gfiedlerbi214 · 4 years
Unit 8
Cardiovascular Disease, Social Determinants of Health, Violence, and Global Health
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How much/what do you already know about this topic?  What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
I did not have much prior knowledge to cardiovascular disease. I am familiar of its’ many determinants and how it affects those that contract it. I do wonder if it affects certain populations more often and more severely than others. 
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes.  What facts seem important to know?
Cardiovascular Disease
While often thought of as the same thing, heart disease and cardiovascular disease are different, involving different parts of your body.
Heart disease refers only to diseases of the heart and the blood vessel system within the heart.
Cardiovascular disease refers to diseases of the heart and diseases of the blood vessel system (arteries, capillaries, veins) within a person's entire body, such as the brain, legs, and lungs. "Cardio" refers to the heart and "vascular" refers to the blood vessel system.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) 
Arteriosclerosis (Hardening of the arteries)
Cerebrovascular Issues (stroke, TIA, etc)
Many health behaviors increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. These include:
Tobacco Use: Smokers have twice the risk of heart attack as nonsmokers. One-fifth of the annual 1,000,000 deaths from CVD are attributable to smoking. Surveillance data indicate that an estimated 1,000,000 young people become "regular" smokers each year.
Lack of Physical Activity: People who are sedentary have twice the risk of heart disease as those who are physically active. Despite these risks, America remains a predominantly sedentary society. Surveys show that more than half of American adults do not practice the recommended level of physical activity, and more than one-fourth are completely sedentary.
Poor Nutrition: Between 20% and 30% of the nation’s adults (some 58 million people) are obese and thus have a higher risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other chronic diseases and conditions such as diabetes. Only 27% of women and 19% of men report eating the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
Bad Cholesterol: Proper ranges of cholesterol are also important in the prevention of heart attack or stroke. A fatty diet may actually trigger production of a blood-clot and contributes to atherosclerosis.  Cholesterol comes in two main varieties: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).  LDL is often called the "bad" kind of cholesterol; in contrast, HDL is known as the "good" cholesterol and is believed to sweep cholesterol off of artery walls, thus acting in protection.  If a person has a total cholesterol of 200 mg/dL and an HDL cholesterol of 40 mg/dL, the total/HDL cholesterol ratio is 5:1. The goal is to keep this ratio below 5:1, with the ideal being below 3.5:1.
Social Determinants of Health
Health experience and opportunities for good health are not universal.  Depending on where you live, and what societal concerns you face, you may have vastly different health outcomes than someone living elsewhere.  We call these things "social determinants of health".
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Health Disparities and Health Equity
Health disparities. Preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. These are closely linked with social, economic and/or environmental differences.
Health equity. "Everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care." (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Violence is now recognized as a public health problem, but not long ago, the words "violence" and "health" rarely appeared in the same sentences.  
In the early 20th Century, infectious diseases were at the top of all threat and mortality lists.  
But beginning in the mid 20th Century, science began to discover vaccines, treatments and sometimes even cures for many diseases.  As those conditions became less prevalent, accidents and injuries began to move up the list.
Accidents and injuries are largely preventable--to the great frustration of public health workers.  
Violence is often a contributor, which is why we have been studying it and looking for new interventions for prevention.  
While anyone's health can be compromised by acts of violence, we're beginning to understand that children are the most vulnerable--and carry these experiences into the rest of their lives.
Global Health
Just as health issues affect different populations in America differently, health can vary widely by country.  
The World Health Organization was established to track health in countries around the world, and to look at issues that cross geographic borders. 
Thousands of organizations around the world are working to prevent illness and premature death.
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
The video above along with the other supplemental videos in the cardiovascular section of the lecture are meant to breakdown the symptoms and steps taken while undergoing specific conditions. 
The video above describes what health disparities are.
All videos and websites were effective resources towards furthering my personal education of the topics. They will be important resources for anyone else that plans on taking this course. It does bring up questions about public policy and how our communities will continue to determine how to treat cases of violence amongst individuals.
As/after you engage in the Discussion: Can you summarize the question and the conclusions you and your classmates found? How do you feel about the issue now?
The discussion instructs us to answer along with the supplemental video:
Do you think gun violence should be treated as a public health concern (like we do diseases)?  Basically we're asking you to agree or disagree with the video and state why.  If you bring in additional facts, please cite your sources.
What are the biggest obstacles to tackling gun violence?  What are some myths that may be driving the gun debate off-course?  Are there other things that contribute to injury or death (not guns) that we could use as a reference for improving the public's health? Again, cite any information that comes from anywhere outside of your own brain.
My discussion response:
“Based on the number of gun related tragedies that have been circulating across the globe, I believe it is fair to say gun violence should be treated as a public health concern. A public health concern deals with an entire population, and unfortunately gun violence has found its’ way affecting large masses of people both directly and indirectly. It’s the combination of intentional violence and accidents that create such a complicated debate.  An unfortunately, it also includes those affected by mental illness- The greatest of pandemics. It’s difficult because through one perspective you would like to see federal regulation or laws regarding guns due to the horrible violence that we hear about on the news- Yet at the same time some may feel it’s important that we govern our personal safety and ensuring the government is not infringing on our second amendment rights. I feel as if there are external factors like mental health that correlate to these rises in gun violence. For some situations, by targeting the mental health finds itself as a huge factor towards choices behind gun violence. All of which hopefully can positively affect the overall public health. Generally, I feel everyone has the intentions of keeping the public health safe. I feel like one of the biggest obstacles tackling gun violence is the preservation of people’s freedom. Many do not believe this idea. But to me, there is a sense of responsibility that comes with properly owning a gun and I for one feel safer knowing I may own one to protect myself and my family. I also believe one of the biggest myths driving the gun-debate of course is the idea that there is some form of necessity behind having ownership of a gun.”
Peer response:
“I would like to add that sometimes people bring the argument of 2nd Amendment.  Just because you make it harder to get guns doesn’t mean your Second Amendment is being taken away. The person buying the gun should have to go through mental health screenings to see if they’re stable enough to handle guns. He/she should then be required to go every six months to retake mental health exams. It should be harder to get guns or certain attachments. They should be required to take a class to make sure they know how to handle guns. People complain that the government is trying to mess with the Second Amendment, which it really isn’t. People just need to grow up and deal with the fact that some folks may not be stable or knowledgeable enough to own a gun. The world is safer that way.”
The classmate that responded to me had a similar viewpoint in that he too supported the second amendment aspect of the argument. What stood out about their response is their point regarding mental health screenings [prior to gun purchases. I feel like there would be a lot of good and bad to this idea. Bad especially. I find it a form of infringement on second amendment rights. 
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
My takeaway from completing the assignment helped provide a better understanding to the severity of Cardiovascular Disease. It’s extremely common amongst different populations. I chose to research CVD amongst women. I also learned about the public health statistics of the Philippines. The Philippines has many areas that are high in poverty. I was curious as to the health issues that bear onto the people of this island. I have family on my mother’s side that still live in the Philippines. I found it helpful to understand the health issues that may possibly be experienced by my family members. 
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
The biggest takeaway from the research project was the amount of information I was exposed to. The topic was clogged milk ducts leading into the breast infection known as mastitis. Because I had my own experience with this condition, it was the initial reason as to what prompted myself to choose the topic. I feel as if I can conquer the next time I feel as if there is blockage within my own milk supply as I continue my own breastfeeding journey.
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
I felt as if the topics discussed in the last unit were appropriate topics to wrap up the course of Personal and Community Health. Social determinants of health, violence, and one of the most prevalent health conditions that affects thousands. If I had free time, I would research more into the various Cardiovascular Diseases and conditions that affect women so that I may be able to prepare myself or my female peers and loved ones. 
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gfiedlerbi214 · 4 years
Unit 7
Drug Basics, Alcohol, Addiction, Environmental Health
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Browse the Overview and Lecture pages.  How much/what do you already know about this topic?  What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
Going into this unit, I know a little bit about the laws regarding drugs, is legalization. In terms of addiction, I personally have seen addiction take place amongst peers. I would like to lean more about what determinants fall under environmental health. 
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes. What facts seem important to know?
Drug Basics
Drug. Any substance that causes a change in someone's physiology or psychology.  Can be natural or manufactured, and used for any purpose.
Medicine. A substance used to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose a health condition or to promote well-being.  All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines.
Drug misuse. Using a substance for a purpose that is not consistent with legal or medical guidelines, most often with prescription medications.  Includes taking higher dosage than prescribed, or taking a medication that was not prescribed for YOUR use.  Can sometimes lead to abuse, but not always the case.
Drug abuse.  Chronic use of a drug that impairs specific aspects of life. Examples are when regular use results in:
Mode of administration.  The way these substances get into the body: inhaled (breathed in), smoked (burned, then breathed in), ingested (eaten or swallowed), injected (into body tissue or blood stream) absorbed (rubbed in through skin) and snorted (taken in through the nose).
Health complications
Inability to carry out daily responsibilities
Physical dependence
Withdrawal symptoms when usage stops
"Cravings" for drugs or alcohol
The nicotine in tobacco is a major stimulant (though not as common in use as caffeine).
"a complex condition", it's not simple, and simple fixes can rarely work.  Just removing the substance isn't enough to cure the addiction.  It's why we say people are "recovering" and not "cured".
"a brain disease", it's a health condition, that has little to do with strength of character or willpower.
"compulsive substance use", people feel compelled/an urge to continue use, even when it doesn't lead to reward or pleasure.
"despite harmful consequence", people can't stop even if it's causing harm to their physical or mental health, to their relationships, or their livelihoods (basic needs).
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  
The psychoactive drug video I have included below nicely illustrates the relationship between common drugs and the categories that they belong in. The alcohol video and the environmental factors unto health video were well made to illustrate issues and facts about the subject. 
From this website, https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm
I was able to identify common questions regarding alcohol and drinking patterns. These resources highlight the importance of drug regulation and alcohol-related problems like bing drinking.
I found the videos and supplemental websites included within the lecture to be beneficial and essential. I have included the videos above to provide an example of the detail of information.
The discussion requests:
Choose 2 examples of behavioral addictions.  Describe them, and see if you can find any stats on who is most affected.   What are some signs of behavioral "addiction" as opposed to just heavy use? What are some potential treatments for behavioral addiction?  Citations are expected.
In your responses, you may want to explore why you think these things are becoming more prevalent than they were several decades ago.  Do you have any personal experience (or know someone) with these conditions? How do they affect one's life?  Does/should society treat these conditions as seriously as we do substance addictions?
My response:
Two examples of behavioral addictions include alcohol and gambling addictions. Alcohol addictions do not discriminate towards who it decides to inflict. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “In 2018, 26.45 percent of people ages 18 or older reported that they engaged in binge drinking in the past month; 6.6 percent reported that they engaged in heavy alcohol use in the past month…[and] according to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 14.4 million adults ages 18 and older [had an alcohol addiction]. This includes 9.2 million men (7.6 percent of men in the age group) and 5.3 million women (4.1 percent of women in the age group)” (Alcohol Facts and Statistics, 2020). There is also reportedly statistics regarding a younger audience; youth between the ages of 12 and 17. From the same survey, “an estimated 401,000 adolescents ages 12–17 had an alcohol addiction. This number includes 173,000 males (encompassing 1.4 percent of males in this age group) and 227,000 females (encompassing 1.9 percent of females in this age group)” (Alcohol Facts and Statistics, 2020).
Gambling addictions unfortunately reflect a similar population as those with alcohol addictions. It affects seniors, middle-aged individuals, teens, and even children. According to The Recovery Village, “approximately 1 in 25 teens have a gambling problem and it is more common in men than women” (Gambling Addiction Statistics, 2020). There is also a correlation to criminal activity with gambling addictions. Behavioral addiction regards that “the individual is not addicted to a substance but the behavior or the feeling brought about by the relevant action” (Alavi, 2012). Suggesting that society should examine behavioral addictions as a serious condition just as substance addictions are. Psychological dependency is a sickness most people battle daily, whether it’s an alcohol addiction or a social media addiction. Both alcohol and gambling addictions are two forms of behavioral addictions that can be improved and eradicated with appropriate treatments. Institutions like rehabs, medical facilities, and support groups are effective sources to obtain assistance in recovering from these disorders. I have had a few friends in my lifetime that have dealt with alcohol addictions. Fortunately, they have all been able to seek help battling their addictions through meditation, therapy, and rehab centers. But when rehabs, clinical visits, and halfway homes have failed someone with an alcohol addiction, what could be done for that individual? If external influences of any kind have failed an individual who relies so heavily on their affliction towards the bottle, what could you recommend?
Alavi, S. S., Ferdosi, M., Jannatifard, F., Eslami, M., Alaghemandan, H., & Setare, M. (2012). Behavioral Addiction  versus Substance Addiction: Correspondence of Psychiatric and Psychological Views. International journal of preventive medicine, 3(4), 290–294.
Alcohol Facts and Statistics. (2020, February 18). Retrieved April 29, 2020, from https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/alcohol-facts-and-statistics
Gambling Addiction Statistics. (2020, February 25). Retrieved April 29, 2020, from https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/process-addiction/compulsive-gambling/related/gambling-statistics/
Post-Homework Reflection
The assignment requests:
The CDC developed 8 postcards showing ways that climate can harm health.  You can view them here (Links to an external site.).  Choose one of these "harms" and think of how you might explain the problem to someone who says "climate has no effect on health".  Write a brief paragraph: In your own words, state the "harm" and what's causing it.  Give an example of the negative health impacts (what happens if someone is affected by this?). List 3 things someone could do to protect themselves from this. 
Let's learn about medical marijuana.  Find a reputable website with information about medical marijuana.  Answer the following: List 5 conditions/health symptoms that medical marijuana *might* help.  List 5 potential benefits of medicinal marijuana. List 3 potential negative side effects of use.  Briefly answer the question: Is medical marijuana legal in your state? How does someone get it? 
I learned about the laws and protocols regarding medical marijuana and where it stands in my own state. I also learned about the numerous external factors that affect climate. That and its relationship to public health.
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
The project requests:
Reflect on each major area of your life (personal, family, work, school, health--whichever of these are relevant, or add your own important areas).  What is going well and what are some stressors (or potential upcoming stressors) in this area?  Which things are (at least partly) in your control, and which things are in other people's control?  Write a few sentences about the status (and foreseeable future) of each area.
List two (2) of your specific stressors and what stress management techniques you might use to cope with them.  For each, provide a link to a resource that can teach you or reinforce how to use that technique. Resources can be websites, books, videos, or other media.
Besides specific stressors, many of us carry a weight of overall stress with us.  What is one regular technique you can do to help with your overall state of stress?  When will you use it?  What signs can you look for in yourself that you need to use it? Provide a link to a resource that can teach you or reinforce how to use this technique.
I found the self reflection to be very eye-opening. It allowed myself to examine my life in a reflective manner. To be able to identify stressors was also a healthy action and exercise. 
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
If I had more free time I would look more into addiction and drug abuse. I would look into different forms of therapy resolution and rehabilitation practices. I found yoga to be a good addition to my daily routine as it alleviates stress I am experiencing. 
0 notes
gfiedlerbi214 · 4 years
Unit 6
(Healthy Relationships) Social Health, Spiritual Health, and Community Health
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Browse the Overview and Lecture pages.  How much/what do you already know about this topic?  What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
The topic of healthy relationships through social practices, social health, and public health were already subjects I am familiar with. Whether it was outlined through different subjects I have previously studied or experienced in real life, there is much to infer about the topics. I believe going into this unit will be a great overview of understanding each topic further. I would be interested in specifically expanding my knowledge of effective communication practices. Lately I have been having difficulty communicating with my spouse. Hopefully, I may be able to benefit from the unit’s takeaways.
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes. What facts seem important to know?
Healthy Communication
There is an extensive unofficial list of the many effective ways we can communicate together as human beings.
Healthy communication plays a large role in healthy relationships.
Spiritual Health
Spiritual health is about finding purpose, meaning and value in your life with or without organized religion. It includes participating  in activities that are consistent with your beliefs and values, and contributing to the larger society. 
Communal spiritual practices can do a great job of connecting us to the larger world, it's also important to consider individual spiritual practices.
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
The first couple of videos  in the unit were Ted Talks. The first was a talk regarding how to have a good conversation. It was pretty insightful because I sometimes find myself having trouble communicating.   
Unit 6 Discussion Question: This question focuses on public health, our relationships, and our values.  Many Americans live under a constant shadow of "food insecurity", and some live in "food deserts".  Do some quick internet searches or watch these videos:
Links to the supplemental videos: https://youtu.be/kQeorPkPLmU
My discussion response: America’s hunger-relief organization known as Feed America and networks hundreds of food banks around the nation. The organization ensures that different demographics of our community that are impacted by poverty and hunger the most are provided food and services. There is also a focus on children obtaining nutritious meals despite family financial hardships. The government should look upon the idea of caring for the welfare of their citizens as an outlined responsibility to the job. I believe our government strives to ensure there are accessible resources to those that need assistance but unfortunately this is not always the case. I understand there are programs like WIC and food-stamps but I believe there are still circumstances that fall upon families that still bring hardships. Charities and nonprofits are doing great work providing for those in need. I do feel like it is the responsibility of the individual to feed their family but if there are complications there should be resources available. Stigmas surrounding people “on food stamps” typically mention the idea that these individuals take advantage of this benefit and have no means of financial prioritization. Unfortunately, there is a small amount of truth to this stigma but it most definitely doesn’t characterize the entire population. I feel like this very small percentage of individuals have been overdramatized over several years by Hollywood and media by putting distasteful ideas towards welfare programs and food stamps. I personally feel like there is a true injustice being placed on those that desperately need these programs to be in place.
Food insecurity is a very intimidating problem to have, especially when you have a family to care for or are encountering financial hardships. As a mother, I feel there is no greater fear than to not be able to provide the bare essentials to my child. The provided video about food insecurity in our nation and our gracious food assistance programs was very humbling and addresses such a large issue. We need more funding to go into these smaller organizations that are providing for families they may not have all of the resources, especially those that reside in food deserts. The first video denotes individuals that live in food deserts as, “[someone that comes from a] low-income community, has no access to a car, and lives a half a mile away from a grocery store” (Food Deserts in D.C. | Let's Talk | NPR (2018).). Featured in the second video is The Mitchell County Food Bank, run by community volunteers that strive to ensuring that their neighbor can have a good meal to eat. The idea of “taking care of your neighbor” (A Family Faces Food Insecurity in America’s Heartland | National Geographic, 2014) is the complete opposite of the harshness behind the stigma placed people “on food stamps”. I think those that influence in federal and state levels need to ensure that these great food programs are being created and funded. I think during the current pandemic now more than ever will we be needing more assistance and funding to ensure families that have been affected by job-loss are being given assistance. This could call for an allocation of funding and hope for more community donations. There’s only so much we can do while still balancing the preservation of the health and wellbeing of those around us.
A Family Faces Food Insecurity in America’s Heartland | National Geographic (2014). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/uV2XCQZWf_gAbout Us. 
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.feedingamerica.org/about-usFood Deserts in D.C. | Let's Talk | NPR (2018). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/kQeorPkPLmU
After completions of the discussion I feel as if my peers and myself have similar perspectives on what food insecurities and food deserts are. I found the information in the video eye-opening. I was able to relate the issues back to the current food problems taking place during the quarantine. With a rise of food shortage and millions filing for unemployment, there is a whirlwind of questions circling the community regarding these issues. 
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
The assignment required us to fill out a Values Assessment Worksheet and a Communications Style worksheet. I learned about the four major communication styles; passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. 
1. PASSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals have developed a pattern of avoiding expressing their opinions or feelings, protecting their rights, and identifying and meeting their needs. As a result, passive individuals do not respond overtly to hurtful or anger-inducing situations. Instead, they allow grievances and annoyances to mount, usually unaware of the buildup. But once they have reached their high tolerance threshold for unacceptable behavior, they are prone to explosive outbursts, which are usually out of proportion to the triggering incident. After the outburst, however, they may feel shame, guilt, and confusion, so they return to being passive.
2. AGGRESSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals express their feelings and opinions and advocate for their needs in a way that violates the rights of others. Thus, aggressive communicators are verbally and/or physically abusive. 
3. PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals appear passive on the surface but are really acting out anger in a subtle, indirect, or behind-the-scenes way. People who develop a pattern of passive-aggressive communication usually feel powerless, stuck, and resentful – in other words, they feel incapable of dealing directly with the object of their resentments. Instead, they express their anger by subtly undermining the object (real or imagined) of their resentments. 
4. ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals clearly state their opinions and feelings, and firmly advocate for their rights and needs without violating the rights of others. These individuals value themselves, their time, and their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs and are strong advocates for themselves while being very respectful of the rights of others.
I would definitely love to learn more about appropriate practices to ensure I am choosing healthy methods of communication between my loved ones. I hope I can improve all aspects of my communication
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
The project requires that I choose a stress management technique and track four days using this technique. I am too describe me feelings going into the practice, after the practice, along with general details regarding the surroundings of where I perform. For the project I decided to choose yoga. My general experience was that I finished feeling refreshed and energized. The yoga techniques correlated back to my weightlifting regime and was able to feel better about my performance in that activity. My biggest takeaway from the project is that I am in full agreement to adding this practice to my daily routine. I was lucky enough to find a plethora of resources that gave instructions to simple, beginner-friendly, daily yoga routines. A lot of which were free resources. 
The project’s instructions are as followed:
Practice your chosen technique 4 different times/days, this week.
Write a journal entry to track each attempt.  What did you do? When and where did you do it?  How did you feel before doing it?  How did you feel after you did it? What, if anything would you do differently the next time?  Other thoughts or comments?  Be detailed.
Write a paragraph or two summarizing the experience.  What do you think about this method? In what circumstances is it most effective?  Would you recommend it to others? What tips might you give someone starting out with this technique? If you had to do this project again, would you use the same technique or try something different? Why or why not?
General reflection over the unit? Major Takeaways?
Similar to my takeaway from the project, my biggest takeaway from the unit is that I am in full agreement to adding the practice of yoga to my daily routine.
0 notes
gfiedlerbi214 · 4 years
Unit 5
Mental Health and Basic Needs, What is Stress?, Stress Management Techniques
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Browse the Overview and Lecture pages.  How much/what do you already know about this topic?  What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
This topic hits close to home with me. I struggle with my stress and how to manage it on a daily basis. I have anxiety and have a history of practicing different techniques to manage both my stress and anxiety. A lot of what is being discussed in this unit is going to be more like a review for me. Any new information that I may use to improve my mental health will be extremely beneficial!
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes.  What facts seem important to know?
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Maslow’s Hierarchy: The bottom two tiers--Physiological and Safety--are considered maintenance needs.  These are the basic things everyone needs to live in this world.  The top three tiers--Love & belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization--are considered growth needs, which help us have a better life experience, but are not necessary to keep our bodies alive.  
Types of Stress:
Acute stress. Those quick triggers that raise our blood pressure, get our heart to race, and instantly affect our mood.  These generally resolve quickly, even if you continue thinking about them for a few days.
Episodic Acute stress. Frequent mini-crises cause us to live in a state of tension.  These usually can't be solved quickly, and often make us worry a lot.  People talk about this as "going through a rough patch".
Chronic stress. Grinding stress that wears us down over the years and never really goes away.  Often caused by big picture problems with no resolution possible.  Trauma and adverse childhood experiences, as well as chronic illness can also be at the root, as well as world issues like poverty, war or racism.
Some links to pages with examples of stress management techniques:
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
These videos were helpful in highlighting some important issues many of us struggle with. Many of us are struggling in silence even. I personally am always looking for different outlets to battle my own personal stress. If there could be only one unit I was able to share with a peer regarding this class it would be this unit. I believe everyone benefits from learning about ways to keep their stress at bay.
As/after you engage in the Discussion: Can you summarize the question and the conclusions you and your classmates found? How do you feel about the issue now?
The United States fall behind most other countries when it comes to paid leave from work.  Many countries have standardized paid vacation, or paid national holidays.  Some have guaranteed paid maternal (and paternal!) leave when a new child comes into a home.  Americans can benefit from the Family and Medical Leave act of 1993 (FMLA), but it is unpaid, and only guarantees someone cannot be fired due to taking qualified leave.   Further, think of breaks throughout the day.  Some companies are good at allowing breaks, but others are not.  Some people only get breaks if they smoke.  How can employers (or companies!) use leave or breaks to improve the mental health of their employees? Can you find information on specific countries' leave policies to share with your classmates? Can you find any interesting things  companies are doing to improve the health of their employees? What would be an ideal work environment for your mental health?  Cite any information you get from any source outside your own head.  In your classmate's responses, you might want to look at some countries' health outcomes/happiness indicators to see if there might be a connection.  You may want to (kindly) play devil's advocate for someone's idea. What obstacles would make it hard for a company to implement that?
My response:
Companies that ensure employees are taking advantage of the leave/ breaks policies ensures that they care about their employees. It fosters a culture of caring. I believe that the ideal work environment can respect personal time and empathize with employees regarding life outside the workplace. Doing so, ensures a positive retention rate amongst employee hires and a positive reputation for that company! I personally have experience working in management positions and understand the importance respecting this employee-benefit. Allowing employees their entitled time to themselves to mentally relieve themselves momentarily from their day’s work can have benefits for everyone and not just the employee. According to the Center for Workplace Mental Health, “With consideration [of the] employee's needs, breaks can boost attention span and increase mental ability” (Reasonable Job Accommodations). This means the company receives a happy and productive employee! I’m positive the majority of the working population feel happiest when they can take breaks and schedule leave when they need them.
         Thanks to technology, new ways have been created to increase productivity through technology. Companies have been searching for new innovative ways to adjust an employee’s work-life balance. There is an idea being researched and tested in numerous countries like New Zealand, Norway, and Germany known as The Four-Day Work Week. A company in New Zealand ran an experiment that reduced their work week from 40 hours to 32 hours for all employees while paying the same salary. Researchers were brought in to observe and record their findings and were able to discover, “24% more employees felt they could successfully balance their work and personal lives, stress decreased by 7% among everyone involved, and overall work satisfaction increased by 5%” (Ellis, 2020). Jarrod Harr, human resources professor from Auckland University of Technology who jointly oversaw the experiment, said the biggest takeaway from the experiment was that the employee job performance did not improve nor worsen. Meaning job performance did not change when working four days instead of five. The studies completed in these foreign countries have resulted in promising ideas. “Supervisors [from these studies] said staff were more creative, their attendance was better, they were on time, and they didn't leave early or take long breaks” (Ellis, 2020). Do you think that if companies followed concepts like The Four Day Work Week along with respecting entitled breaks and time-off like sick leave, would they produce the same amount of work?
Ellis, M. (2020, March 25). The Four-Day Work Week: Why It Works.  Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://zapier.com/blog/four-day-work-week/
Reasonable Job Accommodations. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2020, from http://workplacementalhealth.org/Mental-Health-Topics/Reasonable-Job-Accommodations
I thought this discussion was interesting because I was able to read everyones perspective about the rights of the employee to breaks and leave in the workplace. New employees spend so much time in HR periods of their employment, it’s commonly highlighted as a topic for discussion. 
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
Assignment Directions:
Time Management Activity : One way many people deal with stress is by gaining a better understanding of how they spend their time. Write a couple of paragraphs:
Nature Activity: Much research has validated the connection between spending time in nature and an improved stress response in the body.  Read the article 10 Ways to Relax in Nature and Stress Less (Links to an external site.).
Assess your current time management.  How well do you think you spend your time? How much of it is in your control?  Does this lead to any stresses in your life?
Choose one of the Strategies listed in this brochure.  How could you use one strategy to improve your time management.  Write a SMART goal that you could implement.
Spend 20-30 minutes (minimum) engaging with nature, however you choose.  Write a reflection paragraph about what you expected the experience to be like, what you did, and how it made you feel.  Would you want to try it again?  [If you have severely inclement weather during this assignment, you may choose to watch a nature video or do some guided imagery.  But understand, there is no substitute for actually being in nature!]
This homework was an excellent practice for myself to implement healthy strategies towards time management. As a mother I feel that it’s very important that I am familiar with as many ways to manage my time. I would like to learn more techniques and possibly look into different literature regarding different methods. I believe giving myself options and ideas to manage my time against uncertain circumstance is an important ability as a mother. Especially a mother trying to manage her household during this quarantine.
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
Project directions:
List the name of stress management technique you wish to practice.  Why did you choose this one?  What do you expect the experience to be like?  Have you tried this before?  What do you usually do to manage stress?
Find three (3) resources like websites or media that instruct you on how to use this technique.  Cite the URLs or book/authors.
Optional: Take the technique for a test run to see if there's anything you'll need to change before your "practice" next week.
Similarly to my takeaway from the homework, I found the experience working on this stress management project helpful. I would like to learn more techniques and possibly look into different literature regarding different methods. I believe giving myself options and ideas to manage my time against uncertain circumstance is an important ability as a mother. The resources I found were very insightful and had actually led me down various other rabbit-holes of sources of information.
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
If i had free time I would continue my research on beneficial strategies towards managing both my time and my stress. This will be a battle with no end unfortunately. But I believe going into this unit, I was prepared to finish the assignments with better confidence going into channeling through my day-to-day.
0 notes
gfiedlerbi214 · 4 years
Unit 4
Immune System, Disease, Cancer, and the Healthcare System
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Browse the Overview and Lecture pages.  How much/what do you already know about this topic?  What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
I know as much about vaccines as a student and as a mother may know. When I found out I was pregnant, I completed a lot of research and listened to a lot of podcasts regarding pregnancy and vaccines for babies. I know of its importance but also know of the arguments against it. I hope this unit will shed a little light on the truth about infectious diseases and vaccines.
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes.  What facts seem important to know?
Acute versus Chronic Diseases, and prevention strategies
Acute disease. Conditions with a sudden (and often severe) onset. These usually have a time-limit until you are "better" or "healed".  They are often caused by viruses, infections, injuries, or misuse of drugs. Examples: a broken bone, an asthma attack, a head cold, an overdose.
Chronic disease. Conditions that develop slowly and may worsen over time.  Often there is no cure or known end date, but people can learn to manage the illness.  These are often caused by genetics, environment, or can be the result of long-term unhealthy behaviors. Examples: Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Depression, or very specific ailments like ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Lupus, etc.
Communicable/Transmissible Diseases. Can be spread from one person to another through a variety of ways: direct contact, breathing or insect bites.  These are sometimes called "Infectious" diseases.
Non-communicable/Non-transmissible Diseases.  Cannot be spread from one person to another (excluding genetics).
The best strategies you can take to prevent or lessen the severity of chronic disease is to:
Live a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition, exercise, sleep and good hygiene practices.
Know your family history.  While we can't necessarily avoid genetic diseases, knowing to be on the look-out can lead to early detection and early intervention.  Consider creating a Medical Family Tree, or taking genetic tests (available from services like 23andMe, AncestryHealth, or your doctor).  These are not perfect, but can sometimes give you insight.
Stages and Types of Cancer
Most cancers that involve a tumor are staged into 5 broad groups:
Stage 0 means there are abnormal cells, but no cancer in the tumor.
Stage I means the cancer is small and only in one area. Also called early-stage cancer.
Stage II and III mean the cancer is larger and has grown into nearby tissues or lymph nodes.
Stage IV means the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. It's called advanced or metastatic cancer.
Types of Health Insurance
The healthcare system in the United States is very complicated, and health insurance is at the heart of it.  Most Americans are covered by private, mostly employer-provided health insurance.  We have 2 public (government-funded) health insurance programs Medicare and Medicaid to cover the elderly and the poor/disabled/uninsured children.
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
This unit was definitely biology based. It was very important that whatever supplemental videos and websites that were chosen to help broaden this unit included extensive details and diagrams.
As/after you engage in the Discussion: Can you summarize the question and the conclusions you and your classmates found? How do you feel about the issue now?
Discussion question:
Let's talk about Vaccines.  In the early 20th-Century, they were viewed as a "miracle of science".  But now at the beginning of the 21st-Century, they have become very controversial.  Why is this an issue? What are the arguments for/against mandatory vaccines? Should people be allowed to opt out, and under what circumstances? Many schools require vaccines for students to attend, and even some countries require proof of vaccination.  Are these organizations overstepping their authority, or is this really for the public health good?  Please cite your sources, even if it's an example of bad information.  Keep the discussion focused on the topic and not each other's opinions (ie, don't call someone crazy for having a different opinion than yours).
My discussion response:
The intention of requiring children to be up to date on vaccinations prior to attending school should be a priority. According to the CDC, “state and local vaccination requirements for daycare and school entry are important…for maintaining high vaccination coverage rates, and in turn, lower rates of vaccine-preventable diseases” (State Vaccination Requirements). Any childcare or educational institution should be able to exercise any effort to ensure that the public health of the students, faculty, and the community are protected. I do not believe that these organizations are overstepping their authority in ensuring this safety. I agree with the efforts of tightening up the requirements for the current non-medical exemption requests that are available to claim in order to opt out of this pre-attendance requirement. I believe that vaccines are the single most important was to protect your child against deadly or incurable viruses and diseases. It will also protect those who are most vulnerable in the surrounding community. “Measles pertussis and the flu are just a few of the contagious illnesses that are preventable with the right vaccine” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Some diseases such as polio and diphtheria are now rare because vaccination efforts have almost completely eliminated them in this country” (3 reasons to vaccinate your child before school begins). Implementing vaccination requirements will ensure protection before exposure, protect children that are more vulnerable, and equip children against the billions of germs that come in contact with them. I believe that exemptions should still be made available for those who meet the qualifications. However, the discussion of ethics and the wellbeing of the public will be frequently visited topics when deciding whether a child should be able to attend school unvaccinated.
State Vaccination Requirements. (2016, November 15). Retrieved April 6, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/laws/state-reqs.html
3 reasons to vaccinate your child before school begins. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from .  https://www.reidhealth.org/blog/3-reasons-to-vaccinate-your-child-before-school-begins
Regarding how I now feel about the issue; my position on the necessity of vaccines amongst children in the educational system still stands. I believe it’s important to preserve the health of our children and to consider the health of the other children that will be in contact with my own. 
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
Assignment requires:
While no one is immune from all disease, and the natural course of aging, there are many things seniors can do to stay healthy, or slow the progression of disease.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death for all ages.  Complete a quick profile of a specific cancer of your choice. 
Create a list of 5-10 practices for healthy aging. (citations expected)
These are likely good practices for anyone, but why do you thing these are specifically good for an aging population? What might this help them improve or avoid?
Type of cancer, who's affected,
What are the characteristics (ie symptoms, organs targeted), What is the incidence (how many affected)
Is this treatable? What is the survival rate?
What lifestyle choices (if any) put people at risk for this cancer?
I learned;
(1) Eating whole and nutritious foods is an effective practice for healthy seniors. 
(2) Practicing healthy sleeping habits prior to sleep and towards the improvement of the overall sleep is ideal for seniors who hope to stay healthy. 
Regulating naps, sleeping in the dark and unplugging from electronics, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening are said to be healthy habits towards great and fulfilling sleep. Keeping a schedule for sleep is going to be extremely important for seniors because it is said that insomnia is common in older adults.
(3) Seniors should try and walk as much as possible.
(4) Social issues can also have a consequential impact on senior health, specifically mental health.
(5) Supplementation will also be an important contributor to maintaining a healthy and functioning lifestyle as a senior.
I also learned about breast cancer- who it affects, statistics, prevention measures, symptoms, and other relevant information.
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
Project requires a paper to be written:
Now that you have tracked your nutrition, write an analysis (1000 words recommended) in which you compare your eating habits between the two different groups of data (normal and healthy eating). Be sure to:
Be sure to include how your fats, protein, carbohydrates, sugar and sodium, and any other vitamin or mineral data you have compare to the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for your sex and age--see (Dietary Reference Intake calculator (Links to an external site.) ). You will probably want to compare your "normal" to the RDAs, your "healthy" to the RDAs, then
Describe problems and setbacks you had during your tracking days. Were these typical "normal" and "healthy" days, or did you have unusual circumstances? Did you have complete choice in your food options, or were there limitations?
Identify ways you still need to improve your eating.  What are some short-term and long-term changes you could make?  What things would help you improve? Are there specific obstacles that you can strategize your way around?
Lastly, at different points in our lives, we have different nutritional needs. You should be able to find good tools whether it's a year from now or 30.  List three (3) website, books, or videos you could find to give you quality nutrition information.  Cite the URLs or book title/author.
This was a very extensive paper covering my observation of the 4 days observed of my daily nutrition intake. It made me realize where I needed to improve and where I am doing well in regards to how well I am eating. 
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
If i had more free time, i would expand my interest and research on how to care and prolong the quality of life for seniors. When my own parents become older, I hope to give them insight on to how to make their lives enjoyable and easy.
0 notes
gfiedlerbi214 · 4 years
Unit 3
Psychology of Sex, Reproductive Anatomy, Fertility and Contraception, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Sexual Disease and Prevention
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Browse the Overview and Lecture pages.  How much/what do you already know about this topic?  What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
I am familiar with what has been taught in anatomy classes and other sex-health related subjects in school. I am interested in learning more about the anatomical features of the reproductive system and sexually transmitted diseases and it’s commonality. 
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes. What facts seem important to know?
Review the female and male reproductive anatomy so that you can label the parts
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Sex: our biological/genetic assignment at birth (generally man or woman, with XY or XX chromosomes, although some people have biologic anomalies)
Sexual orientation: our psychological orientation/attraction towards potential sexual partners.
Gender identity: our psychological orientation to who we are and how we see ourselves (a sense of maleness, femaleness or other).
Bacterial STD/STIs: Can usually be cured with antibiotics. May still cause long-term damage if not caught/treated early. Examples: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis.  Another condition, Trichomoniasis is actually caused by a parasite, but is treated with antibiotics like bacterial conditions.
Viral STD/STIs:  Can be managed/treated with medication, but are NOT curable. May have periods of active disease or periods when they're dormant.  Examples: HPV, Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, Genital warts.
Fertility/ Ovulation
Women's monthly cycles vary from 18-35 days, naturally.  The 28-day cycle myth was normalized as a standard when the birth control pill became widely available.
Women usually ovulate 14 days (+/- 2 days) before the first day of their period.  This is not necessarily on day 14 of their cycle unless they have a true 28-day cycle.  There are many ovulation trackers online and apps that can help women track, but they will only be accurate if a woman's cycle is consistent.  If a woman has a 14-21 day cycle, she can potentially get pregnant while she's having her period.
A woman's egg is only "good" to be fertilized for 12-24 hours after ovulation.  But, sperm can live 5-7 days after ejaculation in a woman's body.
The same body signs to help a woman recognize ovulation (and prevent pregnancy) can also be used to HELP a woman get pregnant.  Infertility is unfortunately more common than people realize.  After 6 months of trying with no success, you are encouraged to seek out an OB/GYN doctor.
Contraception is our active plans to prevent pregnancy.  While there are hundreds of prescription drugs, devices, and approaches, contraception basically falls into three categories:
Hormone methods.  A woman is given a certain dosage of hormones (estrogen and progesterone derivatives) to regulate her monthly cycle and in some cases, prevent ovulation.  The hormones can be delivered to her body through pills, injections, or implantable devices.  Examples include: the birth control pill, Depo-Provera shots, Implanon, and some IUDs that release hormones.
Barrier methods.  These are physical barriers that prevent sperm and egg from getting together, and fertilization from occurring.  Examples include, condoms, Today Sponge,  Vaginal Contraceptive films, contraceptive foams/gels, and some IUDs that do not have added hormones.
Fertility Awareness.  This is a system of behavioral approaches which include tracking a woman's cycle and signs of ovulation, and avoiding sex during those weeks she is most fertile.  This can be effective if used perfectly, and a woman's cycle is predictable.  In reality, there's a substantial failure rate.  Some people also call this "Natural Family Planning" or the "Calendar Method".
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
The supplemental videos and websites were excellent visual aids to use during the research portion of the unit. I would share the information regarding fertility and ovulation to my fellow female peers If I had to choose something from  this unit to present. 
I would present the following information about ovulation. These were great facts from a supplemental website included in the unit’s lecture.
Key Facts:
An egg lives 12-24 hours after leaving the ovary
Normally only one egg is released each time of ovulation
Ovulation can be affected by stress, illness or disruption of normal
Some women may experience some light blood or spotting during ovulation
Implantation of a fertilized egg normally takes place 6-12 days after ovulation
Each woman is born with millions of immature eggs that are awaiting ovulation to begin
A menstrual period can occur even if ovulation has not occurred
Ovulation can occur even if a menstrual period has not occurred
Some women experience pain/aching near ovaries during ovulation called ‘middle pain’
If an egg is not fertilized, it disintegrates and is absorbed into the uterine lining
As/after you engage in the Discussion: Can you summarize the question and the conclusions you and your classmates found? How do you feel about the issue now?
Discussion Question:
“Who should teach sex education to our youth?  What do you think would be best practices for sex education?  How do you balance a parent's choice with a social obligation for an informed public? A lot of current sex ed curriculum (even what's used in public schools) is developed by organizations with religious affiliations. Should that be a factor in choosing curriculum?  During President George W. Bush's term, many states adopted an "abstinence-only" approach (as opposed to "abstinence-preferred) meaning public organizations could not teach about contraceptives. How do you think that affected the teen pregnancy rates during that time?”
My discussion response:
I believe education professionals that specialize in the study and sex psychologists are individuals that meet the needs and requirements to teach sex education to the youth. By combining professional experiences and a formal education, I believe the trustworthiness within student instruction strengthens. It also helps place the students in a safe-social environment. The youth are very impressionable, so it’s good to provide models, appropriate media, and the opportunity to explore and learn about the subtopics that fall under sex education. It’s important that students are understanding a complete spectrum of knowledge regarding their bodies and sexuality, both ethical and medical. According to the article, What Are the Goals of Sex Education For Youth? from Planned Parenthood, the following are an extraordinary combination of teaching objectives to keep in mind when fulfilling a sex education curriculum: “[It should focus] on clear health goals -- the prevention of STDs, HIV and/or pregnancy, [focus] narrowly on specific behaviors leading to these health goals (e,g, abstaining from sex or using condoms or other contraceptives), [gives] clear messages about these behaviors, and addressed situations that might lead to them and how to avoid them, [and addresses] multiple sexual psychosocial risk and protective factors affecting sexual risk behaviors (e.g. knowledge, perceived risks, values, attitudes, perceived norms and self-efficacy).” (Goals of Sex Education for Teenagers: Youth Health Services). I think these objectives make for a great start to the beginning of the framework for an effective curriculum. It’s definitely going to be up to the educator to how they decide to teach and what methodologies they choose to practice. I personally have never had sex education growing up and was unfortunately left to fend for myself learning about the topic outside of the formal classroom. I would love to know what activities and lessons stood out to those of my peers that have had the course.
Goals of Sex Education for Teenagers: Youth Health Services. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2020, from https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/for-educators/what-are-goals-sex-education-youth
Regarding how I feel about the issue now, my stance has not changed. I still believe it’s important that students are understanding a complete spectrum of knowledge regarding their bodies and sexuality, both ethical and medical. Other students within the discussion thread had a similar perspective. There were few that had beliefs that did go against certain aspects of my perspective. 
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
Assignment requires:
Think of three (3) questions you have about the topics covered this unit.  Maybe you have a question about a woman's fertility cycle.  Maybe a friend is pregnant and there's something you want to know.  Maybe it's a related topic we didn't really cover (erectile disfunction, etc.)  Here you really get to personalize your learning.
Find websites or resources to answer your questions. For each of your 3 questions:
Imagine a friend asked you to find a website/video to teach them about proper condom use (male, female or dental dam).  Find one resource, and provide the URL to the website or video (YouTube is fine).
Write your initial question.
Write a few sentences about how you found the answer (I searched for...;  I thought this was a reputable source because...; if someone else were researching this, they might want to...), include anything relevant.
What is the answer to your question?  Please cite your sources.
I learned “Hormones do influence a woman’s sexual behavior, particularly desire, to a certain extent, but these effects are complex and can vary from woman to woman… women’s hormones also change at certain life stages [which will in turn affect libido]…Medical conditions, such as diabetes and coronary artery disease, along with certain medications, can also affect a woman’s sexual desire” (Do hormones influence women's sexual behavior?). 
I also found reputable sources about condom placement and the following important information regarding problems in pregnancy,
Three other conditions may cause more problematic periods after pregnancy:
• Structural defects. Your doctor likely will treat defects such as polyps and submucosal fibroids with minimally invasive surgery.
• Adenomyosis. Your doctor can manage this thickening of the uterus with minimally invasive surgery or hormone therapy.
• Overactive or underactive thyroid disorder. Your doctor may use a range of treatments for these conditions.
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
Project requires:
1. Choose a program to track your eating. We recommend MyFitnessPal (Links to an external site.), though you may use any program that can track your foods, nutrition, and can print out/copy a log to turn in here.  You may need to create an account on these sites, but you do not need to PAY, the free tools on these sites are fine.
2. Record four (4) days of healthy eating and generate detailed reports, broken down by day.  Try your best to eat the healthiest possible on these 4 days, using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as your standard.  The following reports are REQUIRED for each day:
Daily foods list and servings
Nutrient Intakes
Ideally, you'll find your Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA), too, but this is not required.
3.  Directions for submitting assignment: When you are finished printing, you need to write a paragraph about your experience with "eating healthy". Was it easier or harder than you expected?  Points you should address include calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fat intake, RDA values (optional).  Would this be sustainable for you to eat this way all the time?
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I thought this tracker was a great tool in helping visualize my eating habits into a concise collection of charts. The specific tracker I used incorporated really nice colorful pie charts that showed how much carbs, protein, sugars, fats, etc. consumed in my tracked days.
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
If given more time, I would look into more ways to incorporate healthy foods into my diet. Sometimes I would catch myself eating bad, but then try to balance out the action with something good. I realize this isn’t truly effective. Especially since I am not consistent with my fitness routine. 
0 notes
gfiedlerbi214 · 5 years
Unit 2
Nutrition, Physical Fitness, and Sleep
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Go through the lecture. For each item take general notes. Does anything seem important to know?
Prior to deciding to change my degree plan to Early Education, I studied to become a Nutritionist and aspired to become a personal trainer. I also used to work in Nutrition stores as a sales representative. For a number of years, my entire life centered around the multi-facets of fitness. This was a period of time where I felt I was in the best shape of my life and ate very well. I would like to say I have used this unit as a refresher for information I already knew. I can also say I have learned quite a bit of new information as well.
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
I found the provided video material per the unit’s lecture extremely fulfilling. I am a kinesthetic and visual learner by nature and I genuinely appreciate a well-constructed instructional video, I also have a new attraction towards podcasts and TedTalks frequent my playlist algorithm. The Dietary Guidelines pdf was excellent and I plan on keeping it stored onto my hard drive for further use. It will be useful when I begin to plan eating regimens for myself and for my family. With the changing society and economic state, I wonder if this will affect the guidelines themselves. It will definitely be something to look out for and stay aware of. The Dietary Guidelines and the information regarding the major components of fitness would be two sets of information that I’d pass onto someone else regarding this unit. It’s super helpful and can easily be implemented along existing lifestyles.
As/after you engage in the Discussion: Can you summarize the question and the conclusions you and your classmates found? How do you feel about the issue now?
My discussion post: The advertisement I have chosen comes from the Always campaign “Like a Girl”. The commercial highlights how the phrase of doing something “like a girl” is used as an insult and as something lesser than the opposing. The producers of the commercial chose to film the responses of both males and females at different ages and ideas of what it means to do different actions “like a girl”. The responses are both expected and unexpected as most of the interviewees took the concept as an insult while the young girls saw it as a positive and powerful statement. The advertisement dissects the phrase and leaves the viewers feeling empowered, especially amongst the female audience. The underlying message behind the ad is that as a female, we should be proud of everything we do and should not feel ashamed of their capabilities. The ad intends to leave people feeling good about themselves and to understand why we feel feelings of bad when the phrase is used in a derogatory way.          
I would let teenagers know that upon seeing this ad, we have to remember that the comparison of actions to the actions committed by a female is not negative nor shameful. Teenage girls are especially more impressionable because at that stage of their life they are still discovering who they are and what it means to be a woman. The struggles between body image, sexuality, and even mental wellness are just a few examples of the factors that the younger generation battles internally. The gender focus on this commercial is important because it’s a message that needs to be heard and stressed upon. It discusses the physicality of the woman; hitting home with those women and those who have a loved one that is a woman. Insults and demeaning intentions are damaging to every level of the human being and can lead to additional damage to that person. Just as the campaign intended, I also hope the female population, both young and old, feel strong and proud after watching this advertisement. I also hope teenagers can view the phrase of doing something “like a girl” as a phrase that can change its context and strike more positivity.
Discussion engagement: “Gabriela, great post! It reminds me of the old saying, "you throw like a girl!" which is an insult in most cases.  I think what we need to do is just focus on being the best person you can be regardless if you're a girl or boy. I wonder if there has been a study on this advertisement to see what people's opinions are about this very topic? It would be interesting to see what the opinions would be on this audience? How do you think teens would interpret this video?” (Michelle Gifford)
Response to Michelle: “Hey there Michelle!Thank you! And I agree with your statement regarding that we simply aspire to be our best selves regardless of gender. I think the statement really has grown from what it initially was intended for upon its creation as an insult.  I think the little boy in the ad represented the male population that are understanding the negative connotation in phrases like, "you throw like a girl". I think it's good to have hope in our society when it comes to equalizing respect on all gender planes. I think we are on a good path and this commercial was good representation. It was actually first featured as a Super bowl ad, meaning it had a great deal of exposure from the start! Meaning teens were most likely responding well to the interpretation. Teens are very impressionable when they find messages and situations that they can relate to.  I also would like to know if there was a study made regarding this ad. It would be interesting to see how each type of individual responded (men, women, teens, seniors).” (Myself)
My summarizing conclusion to the discussion: Body image is an impressionable topic to expose to young adults. Thanks to social media and societal standards conveyed through entertainment, young adults are pushing themselves to be something they are not. We can’t shame those who strive to change their physical image through healthy eating habits and newly added exercises. It’s those that choose the route of body changes that touch body-harming and mental strain and stress. The need to equalize playing fields of gender was something that stood out to me through this interaction initiated by my post.
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
The homework required me to engage in research to find all of my answers. I had a number of different sources that I was able to find that described how necessary body fat is to the body. I was able to learn how essential the processes body fat assists with to live a healthy and full life. I would like to know more about these backwards misconceptions and what new information is out there to address it.
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
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I found using the recommended food tracker very easy to manipulate. I was able to find every food item and was able to break the meal down by ingredient to attempt to get the clearest idea about my food intake. I found no flaws in the program and am attracted to the idea of incorporating this program in my future diet and exercise regimen. I was satisfied with the clarity I received about my diet. From what I was able to see, I enjoy carbs and fats quite a bit. I also liked how the tracker included a water intake tracker. I never used it unfortunately. This project opened my eyes to how poorly my water drinking habits are and where I need to improve in my daily routine. Because I am a breastfeeding mother, the calorie intake necessary to maintain supply is about 2,000 calories. Luckily, I am on track and I am properly aligning my meals to my child’s eating schedule and demand.
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
I personally have a close connection to the field of nutrition as it was a concentration I took interest in as a career years ago. I aspired to become a Registered Dietician for children. I also aspired to become a personal trainer; meaning nutrition was going to be an important component to my training. This unit inspired me to look into my previous aspirations and incorporate what I have learned into future meal plans and exercise routines for myself and my family.
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gfiedlerbi214 · 5 years
Unit 1
Definition, Dimensions, Social Ecological Model of Health and Health Literacy
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How much/what do you already know about this topic?What are you interested in learning about/initial questions.
It had been a number of months since I had taken a biology or sociology course. Going into this unit, I am confident in saying I do not know much about the topics at hand. I would like to learn about health literacy. I understand in this day and age of fake news and a society heavily based on the reliance of social media, that health literacy should be treated seriously.
Go through the lecture.  For each item, take general notes.  What facts seem important to know?
Definitions of Health:
For a long time, society went by the medical model, which stated "Health is being free of illness or injury." With the medical model, the health of a population is measured by vital statistics, particularly illness (morbidity) and death (mortality).
1946, the World Health Organization wrote a new definition into their Constitution.  This is the definition currently acknowledged by the CDC. It has not been amended since 1948.  "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
While no organization has come forward yet to propose a formal, evolved definition of health, many agree that a new definition would need to include "being healthy includes balancing the multiple dimensions of health, and managing diseases successfully."  By those standards, someone could be depressed, and still be "healthy".
My definition of being healthy: Feeling at the optimal and best level of wellness in all divisions of health and being capable of battling diseases.
-The ecological model is a model of health that emphasizes the linkages and relationships among multiple factors (or determinants) affecting health
Social/ Policy
-Use of models in public health
Organize thinking
Guide design of interventions
Evaluate effects of interventions
Health Literacy:
Now that everyday people have access to more information than ever before (thanks to media and the internet) and some people are more open to discussing their health among friends, or even in public forums, we have to be more thoughtful about the information that gets shared.
Unit 1 Review Guide Main Points
Difference between medical model and wellness models of health
The current 8 dimensions of health
The main levels of the Social Ecological Model.  For example, you might be given factors that prevent people from exercising, and need to determine which level of influence they fit (individual, interpersonal, institutional, community, social/policy)
The principles of health literacy and determining quality health information.  Why is it so easy for misinformation to spread?
What was the point of the videos? What are a few things I learned on the websites, and might the site be useful in the future? What questions do these resources bring up?  If you were telling someone else about this class, what would you share from this unit.
The videos were great supplemental tools in illustrating the topics in a more audio and visual style learning mechanism. I have learned that "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, being healthy includes balancing the multiple dimensions of health, and managing diseases successfully, and also that understanding that one's health comes down to how well they're doing in each of the dimensions.  It's a collective, cumulative experience. 
Dimensions of Health
8 Dimensions of Health: Emotional, financial, occupational, spiritual, physical, social, intellectual, environmental
Social Ecological Model of Health
As/after you engage in the Discussion: Can you summarize the question and the conclusions you and your classmates found? How do you feel about the issue now?
Discussion question:
List two health conditions and answer the questions that follow.
One that society is sympathetic toward
One that society has less sympathy for
Why do people view these conditions differently? Is it fair?  How could we advocate for more compassion, or is the public shaming the best way to make people healthier?
Include links to back up your points (even if it's an example of bad information).  Listing a condition in the "character flaw" category does not mean YOU personally believe it, but you think some people believe it.
Health Condition that society is sympathetic toward: Anxiety
Surpassing the acceptance and openness of anxiety as a health condition, there is still a population of society that overlooks the importance of this condition and does not find anxiety credible. I personally suffer from my own anxiety and I constantly hear remarks regarding anxiety “being in someone’s head” and a choice made by the person. This form of public shaming is not the best way to make people healthier. Most anxiety stems from traumatic experiences. The Mayo Clinic defines those that suffer from anxiety as “people [who] frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations… [often involving] repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks)” (Mayo Clinic, 2018). The constant debilitating emotions and mental states, phobias, and internal meltdowns of anxiety disorders are very real and can be very mentally damaging and it’s important that as a society we continue to advocate for those who are fighting this disorder. Currently, I feel our society is doing a good job in recognizing victims- Soldiers that come back from deployment who suffer PTSD and women who come out of relationships of domestic violence are examples of victims who are given opportunities to seek and obtain help. Medical professionals and Medicinal dispensaries commonly treat anxiety disorders and it demonstrates that we as a community empathize with the condition. Anxiety disorder can even act like a gateway condition to other serious and damaging mental conditions that may hurt the overall wellness of the one suffering and affect those around them. It also knows no standard, anxiety can be experienced and damaging at any stage and condition of human life.
Health Condition that society has less sympathy for:  Migraines
I do not believe the entirety of our society understands the validity of the health condition of migraines. There is a belief that people who suffer migraines are overly sensitive or are just experiencing headaches. Migraines are substantially different from headaches and just like anxiety can stem further serious health issues. According to Dr. Chris Iliades of Everyday Health Newsletters, “migraines are a neurological condition that is thought to occur when blood vessels in the brain expand, which releases chemicals that can cause inflammation and often excruciating pain. Nausea and vomiting commonly follow, as the nervous system responds to the pain” (Iliades, 2012). I believe the reason why society is less sympathetic towards this condition and do not shed appropriate light on the issue because there is not enough education being had about the condition. That, or there is misconceptions and misinformation being shared regarding the condition. Often times, migraines are frequently misdiagnosed as sinus headaches. Because there are currently frequent cases of misdiagnosis being had of migraines it’s reflective of the disconnection had regarding understanding those that suffer migraines and how it stems. To improve the disconnect, it’s important that our community is appropriately publicizing the condition and that there are outlets available for help for those that need it. Opportunities to self-assess and treat migraine conditions should be vast and taken seriously.
Cited Work:
Anxiety disorders. (2018, May 4). Retrieved March 18, 2020, from                https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anxiety/symptoms-causes/syc-20350961 (Links to an external site.)
IlIades, C. (2012, April 13). Migraine Misconceptions: Is There a Stigma? – Headache Migraine Center – Everyday Health. Retrieved March 18, 2020, from https://www.everydayhealth.com/headache-and-migraine/migraine-misconceptions.aspx
Peer engagement by Michelle Gifford: 
“Gabriela, those are some good points! I didn't think of migraines as something that society doesn't have sympathy for migraines! I think society does think of migraines as something that people can control or did to themselves (too much stress, etc.) where some migraines are genetic or biological. I think society is more sympathetic towards us anxiety sufferers because we are talking about it more, there's more education about mental health and wellbeing and more technology in terms of mental health illness interventions (e.g. apps for meditation, telehealth medicine, etc). “ (Michelle Gifford)
My takeaway: Migraines are unfortunately a very serious condition that is not getting the appropriate amount of light shed on it. To improve the disconnect, it’s important that our community is appropriately publicizing the condition and that there are outlets available for help for those that need it. Migraines are substantially different from headaches and just like anxiety can stem further serious health issues.
After you complete the Homework: What did you learn? What do you want to know more about?
Assignment requires:
Complete the Wellness Self-Assessment.  You do NOT have to turn this in, but you'll want to know the answers to help with the worksheet below.
Complete the Unit 1 Assignment worksheet and submit it here.
This assignment allowed myself to change my perspective on how healthy I view myself. 
After you complete the Project: How was the experience? Any take-aways?
I have never heard of SMART goals prior to this project. What a great way to strategically plan how to achieve a goal. I believe the structure to the mechanism is well thought out. It hits every single facet that goes into the creation-process of creating personal goals. These strategies can easily be implemented into any lifestyle. As a stay-at-home mom, the implementation may be a little tricky but it is definitely possible. 
General reflection on the unit--is there anything that feels important that you didn't mention above?  If you had free time, what topics might you want to look into further?
If I had more free time, I would look into how else I may be able to implement the SMART goal structure. Will this fit well into other subjects?
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