gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Hello everyone, I've decided to no longer take matchups for the foreseeable future. Any and all matchups that are in my inbox will be the last for now. Thank you so much for understanding!
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Hi, I’m 5”3 female, I’m straight, have the INTP personality. Some hobbies I have are drawing (mostly only people and monsters, there’s no in-between) I love horror movies and crime mysteries, listening to music, making up fantasy stories/worlds, and playing video games. I can come off as harsh and sarcastic, but when friends are in trouble I try to be as supportive as I can, I tend to be quite literal with everything, and I am incredibly clumsy. Thank you so much, I love your writing!
I match you with...
(Part 2) Joseph Joestar!
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Joseph would be understanding of clumsiness and think it's endearing. He loves mysteries and horror films! He may act like a chivalrous goof, but don't let him fool you he'd really like to hold your hand or hide in your neck when things get a bit too much. He appreciates your creativity and would understand your seemingly harsh nature quite well, though he might jokingly get offended. Don't worry though, he'll make sure to play it up as much as possible so you know he's goofing. He would be kind when your friends are around despite his nature as a prankster. And let's be real, it's incurable.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
hey!! if you're still active with matchups, i'd love for one myself!! i'm a female, gemini, and my myers briggs is infp-t. i'm on the slimmer side and i have dark brown curls that are to my shoulders. i specialize in drawing and long distance running, though right now i've been spending a lot of time with anime!! basically i've become lazy. personality wise, i've been brought out a lot during quarantine... (1/4)
I match you with...
Okuyasu Nijimura!
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Okuyasu is a bit of a fool, so the slowburn may be letting him realize he's in love with you in the first place. He'd be a big fan of anime and of hanging out. He loves to have you sit in his lap while he plays video games. He'd love your hair and despite his himboish nature, he would learn to braid and style it quite nicely. He might try to convince you to pomp it like Josuke has for fun. Okuyasu is a big ball of love and sunshine, and would definintely love being with you!
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Hey lovely can I get a matchup for parts 1-5?? I’m a 5’7 Latina so I’m a little curvy (more booty tho). Just recently dyed my hair red, light brown eyes. I’m a closed book at first but after a while, I turn into a crackhead. I am quite witty and blunt at times but a softie lowkey. Aside from being a meme, I like to cook, watch anime, sing (although I get embarrassed about it). Thank you so much and hope you have a good day!! :)
I match you with...
(Part 4) Jotaro Kujo!
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While he's not the art critic of thiccness that is Pannacotta Fugo, Jotaro can appreciate a decent ass. Jotaro can sympathize as a stoic himself. He's mellowed out from his teen years of yelling at girls to shut up and does his best to have fun with you. As a lowkey softie himself, he would never hold embarrassing things against you and he would appreciate your cooking as a bit of a stoic traditionalist. He'd actually be rather easy to tease with cuddles and food. I'd say it's a solid match!
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Can I get a male match-up? I’m 5’8 and on the chubby side, I really like dark humor and little things in life. I don’t have many friends but when I make them I usually am really wild and hyper. I love going for bike rides and traveling either to the beach or walking to the store. I enjoy reptiles more than any other animals and have many lizards. I live metal bands with the exception of lady Gaga and Katy Perry
I match you with...
Risotto Nero!
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Risotto doesn't shy away from the hyper people in life. He often feels at home with them. He'd be a big calming presence to make sure you don't get too hyper with the rest of the squad. He's not too sure with himself around animals, but he respects your lizard pals. He might even try to use Metallica to get them any annoying bugs that invade the house. He's a huge metalhead and would absolutely fight for your honor in a mosh pit. Knowing your love of little things he's really excited to show you the beans, armed and ready with a dark quip. "Look at them. These are the faces of murderers." He also encourages you to get fresh air with bike rides and would totally surprise you with a new bike. Just don't ask him how/where he got it.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
May i have a matchup??? I am a 5 foot 5 italian/japanese transman with completely bleached hair. I dress more "goth" and despite being a man i am not afraid to add more feminine elements to my outfits. Very picky eater lmao. I am in art school to become a mangaka currently. My personality can be loud obnoxious stoner gamer or depressed doomer with no in betweens at all. INFP and idk what my enneagram is at all. I am not very social but when i make friends i can be very clingy. Tysm in advance!!
I match you with...
Jolyne Cujoh!
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Jolyne would share the cynical sentiment, having a stoic dad and jail time will do that to ya. She would love to play video games with you, as long as you promise to give Emporio a turn/let him win. She wouldn't be opposed to a little ganja in her free time. Jolyne is strong-willed so as long as you try what she makes you she'll be happy. She would be equally clingy and would tolerate clinginess, especially after particularly bad days. She doesn't mind if you try more feminine styles of dress and will often try to style your hair like hers if possible or have you wear her accessories or clothes. She thinks you look better in them anyway.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Could I get a male match for part 5? I’m Indrid, 25, nonbinary, and I will absolutely fuck around and find out. I’ll never turn down an adventure and rarely a challenge, I’m loyal to a fault to the people I care about, and I’m very gentle. I will protect the people I love even if I have no chance at winning, have little fear and even less self preservation instinct. I have a weakness for sugar and caffeine, cats, and trinkets that may be cursed. Thank you!
I match you with...
Guido Mista!
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Mista is fiercely loyal, is equally happy to fuck around and find out. You may need Giorno to heal/save your ass a fair few times, but Mista is good at protecting you if things get iffy. He'll fuel your weakness for sugar and caffeine, especially if you give him puppy eyes! He's not the sort of man to turn down adventure with a loved one, and he has a surprisingly gentle side despite his foolishness. He's hesitant to give you joking dares or challenges as he knows you'll do it. He will once in a while and panic internally the entire time. Don't worry tho the Sex Pistols will be cheering you on!
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Hello, may I please have a matchup from parts 1-5? I just recently got into jjba but honestly love it :) I am a 5’3 female, my aesthetic changes by the day from goth and emo and chains and dark makeup to butterflies and flowers and sundresses and lipgloss lol. I am shy, quiet and fluent in 6 languages. I speak Italian, English, Polish, Russian, Hebrew and Japanese but would love to learn more. I have a deep love and respect for language, literature and the arts. I also have a very big heart for animals and have a ton of pets including a hedgehog, snakes, geckos, a puppy, a kitten, birds and more :) Also I teach adult English language learning and love it. My students are inspiring and amazing and I love learning all about their cultures :) I also taught in Japan and Italy and in Israel and keep in touch with some of my students. I’m just kind of a soft person with a big heart and get hurt very easily. I rarely speak unless teaching and have such a quiet voice that I use a microphone that was gifted to me by a student. I hope this is enough information :) Thank you and I hope you have a delightful day.
I match you with...
Leone Abbachio!
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He's a lover of animals and beneath a cold exterior is a gentlemanly fellow. He's not entirely fond of your more exotic or non-traditional pets, but he'll certainly come around! Please be prepared to see him lounging with a glass of wine Disney princessing it with your beloved pets. Not to mention, a lover of language like yourself would be right in his wheelhouse. He'd love to have you listen to and translate foreign opera to him. He most likely already knows the story, but hearing it softly spoken from your lips makes it 20 times better. He's not opposed to talking culture with you and, taking you to see important cites in Italian history.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Uhhh, can I pls have a part 5 match up??? I’m a 5’7 girl who hates being centre of attention and and daddy issues, I can’t feel the cold and I am rather smart and I love to read and draw this I like to make up stories, I love cookies and vanilla latte and I have ended up adopting all my friends, pls don’t feel forced to do this, uh thanks if you do
I match you with...
Bruno Bucciarati!
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Bruno would be protective of anyone with issues like yours. He's seen his share with his friends and doesn't pressure you to talk it out or vent unless you ask. He worries about your inability to feel cold, often bringing an extra jacket for you or letting you have his. He loves your intelligence and interest in reading. He would happily make cookies and vanilla latte for you! You could easily merge your groups since he's adopted his own set of friends. Truly a found family.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
can i get matchup (1-7 part)?
i am medium height serbian girl, i have medium brown hair, brown eyes and pretty much pale skin. i have only 2 real friends (they are my best friends actually) and i love them so much! i am goofy, positive, and lazy, of course i am so loyal to my friends and i hate arguing for something stupid (unless i have to). i have great relationship with my parents and they are kinda cool (lucky me). at first sight people might think that i am weirdo but when they actually meet me they know how big goofball i am. i love studying, especially other languages and history. cooking with my mom is something i live for even though i screw up always, i still enjoy it. my hobby is drawing, and i have a little notebook where i write everything for the next days so i am pretty much organized :)
i hope this was enough info, of course if it isn't please let me know, have a nice day/night! ☕
I match you with...
Narancia Ghirga!
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Narancia isn't argumentative, and while uneducated would have a passion for studying. He appreciates your good relationship with your parents, and he would carry the same positivity and goofiness you have! He appreciates loyalty to others and would respect your wishes at all times, being happy to look past your "weirdo" exterior. It's a solid match!
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
hi! can i get a bucci gang matchup? i’m a cancer, intp, 5w4. i’m super introverted so i struggled with talking to people at first unless they are more social and carry the conversation. i like to analyze the deeper meanings of movies and songs. i also like to play video games even though i’m not very good. so it would be fun to have someone to do these things with. however, i do need a lot of reassurance that i’m doing good, as i struggle with a lot of insecurities on almost a daily basis. ty :)
I match you with...
Giorno Giovanna!
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You're the sort of person for whom the don of the mafia would have no problem getting along! He's deeply analytical, smart, and clever. He would love to play video games with you when he's not running the mob that is. He's assertive and charismatic, which means there's no trouble conversing with him despite his occasional stoicism. He would also be happy to reassure you of their worth and value, often with small tokens of love such as flowers and, notes delivered as butterflies. He also loves to cuddle with you after a long day!
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Hi Hi! How It's Going? I Hope Wonderful! 🐰💕 (Sorry if my english is nota very good, Im Spanish 😅)
Could I ask you for a JJBA matchup? . I am female, straight, ESFP and 7w8, Virgo, 156cm/5'1” tall, have brown Hair and brown eyes with emerald green tones in the light. My clothing style is more Minimalist style, 50s Style, and a bit of Gangster at times (pants and dresses more than all). I am sarcastic, have dark humor, I am a very happy Person, and I'm also very lovely (also, I like to get attention like a cat, I mean, I don't say "meow" or things like that, he just tried to get pet and affection). On the other hand, From time to time I do not have much patience and angry I am scary (Josuke Vibes), . I love animals, Sing, dance, listen to music. And I’m from Spain, and im learning English and French.
I hope you take my idea, I would be very excited, anyway, have a Beautyful day! Thanks for reading me! 🐰💕💕💕
I match you with...
Leone Abbachio!
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Abbachio would like your fashion sense. Your dark humor doesn't phase him, he's seen worse both as a cop and as a mafia man. He definitely would be a cat lover to end all cat lovers. He's rather fond of rustling or petting someone's head as a sign of affection and wouldn't mind doing that for you. He would respect your lack of patience. He's fond of Fugo and he's got the patience of a lit firecracker. Your love of singing, dancing, and music thrill him. He'll often show you show tunes he likes. (I think he'd be quite fond of Phantom of the Opera musical wise) He would also help you learn Italian if you were interested. Abbachio and you? Can do, my friend, can do.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Heyy, could I get a match up? Any part is fine! I'm a 4'7 natural blonde but I dye it really dark, my eyes are green with orange around the middle. I'm generally pretty nice to people but I'm adaptive, if someone is rude and dismissive with me im really bad at not escalating the situation. But I generally am very malleable and full of love and cuddles! I love writing poetry/drawing and I'm not the greatest singer but I love to sing regardless.
Thank you so much 💖💖💖
I match you with...
Diego Brando!
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Sure, aside from the fact he can turn into a dinosaur and thus would appreciate adaptiveness, he'd be very protective and kind. He's resourceful himself and doesn't mind your attitude shift when someone people aren't being kind. I feel a side effect of his stand would make him more susceptible to getting cold so he'd need you for cuddles a lot. He loves having you close to warm him up and protect him.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
Hi! So I saw that you're doing match up so, can u match me up with sb from part 4, 5 pls? I'm a she/her fem bisexual. I'm 5"3, my upper body is slim but my lower body oh boi, it's ultra thicc~ My friends tell me I'm a ✨chaotic crazy bitch✨ but when I'm serious I always get the job done. Sometimes I split out the weirdest dumbest shits like "the testicles kinda remind me of speed bag in some way". I like art, singing (badly)and strange enough philosophy, Im always up for argument. Ty in advance!
Pannacotta Fugo, well-known thiccness connoisseur, is your matchup!
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As a man who loves a thiccy, Fugo would absolutely be in love with you! While he's easily angered, the sort of man who can withstand Narancia will happily withstand "testicles kinda remind me of a speed bag." He also likes art and philosophy and often comes to you for your ideas on a piece he's seen or a book he's read. He appreciates your determination to get things done and feels like you're the only other brain cell in the gang.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
I would like a part 2 and if you can part 7 matchup I'm a straight girl around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. , unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. I accidentally snap at people and I find people's pain hilarious so if someone gets hurt there is a good chance I will laugh at them. I do like animals. I have no volume control. I also have my ac on at all times no matter how cold it is.
From Part 2, I match you with...
Caesar Zeppeli!
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Caesar is a caring sort of man. He would also be willing to take care of himself when you're worried about people and has no qualms about standing up for you. He'll even offer to teach you, Hamon, to help with anxiety and to help you stand up for yourself. He'll laugh at others' pain with you. (Especially if it's Joseph's due to a dumb idea.) He'd like your dark humor and definitely teach you some Italian folk songs to sing with you.
From Part 7, I match you with...
Gyro Zeppeli!
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Call it a lazy choice, but Caesar's Part 7 equivalent would go with you like peanut butter and chocolate! He's got a lot of the same appeal as the aforementioned Caesar, but he would also love to make and listen to dad jokes. He doesn't get upset easily so he can handle being snapped at if you feel overwhelmed. He would also love your singing and absolutely teach you every word to his pizza song. Poor Johnny can't handle it, but he's happy for you nonetheless.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
i've never done one of this but i'll try my best! i'd like a matchup for parts 1-5 if that's ok! I'm white as a ghost tbh and pansexual/nonbinary (they/them). i'm 5'10-11 and i'm pretty chubby but really strong. my hair is on the shorter side and is dark brown, and my eyes look almost silver a lot of times. i like punk/goth stuff a lot and seem kinda intimidating but i'm really a softie and i love taking care of people. i only really open up if i'm super comfortable with someone. (is this good?)
It's great! Thank you for the ask hun!
I match you with...
Leone Abbachio!
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Like you, Abbachio seems intimidating and gothic on the surface but is secretly a softie. It also takes him a while to open up so expect a lot of late-night heart-to-hearts when your worries for the day are gone and all you have is each other. He'd love to, while seeming to be begrudging, match outfits with you. He'd even let you do his makeup, and do yours in return. Despite his typically plain makeup style, he wouldn't be upset with a graphic or bold liner. He's a big cuddler and your soft strength makes him feel safe.
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gather-ye-sinners · 3 years
I don't know much about "match ups" but I am interested in trying so I'm sorry if I don't answer the specific details you need. ;-;
The match up can be any part.
I'm a small asian (5'1) that is supposed to be smart but somehow diverted to creativity (drawing, photography, editing, and writing) and video games.
I am smart but not academically. However, I am interested in Philosophy, Psychology, History, and Biology.
I'm an extroverted introvert that is anti social but with a very good intuition, especially with people. My zodiac sign is Aries, whilst my mbti personality types is INFP-T.
Although I am very quiet and shy, I am very loud around my friends. I want someone to argue with about certain topics till it will lasts for hours.
I match you with...
(Part 1) Dio Brando!
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Dio may be a conniving villain, but he could sympathize with someone having creativity rather than academic intelligence, as a man who essentially raised himself. As something of a narcissist, he'd be happy to argue with someone. As he says Jojo isn't all that bright when history isn't concerned. Although, you would have to get used to him being eternally convinced that he's right. You'd have to pull out something big he might not know to get him to consider relenting. He's something of a philosopher himself and is quite knowledgeable on subjects like history and law. He loves your art and often insists on posing as a subject for anything you may create. He ups his pomp when posing letting you know that every side is, in fact, his good side.
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