geeofficerkrupke · 8 years
i miss this url tbh
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
remember i don’t use this blog anymore, but i’m missing tons of mutuals from here, so if you want to stay in contact send me an ask for my url!
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
checked this acct for like 10 minutes and this post got hella notes? which is cool I'm glad Laverne and Lin are the best
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
reminder that i’m leaving this blog in the next couple of days, ask me for my new url! 
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
trivia: batya (the daughter of pharaoh, also know as bithiah, adoptive mother of moshe), was the only female firstborn in egypt to survive the final plague. she left with the israelites during the exodus (according to some sources, she had been exiled from her father’s house for adopting moshe).
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
One time, the Queen of England decided to knight a loyal member of her country who happened to be Jewish. 
This man knew that knights were supposed to say something in Latin as the Queen knighted them, but didn’t remember the line, so he quickly said “ma nishtana halaila hazeh micol haleilot”
This, of course, confused the Queen, who turned to her advisor and asked “Why is this knight different from all other knights?”
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
again, i've basically stopped using this blog, but anybody (mutual or not) who doesn't know me irl (besides film major/choir people) is welcome to ask!
reminder that i’m leaving this blog in the next couple of days, ask me for my new url! 
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
reminder that i’m leaving this blog in the next couple of days, ask me for my new url! 
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
reminder that i’m leaving this blog in the next couple of days, ask me for my new url! 
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geeofficerkrupke · 9 years
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geeofficerkrupke · 10 years
reminder that i’m leaving this blog in the next couple of days, ask me for my new url! 
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geeofficerkrupke · 10 years
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geeofficerkrupke · 10 years
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geeofficerkrupke · 10 years
I hope “all oppressions are actually queerness” is the worst analysis I’ll see all year but hey this is tumblr
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geeofficerkrupke · 10 years
tell me all the gritty plots and auteur ideas you want, but we all know the perfect movie would still be a remake of grease starring kristen stewart as danny zuko and taylor swift as sandy
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geeofficerkrupke · 10 years
i also hate physics because it’s always like “Assuming we live in a world with no wind resistance where everything is made of ice, determine the speed of this ball” we dont. we dont live in that world. get off my ass
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