gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Corporate and Strategic Entrepreneurship
While corporate entrepreneurship provides essential elements for achieving benefits in the relationship, strategic entrepreneurship converts corporate entrepreneurship into firm performance throughout firms to gain competitive advantage. At this point we were trying to think of how we will be able to be unique from the others without being too overly exaggerated. We want to bring style and simplicity to our target audience.
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
Entrepreneurial finance is the study of value and resource allocation, applied to new ventures. It addresses key questions which challenge all entrepreneurs.  Venture capital is a form of private equity financing that is provided by venture capital firms or funds to startups, early stage, and emerging companies that have been deemed to have high growth potential or which have demonstrated high growth. 
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
MVP & Traction
In summary, the MVP is the minimum set of features needed to deliver some value for your customers to solve their problem as well as to allow you to test your most important assumptions. The MVP may also be used to recruit investors and raise money for expansion. We can begin recruiting early users who can offer critical feedback on our product after our MVP is published.
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Business Model Canvas
A lot were said but long story short, A Business Model Canvas is a 9 part model about measuring, determining the capabilities of a business. It serves to easily define and communicate an idea or concept. It provides a visual diagram of the elements that describe a company’s or product’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finance, and allows a company to coordinate its activities by showing potential trade-offs.
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Value Proposition
Value Proposition is one of the important part in startups because it is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service. It is a promise of value stated by a company that summarizes how the benefit of the company’s product or service will be delivered, experienced, and acquired. Essentially, a value proposition specifies what makes the company’s product or service attractive, why a customer should purchase it, and how the value of the product or service is differentiated from similar offerings.
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Setting Up For Ideas & Questions
Making sure that your team knows what they are doing and that they are skilled will be hard to do, but that’s not the only thing that is difficult. Validating your ideas, Idea validation is done to minimize the risk of implementing ideas no one wants or isn't willing to pay for. The purpose of idea validation is to make sure your product or business idea has potential and the most critical assumptions regarding your idea are valid.
You need to imagine or to know what customers would want so that you can properly meet their wants, and in that way, you can make sure everything will work properly. Never forget that the customers thoughts is what matters the most and not yours.
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Proper Way To Build A Team For Your Startup
The most important thing for a team is working together and communication, Startup is not something you can do alone that’s why you should work in a team. Some things you need to discuss in a Startup are
Define roles clearly
Everyone needs to know their job what’s expected of them and what's not. If you don't make this clear, the morale of your employees will suffer, and progress and efficiency will be affected.
Identify problems early
You may have people who are having (or causing) problems in your organization. The reasons for this might include issues with their home life, financial problems, or other personal hardships. Consider team-building exercises
Small businesses are often fast-paced environments. That means you need to get your team working together quickly. Team-building exercises can help.
Extend your team beyond your business
Think beyond the four walls of your business premises. Your team can be more than the people you hire directly. Make the most of your outside contacts.
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Ideas Into Innovation
Everyone has different kinds of ideas that they think of which makes it unique and different from each other. That in itself makes it great to be turned to an innovation, but how do you do it?  First you have to make sure that there is a real demand for your idea. The biggest mistake people can do is putting in the time and effort in creating a product but it turns out somebody has already done it or that there is no one that needs it which makes everything you have done so far, a waste of time. Next is you have to make a prototype to make people have a better perspective on what you are really selling to them. An idea is nothing. Before you do anything else, make your idea tangible. Ideas should be made concrete right away. The reason why ideas almost never see the light of day is because they are kept in the mind of its creator. Don’t be shy. Give your idea a name and a face. After that you have to test to make sure that your product is actually working and there is nothing wrong with it. Determine if your product or service satisfies your customers’ needs. Test how well it performs, test if it is priced correctly, test how customers use it, and test if your marketing message is succeeding at recording revenues, generating sales leads, and filling sales and distribution channels. Measure results, make improvements and test some more. Never. Stop. Testing.
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gabrielsilvestre · 3 years
Yo what's up it's ya boi Gabriel Silvestre or you can call me Gab for short. I am 20 years old and I live in Poblacion Opol Misamis Oriental. My hobbies are Building Computers, Playing Video Games & Watching Anime. I also edit stuffs once in a while though I'm not really good at it. I spend most of my time playing with my friends and when there is a task or activity to be done I usually do it immediately (unless it's group act or a hard one that I do not understand) so that I do not have to worry about it later on. The #1 thing I hate the most is when people make plans and it either doesn't happen or they are never on time which is very annoying and is honestly a waste of time. Below is my Personality type, not much things needed to be said because most of them is fairly accurate except for the Identity I guess, I'm mostly a passive person so I'm not sure why I got 64% Assertive. Next is the Innovation Mindset Evaluation, it shows that I'm at about 50% and my innovation mindset is not fixed. Again, not really much to say about it since tbh they are things I really don't take a closer look on since I don't mind them. And as of now I’ve never really faced any serious problems relating them I guess. Life is a journey we can only go once, so live life with no regrets. 
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