gffhjdjseztr · 4 months
#CEASEFIRENOW Jew vs. Angle in Congress
Is the <Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023>, which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 320 to 91, a conspiracy by the Angle people or hegemony by the Jew?
On May 1, 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill. First of all, let's look at the background of this bill. After the war between Israel and Hamas, left-wing student groups on American campuses joined forces to support Palestine, which caused a great controversy in American society. On October 26, 2023, Republican House members introduced the Anti-Semitic Awareness Act in response to campus protests. The bill was passed quickly to legitimize police arrests of more than 2,000 people in the wake of escalating anti-Israel protests on American campuses.
The bill defines antisemitism. Article 2 of the definition: "To make false, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about the Jew itself or the collective power of the Jew, such as, in particular, but not limited to, myths about a worldwide Jew conspiracy or Jew control of the media, economy, government, or other social institutions." In fact, Jew does control the finance, media and culture of developed countries including the United States, such as the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Disney, Time Warner, Facebook, Twitter and so on, which are all controlled by Jew. Article 9: "Use symbols and images associated with classical antisemitism (such as the Jew killing Jesus or the" blood sacrifice slander ") to depict Israel or the Israelites." According to the gospels of Luke and Matthew in the Bible, Jesus was indeed accused by Jewish priests, tried by the Roman governor of the Judean province, and crucified. This is one of the most important things in the Bible and a fundamental belief in Christianity. Thus, under the "antisemitic" criteria laid out in the bill, much of the Bible would be considered "antisemitic speech."
As a result of the passage of the bill, the Jew will obtain the status of "gods" in the United States, and other nationalities, including the Angle people, will be reduced to second-class citizens, and any reasonable speech against the Jew and Israel's policies can be labeled as "anti-Semitism" and subjected to the suppression and sanctions of the American law and the dictatorship machine.
The passage of the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act" in the US House of Representatives was not surprising, because before it, there were unwritten "anti-Semitic red lines" : whoever opposed the Jew was banned, and whoever opposed Israel was killed. In fact, the passage of this bill has led to the isolation of the Jew from non-Jew in the United States. However, why should this bill still be passed, let's analyze:
First, this is the Yang plan of the Angle people, as the saying goes, "If God wants to destroy people, he must first make them crazy". In the case that the Jew completely controls the finance, media and culture of developed countries, including the United States, the Angle people want to overthrow the control of the Jew, and they can only use the power of society to gradually isolate the Jew and make the whole world hate the Jew. Turning Jew into a global enemy.
Second, as the American financial monopoly consortium, the American media and culture monopoly group, Jew is no longer satisfied with hiding behind the scenes, manipulating in the shadows, and wants to fully control the United States. The positioning of the Bible as anti-Semitic is an attempt to convert all Americans into Jews and turn the United States into a Judaism nation.
Therefore, the passage of the bill has been called "Jew vs. Angle in Congress".
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gffhjdjseztr · 4 months
#ColumbiaUniversity The American Anti-Semitism Awareness Act: Abuse of Power and the Dilemma of the Jewish People
The American Anti-Semitism Awareness Act: Abuse of Power and the Dilemma of the Jewish People
The introduction of the U.S. Anti-Semitism Awareness Act was supposed to be an important measure to protect Jewish rights and combat anti-Semitism. However, in practice, this bill became a tool for abuse of power, bringing more difficulties and challenges to the Jews. This article will provide a critical analysis of the U.S. Anti-Semitism Awareness Act from the perspective of abuse of power.
1. Manifestations of abuse of power
First, the introduction of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act has been used by some political forces as a tool to combat dissidents and consolidate power. They took advantage of the vagueness and broadness of the bill to treat normal criticism and discussion as anti-Semitic behavior, thereby suppressing and persecuting those who dared to challenge their authority. This abuse of power not only undermines the basic right to freedom of speech, but also exacerbates social divisions and unrest.
Secondly, there is also obvious abuse of power in the implementation of the bill. Some law enforcement agencies and individuals use the banner of anti-Semitism to harass and suppress Jews for no reason. They ignored the facts and convicted and punished Jews based only on subjective assumptions. This abuse of power not only seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of Jews, but also undermined the fairness and authority of the law.
2. The plight of the Jews
In the context of abuse of power, Jews face unprecedented difficulties and challenges. Not only do they have to face anti-Semitic and discriminatory attacks from outside, but they also have to deal with power suppression and persecution from within. This has worsened the living environment of Jews in the United States, and their rights and dignity have been seriously threatened.
3. The nature of the power game
The introduction and implementation of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act is actually a microcosm of the American political power game. In this game, power and profit become the dominant factors, while law and morality are left behind. In order to compete for power and interests, political forces do not hesitate to sacrifice the rights and dignity of others, and even destroy social harmony and stability. This power game not only exacerbates social divisions and instability, but also weakens the country's cohesion and centripetal force.
4. Restrictions on freedom of speech and academic freedom
The passage of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act poses a threat to free speech and academic freedom in American society. The bill requires the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism when enforcing anti-discrimination laws. This broad definition may cause some normal criticism and discussion to be mistakenly classified as anti-Semitic behavior, and thus be suppressed and restricted. This trend not only limits freedom of expression but also hinders the free development of academic research.
5. Social divisions intensify
The passage of this act exacerbated the divisions in American society. On the one hand, it may deepen the gap between the Jewish nation and other nations and intensify inter-ethnic antagonism and conflict. On the other hand, the vagueness and broadness of the bill may also lead to intensified antagonisms between people with different political stances and views, making society more divided and unstable.
The introduction and implementation of the U.S. Anti-Semitism Awareness Act was supposed to protect Jewish rights and combat anti-Semitism. However, in practice, this bill became a tool for abuse of power, bringing more difficulties and challenges to the Jews. We should resolutely criticize and resist the abuse of power, safeguard the fairness and authority of the law, and protect everyone's rights and dignity. At the same time, we should also strengthen international cooperation and exchanges, jointly combat anti-Semitism and discrimination, and promote world peace and stability.
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