gcvernedbalance · 2 years
hey everyone! thank you so much for always supporting me on here throughout everything <3 there’s honestly been a lot going on and i’m super active on my multi, and i really miss writing these 3 bastards, so i’m going to be moving sergio, arturo, and helsinki to my multimuse! find them on @multimuse-rp <3 love you all so much!!!! thanks for all the support!
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
i think i might move sergio back to my multi
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
Hey! I’ll be here eventually, I promise XD hopefully later today! <333
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
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Incorrect La Casa De Papel /Money Heist Quotes [3/?]
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
Before 2021 ends tell me something you always wanted to tell me.
Alternatively, have the sending muse tell the receiving muse something they’ve always wanted to tell them.
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
“A professional!” Another laugh escaped him, but this time, it was even more stress-filled than the last. “¡Una profesional! How could I forget?” The sarcasm dropped from his voice. He couldn’t help his tone; he was upset, and not just because of a sexual relationship in the group, but because Andrés was a part of it. Andrés, the one person who should know better. The one person who knew damn well he’d flip out.
And just like that, it was as if the Professor was talking to Berlin — one of his robbers instead of his brother. Sergio had brought this on himself; he knew that much, but it wasn’t like Andrés hadn’t given him a reason. “You shouldn’t mix alcohol with medications, Berlín.” He was being immature now, and Sergio cursed himself for it. He let out a soft sigh. He knew he should be easier on his brother, especially with his illness. But it was hard not to be mad at him when he blatantly broke one of the first and most important rules that had been set.
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“Right.” Sergio leaned forward slightly, although his tone of voice calmed to a relatively normal level. “We aren’t here for fun, though. You of all people know why we’re here. You know what’s at stake.” He didn’t say a word about Martín — he wouldn’t know what to say, and it would only further upset Andrés, possibly making him even more defiant. Sergio couldn’t have that.
A desperate, sarcastic laugh escaped Sergio’s lips at his brother’s words. He shouldn’t have been surprised — he should have seen the signs — but he’d been blinded by hope. Hope that these fucking children would be able to follow the simple rules he’d set in place. “Great! Great, wonderful, fantastic. So you’re telling me Nairobi is the only one without personal relations, hm? Or is she in love with someone, too?” His hand ran through his hair in an attempt to calm his rapidly increasing heartbeat. It didn’t work. “God, Andrés, how come you can’t see how serious this is?” Couldn’t he see that he’d fucked up the plan?
If Martín was here, it would be even worse. A million times worse. He was tempted to say so, but bringing up Martín only seemed to make Andrés go into some weird defensive mode, so Sergio decided against it. “People don’t need contact,” he replied, eyes narrowing. “You fuck everyone you see. What are you going to do next, make her your sixth wife?”
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Maybe he wasn’t thinking clearly. Maybe he hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Maybe he was frustrated with himself, because his brother was right about needing human contact. Whatever it was, he was upset with Andrés for it, even if it wasn’t his fault. “You’ve been drinking too much wine.” His gaze drifted towards the glass, although his tone was less condescending this time and more concerned. “How are you feeling?”
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      ❝ I’m not omniscient. She’s a grown woman, a professional, I’m sure she won’t make that mistake. ❞ Voice suddenly cold, a striking contrast to Sergio losing it – because even for someone as detached from the world of social interactions as him, this hits a little too low. And leaves Andrés half-expecting a speech about how it’s exactly why his own plan was a disaster, with a personal relationship involved, love, family, friendship. ❝ You don’t need contact. At least that’s what you choose to believe, yet you couldn’t do this without me. Us mortals? We fuck, we fall in love, we do crazy things, and we enjoy it. ❞
      Everyone he sees. Someone who just got out of jail, having lost everything, everything, except his appeal it seems, someone who has to spend half of his remaining lifetime in here with a bunch of stupid kid and Sergio playing boss, has every right to seize the day. Too much wine, too much sex, too much of this and that, and apparently, too little of what his brother wants. But there’s been enough of that in the past. When what Sergio wanted became the most important thing in existence. 
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      The glass is downed in one go, and he’s quick to refill it, if only as a sign of protest – a slow sip taken and eyes locked with the other’s. Defiant. ❝ I’m feeling great, Profesor. ❞ A nickname, depersonalized, detached, instead of anything he’d rather use instead. One must be blind not to see it – the torment that lingers behind this urge for drinking and promiscuity, the horror of having to die too soon, without ever seeing the only person who could set this right again. One filled with pain, and the other with rage. ❝ I’m not planning to get married again. Frankly, I don’t think I have enough time for that. But you should be more observant. And if you confront Tokyo, do me a favor and don’t mention my tip. You know damn well who I love and who I want. Don’t ruin the fun. ❞
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
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I love you so much, little brother. Don’t forget it.
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
A desperate, sarcastic laugh escaped Sergio’s lips at his brother’s words. He shouldn’t have been surprised — he should have seen the signs — but he’d been blinded by hope. Hope that these fucking children would be able to follow the simple rules he’d set in place. “Great! Great, wonderful, fantastic. So you’re telling me Nairobi is the only one without personal relations, hm? Or is she in love with someone, too?” His hand ran through his hair in an attempt to calm his rapidly increasing heartbeat. It didn’t work. “God, Andrés, how come you can’t see how serious this is?” Couldn’t he see that he’d fucked up the plan?
If Martín was here, it would be even worse. A million times worse. He was tempted to say so, but bringing up Martín only seemed to make Andrés go into some weird defensive mode, so Sergio decided against it. “People don’t need contact,” he replied, eyes narrowing. “You fuck everyone you see. What are you going to do next, make her your sixth wife?”
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Maybe he wasn’t thinking clearly. Maybe he hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Maybe he was frustrated with himself, because his brother was right about needing human contact. Whatever it was, he was upset with Andrés for it, even if it wasn’t his fault. “You’ve been drinking too much wine.” His gaze drifted towards the glass, although his tone was less condescending this time and more concerned. “How are you feeling?”
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❝ I’ve been having a fling with Tokyo since about the day she got here. I don’t know if casual sex falls under your definition of relaciones personales, but you couldn’t seriously expect me to spend five months next door to a woman like her and do nothing about it. ❞
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Honestly, he should have expected this. Nevertheless, Sergio found his teeth clenching together in frustration. His brother, of all people, should know the importance of the plan. Every single thing had to be executed flawlessly. And sex was never completely meaningless; there were always some feelings attached, no matter how small, and those could fuck up the heist. Running a hand through his hair, the so-called Professor sighed loudly, taking a step towards Andrés.
“I’ve made too many exceptions.” He shouldn’t have to explain this. Andrés should’ve resisted, no matter how hard it was. They were called the resistance, for God’s sake! “You and I, Moscow and Denver, Helsinki and Oslo…” He shook his head, disappointment in his eyes. “Now you and Tokyo… and don’t you dare start a speech about it being meaningless sex, Andrés. Everything in your life has meaning now.” Because you’re going to die. He couldn’t bring himself to say it.
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
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@hellmersmyopathy asked: 5/7/15/22 👀
5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
It depends on who his partner is. I don’t think he’d full-on make out with his partner in public, but holding hands, small kisses on the cheek, hugging, etc. would be perfectly fine by him.
7. Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Answered here.
15. Would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
The poor guy doesn’t know the first thing about any of that. Well, he knows how to flirt, but he’s not good at it, and he usually only does it if he’s already been dating his partner for a while. As for wearing tight/sexy clothing? He’d never do it — not on purpose, at least.
22. Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
Nope. When he was a kid, he would occasionally watch p-rn, because that’s what everyone did, but it never really did much for him. It was more of a curiosity thing. Sergio needs someone else to either be physically there or directly talking to him; otherwise, it won’t really work. However, if someone he’s into is there, it’s pretty damn easy to turn him on.
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
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@delnquent asked: 3, 7, 10, 21, 24 for the vanilla sunday meme
3. Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
He’s pretty good at kissing, which is a surprise considering he doesn’t have too much experience with it. He’s not confident when it comes to romance, but as someone who’s probably read way too much into the whole thing, he knows how to kiss.
7. Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Yes. But for real, it depends on who he’s with. If he’s with a female, he’s usually the big spoon, but if he’s with a male, he prefers to be the little spoon due to his insecurities and extreme lack of experience with other men.
10. Have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
Definitely mostly female, but Sergio has had crushes on men before. He finds them attractive, but he would never dare to make a move like he occasionally does with women. He’s more confident with the ladies, which isn’t saying much, since his confidence is pretty low to begin with.
21. Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?
Probably not. He’d never send pictures, because he knows that stuff stays on the Internet forever, and he’s too insecure anyway. As for sexual messages without photos… still probably a no. Sergio prefers saving that for when they’re together in-person. He might send a suggestive message every once in a while, but only if he truly trusts the person and is comfortable doing so. But he also hardly ever uses a cell phone, so there’s that.
24. Is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? Do they have a lean?
Again, it depends on his partner. He usually just goes with the flow and sees where things take them. I would consider him a switch with no particular lean one way or the other.
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
Vanilla Sunday Meme
For muns who aren’t into explicit sexual content, but don’t mind approaching the topic. Feel free to cross out any questions you aren’t comfortable with!
Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Is your muse a deviant? Are they overly flirtatious or forward?
Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
Does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure?
Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
Have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
Have their partners been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split? 
Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
Where is your muse most sensitive? 
Is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship? 
Would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
Does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner? 
Has your muse reached first/second/third base? Home run? 
Would your muse be interested in engaging with multiple partners?
Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?
Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
Is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? Do they have a lean?
How interested is your muse in sex and sexual activity?
Do they have sex frequently, occasionally, or rarely?
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
In all honesty, not even Sergio fully believed the words he was saying. He was all about planning things out, executing them only when there was almost no room for error. But they’d been in a rush — their first mistake. Andrés could be terrifying when he was angry, and that was the last thing Sergio wanted to deal with right now on top of the stress of everything.
“Of course I agree.” The response left his mouth quickly, and he found himself struggling to find the right words. “It’s just that… there’s nothing we can do now except move forward.” He let out a sigh, pushing up his glasses with the tip of his finger. “So, what happens next?”
@gcvernedbalance​                                      ⬦⬥                                                   “everybody makes mistakes.”
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Naive. That’s what Sergio was. Yes, he was brilliant — Andrés would always be the first person to build him up — but he was also aware of his brother’s flaws. And, oh, there were so many. He could get into them if there weren’t more pressing matters, trying to relieve the tension in a roll of his head, eyes closed, jaw tight and flexing his hands trying to find a release for it. People made mistakes, it’s true, but not ones on this large of a scale. 
“ Hermanito, “  there’s strain in his tone as he tries to keep the tornado of anger beneath his skin. It’s not Sergio’s fault, he tells himself.  “ There is a difference between a slip of the hand when cutting a steak to the monitoring of diamonds being moved a week earlier. “  They really need to pay closer attention to who they bring in for this kind of work.  “ We could’ve planned, do you not agree? “
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
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                                            ❝  Dark and silent and complete.                                   I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom. ❞
                                        ind. private ANDRÉS DE FONOLLOSA                                         of LA CASA DE PAPEL / MONEY HEIST
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
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gcvernedbalance: an indie, selective, mutuals only rp blog for sergio marquina / el profesor of netflix’s la casa de papel / money heist. lovingly written by allison.
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
It was too difficult to look into his brother’s eyes. At this point, Sergio felt worse for Andrés than he did for himself — he’d lost everything. They both had, but Andrés had given up his life since he was a teenager to protect Sergio, and for what? They were both dying now. What were the chances that both brothers would inherit the same rare deadly illness?
The world didn’t revolve around them. It never had; it never would. Just because neither of them would live for much longer didn’t mean they should screw everyone else involved in the heist. Sergio shook his head at the suggestion with a soft sigh.
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“No, we can’t. We need time… time to find the robbers. Teach them the plan. Finalize it. Go over it until it’s ingrained in their minds… and then execute it flawlessly.” Time was the one thing neither of them had. A soft albeit pained chuckle left his lips at Andrés’ words. “The plan stays the same — no personal relations whatsoever.” He was a bit of a hypocrite if he was involving Andrés — and Martín, of course. Speaking of which… “Have you spoken to Martín recently?”
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 : @gcvernedbalance​
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“Andrés…” Sergio hesitated for a moment before sighing and pushing up his glasses. It was best to get it over with. “I have Mom’s illness, too. I-I just found out.”
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      A blank gaze, broken, cold laughter – losing everything to become absolutely free was never just a dramatic phrase, a dream in grunge. For someone who’s fucked it all up one last blow becomes a familiar touch, failing as a husband, as a lover, as a friend, as a robber for getting caught, but he’s never failed as a brother, not until now. Trying to shield Sergio from the world until the world showed its bleakest colors, trying to ensure a better life for him, until they both realized this one was the best, and then it wasn’t. Familiarizing himself with the pain, to make sure his brother doesn’t have to go through this hell, embrace the darkness of inevitable doom, or drink away the ache that morphine couldn’t soothe. But this is not on him. It’s always been on her, for bringing them into this world and leaving so soon. 
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       ❝ I see. ❞ His voice his calm, but pursed, trembling lips indicate something entirely different – it’s always been a matter of comforting the other. Every time Sergio’s voice cracked when the damned illness was mentioned, Andrés found himself soothing his brother’s worries. And now they’d have to switch roles, except he knows too well what it feels like. And once the breaking point has been reached, nothing can penetrate the invisible wall built not for protection but for preserving the shallow serenity of the heart’s remains. He doesn’t ask how long. He doesn’t ask how bad it is, because he knows. He knows. A wine glass shatters against the wall, dripping ruby liquid on the floor. Allowing shadows to hide his face, the glistening wetness of his eyes. Is this how it ends? The greatness, the glory. It ends in nothing but misery. And violence was always the answer – the growing desire to look into the face of god and land a heartfelt punch, or offer the remains of his life in exchange for that of his brother. Violence got him imprisoned. With nothing else left, what other answer could there be? ❝ We should do the Bank of Spain heist then. ❞ Because there’s nothing left to lose. Because getting out was never the point. Because now is as good a time as any to beg for forgiveness and spend the last moments with their old friends. He’s become quite good at it, pretending he doesn’t care, pretending none of it can touch his soul anymore, but this does. And now, it’s not just about him. Sergio might be luckier that way, living his life like a ghost, with nothing, no one to lose other than his brother who’d never leave, unless snatched away by death. The inevitable can’t be messed with. No matter how hard they try. ❝ But we need a few women on the team because there’s no way… ❞ A sharp inhale follows, an attempt to fight back the tears, the agony. And then, a soft chuckle. ❝ There’s no way I’m letting my little brother die a virgin. ❞
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
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@torturadcra asked: [ HUG ]  for your muse to draw mine in for a warm hug .
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They’d had their ups and downs. She’d tied him up and shot him in the foot, he’d delivered her baby, she’d kidnapped him and thrown him in the back of a car… they’d both saved each other’s lives. And now, they were back — with the gold. Ah, the precious gold he’d worked so hard for! This time, Sergio was confident she wouldn’t run away, not after all they’d been through.
It was a shock to see it all there. It was one thing to think about something, to plan it for years, and a completely different thing to watch it work. All the adrenaline he’d felt during their heist at the Mint came rushing back, suddenly increasing tenfold when he felt Alicia’s arms wrap around him out of nowhere. Almost instinctually, he hugged her back, grinning widely, unable to take his eyes off the riches. They’d done it. The gold was out, and soon enough, the robbers would be, too… well, most of them. A twinge of sadness hit him, but he relaxed into the woman’s oddly comforting embrace, closing his eyes and breathing out a sigh of relief.
“We fucking did it.”
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gcvernedbalance · 3 years
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
my original batch can be found HERE! i got all kinds of angsty and protective vibes took over, but if u think of any more that you’d like to see on the list, shoot me a DM so i can add it!
“ get behind me… ”
“ stay here. ”
“ don’t worry. everything’s going to be alright… ”
“ you shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn’t me. ”
“ when you love something, you protect it. ”
“ i’ll keep you safe. ”
“ do everything that i say, and we might both live to tell the tale of this night. ”
“ when i say run, i need you to do as i say and don’t even think about me. ”
“ get down! ”
“ close your eyes, you don’t need to see this. ”
“ why wouldn’t i save you? ”
“ it’s alright. they won’t be hurting you again… ”
“ of course i came for you… it would take far much more than that to stop me. ”
“ listen to me… i need to go back out there. but i promise you, i’ll be right back. okay? all i want you to do is stay hidden, and i’ll be back before you know it. ”
“ there’s nothing in this world nor any other, that would stop me from protecting you. ”
“ get out of here! now! ”
“ i knew you’d feel guilty; you do understand that i’d take a thousand wounds if it meant keeping you safe, don’t you? ”
“ i swear to you. as long as i’m by your side, you’ll never be harmed. ”
“ it’s my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier. ”
“ protecting you isn’t my duty. it’s my privilege. ”
“ who did this to you? where are they? ”
“ listen to me. i don’t think i’ll be able to buy you much time. and once i go out there, the clock starts. so the second you hear us fighting, i want you to run. as fast and as far as you can. ”
“ are you alright? “
“ can you move? “
“ why is it so difficult for you to believe that you deserve to be protected? “
“ you’re a good person. good people deserve to be safe. “
“ i’m going to protect you, now. because that’s what we do for the ones we love. we keep them safe. “
“ stay close. whatever you do, do not leave my side. “
“ i’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. no matter the cost. “
“ i’m on my way. ”
“ it’s alright… it’s okay… i’m here now. i’ve got you. ”
“ it’s all over now. don’t panic. it’s not my blood. ”
“ i don’t know how long i’ll be able to protect you for, but i guarantee you, i’ll only stop with my final breath. ”
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