genesis-moth · 3 years
Mage of Life
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Second up on the generator- nothing else to do in class today.
A class centered around the understanding of their aspect. The active nature suits the trait of utilizing this gift for themselves, but for the parallel between mages and seers- mages tend to hold direct insight about their aspects current conditions and experience it’s weight first hand. Many mages will even suffer by the product of their aspect, embodying it’s ideals to such a degree to detriment them. They don’t exactly need guidance to thrive, but it’s usually better for someone to be looking out for them to ensure safety, even if they protest.
Deliciously sublime positivity is the main ideal of life players. Keeping themselves and the world as a whole in it’s best state of being is the main drive for most life bound, as this would be the aspect relating to energy, jubilation, and literal life. Most typically in a biological sense, but spiritually could also tie in here. The most common shared ability with the life aspect would be some form of healing potential or alteration of vitality in some way, shape, or form. The common motifs for life are connected to wealth and power, as luxury is typically referred to as the “high life.” Other good options might be something in relation to baking, sugar, or any energy giving substances. Life players would also be the most likely in a session to initiate anything akin to a trickster mode- should that be something you’re interested in pursuing…
Mage of Life:
The mage of life is a title based on someone who embodies the ideal of living, thriving, and growing. While players of an aspect don’t have to embody every idea the domain holds, mages typically keep the most to their aspect, second only to heirs. (Excluding the 2 major classes, I mean.) And for the things they don’t embody, they instead suffer from to gain experience. In the case of life, this player might be someone who has such an excess of energy and confidence that they become cocky in relation to their own health and luxury. One good interpretation for this, depending on how well it’s written or represented, could be someone with some kind of manic disorder or adhd, trying their best to keep on a task given to them and not be a distraction in the life or death game of sburb. It also wouldn’t be hard to picture this title as either a gym bro who’s very, “you lift brah? Need to work on your cardio brah show you what’s good brah-“ or a snobby rich kid, thinking they can’t be touched due to their physical ability or status. On the flip side, you might see a mage of life who isn’t human, or is completely immortal. Living a very long time to the point of sadness in loneliness. Wise, ancient, and kind, they would still be living when the world rots. Sburbs apocalypse would definitely be a shift for them-
Power wise, mages and seers retain knowledge in relation to their aspect. Seers gaining insight on the advancement of their aspect in time and the effects it causes, mages likely gain more in the here and now. Understanding what’s going on with their aspect in the moment, or how it’s ideals will affect them. The most obvious feature in relation to this is a “locate creature” affect. Reading the signs of organisms and possibly speaking to beasts and plants might be an interesting concept- I feel like if if the players in homestuck can’t see health bars, mages of life definitely would. The role of the mage in game is to keep general maintenance in regard to the aspect, where such would be suited to the teams benefit. Mages don’t have any specific job to the team, but having their knowledge as aid can be hugely beneficial for any role they need to fill. Even more so for the high intensity of the life aspect. If your game is missing a knight- the mage will be the one who picks up slack for the frog maintenance. If your game is missing a prince or thief- the mage of life is ready and willing to take the derse royalty, and can mage a damn good plan to do so. This versatility can reflect in their land, which should have a quest to subconsciously ensure they take care of themselves, and not fall too far into the negative features their domain imparts.
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genesis-moth · 3 years
Rogue of Light
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First shot in the dark, im bored so I might pick this back up in my spare time. thank the randomizer for the classpect combo.
A class based around taking their aspect. Their passive nature indicates being better adept at sharing the use of their abilities for others, rather than empowering themselves, but they can still act “actively” if required. Rogues tend to embody troupes of their aspect decently, but don’t openly enjoy admitting it. They commonly have difficulty coping with their aspect and whatever responsibility it entails- but upon proper guidance and acceptance of their role, they can thrive and wield their potential well. From what we have observed from early rogues so far, they seem to have some sort of escapism in relation to their aspects. (Nepetas roleplay being a way to escape her own actual identity, or Roxys alcoholism giving her some importance for her friends to worry over.) It could be an interesting concept to play with, should you be creating a rogue character.
Light is the aspect of knowledge, fortune, and relevance. Most often drawn to discovering secrets or understanding things around them, their sphere of powers typically have to do with luck as a manifestation of fortune. Another notable feature of this aspect is importance, ranging from capturing attention to the shining or literal light and vision to “shed truth” on things. A common motif in light is superstition, and thusly anything associated with the idea of fortune. Wealth, love, and magic are pretty good tie-ins with light players.
The rogue of light is firstly someone who struggles with coping in relation to the light aspect. They have issue accepting fortune, knowledge, and relevance, despite keeping these qualities in themselves. A good example might be an indie celebrity who doesn’t want large fame, someone who will not allow others to gift them things, or someone who tries to avoid being superstitious while still having an anxiety in relation to “bad luck.” This is the kind of person I could definitely see stumbling into things they don’t feel prepared to solve- a friend people gossip to or someone who always hears too much from a conversation, sometimes even without trying. But the secrets build up, and the gossip becomes too much, and eventually everything spills. This is almost certainly a very, “I don’t wanna know” type of person that always ends up hearing anyway, and quickly regretting it.
Their role in the game might relate to espionage. Figuring out enemy plans or weaknesses, and helping the team form an idea around it. Considering their “stealing luck” power, this wouldn’t go terribly wrong most of time. The team usually has a set of fortunate coincidences set for them, thanks to the rogue. Another cool idea for a power is distraction- Taking enemy attention and putting it elsewhere. Causing a problem they have to go fix, something more important than whatever is going on in front of them, or straight up altering how they perceive what is and isn’t worth their time. A neat party trick to use could be something like light refraction, like when you put white light in a prism and it pops out with a rainbow! Something to think about- The quest they go on would be one of coming to terms with their aspect and their own potential, realizing how much they deserve and thrive in the light, with importance and fortune on their side, in whatever way the land quest may end up reflecting this.
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