Not everyone will understand you. That’s life.
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viewing queer identities as “this is the label that makes me happy and feels most accurate now” rather than “this is who I am, was, and always will be” will definitely take the pressure off, friends. changing your mind is proof that you have one.
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“Be the kind of person who chooses to be good and kind and doesn’t pass on the hurt and trauma to others. Be the kind of person who chooses to believe in people’s passion and dreams in a way that makes them feel both hopeful and supported. Be the kind of person who chooses to seek courage by saying “thank you” for all the love and warmth that you’re surrounded with. Be the kind of person who inspires the world to keep on choosing the light.”
— Juansen Dizon, A Flower to the earth
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Nicht wir mßssen ständig aufklären, auch unsere Mitmenschen sollten sich aktiv ßber LBTQI informieren oder einfach nachfragen, wie man miteinander umgehen soll!
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Perfect spot
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This is sooooo cute! A shortfilm to be in love with!
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shit dude, here’s to all of the quiet victories. the things that other people take for granted but are so, so hard for you. the way your voice didn’t shake when you ordered your drink, the time you felt a swell of pride at something instead of shame, how you got out of bed after only the second time hitting snooze even though you couldn’t imagine anything more difficult than facing another fucking day. fucking cherish those. relish them, rejoice in them, do not let anyone pluck them from your grasp because they are yours and they are important.
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I've been considering the idea that I might be genderfluid. But I'm having a hard time figuring out if I really am, or if I'm just a cis female (afab btw) who doesn't feel "attached" to my gender. Like sometimes I want to wear dresses and have the world see me as a girl, other times I just don't want people to perceive me in a gendered way, but I'm not uncomfortable being a girl per se. I guess my question is, is feeling not particularly attached to my assigned gender a sign of being not cis?
Your mileage may vary with this one!
There are some cis people who aren’t really attached to their gender but find their gender overall not something big enough they feel the need to label in any other way. And there are some cis people who feel a strong attachment to their gender and wouldn’t identify any other way.
Same thing even with trans/nonbinary people. The narrative is that gender is a really big, all encompassing thing for all trans/nonbinary people and that’s why we identify as trans/nonbinary. But certainly there are trans/nonbinary people who identify this way because they did some introspection, didn’t really connect with their assigned gender, and found that trans/nonbinary was in some way a better/more comforting/more helpful/more accurate label for them.
There’s also people who could easily fall under either cis or trans/nonbinary but are just overall apathetic about their gender and may decide to just navigate the world as the world sees them, not having a personal connection to gender themselves. Gender doesn’t have to have been this lifelong struggle or quest for it to be something you just… think about and explore and define on your own time.
The experience of gender is just so diverse and vast that there aren’t really a whole lot of general statements we can make about why people identify the way they do.
I do see you mentioned discomfort in your ask, and I have to wonder - have you thought about exploring comfort instead? You told us how you feel about being cis, but how do you feel about being genderfluid/nonbinary? Do you want to identify this way? Does it bring you peace, comfort, and/or happiness to do so? Does it bring you some sense of security or stability? Saying yes to any of those questions is an excellent sign that yes, you are genderfluid!
Some cis people do (and more should!) think about and explore their gender and introspect if they are really cis, but many never feel the need to, so yes, questioning can certainly be a sign that you aren’t cis.
Good luck! You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders for figuring out who you are. I’ve no doubt you’ll tease out what label you prefer.
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my gender is the hypothetical feeling of being on the edge of a cliff, in complete silence, some time in the night, and as you’re staring down into it you see one blinking light.
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