gay-xylophone · 6 days
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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gay-xylophone · 16 days
Every person need to be taught disability history
Not the “oh Einstein was probably autistic” or the sanitized Helen Keller story. but this history disabled people have made and has been made for us.
Teach them about Carrie Buck, who was sterilized against her will, sued in 1927, and lost because “Three generations of imbeciles [were] enough.”
Teach them about Judith Heumann and her associates, who in 1977, held the longest sit in a government building for the enactment of 504 protection passed three years earlier.
Teach them about all the Baby Does, newborns in 1980s who were born disabled and who doctors left to die without treatment, who’s deaths lead to the passing of The Baby Doe amendment to the child abuse law in 1984.
Teach them about the deaf students at Gallaudet University, a liberal arts school for the deaf, who in 1988, protested the appointment of yet another hearing president and successfully elected I. King Jordan as their first deaf president.
Teach them about Jim Sinclair, who at the 1993 international Autism Conference stood and said “don’t mourn for us. We are alive. We are real. And we’re here waiting for you.”
Teach about the disability activists who laid down in front of buses for accessible transit in 1978, crawled up the steps of congress in 1990 for the ADA, and fight against police brutality, poverty, restricted access to medical care, and abuse today.
Teach about us.
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gay-xylophone · 16 days
donald trump is the cocomelon of the republican party and it’s so terrifying like when he speaks it’s all “billions and billions of immigrants are killing billions and billions of people” and the audience is just sucking their fucking thumb while their brain lights up at their favorite words to get angry at he is all shapes and colors and his popularity is terrifying for our fate as a species
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gay-xylophone · 17 days
trans mascs here are some of my favorite dysphoria tips
work out. especially running. it sucks, i know, but just go outside and sprint as fast as you can for as long as possible. or do as many push-ups as you can. it’ll get your mind off of things trust me
get one of those big dark towels so after you finish showering you can just wrap it around yourself and it’ll be great
for periods, get chunky period underwear. if you can, get the “boy short” kind they look like boxers. AND the chunkiness will act as kind of a packer.
on the topic of periods, get yourself a menstrual cup if you can. you can’t feel them and they’re relatively easy to use. if you get dysphoric while putting it in or taking it out ( as i often do ) put on headphones and play heavy metal of some sort—something deafening.
for my boys with hip dysphoria, wear belts and cargo pants. cannot recommend the goodfellow & co cargo pants / shorts enough i wear them all the time
take care of yourself. you’re going to be getting gender affirming care in this body and with this mind soon. you want to be healthy when you get there.
if you have to shave your body ( if a parent is forcing you or if you do dance or smthn ) use mens shaving cream if you can. you’ll smell more masc for at least a day.
if you can’t cut your hair, cut it like a rockstar. keep it messy. boys have long hair and they look fucking awesome with it
and most importantly: DO NOT LOSE YOUR JOY AN WHIMSY. you can pass and be giggly and silly and wear feminine clothing, TRUST ME. i cannot stress this enough; if you stop being silly you’ll just be a miserable boy and we don’t want that.
dunno how many people will see this, but i hope it helps. i love you, stay safe <33
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gay-xylophone · 17 days
I have an idea
Ok, so for all you period havers that feel dysphoric on your period b/c you are more masc/androgyne, this is for you:
Masc/Androgynous Pads/Tampons/diva Cups
Hear me out— packaging that is more masculine, and scented pads/tampons are more masculine or androgynous scents
Pads that smell like old spice
Pads that fit boxers
Instead of the diva cups packaging being covered in flowers, and traditionally feminine colours, they look like red flannel and have a football or bottle of axe
Instead the casing for a tampon being ‘pearly teal grey feminine’ they are shaped like an axe bottle or some shit
The plastic wrap that holds the pad is covered in comic bubbled words
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gay-xylophone · 30 days
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Dropping this here for anyone who may not already know about it. paywallreader.com
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gay-xylophone · 1 month
yessss! ugh finally! let’s go!
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gay-xylophone · 1 month
Astros lost again 👀
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gay-xylophone · 1 month
Reblog if you love titties!! 😍
Big titties Small titties Her titties Your titties Their titties Black titties Brown titties White titties Perky titties Saggy titties Natural titties All titties
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gay-xylophone · 1 month
I'm sorry for being serious all of the sudden, but to anyone who is still here because they want to be there for someone, wether that be a family member, a friend, a pet, etc, thank you so much for being alive
I understand that type of feeling, not really wanting to keep going for my own sake, but going on anyway because I don't want the people I love to feel sad if I were gone one day
If it hasn't happened already, I hope someday soon you can be alive for your own sake as well, you deserve to feel that kind of self love
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gay-xylophone · 1 month
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gay-xylophone · 2 months
I’m rereading Sense & Sensibility as always and just, Elinor’s reactions as Lucy reveals the secret engagement:
“… she stood firm in incredulity and felt in no danger of a hysterical fit, or a swoon.”
(my new sarcastic motto for whenever I’m bravely confronting a minor inconvenience after a long week, forget “and yet she persisted” it’s now “i stand FIRM in incredulity and feel in NO danger of a hysterical fit.”)
“Elinor’s security sunk; but her self-command did not sink with it.”
“Here [Lucy] took out her handkerchief; but Elinor did not feel very compassionate.”
(understatement of the century)
“… for a few moments, she was almost overcome - her heart sunk within her, and she could hardly stand; but exertion was indispensably necessary, and she struggled so resolutely against the oppression of her feelings, that her success was speedy, and for the time complete.”
(speed running the five stages of grief, just eldest daughter things)
This Book, Austen just gets it.
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gay-xylophone · 2 months
Ruth and Naomi: Are They Gay? (part one)
[image is in public domain]
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“Ruth said, ‘Do not press me to go back and abandon you! Wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God. Where you die I will die, and there be buried. May the Lord do thus to me, and more, if even death separates me from you!’”
Ruth 1:16-17
You may expect this declaration of devotion to be made between two enamoured lovers. It does sound quite similar to wedding vows, especially "until death do us part" or even "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health." In fact, the YouCat (the Catholic Catechism designed for young people) quotes this exact passage in its section on marriage.
Yet these words were not made as a promise between husband and wife, but instead between two women.
The story of Ruth and Naomi can be found in the aptly named "Book of Ruth." In summary, Naomi's family move from Judah to Moab because of a famine. There, they meet Ruth and her sister Orpah. Naomi's sons marry the two women, and they live in peace for a time. Then, a sudden illness strikes, and both the boys (Mahlon and Chilion) and their father (Elimelech) die.
With nothing left, Naomi decides she must return to her homeland of Bethlehem (in Judah). Ruth and Orpah object, and offer to go with her, but Naomi tries to dissuade them. She says doesn't have any more sons for them to marry, giving them no financial or social security - to her, it seems, she is now useless and worthless. Orpah comes to accept this, remaining in Moab, but Ruth will not relent. It is here she makes her heartfelt speech stated at the start of this post, vowing her entire life to Naomi. Just normal friendship things! This causes Naomi to realise Ruth's love for her, so she finally accepts the offer.
Some of you may be thinking, "This is just platonic! This is just friendship! This is what any woman would do! Why do you have to make everything gay?"
Well, ask yourselves this: is it gay to leave behind your country and all the people you've ever known (including your sister) just to accompany another woman to her homeland?
...A homeland which you have never been to, and where the people there are your enemies? (Numbers 21, Judges 3)
...Travelling across a hostile desert environment, on your own for all we know? (see a map of Moab to Bethlehem)
...Despite your lover insisting you stay, and your sister deciding to stay, but instead you dedicate your life and soul to your lover? (Ruth 1:14-18)
Makes you think.
I can already see your objections: "But then Ruth married Boaz [her male relative]! Naomi told her to do it!"
Again, let us consider Naomi and Ruth's social standing. They were both women, both widows, both poor and starving. Ruth had to go foraging in the fields, collecting scraps of grain left behind so they could eat! (see Ruth 2:2-3, referring to Leviticus 23:22)
*this post is getting long so i'll post part two soon **sorry for the inconvenience lol
image credit: william blake
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gay-xylophone · 2 months
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gay-xylophone · 2 months
so. people have entertained the idea of gay jesus (religious trauma amiright?) .
what about aroace jesus?
i feel like aroace jesus would cook
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gay-xylophone · 2 months
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gay-xylophone · 2 months
judas, ass up in the air: oh my-, oh, oh right there hit it J, oh my god...
jesus, stopping mid-thrust: what the- did you just call out my dad's name??? did- did you fuck my dad?? judas did you fucking fuck my dad???
judas: what??? no it's- the locals were saying it! like... like "omg" yknow?
jesus: you fucked my dad. YOU FUCKED MY DAD!! i knew it! i knew it was weird you were on your knees more often praying and begging for forgiveness...
judas: jesus i can expla-
jesus: you fucked my dad!!!! oh my god- fuck!
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