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Doctor Who 2024 Season 1 Review:
Almost every time there’s a new regeneration of the Doctor, it takes some time for the series to find its footing. Ncuti Gatwa was amazing as the Doctor though. As with all Doctors, he adds his own spin while having incredible acting moments which make me think “yeah, that’s the Doctor.” I also love that he doesn’t have a consistent costume for his Doctor. It’s nice to see a little variety.
Millie Gibson was also fantastic as the companion Ruby Sunday. I do wish we were going to see more of her, though I’m happy she made the short list of companions with a happy ending.
In reviewing the recent Doctor Who specials, I said I was skeptical about Russell T Davies returning as show-runner. This season unfortunately did not change that. The writing and direction of the season overall was… okay. Most of the time it felt like they were pandering to Gen Z to try to get a bigger Zoomer audience. The way the Doctor kept explaining things in the first episode could have been written so much better in a way that wasn’t pandering for new viewers or boring for long-time viewers. At the same time, Davies did a great job bringing in past Doctor Who continuity. Again, it could be it will take some time to get the footing right. I’m still withholding my final judgement of his return.
Another concern I had in my last review was the potential for racism to creep in with David Tennant’s Doctor running around. I still worry it could lead to a “notmydoctor’ movement against Gatwa. However, the episode “Dot and Bubble” did a fantastic job exploring race and racism in a subtle and powerful way, making it possibly the best episode of the season. It also made it a huge candidate for covering the Doctor in Gospel according to Supeheroes in the future.
Overall, this was an okay season, but it does make me excited to see more, especially after the many disasters of the Chibnall era. I’ll look forward to more Doctor Who in the future, and I’ll hope the writing matches Gatwa’s acting soon.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ /5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️/5
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Supergirl (Final Season) Review:
As longtime readers of Gospel according to Superheroes have probably guessed, Supergirl has a fond place in my heart. I loved what the show did with the character and making her more than just an overpowered punching hero and instead making her someone to emulate.
This is the only reason I finally made it through (after several years) the final season. While the season started off with a bang, it did not end that way. To be honest, it would have been better if they had extended the previous season to make room for the first episodes of the final one.
Kara, at the start of the season (making up for the cliffhanger in the previous one) makes the ultimate sacrifice. This not only is a great example to us of how to live and be a hero, it also connects deeply to the message of the Gospel.
Unfortunately, the writers felt the need to continue on with a macguffin filled quest for 5th Dimensional totems that led to an incredibly boring storyline that I had to watch at double speed just to get through.
Supergirl has always done a good job of teaching us better ways to live. However, this season descended to overly blunt preaching, which made it harder to listen to the messages they were trying to share, including strong ones dealing with race. Issues like this are dealt with better when there is an element of allegory, something that forces the audience to stop and say “wait a minute” while comparing the issue on screen to what is occurring in the real world. The overly blunt techniques in this season just made their messages harder to listen to.
Even the finale felt weak and slapped together, which was a disappointing way to end what had been, up till now, an incredible show.
It was such a shame to see a season that started so strongly end in such a whimper. It was all the more tragic given how amazing this version of Supergirl has been.
Overall: ⭐️.5/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️/5
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Bad Batch (TV-PG) Review:
I have to admit (a possibly unpopular opinion) that the Bad Batch weren’t my favorite team in the Star Wars galaxy. It still isn’t. The start of the show was decent though, if a little episodic.
Where the show finished, though, was amazing. Not only was the depth they went into great, the level of feelings they brought out was up there with the last season of Clone Wars.
The characters in this show went through many hero’s journeys that will be worthy of more Gospel according to Superheroes discussions in the future.
If you are a fan of Star Wars, then this is a must see. If you’re looking for redemption and finding the right path, Bad Batch is definitely worth the watch!
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.9/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️✝️/5
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Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 (PG-13) Review:
Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 has a great cast of actors, many who shine (especially Vanessa Kirby for reasons I can’t go into without some spoilers). Overall the story is just okay. It’s entertaining enough to watch, but isn’t quite up there with previous Mission: Impossible films (Ghost Protocol, in my opinion, still ranks the highest). The AI plotline feels like its been done to death in Hollywood, especially in recent years. The flashbacks at the start of the film make you think you’ve missed something (just so you know, you haven’t. This is just like what happened with Ethan’s wife between III and Ghost Protocol). It was nice, though, that the film doesn’t end on a cliffhanger while clearly still having a lot more that needs to happen, taking us into Part II.
While the overall film was just okay, I wanted to review it for the Gospel according to Superheroes angle. There is a great scene between some of the characters that gets a lot into grace and doing the right thing. There were a lot of great Gospel themes there that I’ll definitely be covering in the future as they spoke to me and I think will speak to all about our Faith.
Basically, while the story fell flat, the acting and some of the over all message of the film were great. In other words, it was an okay film that preaches well.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️✝️/5
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians Books 1-5 Review:
After watching and reviewing the recent Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, I went back to check out the books. I'd heard about them for years but had never gotten around to reading them.
The books are solidly in the middle for a YA series. They're not the best series out there, but they're still pretty good and an entertaining read.
I will say all in all, Riordan writes better when he's original. There are some storylines, like the second book, that are basically retellings of old myths. Those books were not quite as fun to read as when Riordan is telling his own stories in the Greek mythology setting.
I do think the show brought a lot of improvements to the stories and the characters, and I am even more excited to see how the show takes things in the future after starting the book series.
The show also added more elements that fit in with Gospel according to Superheroes. There are some in these books, but they are mostly pagan all in all 😉
Again, this is a solidly good series, and a great way for kids to learn more about Ancient Greek mythology.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️/5
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Avatar: Τhe Last Airbender (live-action show) Review (TV-PG):
After all these years, Avatar: Τhe Last Airbender finally got the live-action remake it deserves. It’s difficult to take a beloved show and condense it down to much fewer episodes while remaining true to the original. Avatar succeeds in many ways by condensing and taking elements from different points in the show and combining them very well. That means there are some particularly great callbacks for fans of the original.
This doesn’t mean the live-action remake is perfect. There are characters it improves upon and others it downgrades. One great example is Uncle Iroh. By making Iroh less silly, the show also makes him less wise, though more inquisitive. It was a disappointing choice for such a great character. At the same time, Prince Zuko’s treatment was amazing, making him a much more sympathetic character and hinting at where his character growth will lead him.
The Gospel trends are still strong in the live-action Avatar as they were in the original animation. In fact, one of those trends will be on display for my preaching very soon.
It’s hard to do a remake, particularly a live-action one. While not perfect, Avatar: The Last Airbender is thoroughly enjoyable. I look forward to seeing how they will approach the next season.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️.8/5
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Dune: Part Two Review:
Dune is a hard book to make into a movie. The history of trying to make it into a film (and even the making of it into a film) show that. It is an incredible book with a lot there.
It was really wise for the recent film to split the book into two parts. Both did a fantastic job giving the audience all the information that was needed while maintaining a steady plot. The visuals are fantastic too.
Part Two does stray away from the book more than Part One did, which makes sense with the sheer amount of time that passes in this part of the novel. The changes were mixed. Some were great and allowed more agency to the characters, particular the women of the story. Others downplayed some of the ethical issues presented originally by Herbert in ways I wish the film had done more with. At the same time, the film does raise a lot of good ethical questions. It also is a thinker, which is why it has taken me some time to figure out what I want to say and how I want to say for this movie.
It is difficult to compare a film like this to such a great novel that it stems from. Herbert’s Dune holds a message that is really timeless. Dune: Part Two speaks more to today. Whether that message continues to resonate is something only time will tell.
This leads us into how religion is approached. In the novel, the young Fremen are attracted to Paul for his connection to their beliefs. In the film, they come to him more for his initial rejection of what the older Fremen teach and believe. This feels like what we are facing in our Faith at this time, for both good and ill. Because of this approach, I’m not sure there’s a lot Dune: Part Two has to add from a Gospel according to Superheroes perspective. Perhaps in examining this film more I’ll change my mind. Only time can tell.
Overall, I’d say this is a good adaptation of the book, and an entertaining movie on its own. I suspect like others I still say the novel is the better of the two. The great thing, though, is you can always just look at the film as one of the possible futures Paul in the novel sees. Even if you don’t like the film as much as the book, it is still great and definitely worth your time, whether or not you were already a fan. I’ll look forward to seeing the next parts in this franchise.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.8/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️/5
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Review for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet:
After all these years, we finally have a new Pokémon generation of games that is open-world with Scarlet and Violet, which is super exciting! Now you can travel a world, gliding and climbing around, and hunt for Pokémon as if you were in the real world.
Except this world just looks so terrible. As I was climbing mountains and looking out to the wild blue yonder, I was expecting a tranquil scene, such as those from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild which would make me feel calm and at peace. Instead, I got something far less magnificent that reminded me of playing games from over a decade ago.
What makes this particularly frustrating is that the game could have looked better. Even with all the discussion of repeating trees, Pokémon Sword/Shield looked great, especially in comparison. Those games had a terrible storyline, but the open-world aspect of the Wild Area with the Dynamax dens were actually really fun, and the only thing that kept me going in those games. Even Pokémon Legends: Arceus with all its bugs was still fun to play and look at, and while I am still finishing it up, it is still my favorite Pokémon game to date. Scarlet/Violet could have been the same. It should have been really.
It really is a shame the visuals of this game aren’t better because while it is lacking behind Sword/Shield in that department, it is far superior when it comes to its storyline. In fact, the storyline is truly worthy of Gospel according to Superheroes. There were a lot of emotions going through the story, and unlike Sword/Shield, your character doesn’t get looked down on just because your character’s a kid. The only thing that marred the story, in my opinion, was the lack, at times, of good boundaries with the teachers at your school (though to be fair, the game is still rated E, so nothing illegal happens).
Scarlet/Violet also improve on the Dynamax gameplay in Sword/Shield with Terastallizing. While I personally hate the visuals (they make me feel like I’m getting a migraine), having your Pokémon get stronger and take on different types is a lot of fun, and the game improves on a lot of the issues with Dynamax dens.
Pokémon Scarlet/Violet had the potential to be the greatest Pokémon game of all time. Instead, it feels unfinished, like it was rushed through before they could make it perfect. While the storyline is great, the visuals are atrocious. I didn’t even get to the bugs and the lack of creativity in adding the Paradox Pokémon as separate entries to the Pokédex. I’m not sad I played this game. I just wish it had been made a little bit better.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️✝️/5
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Review for Doctor Who 2023-2024 Specials:
Doctor Who is back! I mean that in all possible senses. The Chibnall era was long and dark, as I have alluded to before, but Davies return, for all the ups and downs, brings that old feeling of the Doctor back.
The most impressive thing is that Davies brings the Doctor back without taking away everything that happened with Chibnall. In a sense, it makes the pain of The Flux season worth it as we now know this had an impact on the Doctor, an impact we didn’t really see the full effect of earlier.
The kindness of the Doctor returned as well, which is often where the Gospel angles for the show come in. We’re not quite back to Capaldi level kindness yet, but at least we’re somewhere closer.
Now for some Spoilers:
The only thing I disliked was the “bi-regeneration”. Not only did the concept come out of nowhere, it cheapens the transition to Gatwa’s Doctor. I’m concerned that some fans (you know the type) will claim Gatwa is “not my Doctor”, which is unfair to the actor and the spirit of the show. My sense is that Davies was trying to give Tennant’s Doctor a happy ending, which is commendable. It’s also possible that Tennant’s Doctor may get “reabsorbed” by Gatwa’s Doctor at some point, making all this moot.
End of Spoilers.
I was skeptical of bringing Davies back, since Doctor Who should go forward, not back, and I’m still skeptical. It was nice to be watching Doctor Who again, though, after what feels like way too long!
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️/5
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The Marvels (PG-13) Review:
For those who missed it in theaters, The Marvels is now available to stream.
I give this movie a solid B rating. It was enjoyable and had a decent enough storyline. There’s enough to enjoy whether you are a fan of Captain Marvel, WandaVision, or Ms. Marvel, or even if you are a fan of all three. Without any spoilers, the post-credit scenes were amazing (and you can guess which one I was more excited about in the comments).
The film would have been better if it had been treated more like The Avengers. The Avengers had a lot of build up with other films before it. It’s not that The Marvels didn’t, it just felt like there was something missing leading up to this character crossover. It’s not that we could have known more about what Carol was doing before now. I think it fits really well that most of that work has been off camera. I do think we could have seen a lot more with Monica Rambeau and what she’s been doing post WandaVision. Either way, it seems like something could have, and should have, come before this.
On the Gospel side of things, there is a really great scene that gets at love and forgiveness. However, this scene wasn’t given the time it was due, especially as it helped tie the whole story together, which at other times could be disjointed. That diluted the message and its importance, unfortunately, to the point that I think the message was missed a little.
It’s great to see an all female superhero cast, especially one so diverse. It’s nice to see a group that is so focused on working together instead of dealing with one-upping each other. Also, while we still see Kamala Khan fangirling a ton, we also get to see the depths of her character in helping everyone move in the right direction, which feels very true to her comics origin.
Like I said, this was a solid B movie. It could have been better, but it was still enjoyable and sets up some interesting things to come in the MCU.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️.7/5
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Review for Percy Jackson and the Olympians Season 1 (TV-PG):
I have to begin with a confession. I never watched the Percy Jackson films and I sadly never read the books, so I came to this show completely fresh.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians was a great watch! Yeah, it had a great cast of established actors playing the various members of the Greek pantheon, like the late Lance Reddick, but the real heart was the youth cast playing the actual kids the story centers around. The best of these was the actor for Percy Jackson himself, Walker Scobell, who I have no doubt we’ll be seeing in more projects in the future.
What was particularly amazing about the show was also a great irony. Even though this show centers around the false deities of Greece, it had a lot of messages that really resonate with the Gospel. It likely helped that Percy, for a lot of good reasons, had a lot of skepticism about the Greek gods, how they treated each other, and how they treated their family (often each other). In a sense, it was a great argument against false idols!
Overall, this was a fun show for all ages with a lot of good messages. I highly recommend!
Overall Review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.87/5
Gospel Review ✝️✝️✝️✝️/5
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The Boy and the Heron (PG-13) Review:
It’s always fun to see a Miyazaki film. That’s basically what this review boils down to.
Now, this is not Miyazaki’s best work, which admittedly is like many works by great film artists post-pandemic. However, this is still Miyazaki, so it’s still good and worth the watch.
The animation, as always is amazing, and it’s great to see how far Miyazaki’s technique has come over the years. It is also a treat to see a story that is somewhat autobiographical.
On the Gospel according to Superheroes end of things, The Boy and the Heron has a great deal to say about sin, all of it good and helpful to hear. I would say more, but I want to prevent any spoilers.
If you love Miyazaki, you will enjoy this film. While it’s not his best, it is still good, which means a lot by Miyazaki’s standards. It is supposed to be his final film, but we will see. Hopefully he’ll surprise us again!
Overall Review:
Gospel Review:
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The Flash (PG-13) Review (some spoilers):
It’s never a good sign when a film is pulled from theaters early. Because of that, and probably the nostalgia of Michael Keaton’s Batman returning, I was curious enough to sit down and watch The Flash once it started streaming.
There are two kind of bad films: the kind that are just terrible and the kind that you can still enjoy watching, if only because it’s so bad. The Flash, thankfully, belongs to the latter.
That’s not to say the entire movie was bad. Unfortunately, what was bad was mostly the parts with the Flash.
When Michael Keaton returned as Batman, things got great. It was a really interesting look at what his Batman might have become. He was also one of the smartest versions of Batman we’ve seen on the big screen yet, minus Pattinson’s version of course. Here’s a Bruce Wayne who knows Quantum Physics and can calculate the right amount of explosive knowing weight and using a tape measure. Plus the new mechanic to the Batwing was amazing!
Plus Sasha Calle was amazing! She was another bright spot in a not-so-great film. She showed just what a great actor she is. Her version of Kara Zor-El had an amazing backstory, with a great nod to Mark Miller’s Red Son series. I’m just sorry her character didn’t get the full justice she deserved, and that Calle couldn’t have had a better film to showcase her skills.
Keaton and Calle were also the source of the Gospel according to Superheroes factor. They showed the growth and sacrifice that really marks a hero. It’s not that the Flash didn’t either, it’s just his motivations were more personal and fell flat. None of the Gospel according to Superhero factor makes this movie worth watching from start to finish, maybe just the good parts with Batman and Supergirl.
All in all, this was a fitting end for the DCEU line of films. While there were some gems in this series, and even some films that were just solid, the DCEU never held up as a cohesive whole like the MCU. Like much of the DCEU, The Flash seemed like an excuse for executive Geoff Johns to throw in storylines from his comics, in this case with his Flashpoint series. This might have made sense if this movie was meant to transition the DCEU line of films to the new DCU line of films, just as Flashpoint transitioned DC Comics from Modern Continuity to the New 52. Based on the end of The Flash, this was not at all the intention.
Instead of a flourish, the DCEU went out with a whimper, which feels oddly appropriate. There is speculation of what could have been, such as a rumored live-action Batman Beyond with Keaton. As great as that could have been (and maybe still could be), it’s not worth propping the DCEU up. Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.
Overall ⭐️⭐️/5
Gospel ✝️✝️/5
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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (PG-13) Review:
Anyone who read Abnett’s and Lanning’s run of Guardians of the Galaxy in 2008 is going to be understandably protective of the Guardians, especially as that run inspired Gunn’s MCU depiction of these characters. Over the years, I’ve found it hard not to set my own expectations too high. However, Guardians Vol. 3, especially with the focus on Rocket’s origin, lives up to the comics depiction of this team. Even the use of High Evolutionary is the perfect of this comic villain, and the film threads the needle perfectly of making a villain to take seriously, even if he’s not quite to Thanos or Kang threat levels.
In the MCU, the Guardians have always been about redemption, which is a very Christian theme. There are a few forgiveness arcs in Guardians Vol. 3, all which beautifully match some of what these characters faced in the comics. Overall though, we’ve got a villain who is railing against a God he does not believe in, thinking he can do better. His failures are a good mirror for us to recognize our own limitations, especially when trying to out do God.
Guardians Vol. 3 did an amazing job on all fronts. The only Guardians movie I might love more is the Holiday Special. I highly recommend it!
Overall: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️.8/5
Gospel: ✝️ ✝️ ✝️ ✝️/5
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Black Adam (PG-13) Review:
I finally got the chance to see Black Adam. It was… actually very good!
Sure, there were some of the issues that other DCEU films have had like McMuffins and lack of hero introductions. Sure, if you’d never picked up a comic, it would have been very confusing, particular as to why Harrison, I mean Aldis Hodge, I mean Hawkman was so angry all the time. Sure, if you’re a huge comic fan it is super confusing why the Captain Marvel/Shazam Family wasn’t in it and Black Adam was fighting the Justice Society instead, or why the Justice Society would even take Amanda Waller’s phone call.
But it all still worked. It worked because even if you didn’t know the characters, they still tugged at your heart strings. Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate, in particular, stole the show. Cyclone too was amazing and should have had a larger role. Even How It Should Have Ended had very little to say about this movie.
Given who the non super-powered characters were, it was clear they were planning for a sequel (hint, they do have powers in the comics). For that reason, I might be able to forgive the one element that blunted the potential Gospel according to Superheroes message. A lot of Black Adam is about redemption and living into the character of those who are better than us (for us that would be Jesus). Yet near the end, Sarah Shahi as Adrianna Tomaz says Black Adam is great because he’ll do what the other heroes won’t. That’s not a great lesson, nor the lesson that was being prepped throughout the film. Black Adam works as a hero not because he’s kind of an anti-hero. He works as a hero because (avoiding spoilers) he’s trying to live up to the example of those before him. That would have been a great message.
That all said, this was a solid movie with an almost excellent message. Highly recommended!
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.7/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️/5
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Ted Lasso Season 3 Review (Spoilers avoided):
Great writing involves connecting what is going on with what has gone before to give the sense it is all connected. Nostalgic writing uses call-backs as a way to illicit past feelings from previous scenes.
Ted Lasso Season 3 employs the later.
Some critics of the season have called it horrible (at least those in the British tabloid press who have very deservedly received many criticisms of their own from the series) while others have called it great. Ted Lasso Season 3 is neither.
It could have been great. I would argue it should have been great. But it was not. Ted Lasso Season 3 was good. Nothing more, nothing less.
A major issue were the storylines that were unnecessary. Leaving out one from the final episode to avoid spoilers (Kent and Tartt fans should know what I’m talking about), they are:
in that order. Strangely enough, this covers almost all of the new characters introduced this season, by which I mean those not mentioned or heard from in previous seasons.
The season also struggled with pacing and set up. No more did we see this than with Roy Kent’s personal growth (some of which was way too suitable) and where we find Ted at the end of the season. At times these changes were completely out-of-the-blue, or the set-up occurred so long ago to seem out-of-place in the moment.
That all said, I enjoyed every call back to the fullest. While it does not stand up to the incredible, amazing, and, dare I say, perfect first season, it was still good. I enjoyed the season immensely, and like previous seasons, continued to enjoy it on multiple watchings.
One of the things I loved was also what made this season problematic. This season delved into the lives of so many minor characters we’ve only seen a little bit of before. There are so many lovely characters, major and minor, in this show, and so many, especially Sam Obisanya, and it was a joy to see them grow throughout this season.
Before it began, there were debates as to whether Ted Lasso would continue after this season because 3 seasons was the original intended arc of this story. I would argue this show is not done yet, even if the story were simply continued in a spinoff series, which, in my opinion, should be named A.F.C. Richmond. Ending a show before things get stale is an honorable thing, but that’s not what has happened here. There are so many stories in Ted Lasso that haven’t finished yet. I, at least, still want to see where many of these characters will go. That’s a sign that things aren’t done yet for these characters.
Finally to the point of this review: the Gospel value. Ted Lasso, through all its ups and downs, continues to do an incredible job presenting the core and theme that has been with the show all along: Forgiveness. The power is that we start to see forgiveness being told and shared by other characters aside from Ted. We even see some battles with the devil, mostly figuratively speaking, where people struggle yet still come through, just like we do in our own lives. And, of course, we even get an episode where the voice of God gets credited as God’s Own Self!
The power of Forgiveness drives the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. It drives Ted Lasso as well. This is why so many, like myself, have fallen in love with this show. It is why it will continue to speak for years to come.
There are many characters who continue to preach and live into forgiveness. I hope, whether as a continuation of this series or a spinoff, we get to hear more of those characters’ stories in the future.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.7/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️/5
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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Review (Spoiler free):
Please note, this film is rated PG-13.
As the Marvel Cinematic Universe starts Phase 5 with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, it feels appropriate to look back at the previous phase. While there were some less than stellar films, like Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and, to a lesser extent, Thor: Love and Thunder, there were also some great films like Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
Quantumania is somewhere in the middle of these two spectrums. It’s just not as great as Ant-Man or Ant-man and the Wasp. It does have an easy to follow story, minus the explanation of timelines vs. multiverse universes, that is enjoyable, if not the best the MCU.
From a Gospel perspective, Quantumania has a great message that fits how to be a hero as well as how to be a Christian. My only issue is that at the end, it wasn’t clear that this message has really made an impact on some of our heroes.
If you’re on the fence on watching Quantumania, I would recommend it, though more from a Gospel perspective than generally. At the same time, you would definitely be okay waiting until it is out of theater and on streaming services.
Overall Review:
General: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5
Gospel: ✝️✝️✝️✝️/5
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