The starry parade of your eyes
Warnings: yandere!Rook. Toxic relationship isn't love, I don't support it. Mention of death. Fem!Yuu (can be read as fem! reader). Ooc and mistakes are possible. English and French aren't my mother language. I'm so sorry:(
The sun rises and sets, the days turn to nights. Winter turns to spring. A parade of stars always appears in the sky. As beautiful as mademoiselle Trikster's eyes. Even less beautiful. There is nothing more marvellous and perfect than belle dame.
Rook has seen many beautiful things in life. In art, he is as fastidious as the strictest critic. But Yuu's beauty... is maddening. Like an eclipse hid the sun, so her beauty overshadowed all other lights in the world. It was the kind of muse the hunter's ardent soul had always longed for.
A lunar face, with tiny, as if painted by a skilful artist's brush, freckles on her nose, plump lips frozen in an eternal warm smile. And her eyes: dark brown with a slight golden sheen. So lively, radiant as the sun. Rook liked her eyes most of all, the mirror of her soul.
Yuu is beautiful. Sa Blanche-Neige, la muse, le renne, la victime. Sa.
Spring will surely pass. The warm summer will also come to an end. The stars will fade. Nature is fickle. Every moment is fleeting, fleeting, like a mountain river.
In autumn, the sun disappears. Just as it fades in Belle Blanche-Neige's eyes. Hiding behind clouds, behind a light haze of worry, fear.
She began to avoid the chasseur d'amour. Ah, that embarrassment! Someday his sensual poetry will get right to her heart. And if not... Rook may use something else that will strike sweet Yuu's heart, an arrow fired by Cupid straight into the hunter's heart.
Yuu, unknowingly, has begun a game similar to the hunt that Rook is so fond of. She hides, he seeks. And never the other way round. The winner takes the trophy. Hunters rarely miss their victims. Especially when the prize is so coveted.
Rook relentlessly searches for it, humming each time: "Where are you? Where are you, ma belle joie?" And each time finding the poor thing wherever she is. Any hunter will not rest until there is a trophy hanging on the wall.
Every year, a cold winter returns. The cycle of seasons comes to an end, starting the cycle all over again. The sun disappears altogether, reappearing only on particularly rare occasions. Everything dies, but not everything is reborn.
Love does not live long. It is too fragile, a light touch shatters it. Instead, all that's left is a pang in your chest that won't go away. And Rook doesn't even try to get rid of it.
The darkness has darkened her eyes forever. Earlier the darkness had also shrouded his green, like new see grass, eyes. But the innocent princess was far more cruel than Rook could have imagined.
Yuu was gone. Quickly, imperceptibly. Like a fluffy thing, caught and gone with the wind. And the wind was Rook. And the fatal mistake he had made. But now her beauty always brightens his life. A bitter consolation for the loser.
Rook loved her lively eyes more than anything else. But there was no point in talking about them any more, for they were closed. Forever.
His Snow White sleeps breathlessly, but her dead beauty offers blissful peace. A kiss from Prince Charming won't help here. After all, Prince Charming Yuu is the main villain in this terrible tale.
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Oc form. I have nine characters of my own, so... Au mixed studying.
Here will be my drawings. I'm not a very good artist, but I tried. I'm sorry if this is going to be bad.
(Also, there may be mistakes here, because English is not my first language). Have fun!~
Song for entourage:
Name: Yaran
Occupation: Student of Scarabia dorm
Age: 16
Birthday: 16 August
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 169 cm
Dominant Hand: left hand
Homeland: Scalding Sands
Unnamed parents
Iris – older sister
Yacir – twin brother
Amira – younger sister
Other Names:
Parrot fish-chan – Floyd
Mademoiselle sarcasme – Rook
Grade: 1 year
Class: 1-B.
Club: Track and field club
Best Subject: Flight
Hobbies: Watching soap operas, manicure
Pet Peeves: Extra work
Favorite Food: Lemon
Least Favorite Food: Bakery products
Talent: Slackening off from work
Yaran is a bright girl. Her dark-skinned skin makes her short scarlet hair with dyed blue strands stand out brightly. Her lemon eyes also stand out well. But Yaran's most distinctive feature is her hunched nose.
Yaran has become Scarabia's main and only drama queen in a short space of time. She is not the most reliable person and can change her mind quickly. She is a sarcastic, loud-mouthed girl. She has a difficult time keeping her negative comments to herself and has a habit of hollering and ranting on about her aggravations whenever things don't go as planned.
She had hoped to go to Savanaclow, but something went wrong. Now Yaran finds it amusing to piss off Kalim(!) and Jamil by talking about it forever.
Growing up with two sisters and a brother, Yaran is always trying to stand out. Not always in the right ways, though. She can be reliable, honestly... But only to some people...
Signature spell
"Hear me" - Yaran can imitate the voice of absolutely anyone she has ever heard. It's not a complete transformation into another person, only a half.
Fun facts:
~ Yaran is based on Iago, Jafar's parrot.
~ She's in a completely disgusting relationship with Jamil after his overblot. She helped him kick Kalim out. But Yaran quickly changed her mind about Kalim when things got really bad.
~ She loves to chat and could talk for hours without stopping. She's a chatterbox.
~ No one knows how the fair and right Jack became date with Yaran.
~ Her name is a man's name. Yaran likes to talk about how her mother gave her the name.
~ Jack is the only person who can shut up Yaran.
My sketches and character's aesthetic:
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Thanks for reading💖
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
I have too many Twisted Oc... I decided why not add some funny moments about them to this blog.
I labeled my characters ✌️ Also, there may be mistakes, because English is not my first language. I'm so sorry. Good reading~
Warnings: Fem! characters, mistakes, platonic or romantic relationships.
Riddle:- Anyway, I've got a list of your negative traits.
Jester (My Oc):- You didn't get lazy~ Come on, sweetie pie, shine~
Riddle:- Point one: Irresponsibility. Point two: frivolity. Point three... What did you call me?!
Jester:- Ha-ha-ha-ha! How many points are on that list?
Riddle:- Three hundred and twenty.
Jester:- Do you want a joke, Riddle? If you add up our height, it's less than points~
Riddle: /Angry dwarf./
Laryal (my Oc):- Aren't you tired of annoying me?
Jade:-I thought you were asleep.
Larial:- I can't sleep when you're around.
Larial:- That's not a compliment.
Coralie (my Oc):- Do me a favour, don't be violent.
Floyd: But no violence is boring!
Coralie: Floyd.
Floyd: - Bo-o-o-oring~
Coralie:- Then I won't hug you!
Floyd:- Uh... Did you get the meaning of words?
Coralie nonchalantly:-I know it won't stop you, but it doesn't bother me. I'll think something else later.
Yaran (my Oc):-We should all acknowledge that Jack is not a bully, but a real good bo... A-a-amm... Man. That's what the great Professor Cruell said!
Jack:- That's not what he said.
Yaran:- Do you want me to say like he did? No questions! As Professor Cruell said, Jack...
Jack:- Yaran, shut up.
Katifa (my OC):- ... What do you want, Jamil? I'm terrible at housekeeping.. Okay, also with cooking...
Jamil: - With this you also have problems.
Katifa: - Exactly! When I see a broom, I think: "The great seven with this bug! So it goes and goes, who prevents it?
Jamil: - Me...
Katifa: - Right, no one! Maybe he's going to the bathroom, I'm not going to distract him!"
Idia:/Rolling in his chair./
Panni (my Oc):- And here we see the interim leader of S.T.Y.X. You can be sure that he will be the last leader, because then our organisation will simply disintegrate after his actions.
Lilia- I liked you at first sight.
Lilith (my Oc):-Well, yes. Considering we tried to kill each other for a while, then you were the one who sent me into exile, depriving me of my magic, and then became a Malleus's guardian with me... Leaving some things aside, I also liked you at first sight.
Bridget (my Oc):- Ah. Well, when you, Azul, with your genius mind, strive for self-improvement, stretching your capitalist tentacles to all things new, mastering the unknown... And maybe even the known fraudulent strategies, then when you get mad at my innocent taunts, I'm sure it's just me in your head at that moment~
Azul:- Fantastic... There's only one thing to understand from all this... You like conversations whose topic is yourself.
Bridget:- And about money!
/Vil and Verity (My Oc) answering the question, "Who's the prettiest?"
Verity:- Vil.
Vil:- Verity.
Verity:- Why didn't you write yourself?
Vil:- Why did I have to write myself?
Verity:- You remind everyone every day how beautiful you are.
Vil:- Have you ever seen me say, "Good morning. I'm handsome."
Verity:- No. You talk about yourself in the third person.
Wil: "Morning. He's handsome." Right?
Verity:- No, that's quite strange. You say: "You all, Potatoes, need to be beautiful, like the famous model Vil Schoenheit."
You can read my other stories if you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading!
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
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As soon as I saw the NBC uniforms I had an urge to draw a nbc student oc because they look neat in that ! So here's Michel, didn't want to be here (family wanted) , please don't call him Michou he's having a hard time already just by being here at nbc
(I know nothing about rollo in game I'll wait for it to come on en version so I just kind of randomly assume his (shitpost) behaviour)
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
Hellfire, dark fire
Warnings: Fem!reader. Ooc. Unhealthy relationship, it isn't love. Mistakes. I'm so sorry, English isn't my first language.
Song - Hellfire from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
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She's a witch. She was definitely a witch. Rollo could not imagine another reasons how else to explain this strange attraction to this girl from another world, who is the prefect of the dormitory of Night Raven College now.
Rollo didn't care if Y/n has no magic. This damsel was even worse than Malleus Draconia. She indoctrinated him with sinful desires, making him spit on his ideals, plans he'd nurtured for years.
"It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
It is the gypsy girl
The witch who sent this flame"
The sun caught in her hair, the smiles, which she gives him, the movements, the sparkling eyes - It was blazing in Rollo's out of all control. Disgusting, but so alluring.
"Like fire
This fire in my skin"
Y/n played with the flame and was not afraid to burn. So cheeky, so sinful, so desirable, so beautiful. Whatever Rollo did, he won't forget her now. He wouldn't want to forget her. She has awakened a fire in him that will never go out now.
Rollo wants too much to feel the warm of her embrace, the softness of her lips, the smell of her hair. His desire is too great.
"...And let her taste the fires of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone"
Let him burn, but Y/n will be his alone. Rollo will do anything for it. Even if it means burning the whole City of Flowers to the ground. When he had destroyed the magic, Rollo will take this witch. So she can be his. And he's alone.
"Choose me or
Your pyre
Be mine or you will burn"
If you liked it, you can read my other stories in my blog. Thanks for reading!
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
Soulmate Au
Warnings: Soulmate Au, where before you meet your soulmate, you only see the colour of your partner's eyes. Also, my Oc based on Kaa from The Jungle Book. Possible errors and Ooc
If someone were to ask Larial how she feels about the soulmate system, the girl would immediately tell them that it's a headache. No, seriously. You need to find the person who can make you start seeing all the other colours, well, except for the colour of your soulmate's eyes. It's stupid and completely unnecessary. But unlike the others, Laa is lucky, and she can see two colours: gold and bottle-green.
What's also nice is that people with heterochromia are very hard to find. And Larial has never aspired to meet her soul mate.
She is the child of people who were not true soulmate. Well, even though, her father ran away, Laa is happy without him. She has a loving mother, Larial is doing what she want, so what more does she need from life?
Ah, yes, colours. Well, always wondered if it was true that her hair was as green as a liana vine? Or that the "fiery" flower is bright red? So, lots of questions, but they're not things a girl needs to find out. And she could get by without it.
It was for such thoughts that Laa spent her 'dream' replacing her final lesson. Sleep, of course, was not much to be desired, but no one touched or had to interact with anyone, which couldn't help but feel good. For one thing, she was annoyed by overly intrusive and loud, childish people, and for another, there was no need to meet anyone's eyes. In this life, Laryal decided she could do without a soul mate. It was all just a hassle anyway. Is it wise to be with someone you don't even know? Exactly, no. Laa doesn't want to make the effort to look for a soulmate, so she'll invest in not dating one. In college populated by boys... So the coldness and harshness formed in her childhood only played into her hands.
"-However..."-the girl thought-"it would be nice if this man were calm. Only a fool is foolish in life, and if I meet the right person, I wouldn't want it to be a complete idiot."
Wrinkling her nose, Laa pulled her long braid from under her head, pulling it down from the branch on which she lay. In the shade of the leaves, where a faint ray of light hits, it's very warm and you want to doze off rather than think about nonsense. That was probably what she would do.
Dream was short. A sharp, unpleasant pain made the girl tense and open her eyes, hissing silently with anger. Every year she became more and more annoyed with this college, especially the students here. Every year they are taught less and less about decency. Why was there always someone buzzing around her like a pesky fly? Why can't they just leave her alone?
But now is not the time to contemplate the injustices of life. We need to deal with the insolent student.
Turning her head, the girl could see her troublemaker. A conspicuous fellow, a student of Octavinelle. Laa knew who was in front of her. The fame of the Leach twins and their dorm leader was booming all over the school. If even isolated Diasomnia had heard of them, then the students of Savanaclaw themselves sometimes turned to the sorcerer from Octavinelle. Not that Larial does, but others certainly do. And in front of her now is one of the Leech twins. Which one doesn't matter, but from his collected demeanour it seems to be the older one, Jade, it seems. The important thing was that he finally noticed her, which was difficult because of the looks that allowed him to blend in with nature. Only the studying look in her peach eyes gave her away. It was by them that one of the henchmen of the headman of Octavinelle saw her. He looked her straight in the eye, in a slight stupor. It was no surprise when you thought you were alone here, and it turned out you were being watched.
The girl deftly rolled over onto her stomach, putting her hands under her chin. Her smooth movements brought the boy to his senses. Now his eyes no longer hid interest and hers expressed only complete indifference. Leech has made eye contact and now Laa notices what unusual eyes he has.... Golden and bottle-green.
The narrow pupil of her eye uncharacteristically widens and her soul drifts away in her heels.
"-It can't... Oh, damn...."-Only now did Laryal notice how the colours around her began to slowly appear, the realisation hitting too hard and too sharply. Speak of the devil...
All the sarcastic and frightening phrases she had intended to utter disappeared. The best decision a girl could make was to retreat. Tightening the cords of her hoodie, Laa jumps off the tree, landing silently, almost inaudible. Passing the boy, who was still looking at her with interest, Laryal doesn't dignify him with a second glance, intending to escape as quickly as possible. But for Jade, losing a new and perhaps the most interesting man in his life was not part of the plan.
- So, what's your name?" he called out, and she stopped in surprise, turning abruptly to stare at him blankly with her hands in her pockets.
Jade watched as the girl rolled her eyes at his speech, then rubbed the bridge of her nose tiredly. She tucked her thin braid behind her ear, crossed her arms across her chest, and then whispered:
-I know what you are, Lееch or... Should I-maybe I should call you Child of Mure-en? It doesn't matter, h-s-s-s. And my name..." the girl bowed her head, the only sign of her thoughtfulness a raised eyebrow-"It's enough that I know who you are.
Turning on the soles of her shoes, she walked briskly toward the college, hoping never to see the man again. How wrong she had been...
"Oya-oya, towards the college..."-Does that mean Jade would still be able to see her. Her movements, the tone, the sharp features of her face, the unspoken emotion of how she absolutely didn't care about him, all fascinated the guy. He doesn't know which dorm she's from or what her name is, but would it be hard to find a girl with such memorable looks at a boys' school?
Ohhhh, his life is going to get crazy interesting...
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
Rules and roses
Warnings: My Oc, a second year student at Heartslabyul. Mistakes and Ooc are possible.
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The weather in Heartslabyul was beautiful. It was Friday's evening, classes were over and it was beautiful. The only thing was that one punished person was not amused:
- Once you tell a dorm leader that he's broken a rule, you get a collar around your neck and paint your roses...- Jester said, waving a paintbrush and squinting at Trey.- and they put a warden on him...
The vice leader of Heartslabyul shook his head. He wanted to help Jester, of course, but he couldn't. The only thing left to do was to entertain her with conversation:
- Well let's start with the fact that you made him break it. So you got what you deserved.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes, that doesn't change the point...- the girl rolled her eyes, indulging in memories of recent, very recent events.
At four o'clock, the one hundred and twenty-second law of the Queen of Hearts required tea with lemon and milk. But Jester decided to conduct an experiment: What would happen if she pointed out to the right dirm leader his mistake? So she brought Riddle's week-weary mint tea. Well, bottom line, she's magic-deprived until she dyes the bloody rose garden.
Pouting, Jester glanced at the still untouched white roses that should turn red. There were too many of them. And that wasn't counting the fact that she was just lightly running the brush over the flowers at the top, which she couldn't reach.
-I'm tired of painting roses!
- Can I get you a snack?- Trey's voice was as calm as ever.
Jester couldn't remember a moment when he'd snapped into a shout. Clover was always kind, always supportive of the students. Riddle was always in charge of strictness. At times - almost always - he was even overly strict, and that wasn't even the opinion of windy Jester.
- I don't like the carrot and stick policy in our dorms!
- What kind of policy do you want?
She thought deeply, not paying attention to the paint dripping from the brush on her trainer. Trey would probably just laugh at her tirade, but Jester never cared.
- Carrot and carrot~ Or better yet, carrot and cabbage! Come to think of it, we'd be living in clover and...- The girl had forgotten all about her job and what she'd been angry about a few minutes ago. She was preoccupied with her own thoughts.
Trey was well aware that if he didn't get Jester out of her thoughts, she wouldn't get the job done and then she would whine again.
- Jester?
- Argh, what?!- the girl shifted her angrily distracted gaze to her probation worker, flipping her blond curls in the process.
- You were distracted. Can I get you something to eat?
- No, I'll keep dreaming about the carrot and cabbage policy in our hostel.
- Suit yourself.- Trey shrugged, about to leave for the kitchen. Still, even with him standing over her, the job wouldn't get done any faster than this is possible. But before he'd even walked a couple of steps, he heard.
- Wait, though! I've changed my mind, I'm sick of working~
The girl threw the paint bucket on the ground, splashing some of it.
- You know how Riddle will react.
It was Jester's turn to shrug, sticking her hands in her pockets. She'd never understood people who feared punishment for breaking the rules. After all, it was possible to do without anyone finding out about the violations.
- If quietly, there was no way. And come on, Riddle had exhausted his supply of anger at me~
The argument didn't sound very convincing. Everyone in the dorm knew that Jester often managed to escape the wrath of the Head Girl, but she wasn't immune to it. That said, the girl was still taking her chances. And there was no way to talk her out of it.
- Well, all right. You can finish your work later.
- Yeah, yeah, let's go~
All was well. Jester was quietly drinking her tea and eating her favourite sweets. It wasn't until the kitchen door opened and the dorm leader came through. The girl managed to choke on her tea, but quickly decided that she had to lie about having done everything.
- Trey, have you seen...- then Riddle saw Jaster, which was what he wanted to ask, "What are you doing here?
- Eating, Riddle, eating~ replied the girl, chewing on a pink cream cake.
- I see... Are the roses dyed?
If the lad had been more attentive, he would have noticed her blue eyes with a fleck of green in them. But fortunately for Jester herself, that went unnoticed, so she easily lied.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah~ What are we talking about, anyway?" she was well aware that it was better to leave now, and not let Riddle see her for a while. Until he cooled down after he found out she'd lied. - Okay, I'll leave you, guys,, because...
Jester almost walked out of the dormitory kitchen but stopped abruptly. She tried a couple more times to move, but it didn't work. It was clear, though, that she was probably screwed. Riddle was holding her by her dormitory uniform jacket, preventing her from running away.
- Wait a while, Jester.
- Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.- the girl said as she turned to face the guy. There was a slim chance she'd get her magic back, but not much chance at all.
- I will if you answer one question.
Jester put her hands behind her back, playing with her thumbs. She imagined what the question would be, but all she had to do was pray to the Great Seven that Riddle didn't go to the part of the rose garden where she was supposed to be working today. The chance of that was very slim, but the girl was usually extraordinarily lucky. Maybe she would get lucky now.
- Well...- the girl tilted her head to the side, her fringes caught in her face and her headband slid off.- Can I not answer?
- No.- Riddle, being pedantic, adjusted his headband before asking a question.- Jester, why wasn't the rose garden painted when I walked by it? Though you said you'd done everything.
She mumbled an incomprehensible response. Despite her terse reply, Jaster's mind was buzzing with thoughts, searching for something that would be a good answer to get out of it.
- It's all Trey's fault, Your Honour!- the girl pointed a finger at the deputy headman watching the two of them in the back of the kitchen.
- Yes, of course.-Riddle's sarcastic reply sounded before he grabbed Jester's white jacket again.
- Riddle, it's true I distracted her,- Clover interjected, knowing that in his anger, the little lad who was his head boy was very scary. And Jester had managed to get him twice that day.
- Trey, stop trying to cover for her!
- I've answered the question, give me back my magic!- the girl stomped her foot impatiently in her dirty paint-stained trainer.
The demand was stupid, and everyone knew it. And everyone expected Riddle's shrieks, which, expectedly, would have erupted throughout the dormitory. But instead of anger, the guy suddenly, closed his eyes and just shrugged.
-All right, fine.
Jester and Trey looked at each other incomprehensibly, and then the latter, as well as the headman, shrugged. He turned away, going back to his business. And leaving the girl to rejoice in her good fortune and the fact that her neck was free of the collar.
-Hooray, yeah~
- But for lying and not doing your job, you forfeit your magic for two days. -Riddle watched the satisfied expression leave her face with a satisfied smirk. And then he shouted a phrase known to everyone in this dorm.-Jester, off with your head!
The heavy, hateful collar reappeared around her neck. The girl pouted resentfully and looked at Riddle unhappily. She grabbed him by the sleeve of his uniform, pulling him like a little girl.
- Ri-i-iddle-e-e!- Seeing that he wasn't paying attention to her, Jester switched to the other boy, sitting down at the table.- Trey, tell him!
The deputy dorm leader placed a new plate of cake in front of her and then turned away, uttering.
- Ah, what can I do?
Jester looked indignantly at both boys. Well, well, apparently fortune had turned its back on her, just like Trey did now.
- You've got to be kidding me!- the girl pushed the sweet away from her and rested her head on the table, looking at the redheaded boy with sad eyes.- Riddle, how am I supposed to go a whole weekend without magic?!
The dorm leader of Heartslabyul sat up straight, eyes closed. Because if he looked into those sad, puppy-dog eyes, he would immediately soften. And Riddle wanted to be adamant about his decision. For one thing, Jester had been getting way too much privilege lately, and for another, there was no way the dormitory would know that he was being soft on anyone... It's like everyone didn't already know about it.
- Be glad it's only the weekend, Jester~
Something had gone wrong, and instead of annoying his headmistress, he was upsetting her. The girl showed Riddle her tongue and then rested her cheek on his palm and muttered.
- I hate the carrot and stick policy in our dorm...
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
Zero to hero
Warnings: my oc based on Hades' minions. The character is in a long-standing friendship with Idia. Errors and Ooc are possible.
Inspired by the song "Zero in Hero"
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- Idi... Idia, did you... Lose?! - said Panni stunned as she saw the result of the game on the monitor.
It was the first time in the girl's memory that Idia had lost. Yes, and not in any complicated game, but in a perfectly ordinary, one-on-one style, with an opponent from the net. Yes, and the guy himself was puzzled. But only for a few seconds. Afterwards, he was terribly annoyed:
- Ha-a... Yeah, that can't be it! It's... This is some kind of mistake. He's... He's definitely a cheater!
- Wow... No one could beat you, but there was a new hero... - teased Panni's friend.
Talking to Idia was fun when he was in his room and could talk boldly. So, one had to seize the moment while he got his tongue. And, a desperate idea popped into the girl's head. She rarely took risks, but now she just couldn't resist:
- Look, it's like that song they used to sing to us when we were kids.
- Don't start, Pan...
- What was it like there?... - fixing the frame of her glasses, Panni looked up, trying to remember the beginning.-Ah, there! Bless my soul! Herc was on a roll!
- Panni...
Catching Idia's indignant look, the girl restrained herself from laughing. She was going to finish that song to the end to see what would happen. The important thing was not to get confused about the words, because Panni didn't remember the song well:
- From zero to hero - In no time flat. Zero to hero - Just like that!
So coincidentally, at the snap of her fingers, the lad began to lose patience. It was completely uncharacteristic of him to raise his voice, but Panni was doing her best:
- Shut up!
- ... Folks lined up just to watch him flex!Hercie, he comes. he sees, he conquers. Honey, the crowds were goin' bonkers! He showed the moxie brains and spunk!
The girl stood up from her seat because her friend clearly wanted to push her. Dancing around him, she deftly dodged his pokes, trying to shut her up:
- Idia is overthrown - аnd who'da thunk?
Turning to his left, Idia swung his arm, preparing to slap her. The only thing is, at least Panni comes in from the room, she's much more nimble:
- Is he bold? No one braver!
After dodging a pillow thrown at her, the girl decides to call it a day. Thankfully, the song was short:
- Idia is overthrown!
- Idia is overthrown!
Panni caught a glimpse of the TV screen, where the embarrassing result of the network fight was still hanging for the boy, and sang the ending:
- From zero to hero... Herc is a hero!
Now he's a hero ! Woo, woo, woo! Yes indeed!
At the same moment, one of the joysticks flew at her. Well, well, no one expected the usually quiet Idia to react like that. Although, no, the girl might have expected a scream, but not a joystick flying at her head:
- Get out of my room!
Turning away, Panni thought confusedly, seeing her friend's hair turn red:
"- I think I've pissed him off too much..."
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
I think of us
Warnings: events after the action of the game, death of one of the characters, agnst.
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The nights in the Vale of Thorns are always dark and cold. But Malleus, the new king of the faerie realm, doesn't feel the cold. At least not physically.
For the past year, Malleus has been experiencing something far worse than physical pain. He feels the cold inside him. And now... He's only grown stronger and barely quiet. But can a king let others see his weaknesses displayed? Weakness is a luxury he cannot afford. Perhaps only Vanruj saw his ward's suffering, but there was nothing he could do for him except provide silent, silent support. The only person who could save Malleus from his pain was someone who could never help him again. Who could never save him again...
He knew when he fell in love with her that there would be many difficulties: judgement from other Fae, different statuses. A crown prince and a mere human... Unthinkable! But even that, they got through it together. And now, the problem he must endure alone. After all, she's gone. Gone forever, taking his heart with her.
Malleus knew that the greatest challenge for the two of them would be what he could never change. Time... Time is inexorable. Goes only forward. He knew he would only spend a couple of decades with his love. For her, a mere mortal, it would be a lifetime, but for him... Just a few moments. Could they change the life of a fae for whom a decade was only a couple of minutes? Yes, because the existence of Malleus had changed completely. Now his life has drastically changed again, even though he seems to have changed nothing...
It's his first birthday without her, the one who taught him to enjoy it. Now, it brings no joy, even if Malleus does not celebrate alone, as he did in his youth. Now... More often he wants to be alone, wandering around and remembering her and... And, what happened to them.
About how she, a mere human child, was able to melt his heart and teach him to love. Huh, him, the Great and Terrible Malleus Draconia, who was feared by all, was not frightened by the frail girl who had discovered to Draconia, such a feeling as love. But now there was no one to give it to. And it was killing her on the inside...
Moonlight fell on the young monarch's face, and the cool air fluttered his hair as he reached the spot she had once so adored and approached a lonely tombstone, protected by a black elegant fence. A name was engraved on the grey stone, a name that kept popping up in his mind. And then memories came flooding in, making his chest ache and tormenting Malleus in the night.
Placing a bouquet of dark roses beside the grave, he whispered:
- Hello, my love. I have missed you.
Malleus leaned his elbows on the winding fence, gazing sadly at his beloved's new abode. He remembered exactly how she had looked when he had seen her off for the last time. Malleus brought back an image that was forever etched in his memory: a young, beautiful girl with a warm smile and a gentle disposition. The last time he had seen her, she had been as if she were alive, only it was all untrue, just a doll.
She was gone from his fairy tale, dooming him to a sad ending. But it couldn't have been any other way... For the story would never have a happy ending.
Her arrival was a ray of light in his life, her departure a weakness. Weakness is a luxury for a king. Which means...
She's a luxury he can no longer afford.
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
Witch in exile.
Warnings: my character, pre-game events, references to court and violence (?), maybe OOC.
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- Hello, Miss Lilith.
A familiar voice sounded out to the witch, making her forget about the Queen of the Valley of Thorns in front of her and tense up. You may not remember me, it's been a long time, but...
Lilith's head began to flash moments associated with the talking faerie, when they tried to catch her. The most vivid memory was his impassive face during the trial.
Glancing at her old acquaintance without interest, Lilith replied:
- I remember you very well, Mr. Vanrouge. - turning away from him, she again turned to the queen of all fairies - So, what brought you to me? You haven't thought of me for a hundred and fifty years.
-Three hundred and fifty, Lilith,- the woman corrected her, causing a momentary bewilderment on the part of the exile, who did not notice how quickly time had flown by.
- W-well, for three hundred and fifty years no one remembered me, I lived in monotony. I look worse than ever. I want orange juice and chocolate! So, I'll ask again: Why are you here? - Lilith asked firmly, throwing her head up, forgetting about the childish tone that she allowed to escape.
Despite her rather big height, Lilith still looked up at the head witch of the Valley of Thorns. The queen of all creatures of the night was not young, but she was still beautiful, elegant and incredibly wise. She, even when communicating with Lilith, an outlawed faerie, retained her dignity, calmness and courtesy.
“Lilith Ravenna, by my order, you have been formally pardoned and returned to the Valley of Thorns.
- Pardoned? - the former exile was taken aback, because she clearly remembered the verdict:
"Exiled forever."
And now, Lilith could not understand what made Her Majesty change her mind: - Ah ...For what reason, may I ask?
- I have a grandson coming soon. I need guardians with great potential in magic.
- Will my magic be returned? - the calm tone was ready to break, as well as Lilith herself, ready to jump for happiness.
Magic, something she held dear, was sealed away when she was exiled. One of her biggest losses.
- Partially. You won't get everything back lest you lose control again, Lilith.
At least something. Anything is better than nothing. She will be glad at least a grain of experienced abilities. Ohh, she could already feel the blood begin to boil in her blackened veins from the dark magic.
“Hmmm, apparently this child will be too strong, since they remembered me.” Lilith crossed her arms in feigned thought, but exhaled quickly, “I agree. Confirm our decision, Your Majesty?
- No, Lilith, this is not an agreement. This is my decree. From now on, you are the guardians of my grandson.
With a wave of her black robe, the queen vanished as quickly as she had appeared.
“Guardians?” flashed through Lilith's mind before she saw Lilia, who smiled politely at her.
- Looking forward to our work, Lilith.
Only now it dawned on the pardoned woman that there will be two guardians. And the second, the one who took her to bed on that endless, monotonous day called imprisonment. She was so happy to be free, but now she realized how difficult it would be for her to cooperate with Lilia Vanrouge.
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gone-with-the-twist · 2 years
☆Welcome to my blog☆
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 Wow, someone came in here. Stay, honey, it's cozy here~
Well, welcome to my blog. I'm sorry for my English, it's not my first language. I'll get to the main point in the letter.
So, I will write about my OC in this blog. That is, my character × character from Twist. I hope that one of my girls will please you. But I will tell you about my characters later, I will only say that there are nine of them (from every dorm). And I also like to write collaborations with other fandoms that I like. At the moment, these are: Gone with the Wind, the silence of the lambs, It, 12 chairs and various detectives.
Hmm, what else... It's a little difficult for me to write to order. And some characters from Twisted Wonderland can be a bit ooc. I'm just learning and improving in writing.
I also like chatting. So, you can just chat. I am completely open to communication~
Sorry again for the mistakes!
My best wishes, your Noname~
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