left to fight not a real external enemy, but his memories. This is a different battle, and in it, he indeed becomes noticeably weaker. For such an active and proactive person, actions are needed; he can't just sit back, especially being locked in a house associated with many traumatizing youth memories. He's trapped in a system that formed beliefs in him that he's worthless by himself and only has value as an heir and representative of the Blacks. And now after Azkaban, he:
couldn't kill Peter,
again does nothing, just "chills" in his house, with Snape, Molly, and even the twins pointing this out.
In this situation, his enemy is within himself, and thus, fighting his internal demons is harder than confronting any external adversary.
Sirius's main enemy isn’t the external foe. The main enemy of Sirius is within himself.
Fanon Sirius
Fanon Sirius is considerably weaker. He's depicted as constantly crying in fanfictions, rebelling for the sake of rebellion (with a dash of sarcasm and odd jokes), and exhibiting teenage snarkiness rather than the ability to intentionally stand up to forces far greater than himself. He cries under parental abuse, breaks down, cries on his friends' shoulders, cries after the Prank, and this is labelled as moral growth.
This isn't moral growth. A person like Sirius doesn't develop morally in this way. It's an attempt to break him within the narrative. The silent treatment after the Prank is also an attempt to break his spirit. Firstly, canonical James would never have given Sirius the silent treatment as punishment (this is a literal fact from the canon). Secondly, canonical Sirius would have taken such "punishment" very poorly, exacerbating his childhood trauma and thrusting him into a vicious cycle of reactivating and manifesting his sense of worthlessness and attempts to conceal it. Why do this to him? Why hate Sirius so much? Why break him when there's another way, a real opportunity to help him?
Canon Remus
Meanwhile, Remus in the canon is entirely different. He too harbours a belief that he's not valuable in his own right. This sense of inadequacy. While Sirius chose a coping strategy of action, which is quite productive, Remus opted for avoidance. Remus consistently avoids, agreeing that yes, he's inadequate. Whereas Sirius prefers to prove that he can indeed be useful, valuable, needed, and important (to those he loves).
Remus stays silent during Snape's bullying, though he doesn't particularly like the situation. He doesn't throw a tantrum after the Prank ("you might" - quite a weak self-defence), while in fanon, Remus reacts like a true drama queen, being offended for half a year and punishing bad-bad Sirius. Remus in the canon avoids! In PoA, he avoids telling Dumbledore the truth because Dumbledore's opinion of him matters, though it's a false opinion since Remus essentially betrayed his trust. That is, Remus is prepared to pretend to be someone else just to avoid disappointment—again, avoidance. The situation with Tonks is the same kind of avoidance. And even when he explodes at Harry, he immediately runs away. Where was Remus after James's death? Unknown. He was roaming the world, perhaps struggling with alcohol (which is also avoidance), not trying to contact Harry. In his interactions with Harry, he also constantly maintained a distance, never emotionally opening up to him.
This doesn't make Remus a bad person, but it's his coping strategy. He avoids. He's not prepared to face a real conflict head-on. He often can't accept it, it's hard for him, he lacks strength. He's willing to die, yes (which is also avoidance), but when it comes to relationships and complex moral experiences, he closes off, dims down, and gets lost. He's quite weak (though sincerely kind and empathetic) in terms of willpower and resilience, fitting well into his secondary role within the Marauders. Again, this isn't bad, and such people are needed in any group; they're softer, they smooth some edges, they're often pleasant, Remus has a good sense of humour, and he's a sweetheart overall. But he's not a strong person in his own right; his coping strategy is not to fight but to retreat into his shell.
Fanon Remus
In fanon, however, Remus has a very strong will, readiness for conflicts, punishments, rescuing, finding solutions. In general, his resilience is increased, roughly speaking, from five to nine. As I've already said, in canon Remus reacted very weakly after the prank, but fanon Remus reacts like a true drama queen, being offended for six months and punishing bad-bad Sirius. That is, in addition to becoming the most important "alpha male" of the pack, he's also the main drama queen of their pack, who literally throws passive-aggressive fits for several months waiting for Sirius to realize how bad he is. (The way the Prank is represented in fanon is an excellent example of how NOT to do it)
And it's precisely this difference in resilience, moral and psychological fortitude, and strength that causes the main problems in characterisation and people's attitudes. It's not so much whether Sirius is more feminine and Remus masculine. The main difference lies in their resilience. Sirius has become weaker. He could be feminine, short, and anything else, but remain strong and quite tough morally and psychologically. Remus might be tall, handsome, look masculine, but still remain less resilient.
But gender norms permeate everywhere, and if the fandom wants to see a feminine Sirius, they endow him with a conditionally "feminine" character. Though canonically, Sirius and Remus definitely even physically match their stereotypically gendered psychological characteristics—Sirius more masculine, and Remus more feminine, subtle, and short, as if wanting to disappear and blend in.
Many people's favourite characters have completely swapped places. And while this is interesting to develop and explore, providing additional fuel for the fandom fire (masculine resilient Remus + feminine Sirius = new relationship development options), I personally understand why this irritates many.
Because the primary characteristics, the very foundation of these characters, have been swapped.
Essentially, their very essence has been changed.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
I think on the contrary being trapped inside your head with your worst memories 24/7 for 12 years will make you more thoughtful of your actions and inactions and will make you have a better understanding of your weaknesses. He didn't have human interaction and didn't mature that much in that department, but don't think he stayed stagnant in his development as a person.
Some posts talking about Sirius and Remus:
Remus was a flawed character. He was soooo grateful to dumbledore, and never dared to bother anyone ever with his own problems, and deeply loved his friends even after they treated him like trash, poor and disabled, and that's why we love him!
Sirius was an asshole who never grew past his teens and caused the death of everyone, and tried to use his friend as amusement and a murder weapon, while also abusing his house elf
Yes these are comparable and fair in my mind
Yeah, my least favorite Sirius take is that he's reckless and irresponsible. It's brought up in canon by Molly and Hermione (Hermione even uses it to try to justify his death!), but the most heartbreaking one for me (and probably why this fanon exists, tbh) is where Harry thinks he's as reckless a godfather to Teddy as Sirius was to him. And we all KNOW Sirius wasn't reckless and irresponsible, but of course that's how Harry sees it, because he's grieving and hurt that Sirius left him.
Another Sirius take I hate is that he never matured beyond 21, and Remus is SO mature and wise compared to him. That is not supported at all by canon. Who wrote to Harry diligently throughout GOF and gave him advice? Who told him NOT to do reckless things like going into the Forest? Who lived in a cave and ate rats just to be near Harry? Who had the wisest advice and insight re: Karkaroff and Snape and Dumbledore and Fudge and Crouch?
Sirius had to grow up real fucking fast as a teenager living in an abusive household, and then again as a young adult fighting a war. Being stuck in wizard torture prison for 12 years does NOT mean that his maturity got stunted, omg. That's just a lie the Remus apologists like to perpetuate bc it makes their poor innocent long-suffering blorbo look better by comparison.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
Part of my Sirius headcanon is that he never killed anyone during wartime, but James and Remus did. Remus accepts quietly that it's simply a part of war, James agonizes over it and is forever changed, but Sirius is never faced with the necessity to kill someone.
While I do think Sirius would torture someone/kill for someone he loves, I reeeeeeally like the idea that he ends up in Azkaban with his soul completely intact. Just the irony that he's one of the few people in the Order who's never killed anyone but ends up incarcerated for murder... too tasty.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
“fanon is so much better then canon” bestie, you literally took a complex character with personality flaws and turned him into a living stereotype.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
People try to put down Jily because James was horrid to Sev and yes I agree.. but imagine being Lily.. your best friend betrays you for your oppressors who hate your very existence, your sister too hates you for your very existence and you seem to have no place where you are fully accepted. And then there's this dude who has always been an immature ass.. but who stands by you like a rock against those discriminating assholes.. this guy you've always hated is the one guarding your back as you guard his on the battlefield where you're outnumbered 20 to 1... this guy who could have carried on his shitty bullying habits into the future, but instead chose to fight against the monsters who want to eradicate you when your own best friend left you for them... this guy who loves every bit of you from the magic to the non-magic and to your very bones he worships the hell out of you... he will die for you and he does.
I don't know man, but that level of character development is an understandable reason to marry a dude ❤
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
Relating to your previous post: what do you think is the reason for people seriously saying Sirius is dumb? Are they just in the wrong corner of the fandom for too long or could they just be dumb themselve bc this hc literally makes no sense lol?
I'm very much looking forward to your passionate reply 💣
I WISH I KNEW because I seriously do not understand. Like what the fuck is the appeal???? Of making a canonically wickedly clever character dumb???? It makes zero sense for me, that is not fucking Sirius Black.
Anyway, the best theory personally is that people are for some reason unfathomably horny for Remus (and I try really hard not to resent him for it, it is not his fault and he would be horrified to see how people make him act) and they have to make Remus the hottest smartest ect and because people have drank the fucking opposites attract kool aid to MAX, they simply can't understand that sometimes both people in relationship can be smart. So if Remus is so fucking awesome and clever, Sirius needs to be an idiot.
(I am really working myself up by talking about this I am SOOOO ANNOYED BY THIS SLANDER!!!!!!!!!)
Also maybe people just love a flamboyant overdramatic gay character, and that is fine I guess but they need to accept that it is not Sirius. Go give those attributes to Reggie or something. Sirius didn't swim as a dog over North Sea or live in cave eating rats for this.
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furiousgardenhologram · 2 months
Fandom logic= complaints that female characters in HP are underwritten in canon so are “boring” to write yet Evan Rosier (mentioned once), Regulus Black (whose whole personality is being a black and a voldy fan boy- also only mentioned a few times), Theo Nott, and even OCs such as Mattheo Riddle have entire subfandoms.
While I stick to the broad point I made in my shipping post (fandom isn’t activism), there is a cognitive dissonance here that either fandom owns or stop’s wheeling this out as a reason.
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furiousgardenhologram · 3 months
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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furiousgardenhologram · 3 months
i don’t understand how people don’t realise the point of the deadline passing, asking “but what did poseidon even surrender?” like don’t y'all get it? poseidon surrendered his PRIDE to zeus. they are all-powerful gods, ready to go to war over stolen items, heedless of the damage they can cause to the human world because the act of being slighted by one other hurts their egos so much they need to bandaid it by demonstrating their power in all its damaging glory. but for poseidon to forget about all that, to forget about zeus wrongfully accusing him, to forget that he has himself on the line against his brother, just to have percy’s life saved–THAT is what he lost. with gods, the damage, the stakes aren’t physical. they’re hurt egos and downfall of images and losing of the upperhand. it’s letting zeus know his weakness by surrendering in a war that began on unfair grounds, in the first place. it’s giving up his pride so his son’s life is spared.
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