gayveryavery · 1 month
If you cant talk about any other woman musician without also talking about TS, you’re ugly, hope this helps!
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gayveryavery · 1 month
Queen of the failures to launch :)
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gayveryavery · 2 months
Broke down and made a lung appointment for tomorrow bc I am a stupid little coward.
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gayveryavery · 2 months
Lots of focus on breathing required this afternoon. I cannot get the anxiety out of my head that my Weird Lesion is cancer, and it's actually so severe that it's metastasized to my lungs, and I'm going to die, a thought that at once terrifies me and makes me like, blank. I am so anxious about it that my brain refuses to even process all that anxiety, I think.
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gayveryavery · 2 months
I am an idiot adjusting too slowly to this odd little life, and I fucked around too much this morning and the symptoms of taking my meds for the first time in two weeks got me good.
Taking a workout off my schedule for today. Luckily, the online stuff, my writing, and unpacking/cleaning chores should still be on the agenda to go forward-- after a quick little Parks and Rec break.
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gayveryavery · 2 months
When I wash my hair, it goes into this frizzy, poofy, straw-like state for a day before settling down. Haircare people, how do I avoid this?
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gayveryavery · 2 months
Work on pilot outline
Go to pharmacy for meds, shampoo, laundry detergent
Check in with my parents so they remain happy with me
Put away a load of laundry from the suitcase
Clean up the bathroom trash
Book a trainer session
Figure out if it's possible to get an affordable Epic Pass.
Buy my dad a birthday present
Log on with Kev and Carl and watch a bunch of stupid shit (Death Becomes Her? X-Files?) as a reward for getting through this fuckass day.
I have a call set with the bank on Monday about figuring out how to distribute my scholarship funds, so at least my many hours on the phone yesterday to the detriment of anything else weren't totally worthless.
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gayveryavery · 2 months
Grateful for the Olympics but all is not well in waffleville lol I have a brutal cold.
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