@a-deanskidgellwrites need I say anything else??? 😂
Writers Be Orchestrating The Characters Demise Like…
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Writers are evil to our characters, what can I say? 😉😈
Pain builds character 😉
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@a-deanskidgellwrites you’re so fucking right holy shit
Brainstorming plot ideas with writer friends:
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Anti-villain motivations besides "tragic past"
They do bad things because they’re scared.
They’re gullible or misinformed. Example: somebody who has been told the heroes are out to hurt them.
They are desperate for interaction, validation, kindness, or attention, and the dark side gives them those things. 
They want to change their allegiance, but are pressured by people close to them to stay evil.
They have an otherwise noble goal that they will do literally anything to achieve. Example: somebody who wants to protect their child, even if it means throwing other children into danger.
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its the snappy boi himself
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Hey y’all whatcha think? I actually finished the drawing!
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Dude after figuring out how to use layers on this thing, drawing has become so much easier! What do you guys think of this Batman drawing so far?
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Thanks for the tag @a-deanskidgellwrites!
1. Hugs, I just fucking love hugs so much, after a long day of working, or during an emotional moment, or hell just for the sake of being nice, I love hugs.
2. Telling a really good joke that makes people laugh, in general, making people laugh is so great, to bring people joy like that so amazing to see honestly. Especially when the joke is considered controversial, and it’s still able to crack a laugh out of them.
3. Binge watching a tv show on Netflix late at night, the commitment of finishing something like that gets me excited, epsecially when the show is really good. Btw bojack horseman is pretty good.
4. Falling asleep with no trouble, not being woken up, not having any bad dreams, not waking up suddenly, and not feeling uncomfortable, just sleeping bliss.
5. When you *click* with someone, like anyone, you just start talking to them and enjoy it, and want to keep talking to them, even if it’s about stupid meaningless topics, having meaningful conversations is awesome.
I’m gonna tag @tinydragonadventures @ofvisitorsthefairest @positivevibes-and-rollingtides @pigeonluvr420 @fishsticklesbian
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I decided to make a mock cover for this little WIP I have called 3 Teens And A Demon! Just for funsies of course!
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Me friends make great shite. Especially @a-deanskidgellwrites
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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The plot thickens...ish. But seriously this is seriously great.
Ah yes! Reckless Skies, with riveting chapter titles such as:
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Tags: @thebooktrooper @lady-redshield-writes @bitch-cafe @writingthoughtvomit @crunchie-morris @cautiousgoose @goose-scratch @gabrieldrawsandwrites @trickster-writes @introspective-outreach @lightningandthetumbllr
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Here’s some drawing I’ve been doing! This is like a comparison of my art throughout 4 years, and how much better it’s possibly gotten and how it’s honestly really changed. These are 3 characters from something I’ve been on and off again working on, though I don’t work on it as much as I used to, I still love the designs, so I redrew the characters!
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In relation to this, I also say “Y’all’d’ve”, which is short for “You all would have”, example:
“Y’all’d’ve just let me out there die ya buncha sons a bitches!”
Also “Y’all’er”, which is short for “You all are”, example:
“Y’all’er a buncha disgraceful little hooligans!”
I live in Austin TX btw.
Reblog if you say "Y'all"
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Thanks for the tag @a-deanskidgellwrites!
1. Hmm, probably Stephen, he’s like, a hella supportive guy, and I imagine he’d be a really cool guy to hang out with in a casual setting and not the setting I put him in!
2. My favorite setting from my current WIP would have to be the party in which the first andlast scene take place, since ya know, it’s a nice party.
3. I’m mostly a wing-it kinda guy, but I have moments in which I seriously have to sit down and plan shit and ideas out.
4. I do not. But I’ve always thought they’d be interesting to make, so who knows! I might make one!
5. Fan-Fictions in general, I dunno y’all, sometimes there can be a really good one. Definitely not gonna disclose what fan-fics I look into though.
6. OOOOH I’VE THOIGHT ABOUT THIS, Thomas Mann!! And or Paul Dano, but most definitely my boy Thomas!
7. More of a city person, but like, within cities he likes to be by his lonesome.
8. Greece. I’ve always wanted to like roam the streets at night and or visit the old ruins.
9. I do in fact draw, more often than writing honestly, I also act a lil, and sing a bit, and even dabbled a bit in songwriting! Though I must admit, kinda shite at it.
10. I think my characters neither hate or like me, I’m there to guide them through their story but, nothing about it is too great, but it’s all just a life experience that I’m putting them through.
I tag: @tinydragonadventures @pigeonluvr420 @positivevibes-and-rollingtides @starlillies @lottieiswriting @zekethegm @chaotic-little-bitch @confetti-curls-n-cork @bailey-writes
My questions are!
1. If you had to go on a like awesome self exploring road trip with any of your characters, who would it be and why?
2. Because I loved this question, what would your fan casting of your WIP look like?
3. What’s your favorite color and why?
4. How would you rate your WIP? On a scale of rated G to rated NC-17.
5. What was your inspiration to become a writer and or artist in general?
6. Who’s your favorite writer?
7. Got any books to reccomend that you yourself particularly fancy?
8. Do any of your characters have a cool or interesting catchphrase? If so, what is it?
9. Comic books or books? And why?
10. What’s your favorite desert?
aGet To Know the Writer
I was tagged by: @hell-yeah-fantasy, Thank you!! 
Rules: Answer ten questions, write ten questions, and tag ten people
1) What do you consider the most special about your setting that sets it apart from other settings?
It’s not in any particular place. It’s basically Anywhere, USA. Which means people may be able to relate to it a little more. 
2) Do you need to be alone in a room to write or do you need noise around you?
I have to be alone, but I have to have something on in the background, like Netflix or something. 
3) If one character in your story didn’t exist, how would it change the way the story goes? Would it affect the other characters in their development? Would it change the ending?
My main character wouldn’t be learning to accept the help of another person if her new friend hadn’t shown up.
4) What’s the strangest way you solved a plothole?
I made it so my character in another WIP feels like she’s being watched so the break in makes more sense. 
5) What is your method if you realise that your character acted out of character in the last few scenes?
I rewrite the scene or I make it into a character development issue. 
6) In your worldbuilding, do you only build as much history as needed or do you create a whole history with little stories that are irrelevant to the plot and no one will ever know them but you and the people that asked about it?
I’m not quite as experienced as to create an entirely new world. I just add to our current one. 
7) Do you have a time that you dedicate to writing or do you just write whenever inspiration hits you?
If I’m waiting for laundry or for someone else, I can write. But usually I stick to writing in my room late at night. 
8) Do you write your story in order, from chapter 1 to chapter 10? Or do you just write first chapter 8, then chapter 3, then chapter 5 and so on?
I try to write in order only because that’s how my brain works, but sometimes I go out of order if I have to get a scene in and then make a few tweaks as I go. 
 9) How do you name characters? Spontanously? Or do you spend a long time researching definitions and where those names come from? What about placeholder names?
I usually pick unique names. No particular reason. Usually from Victorian names, Celtic names,or Irish names. (I’m Scottish and Irish) and I love Victorian names. 
10) What role does music play in your story? Are there festivals for it? Or is it just there?
I haven’t really given any thought to music. One of my WIP’s is about a supernatural night club. 
1. what time of day do you prefer to write?
Usually at night, once in a while during the day. 
2. do you get distracted with putting together moodboards or aesthetics for your characters?
I’ve never tried that, but I think I really should. I just don’t know how to do it. 
3. when did you know you wanted to write?
I’ve been playing with writing since I was a kid. I wrote a story once. Probably one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever written. 
4. if you could exist in any universe (including those of your wips), which one would it be?
I’d love to be a part of my supernatural night club story. I’d love to hang with the shifters and the vampires (The Fae in my world are too proud to be seen with humans.)
5. tea or coffee?
Both. Depends on my mood. And depends what I have to put in the coffee. I save the black coffee for work. 
6. if you could spend a day with any of your characters, who would it be and what would you do?
Violet or Natasha (my supernatural WIP), Natasha is a very loyal friend and very protective but super fun. 
7. what are you currently reading?
Beyond the Veil by Pippa DeCosta
8. do you go to any writing meetups?
Nope. I did a writing Fiction class this last semester. Does that count?
9. if you use a computer to type your wips, what apps do you use?
I use my notes if I’m on my phone otherwise I use Word
10. do you carry a writing notebook or journal with you to jot down sudden inspiration or ideas?
I have a couple journals that I use once in a while, when I’m feeling like I need to use pen and paper. 
Tagging @lightningandthetumbllr @katekyo-bitch-reborn @merigreenleaf @suchatwistedfairytale @a-deanskidgellwrites I’m not sure who else to tag at the moment. But if anyone else would like to, feel free! 
1. Do you often base your characters on people you know?
More often than I care to admit. I put my best friends in it all the time. 
2. How would you describe your WIP in one sentence?
It’s a paranormal mystery with a titch of romance involved.
3. Have you ever taken on a new hobby as a result of writing research?
I usually just use what I know because I hate research. i might look up a small fact here and there though, so no. No new hobby.
4. Have you read any books on writing? If yes, which ones and did you find them helpful?
5. Who is your all-time favourite character (yours or anyone else’s) and why?
I love Kenna. She’s got such a tragic backstory. She does let it run her life to a point (Literally on the run), but she learns from it too and doesn’t let it get in the way of her survival. 
6. If your WIP was a candle, what would it smell like?
My virus story would be kinda must, maybe vintage in a way considering most places are abandoned. 
7. Have you ever done role playing (DnD/similar or text rp)?
I once in a while play DnD
8. Do you read graphic novels/comic books?
Once in a great while, if I really like a storyline. 
9. Paper books or ebooks?
I prefer paper, but I can use ebooks too. 
10. Black or white?
Black. White makes me think of sterile and stains. 
1.) Is your favorite OC a beach person or a mountain person?
2.) If you could publish any of your WIP’s, which would it be?
3.) Do you ever think in terms of “that’s something [OC] would do”?
4.) Do you have a main inspiration for why you write?
5.) Do you share your stories with friends or family?
6.) If asked, would you create a character based off of a friend or family member?
7.) How do you overcome writer’s block?
8.) Do you use a certain author/movie/show as inspiration for certain storylines?
9.) Do you ever write yourself into your WIP?
10.) If you could take the place of any character who would it be and why?
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So I know I honeslty don’t post as much, but I thought I’d post these short little mini comics I made! They’re based off of characters created by my lovely girlfriend @a-deanskidgellwrites! And more specifically from her WIP, Reckless Skies! I hope you enjoy these! btw the dialogue was taken from textpost found by Ashton
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If ur a writeblr can u reblog i feel like i follow a lot of people but my dash is always empty so i wanna follow more people:)
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This other asshole dies and he’s gotta deal with people now that he’s dead.
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The worse the explanation, the better.
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If You’re a Writeblr…
Ok, my dash is strikingly empty of writeblr posts to reblog. I need to fix this.
If you’re a writeblr and you tend to post mostly writing-related content, reblog this post so I can find you!
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