giaphox · 1 year
I must preface by saying that, Into the Spiderverse stayed as one of my fave movies of all time. Yet somehow, even if just sheer recency bias, this movie managed to top that.
I love this movie. What is there to even complain about? Story, art direction, set design, plot twists after plot twists after plot twists. I'm just so overwhelmed I don't even know what to say anymore lol. But gosh this movie is defo a must watch. Watch it on the big screen while you can guys!!! I swear you won't regret it.
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giaphox · 2 years
some texture projection tests with a previous painting
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giaphox · 2 years
A cute cat guy
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giaphox · 2 years
Characters for personal projects
I enjoyed drawing the details a lot
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giaphox · 2 years
I made some art that reflects how I feel (somewhat)
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giaphox · 2 years
As a kid, Tuco used to sneak in her father's study to play with his lighter. There she discovered she has some superpower.
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