galaxyden · 1 year
Almost done with sunny survey 😭😭
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galaxyden · 1 year
Always Sunny Fan Survey
Hello, this post is coming to you from the Bureau of Always Sunny Statistics.
We, at the bureau, are dedicated to delivering the answers to your burning Always Sunny questions. Have you ever wondered who the silent Charlie majority are that sweep every poll? Do you want to know who the public think the funniest/most attractive/most pathetic member of the gang is? Would you like to know what the most loathed and loved ships and episodes are? Would you like to pretend to be surprised when Charlie turns out to be the most popular character and macdennis the most popular ship?
Most importantly, would you like to spend way too much time (around 30-40 minutes) filling out a survey?
When I have received enough data I'll make a post going over all of the Bureau's findings. There are probably too many questions but it should autosave and so you can take breaks and complete it over a few days. Please reblog and share among IASIP fans so the Bureau can obtain lots of data.
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galaxyden · 1 year
#cloud coded #but like not a cloud a smoke #smoke coded with hint of orange #no I don't know what this means #originally was going to go with sun or comet coded
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galaxyden · 1 year
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Kaitlin Olson on Danny Devito (x)
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galaxyden · 1 year
Or maybe CMD.
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galaxyden · 1 year
Considering making a CD blog for shits and giggles because it's literally the one of my ships and other ships that trigger me the least (aside from dee's main sapphic) currently, it's so cozy and comforting here in my little CD bubble, comfort home, no thoughts, head empty, just vibing.
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galaxyden · 1 year
JQ is awesome and all, but isn't married, has no children, no responsibilities.
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galaxyden · 1 year
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galaxyden · 1 year
i haven’t watched the trailer for dennis takes a mental health day because i want it to be. like. a complete surprise. but if i’d theorise anything based on the, uh, absolutely nothing i know about what this might be?
dennis gets himself into strife. some sort of petty unimportant bullshit but, it’s not a problem he can fix on his own. and when he tries to get somebody else in the gang to help, even for the tiniest thing, nobody does. and it spirals from there
because it seems like they’ve been writing dennis as the “level headed voice of reason”, or at least, from his perception, especially this season. he’s mellowed out, and as much as he’s still been a grumpy freaky son of a bitch, he’s been doing things to either help the rest of the gang or aid the rest of the gang in some way. coming up with ideas, investing in charlie’s business idea, trying to give frank a nice day before taking his gun away, helping dee with the cunt trophy, helping frank win the chess tournament, putting himself in the position of leader to try and pitch the booze idea to aaron and bryan to benefit them all, helping dee and mac with their dating skills, helping charlie with that animatronic thing, helping the guys win bowling, etc etc etc
of course, he’s not been some selfless angel this season, he’s been a dick. but, everything he’s done has been, in some way, for the benefit of the wider group. what i think would be really cool for this finale, is that dennis ends up needing help… but nobody helps him.
and then he needs more help, because the original help for the little bit of help hasn’t come.
think about the last few seasons and how it’s been building this picture of dennis “i can’t depend on anyone” reynolds. he feels like there’s nobody there for him and at surface level, he thinks he’s okay with that. in theory, he can say how annoying the gang are to him as much as he likes. in theory, he can up and leave for north dakota and think it’ll go smoothly. in theory, he can say he hates being surrounded by these idiots, he can think he’d be better off without them.
but only until he’s actually without them, for whatever reason that may be, and he can’t get their idiotic, annoying, stupid help? that’ll be when he realises that he’s not okay with being alone. that’ll be when he realises that he isn’t emotionless and isn’t cold and isn’t hardened like he wants to be.
the second dennis is actually, truly alone will be the second he realises how badly he needs the gang. i really hope dennis takes a mental health day goes in that sort of direction
(additionally i’d really like it if dee is the central focus for that. after the gang goes bowling and how awfully cruel he was to her, it’d be actually really good to see him realising how badly he needs her. idk i think the gang as a whole would be the best but i’d love there to be some sort of focus on dee even if it’s only the slightest bit more than everyone else)
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galaxyden · 1 year
Not going to be done ruminating, feeling or trying to put things into words about this ep for a while I fear. Many thoughts, many feels.
Reflecting on the cast and crew's pre and post episode behaviour I think they genuinely wanted everyone to enjoy it and put real care into it. A week later I don't feel exactly the same about it but I still feel kind of bad and sad mainly over taking such a visceral reaction and my behaviours afterwards. It was how I genuinely felt, thought and believed in the moment. From everything I've seen it seems we were supposed to enjoy it and I just wish I couldv'e enjoyed it like I was supposed to?
I did give things another chance and find it more enjoyable now I just.
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galaxyden · 1 year
Reflecting on the cast and crew's pre and post episode behaviour I think they genuinely wanted everyone to enjoy it and put real care into it. A week later I don't feel exactly the same about it but I still feel kind of bad and sad mainly over taking such a visceral reaction and my behaviours afterwards. It was how I genuinely felt, thought and believed in the moment. From everything I've seen it seems we were supposed to enjoy it and I just wish I couldv'e enjoyed it like I was supposed to?
I did give things another chance and find it more enjoyable now I just.
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galaxyden · 1 year
Like I knew that but I am perhaps now beginning to more fully understand it on a personal level.
Those who have moved on and former shippers are valid you say star, this has been the case the whole time, always has been.
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galaxyden · 1 year
Those who have moved on and former shippers are valid you say star, this has been the case the whole time, always has been.
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galaxyden · 1 year
I wanted to enjoy the finale so bad but got so awfully triggered I didn't, but now I feel like I was supposed to?, like I was supposed to get everything they were going for and enjoy it like they expected, and feel kind of bad that I didn't, and apparently misunderstood everything about how they were going to play it, and shouldn't expect the same as other characters get, oh well 💔
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galaxyden · 1 year
I will add actual bio/title/things later i am hungry lol
omg I did I did i found the bio I actually found it I can has bio me looking things up and not really getting it and just hitting things hoping I would just eventually stumble into getting the bio definitely taking my time so many parts so many things can do but yeah
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galaxyden · 1 year
omg I did I did i found the bio I actually found it I can has bio me looking things up and not really getting it and just hitting things hoping I would just eventually stumble into getting the bio definitely taking my time so many parts so many things can do but yeah
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galaxyden · 1 year
how do I add about me section 😭
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