I promise I haven’t forgotten about Mamoru. I have him on hold right now until I can get him moved over to his own blog. My goal is to work on that this weekend so that I can have him active again.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!! 
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@goldenearthprince with @jcdebound @kunsaito @izousaito and @gardienstellaire
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Inspired by smokingbomber’s photo
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Like or reblog this if you’re interested in roleplaying with Nephrite from Sailor Moon! Canon divergent blog, mostly based on the classic anime - written by Marine.
Are you thinking you already saw this ugly promo not long ago? That’s right. But since this blog is no longer a side-blog, it’s time to promo again (and my photoshop still doesn’t work so no fancy banner). Follow this rude general!
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Welcome to the Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Role Play Directory.
If you would like to be included in the directory, simply reblog this post. We accept senshi, villains, civilians/allies, and original characters with primary verses in the BSSM series.
If you are already submitted into the directory, you may reblog this post as a promotion.
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Can I bribe fanfic writers (with my drawings) to come back and write more fics? I love the ones that depict the relationship between Endymion and his generals (particularly in their childhood). 
Quid Pro Quo by VO1 really got me…
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Thread Tracker
I have finally cleared my drafts of all replies I owe (minus two, but I’ll be getting to those soon), so now I can finally post my thread tracker. These are all the threads I’m aware of and intend to keep playing. 
As always, if your thread is here and you don’t want it to be, let me know.
And if your thread isn’t here and you’d like to continue something, let me know.
Without further ado: 
@prince-demando @moonliighttears @vexhub @uurameshii @jcdebound @kunsaito @sailor-cosmos @crossingredqueensrealm @sercniity @silvermoonbunny @gardienstellaire @featherchan @hyliaspower @galacticxmultimuse @terramaiden @becomingatruelady @pinkifying
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"Out of all of us," Saito slurred, tracing circles in a small puddle of spilt beer. It had been a very long, very good night, and the stars were giving way to pink and gold streaks of the dawn. "And I know you have one, because don't lie to me, so which one of us is your favorite? Tell."
Mamoru shook his head. “You’re ridiculous,” he replied, reaching over to grab a few tissues from the tissue box on the coffee table to wipe up a puddle of beer that had somehow made its way to the table’s surface.
Still, in Saito’s state of mind, Mamoru was sure the man would hardly remember…
“Honestly… if I was forced to pick a ‘favorite’-” he put an emphasis on the word, not quite liking the term, but unable to think of any other words in his addled mind, “- it would be you.”
He didn’t wait for Saito’s reaction. Instead, he looked down at his bottle of beer, his hands wrapping around it as he focused on the slow drops of condensation down the side of it. Suddenly, words started spilling from his lips.
“You probably know me better than I know myself. You always did, even from the very beginning. Even when we were children, you always just… knew things. I couldn’t keep any secrets from you even if I’d tried. And lord knows I tried my damnedest to hide Serenity from you.”
He took a moment to bring the bottle back to his lips, taking a mouthful of the fizzy liquid. 
“But you still knew. Sometimes, it made me so mad that I couldn’t keep a single thing to myself… but after a while, it became a comfort to know that the burdens I bared would not be burdens I bared alone. You would always be waiting with an answer, waiting until I finally asked the question you’d been expecting.”
Now it was his turn to trace patterns on the table, swirling the condensation from the bottle around the bottle’s base. 
“We understood one another on a deeper level. Hell, even despite how close I was to Jadeite, he and I never quite had the type of connection that you and I share. He and I could share expressions and nearly read each other’s thoughts from the expressions alone. You and I, though… We didn’t even have to look at one another to know we were on the same wave length.
“I think… that’s why it hurt so much when we stood on the battlefield in the end, on opposing sides. Why it hurt so much to watch Venus strike you down within inches of your life before she came to her own end…” 
His eyes glazed over, the memory hitting him harder than he’d anticipated. Maybe it was the beer, or maybe it was the atmosphere.
Or maybe, simply, it’s because Saito knew, too.
“So there. There’s your answer.”
He threw his head back, chugging the last of his beer.
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He looks through the pair of glasses he's picked up from Chiba- no, Mamoru's desk. Squinting through them at first, an easy smile spreads over Saito's generous lips. "Hmph. No wonder you were always rubbish at archery. That mask you like to wear, it isn't to hide your identity, you can't see a thing without it, can you," he teased gently, polishing the glasses on a soft pink handkerchief before setting the glasses down. "They suit you. The mask and the glasses."
Mamoru wasn’t sure how long he’d been cooped up in his apartment, pouring over several sheets of notes in an attempt to study for an upcoming exam. At first, the sound of his doorbell made him frown. But after taking a moment to consider, he decided now was probably a good time to take a break before his eyes started bleeding.
He had long set the glasses down on his desk as he greeted Saito and invited him inside. The desk was tucked neatly in the corner of his living room, a decision he’d made recently to avoid keeping himself cooped up in his bedroom every time he needed to study.
The man rolled his eyes at Saito’s comments. “My sight wasn’t nearly as bad back then,” he replied, crossing back over to the desk. “I started needing them after the car accident when I was six. My eyes never really were the same after that.”
Clearing his throat, he looked to the side. “Sorry, probably a dampener, huh?”
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'mmm... happy birthday, mamo-san. it's not much but i hope you'll like it.' she slides over to him the small box, wrapped neatly as one might expect of her. inside tucked into a soft bed of satin were jeweled cufflinks--one set kunzite and zoisite, the other nephrite and jadeite.
Mamoru blinked as he looked down at the small box. He took it gingerly from her grasp and gently untied the ribbon that held the lid on the box. As he lifted the lid, his eyes widened at what he saw.
He could name each stone as his eyes moved over them. Each stone looked carefully picked, and he was sure she’d gone to way more trouble than he was worth to find the right ones. That alone made him smile, his eyes watering just slightly, as he looked up at Naru.
“This is a wonderful gift, Naru-chan. I’ll cherish it for years to come.”
And cherish it he did. 
King Endymion can still be found donning the cufflinks for special occasions.
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[ @pinkifying | continued from x ]
The words flew out of his mouth before he’d processed he’d said them. Chibiusa had paused at the door, her hand on the door knob, as she looked back at him. While the Black Moon Clan was no more, Mamoru couldn’t help but feel overprotective over Chibiusa, especially knowing she was his future daughter.
“Just... Wait a moment. I’ll go with you,” he replied as he reached up to take off his glasses. Standing, he crossed over to grab his necessities off the counter: phone, wallet, keys. Then he turned to Chibiusa and offered her a smile, motioning for her to lead the way outside.
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Another adviser.
Of course, she was certainly different from the men he’d come to call his brothers. From her soft voice to her red hair and right back to the fact that she was a woman. Not that it bothered the prince, but it did make him wonder what his father had in store with this decision.
“It is an honor to welcome you to our court, my lady,” he replied with a small nod of his head. “I look forward to the advisement you will be able to provide our kingdom.”
The words felt stiff on his tongue, but they were the words a someday King would say. He just wondered if there’d ever be a time when those words didn’t taste so foreign.
“Ah... Have you been acquainted with the palace yet?” he added as an afterthought, shifting awkwardly. It had been easy to be introduced to Kunzite and the others. They’d been introduced during his childhood, and their meetings had been much less formal. 
‘it’s an honor to finally make your acquaintance, your highness,’ the priestess speaks softly with a low bow, gentle curls entwined with small flowers and leaves draped over her shoulder.
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[ @kunsaito | continued from x ]
Endymion had nearly forgotten what he’d come to Kunzite’s study for. The large, weathered journal was an eyesore on the general’s desk, but it stood out even more given the panic the silver haired man had shown upon the prince’s arrival and call of his name.
He forced his gaze off the journal in favor of looking up at the man’s guilty expression. He was trying his best to keep his composure, but Endymion knew better.
“Did I interrupt something?”
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[ @becomingatruelady | continued from x ]
The keep was dark and humid. The cells were dingy we best, but the iron bars that held the prisoners was stronger than anything the King had ever seen. Even more than that, he was sure they were enchanted by some sort of dark magic. He felt as if something was slowly sapping away his energy, leaving him powerless as he sat on the cold, stone floor.
His lavender tuxedo was caked with dirt and grime from the dungeons, the jacket long lost leaving him in a tattered shirt and pants. Blood that had dried and clotted stuck to his hair from where they’d hit him. His jaw ached from where they’d struck him when he refused to speak. He could taste the sweat on his upper lip, the only moisture he’d tasted in what felt like ages.
The king had certainly seen better days.
A jolt rushed through him, causing him to look up and around. Surely his mind was playing tricks on him. He was delirious and it wouldn’t surprise him if he was hallucinating. 
“Papa are you awake? Are you okay?”
“Small... Lady?” His voice was raspy, his throat aching. But still, he pushed himself to sit straighter, looking in the direction he thought he heard the voice. 
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And victory is assured, completely. The king can take the heat for this, and he’ll rest easy - well, as easy as he can with Small Lady injured and the embodiment of guilt lurking among the, overthinking their every action, trying to find ways they could have prevented this. 
“Thank you,” and he fully means it. “She’s with Kunzite, of course. He’s her favorite, you see, and he was also the first to reach her after she hit the ground. She’s doing well - she’d already stopped crying by the time they got her into the sling.”
A pause, and then, quietly, “’I’m sorry you found out this way. We were hoping that you would be able to hear the news form us, after she was safe and sound in her own bed.”
In other words, where Endymion could see her with his own eyes and reassure himself of her safety.
The fact that Kunzite was present at the scene at all spoke to something else. The king would certainly have to have a conversation with the silver haired man once he was free from his current obligations. 
The idea that the sprain was enough that it needed a sling worried the king, more so because he worried about his wife’s reaction. Serenity wasn’t cruel, but she certainly could overreact. Likely a trait she kept from her time as a normal girl.
Then again, though, Chibiusa was doing just that: Being a normal girl. Could he really fault her for that? Could he fault his advisers for letting her have her fun?
With a sigh, he brought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, sapphire eyes shutting briefly before opening to gaze through his mask back at the sandy haired man.
“It’s better that I know now than later. It gives me more time to come up with how I’m going to bring it up to Usako,” he replied, letting the familiar name slip. He was getting too comfortable around the other man, but they could afford it in their privacy.
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