furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
[ usa✌︎chan ⇢ ] YOU MEAN THE TREE NEXT TO MY DOOR?????!?!??!?!? [ ✉︎ ] okay just sit on the bright ass pink paw prints [ ✉︎ ] if my the lady across from me peeks out [ ✉︎ ] uh just tell her you’re my girlfriend she is frightening tbh and i think she does satanic rituals??? [ ✉︎ ] should i pick up anything from the store? [ ✉︎ ] do you have the drunk munchies? the drunkies?
「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 OH MY GOOOD I WAS TRYING TO TYPE PHONE WHY YOU SEND EMPTY TEXT UUGH 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 That thin g is a tree?!?!!!???! I DON’T THINK SO it grabbed my butt I feel so violateddd!!!! 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 OMG what?! Is she going to sacrifice me to Santa?! I’M REALLY SCARED NOW HELP MEEEE 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 I’M ALWAYS HUNGRY BITCH ...
... ... 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 No I’m sorry you’re not a bitch I love youuuu!!!! 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 Drunkies lololololololollololoolollolol
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
miyuki | @furyxandxfire​
「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」I DON’T NEED TO PICK UP WHY ARE YOU CALLING THIS IS HAPPENING by the way I’m outside your place where you at?!
[ usa✌︎chan ⇢ ] i am getting off the train???? [ ✉︎ ] i had dinner with my dads [ ✉︎ ] the spare key is taped under the mat  [ ✉︎ ] i’ll be there in ten minutes 
「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」Ohhhh that’s so nice and so sweet your family is so cute it makes me want to cry!!!!!1!!1!!11 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 What mat I see no mat WHERE IS THIS MAGICAL KEY 「sms┊ ✉︎┊HarleyQUINN」 HELP MY I’M BEINGG ATTACKED BY A GREEN MONSTERRRRRRRRRRRR
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
Jisoo blushed and tried to hide it. But then he was blushing even more due to thr kiss. “I mean i was possibly the most innocent of virtures. Then a good looking man took me to his bed.” He smiled letting a bit of his “wickedness” out.
“Ahhh...you make me sound like a caveman that threw you over my shoulder and just whisked you off.” A small grin curled his lips as he eyed up the smaller angel. “I recall doing a fair bit of wooing before that happened. I am a gentleman, after all.”
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
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He nods his head as he stays silent for the time being. He continues to gently run his fingers through her hair, being extra mindful to cause any knots like she had mentioned. “Shifter problems.” He says through muffled laughter, at an obvious agreement, even if he couldn’t necessarily shift himself. The wolf inside him was still present, physical form or not. “Do you ah, have you really ever told anyone else of you’re um… capabilities?” 
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“Well, you call it a problem, but I don’t know if having super soft hair because you’re actually a rabbit is a problem.” She laughed softly before she leaned into the simple affection she was receiving. It really did feel good. “Hmm?” She looked up at Quinn in mild surprise. “Well...my aunt knows, obviously. And my employer knows, but she’s a vampire so she would have known anyway...sooo...technically...I suppose not? I mean I feel like they don’t really count. I’ve never told anyone else.” She tilted her head as she blinked once, twice. “Why do you ask?”
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
furyxandxfire replied to your post: �� + “What is your favourite thing about me?” -From…
“Oh?” He blinked once. “That’s your favourite thing about me? Not my charming personality or my devilish good looks? Or my-” He purposely cut himself off. “Is that the reason you fell for me? Simply because I was your first?” Asmodeus asked with a hint of a grin.
Jisoo blushed and looked down.  “No i lo- I fell for you before you were my first.  but your my first in that aspect too”  He took in a deep breath and smiled.  “You being my first is my favorite part about you.  because it encompasses all of you.  were it not for who you are.  You wouldn’t have been my first”  
“Oh my.” He blinked again, this time in genuine surprise. “I was trying to be a bit cheeky, but you somehow managed to turn it into a very heartfelt moment.” He smiled. “Even with my mark on your soul, your sweet and innocent nature still shines through. How cute.” He lifted Jisoo’s chin as he leaned down to press a little kiss to his lips.
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
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season 1 I season 2 I season 3
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
Got milk, bitch? Got beef?
“Someone has some issues.”
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
Lei looked at him and took a step back none the less.  “Maybe I’ll get reborn have a happier life”  he muttered then shook his head. He looked at the man before him.  “Torment someone else I have an older brother for that”  he sighed.  He was still scared of this man but as the man said he wasn’t worth killing.  He was a nobody.  No one would miss him but kai liang who would have a much less stressful life if Lei was gone.  
He pulled his bag higher on his shoulder looked again at the other then turned to walk the other way down the street.  Not caring where it lead too.   He knew he would likely find the man in front of him agian. But it was worth a shot right?
“Wow, kid. You’re such a bore.” Lucifer huffed. Obviously this guy didn’t know how to have any fun. Of any kind. “Do you always just stick to yourself? That’s not very healthy, you know. That’s how people go crazy.” He spoke with a grin.
Well...that’s how some people went crazy.
Despite the fact that the kid was attempting to get away, yet again, Lucifer popped up in front of him. This time, far closer. Within arm’s reach, in fact. “I’m not going to keep chasing you down, you know. I’ll lose my patience pretty quickly, and might just kill you then.” He grinned. “Bad temper and all. Even if you’re not really worth the effort, I’ve never been one to have great anger management skills. Of course...I’m sure you’re well aware of that. Though...I’m vindictive enough to go after the people you love the most first. You’d only have yourself to blame at that point, really.” Lucifer folded his arms behind his head; a very relaxed, chill kind of pose. “So maybe don’t try to walk away from me again.”
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
Perhaps it’s not my place to speak up, but I’m kind of pissed, and I’ve decided that I’m not going to put this under a read more cut because fuck you it doesn’t need to be under one.
FACECLAIMS ARE JUST THAT: FACECLAIMS. It shouldn’t matter who someone uses as the face for their character (within reason, of course. You should never use someone who has died, out of respect for the dead), because all the face is, is a visual for the character. THE FACECLAIM ISN’T THE CHARACTER. Whoever you’re using (unless you’re playing some kind of general verse muse) will more than likely have a completely different personality from the character you created. It just happens that the person you’ve picked has the general look you pictured for your character.
So perhaps you don’t know much, if anything, about that face. THAT’S OKAY. It’s not about the person themselves. Who they are and what they may or may not have done has nothing to do with the muse. And sure, maybe they’ve had some scandals or some controversy surrounding them. Who the fuck hasn’t?! Get the fuck over it! Using that person as a faceclaim does NOT mean you support them, it does NOT mean you condone the things they’ve done, and it does NOT mean you even like the face!
THE ONLY THING IT MEANS, is that you created a character, and you found a face that suited that character visually. THAT’S IT. THAT’S ALL. There’s no reason you should put someone down, or send them hate, or treat them like they’re somehow less than you because they’re using a face that’s maybe done or said something you didn’t like. If you don’t want to interact with that character for that reason, then don’t interact with that specific character? It’s not that fucking hard. Maybe that person has other characters you can interact with. And if for some reason that still makes you uncomfortable, well...maybe grow the fuck up and stop acting like a child? I don’t know that’s just my opinion.
And don’t sit there and pretend like you’ve never said or done anything that was wrong or offensive. Because that would just be a boldfaced lie. We all have. We’re all human. CELEBRITIES ARE HUMAN TOO and they’re entitled to making mistakes just like the rest of us. Whether they’ve apologized for their wrongdoings or not, whether they’ve learned from them or not...None of this has to do with a person’s muse. I can almost guarantee there’s been shit you’ve said and done that was wrong that you’ve never apologized for or learned from either.
Get over yourself. It’s just a fucking faceclaim.
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
you never gotta worry about me cheating on you.. I might eat something that was yours but that’s about it
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
ask me “are you into ____” and I’ll say yes or no
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
put a “<3” and i’ll tell you about someone i care about, without any names.
put a “>:” and i’ll tell you something i dislike about myself.
put a “<:” and i’ll tell you something i like about myself.
Put a “>:c” and i’ll tell you something that pissed me off.
Put a “#” and i’ll tell you the last thing i lied about.
Put a “*” and i’ll tell you a secret
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furyxandxfire-blog · 6 years
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woojenie replied to your post: “It must be her allergies. She refuses to go to...
“Just the weather changing? There have also been a lot of people doing the mowing in the neighborhood and she has been out many times so it may have something to do with it.” He liked the idea of her cooking at his place so he agreed. “That would be great. Should I go buy some stuff too?”
“Ahhh I see.” She nodded to herself in understanding. The poor thing suffered from seasonal allergies. That was never fun. “Oh no. Don’t worry about it. I will bring everything we need to make the soup. I cook all the time. I always have lots of fresh ingredients.”
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