furydevoured-blog · 6 years
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if you’d like to support the author   /   feel free to change pronouns as needed
*  potential warnings for  :  mild allusions to abuse  /  trauma
“ the shadows were always taller than you when you walked ” “ our horoscopes say we make great friends ” “ now you’re nothing more than a ghost who haunts me ” “ i thought he was a god ” “ i thought he would love me if i became his puppet ” “ beings like him don’t know what the fuck love is ” “ did your parents not love you enough ? ” “ you can’t make up excuses for an asshole ” “ i  ,  the ragdoll in your collection of toys ” “ you take up a space that i do not want you to have ” “ you blamed me for the wreckage ” “ your blood type is toxic ” “ the dead and i now raise hell ” “ the congregation screams holy to your voice  ,  not to your anointing ” “ here lies your pride ” “ this time though  ,  i stitched myself up ” “ i refused to be the next victim that laid at their altar to sacrifice ” “ i fucking hate roses ” “ did your dream come true ? ” “ you tried burning me down not knowing you were fucking with a goddess ” “ i’m not scared of the monster anymore ” “ fathers shouldn’t kill their daughters ” “ yet a monster is still a monster ” “ karma has a way of working and doing its due diligence ” “ with your death  ,  i found my peace ” “ your holy ground burns my feet ” “ i’m still walking through the fire ” “ she wanted everyone to pay for her pain ” “ somehow it doesn’t run through my veins to better understand your actions ” “ i guess i had too much hope ” “ you tried killing me ” “ i’d miss death’s visitation again ” “ you decided it was my turn to be ruined by everyone ” “ it didn’t take long for me to figure out i was an easy target ” “ he was preaching about me on his holy  ,  untouched altar ” “ she’s still alive  ,  in case you’re wondering ” “ the demons have found souls to rest ” “ somehow it’s not god who comes to my rescue ” “ your eyes will always remind me of the ocean ” “ paranoia now has a place in this body i call home ” “ here’s to all the events we’ll never attend together ” “ the seven deadly sins have nothing on you ” “ you’re scared ” “ i hope no one recognizes me ” “ if hell is real then there’s a home for you ”
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furydevoured-blog · 6 years
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  I will show you something different from either  your shadow at morning striding behind you or      your shadow at evening rising to meet you; 
I will show you F E A R in a handful of dust.
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furydevoured-blog · 6 years
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       Ash on an old man’s sleeve Is all the ash the burnt roses leave.   Dust in the air suspended           Marks the place where a story ended.
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furydevoured-blog · 6 years
“ you smell like a car fire. ”
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❝ fitting, because i sure as shit feel like one. ❞
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furydevoured-blog · 6 years
new tag drop #2
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furydevoured-blog · 6 years
new tag drop #1
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furydevoured-blog · 6 years
three months short of having been gone a year haha Whoops, anyway here i am
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furydevoured-blog · 6 years
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❝ is that supposed to be intimidating? ❞
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
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  I will show you something different from either  your shadow at morning striding behind you or      your shadow at evening rising to meet you; 
I will show you F E A R in a handful of dust.
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
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       Ash on an old man's sleeve Is all the ash the burnt roses leave.   Dust in the air suspended           Marks the place where a story ended.
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
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and last, the rending pain of re-enactment    of all that you have done, and been; the shame  of things ill done and done to others’ harm   which once you took for exercise of virtue.             then fools’ approval stings, and honour stains.
   from wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit proceeds
                                                                       unless restored by that refining fire                                                         where you must move in measure, like a dancer.
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
// i kind of wonder if i need to add mo.ira into specter’s lore ??? now that we know she had a hand in re.aper’s situation
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
—– touchy tuesday. no longer accepting.send 💎 to have your muse sharply wrap mine in a hug.
he does not want it, and he knows ( knows so well - OH, that sinking realization, like a rock in the pit of an already churning stomach ) that he does not deserve it. her embrace is meant to comfort, but wrapped up tight in her arms he feels nothing but prickling discomfort in each pore buried beneath her touch. lips twitch, trying not to form a grimace, but a grimace is exactly what takes shape upon thin lips. fortunately, with the side of her head situated against his own, she cannot see exactly how averse he is to this embrace. however … it may still be clear in his stiff body and the lack of reciprocation.
she has been trying hard ( the fire, the determination that burns within her is vicious, fierce; her patience, unmatched ) to fix him, to halt the progress of decay, of blindness, of the fury taking his body as host. he lets her, because there is still some small part of him that hopes. it is wearing away – that hope – but somehow, she has shown no signs of ceasing her attempts.
he sighs. faded blue eyes flutter closed as large hands find the good doctor’s hips, push her away. eyes open … and the world is dark.
❝ … it’s too late. ❞
( @warvirtue !! )
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
// so i’m still on a hiatus – but i’m trying very hard to get back to writing on all my blogs. it’s just that the ECT fucked up my memory and i’m struggling to remember threads, established relationships, my own headcanons for jack/akande, etc.
uh, please just bear with me if i have to ask you questions about what we’ve established. it’s not that i lost interest, it’s just that i had my brain zapped to induce seizures three times a week for a few weeks and my mind isn’t what it was before. i’m so, so very sorry, you guys.
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
‘ everyone i have ever loved is long gone. i sing to the sky alone. ’
( growling suggestion | not acc. | @warvirtue )
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o h ,  he knows the song; the words are etched into his heart like an epithet upon a grave. ❛ alone ❜ is his regular state of being, and he knows that she is no stranger to it in her own right. still, at least she is one of the living, while he has a place with neither the living nor the dead. he has nothing left – no companions, no family, no purpose. 
he wonders how similar her heart is to what’s left of his own. he wonders how close she has come to the anguish that has swept over his soul; if perhaps it has been the very same for her. he knows, too, that he is partly to blame for her despair -- that he is ❛ long gone ❜ as well, only in a different way than those she likely has in mind. He, despite his wishes, continues to live.
❝ ... I’m sorry, Angela. I never meant to abandon you. ❞
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
Hiatus notice 10.24.17
So it may have been obvious, but this has become necessary. I’m still moving forward with electro-convulsive therapy, and it’s really taken a toll on my mental state. if you’d like more information on that, ask for my disc.ord or message me there if you already have it. I won’t go into detail here – it’s not like it’s anything super interesting, anyway. regardless of all of that, I just don’t have the capacity to manage my blogs right now.
I may still occasionally answer some things / do some replies, but until I say otherwise, I am      O N  H I A T U S.
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furydevoured-blog · 7 years
hey guys !! i figured i needed to throw out an update since it’s been a couple days. i miss writing, but now the treatments i’m doing are affecting my memory a bit, and i’m finding it difficult to get anything done. i’m still going to keep trying, though. thank you guys for bearing with me, i really appreciate it !!
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