The aesthetics were perceived differently from another. In conclusion:
The Bohemian was perceived differently in the income category (low), and in the popularity category (low). 
The College Student was perceived differently in the income category (low), the hobby category (much more athletics), and the popularity category (low). 
The Businesswoman was perceived differently in the adjectives category (high), income category (high), and the hobby category (much more academics).
The Trendsetter was perceived differently in the hobby category (much more expenditures), the friendliness category (high), and the popularity category (high).
The Party Girl was perceived differently in the income category (high), the hobby category (much more expenditures), and the popularity category (high).
The Rocker was perceived differently in the adjective category (low), the hobby category (much more pure entertainment), and the friendship question (low).
Personal Perception Categories
My study agreed with Angerosa’s thesis that when compared with similar styles to the perceiver’s own, they tended to view it more favorably. 
Females tended to view the Trendsetter and Bohemian more favorably, and the Party Girl less favorably. Females also generally wanted to be friends with all subjects more when answering questions.
There didn’t seem to be many consistent patterns across age groups.
Areas of Improvement (what to fix for next time)
- not enough sampled members
- stratified sample, despite being randomly sampled within the groups
- more questions, and perhaps follow ups for clarification
- easier data processing software/methods so I could do more with the data
- less anonymous data to make followups easier
It did seem that despite our personal attempts to remove perception bias, both personal identifiers and qualities of the perceived subject biased the way we view one another. As a whole, the Businesswoman fared the best across the board, with objectively consistent rankings of Intelligent, Successful, and Hardworking. The Rocker fared the worst, with not only low rankings on friendliness and income perception, but also consistently was rated Unapproachable, Aggressive, and Demanding. As a whole, the more mainstream and polished an aesthetic seems, polished being defined as consistent with a traditional work space, the higher students ranked an aesthetic all around.
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Raw Data and Test Questions
Here is the original survey sent to the 32 selected subjects.
Here is the raw data worked with, with each sheet indicating a different question / identifications for the subjects. 
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Here are the 6 looks that I polled with, which are respectively:
The Bohemian, Subject 1, Bohemian
The College Student, Subject 2, Casual
The Businesswoman, Subject 3, Office
The Trendsetter, Subject 4, Trendy
The Party Girl, Subject 5, Evening
The Rocker, Subject 6, Rocker
Also attached is the original sketch created to plan the outfits. 
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Identifier 3: Personal Style
Did the perceiver’s personal style affect their viewpoint of aesthetics or categories?
*note of bias: There were only two responders for the Business Casual, Alternative, and Not Caring sections, which would likely sway the data.*
Casual/Dressed Down
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The Casual self-perceivers viewed the College Student the exact same as everyone else.
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The Trendy self-identifiers viewed the Trendsetter slightly more positively than the average.
Business Casual
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The Business Casual self-identifiers viewed the Business Woman much more positively than the average, especially for the friendship question. However, there was a very small sample size.
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The alternative self-identifiers viewed the Rocker much more positively, however, there was an extremely small sample size so the evidence is inconclusive. 
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Identifier 2: Gender
Did the gender identification of the perceiver affect their viewpoint of any of the aesthetics or categories?
On average, this is how people perceived each aesthetic, compared with the full sample average, adjective wise:
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It appears that females differed greatly from males in their adjective choices with higher perception of 'exciting' and 'intelligent' for the Bohemian, 'unapproachable' for the College Student, 'demanding' for the Businesswoman, 'exciting' for the Trendsetter, 'bossy' and 'pretentious' for the Party Girl, and 'aggression' and 'unapproachable' for the Rocker.
It appears that males differed greatly from females in their adjective choices with higher perception of 'shy' for the Bohemian, 'aggressive' for the College Student, 'pretentious' for the Trendsetter, 'successful' and 'intelligent' for the Party Girl, and 'demanding' for the Rocker.
On average, this is how people perceived each aesthetic, compared with the full sample average, friendship wise:
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Friendliness was perceived higher for girls for the College Student and the Trendsetter, and slightly higher for the Rocker.
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Identifier 1: Grade
Does the grade of the perceiver selected affect the viewpoint of any of the aesthetics or categories?
9th Grade
On average, this is how the students perceived each aesthetic, compared with the full sample average, adjective wise:
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On average, this is how the students perceived each aesthetic, compared with the full sample average, friendship wise:
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Aesthetic 6: The Rocker
The Personality Question
Here is how the Rocker measured up to the other aesthetics, adjective wise:
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The top 3 adjectives to describe the Rocker were: Aggressive, Unapproachable, Demanding.
Half of the adjectives were considered positive, and the other half were considered negative. Here is how many positive adjectives the Rocker was described with, on average:
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This positive adjective quantity WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Rocker differs from other aesthetics, adjective wise. 
The Money Question
Here is how the Rocker measured up to the other aesthetics, income wise:
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The top income bracket the Rocker was sorted in was: 10-50K
In order to qualify for the Upper Middle Class, economists estimate you must make $100K and above. Considering that, this is how the Rocker measured up:
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The Rocker being perceived as Upper Middle Class WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Rocker differs from other aesthetics, income wise.
The Hobby Question
Here is how the Rocker measured up to the other aesthetics, hobby wise:
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The top hobby chosen for the Rocker was: Pure Entertainment
Because hobbies are not categorized objectively as good or bad, I will instead conduct a chi-squared test to see if the Rocker’s hobbies differed from the average: 
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Rocker differs from other aesthetics, hobby wise.
The Friendship Question
Here is how the Rocker measured up to the other aesthetics, friendliness wise:
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The Rocker being perceived as friendly WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Rocker differs from other aesthetics, friendliness wise.
The Popularity Question
Here is how the Rocker measured up to the other aesthetics, popularity wise:
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The top follower quantity the Rocker was sorted in was: 100-500 followers
For the sake of this study, we shall quantify ‘popular’ as 2000+ followers. Considering that, this is how the Rocker measured up:
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The Rocker being perceived as 'popular’ WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Rocker differs from other aesthetics, popularity wise.
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Aesthetic 5: The Party Girl
The Personality Question
Here is how the Party Girl measured up to the other aesthetics, adjective wise:
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The top 3 adjectives to describe the Party Girl were: Successful, Pretentious, Bossy.
Half of the adjectives were considered positive, and the other half were considered negative. Here is how many positive adjectives the Party Girl was described with, on average:
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This positive adjective quantity WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Party Girl differs from other aesthetics, adjective wise. 
The Money Question
Here is how the Party Girl measured up to the other aesthetics, income wise:
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The top income bracket the Party Girl was sorted in was: 50-200K+ (3 way tie)
In order to qualify for the Upper Middle Class, economists estimate you must make $100K and above. Considering that, this is how the Party Girl measured up:
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The Party Girl being perceived as Upper Middle Class WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Party Girl differs from other aesthetics, income wise.
The Hobby Question
Here is how the Party Girl measured up to the other aesthetics, hobby wise:
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The top hobby chosen for the Party Girl was: Expenditures
Because hobbies are not categorized objectively as good or bad, I will instead conduct a chi-squared test to see if the Party Girl’s hobbies differed from the average: 
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Party Girl differs from other aesthetics, hobby wise.
The Friendship Question
Here is how the Party Girl measured up to the other aesthetics, friendliness wise:
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The Party Girl being perceived as friendly WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Party Girl differs from other aesthetics, friendliness wise.
The Popularity Question
Here is how the Party Girl measured up to the other aesthetics, popularity wise:
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The top follower quantity the Party Girl was sorted in was: 500-2000 followers
For the sake of this study, we shall quantify ‘popular’ as 2000+ followers. Considering that, this is how the Party Girl measured up:
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The Party Girl being perceived as 'popular’ WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Party Girl differs from other aesthetics, popularity wise.
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Aesthetic 4: The Trendsetter
The Personality Question
Here is how the Trendsetter measured up to the other aesthetics, adjective wise:
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The top 3 adjectives to describe the Trendsetter were: Exciting, Pretentious, Unapproachable.
Half of the adjectives were considered positive, and the other half were considered negative. Here is how many positive adjectives the Trendsetter was described with, on average:
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This positive adjective quantity WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Trendsetter differs from other aesthetics, adjective wise. 
The Money Question
Here is how the Trendsetter measured up to the other aesthetics, income wise:
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The top income bracket the Trendsetter was sorted in was: 
In order to qualify for the Upper Middle Class, economists estimate you must make $100K and above. Considering that, this is how the Trendsetter measured up:
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The Trendsetter being perceived as Upper Middle Class WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Trendsetter differs from other aesthetics, income wise.
The Hobby Question
Here is how the Trendsetter measured up to the other aesthetics, hobby wise:
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The top hobby chosen for the Trendsetter was: Expenditures.
Because hobbies are not categorized objectively as good or bad, I will instead conduct a chi-squared test to see if the Trendsetter’s hobbies differed from the average: 
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Trendsetter differs from other aesthetics, hobby wise.
The Friendship Question
Here is how the Trendsetter measured up to the other aesthetics, friendliness wise:
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The Trendsetter being perceived as friendly WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Trendsetter differs from other aesthetics, friendliness wise.
The Popularity Question
Here is how the Trendsetter measured up to the other aesthetics, popularity wise:
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The top follower quantity the Trendsetter was sorted in was: 500-2000 followers
For the sake of this study, we shall quantify ‘popular’ as 2000+ followers. Considering that, this is how the Trendsetter measured up:
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The Trendsetter being perceived as 'popular’ WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Trendsetter differs from other aesthetics, popularity wise.
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Aesthetic 3: The Businesswoman
The Personality Question
Here is how the Businesswoman measured up to the other aesthetics, adjective wise:
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The top 3 adjectives to describe the Businesswoman were: Intelligent, Successful, and Hardworking
Half of the adjectives were considered positive, and the other half were considered negative. Here is how many positive adjectives the Businesswoman was described with, on average:
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This positive adjective quantity WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Businesswoman differs from other aesthetics, adjective wise. 
The Money Question
Here is how the Businesswoman measured up to the other aesthetics, income wise:
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The top income bracket the Businesswoman was sorted in was: 100-200K
In order to qualify for the Upper Middle Class, economists estimate you must make $100K and above. Considering that, this is how the Businesswoman measured up:
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The Businesswoman being perceived as Upper Middle Class WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Businesswoman differs from other aesthetics, income wise.
The Hobby Question
Here is how the Businesswoman measured up to the other aesthetics, hobby wise:
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The top hobby chosen for the Businesswoman was: Academics
Because hobbies are not categorized objectively as good or bad, I will instead conduct a chi-squared test to see if the Businesswoman’s hobbies differed from the average: 
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Businesswoman differs from other aesthetics, hobby wise.
The Friendship Question
Here is how the Businesswoman measured up to the other aesthetics, friendliness wise:
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The Businesswoman being perceived as friendly WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Businesswoman differs from other aesthetics, friendliness wise.
The Popularity Question
Here is how the Businesswoman measured up to the other aesthetics, popularity wise:
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The top follower quantity the Businesswoman was sorted in was: 100-500 followers
For the sake of this study, we shall quantify ‘popular’ as 2000+ followers. Considering that, this is how the Businesswoman measured up:
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The Businesswoman being perceived as 'popular’ WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Businesswoman differs from other aesthetics, popularity wise.
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Aesthetic 2: The College Student
The Personality Question
Here is how the College Student measured up to the other aesthetics, adjective wise:
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The top 3 adjectives to describe the College Student were: Unapproachable, Hardworking, and Aggressive/Demanding/Shy
Half of the adjectives were considered positive, and the other half were considered negative. Here is how many positive adjectives the College Student was described with, on average:
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This positive adjective quantity WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the College Student differs from other aesthetics, adjective wise. 
The Money Question
Here is how the College Student measured up to the other aesthetics, income wise:
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The top income bracket the College Student was sorted in was: 10-50K
In order to qualify for the Upper Middle Class, economists estimate you must make $100K and above. Considering that, this is how the College Student measured up:
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The College Student being perceived as Upper Middle Class WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the College Student differs from other aesthetics, income wise.
The Hobby Question
Here is how the College Student measured up to the other aesthetics, hobby wise:
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The top hobby chosen for the College Student was: Athletics
Because hobbies are not categorized objectively as good or bad, I will instead conduct a chi-squared test to see if the College Student’s hobbies differed from the average: 
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the College Student differs from other aesthetics, hobby wise.
The Friendship Question
Here is how the College Student measured up to the other aesthetics, friendliness wise:
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The College Student being perceived as friendly WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the College Student differs from other aesthetics, friendliness wise.
The Popularity Question
Here is how the College Student measured up to the other aesthetics, popularity wise:
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The top follower quantity the College Student was sorted in was: 100-500 followers
For the sake of this study, we shall quantify ‘popular’ as 2000+ followers. Considering that, this is how the College Student measured up:
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The College Student being perceived as 'popular’ WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the College Student differs from other aesthetics, popularity wise.
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Aesthetic 1: The Bohemian
The Personality Question
Here is how the Bohemian measured up to the other aesthetics, adjective wise:
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The top 3 adjectives to describe the Bohemian were:  Shy, Trustworthy, and Exciting.
Half of the adjectives were considered positive, and the other half were considered negative. Here is how many positive adjectives the Bohemian was described with, on average:
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This positive adjective quantity WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Bohemian differs from other aesthetics, adjective wise. 
The Money Question
Here is how the Bohemian measured up to the other aesthetics, income wise:
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The top income bracket the Bohemian was sorted in was: 10-50K
In order to qualify for the Upper Middle Class, economists estimate you must make $100K and above. Considering that, this is how the Bohemian measured up:
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The Bohemian being perceived as Upper Middle Class WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Bohemian differs from other aesthetics, income wise.
The Hobby Question
Here is how the Bohemian measured up to the other aesthetics, hobby wise:
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The top hobby chosen for the Bohemian was: Pure Entertainment
Because hobbies are not categorized objectively as good or bad, I will instead conduct a chi-squared test to see if the Bohemian’s hobbies differed from the average: 
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Bohemian differs from other aesthetics, hobby wise.
The Friendship Question
Here is how the Bohemian measured up to the other aesthetics, friendliness wise:
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The Bohemian being perceived as friendly WAS NOT statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be NO EVIDENCE that the Bohemian differs from other aesthetics, friendliness wise.
The Popularity Question
Here is how the Bohemian measured up to the other aesthetics, popularity wise:
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The top follower quantity the Bohemian was sorted in was: 100-500 followers
For the sake of this study, we shall quantify ‘popular’ as 2000+ followers. Considering that, this is how the Bohemian measured up:
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The Bohemian being perceived as 'popular’ WAS statistically different from other aesthetics:
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To conclude, there seemed to be EVIDENCE that the Bohemian differs from other aesthetics, popularity wise.
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My specific experiment's methodology is as follows:
Disseminate the following poll amongst randomly selected Cary Academy Upper School students, who were selected from a stratified sample:
Describe this person with 3 of the following adjectives.
How much would you anticipate this person makes each year? 
(<10k, 10-50k, 50-100k, 100-200k, 200k+)
Name something this person would do for fun 
(pure entertainment, academics, expenditure related, athletics, etc)
Would you want to be this person’s friend? 
How many social media followers would you expect this person to have? 
(<100, 100-500, 500-2000, 2000-5000, 5000+)
The subjects will have to answer these questions for 6 different pictures, which will be photographs of 6 different styles, which are as follows:
College student
Trendy day wear
Office attire
Evening attire
The subjects will then have to answer the following questions about themselves:
How do you view what you wear? 
(Importantly, Somewhat Importantly, Medium, Unimportantly, Very Unimportantly)
How would you describe your personal style? 
(casual/dressed down, trendy, business casual, alternative, don't care)
What grade are you in? 
What gender do you identify as? 
(F, M, Other)
I will poll 32 students, 8 from each grade. They will reply in an anonymous online form.
When I have received this data, I will conduct a chi squared test to see if there is a significant difference in income, likeability, etc.
I will also make graphs regarding each of the questions and see if there is any significant factor, from the perceiver's end or the perceived end, that affects psychological first impressions.
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Background Literature
Before I begun this experiment, I read up on a plethora of the relevant topic literature regarding psychological effects of clothing. Here are a few things I learned:
Olivia N. Angerosa's thesis Impact of Clothing on First Impressions (2014)
Focuses on 3 styles, professional, casual, trendy
"person perception" and "social identity theories"
41 question survey provided to 150 students
 Theories Used
Burns and Lennon (1993) found that characteristics of perceivers matter just as much as characteristics of targets
 Person perception theory
"how individuals perceivers selected, interpret and integrate information about other people" (Smith and Collins 09)
3 variables:
Object/target variables
Perceiver variables
Situational variables
Object/target variables
Based on visual cues such as physical appearance and facial attractiveness
Clothing style / height are static cues
Facial expression, posture, and body movement are 'dynamic cues'
Perceiver variables
These include cognitive structure, personal goals, physical traits, etc
*note: I did not research situational variables further, considering that situational variables will not matter for my personal experiment*
 Social theory
 Clothing is often used to portray group membership
Clothing is essentially adopted based on who you hang with
Styles group together - you hang out with who you dress like
You dress like you would be perceived - University of San Paolo study confirmed that econ majors dressed business, art majors dressed artistically, etc
Clothing is also used to show association - brands, college sweatshirts, bands, etc
Found that if individuals dress similarly to perceivers, they are viewed more favorably.   
Women in general tended to rate every subject with higher rankings
Professional rated above both casual and trendy
Casual and trendy rated equally
 Professional vs. Casual
Professional was viewed as more confident, intelligent, and successful
Casual was viewed as more friendly and likely to lead an exciting life
No relationship was found between personal style and how that affects professional vs. casual outfits
Gender did not affect perception of professional vs. casual
Casual vs. Trendy
Casual and Trendy were viewed very similarly
No relationship was found between personal style and how that affects casual vs. trendy outfits
Gender DID affect perception of casual vs. trendy outfits, women rating casual outfits higher than men. 
Professional vs. Trendy
Professional was viewed as more hardworking, intelligent, trustworthy, successful
Trendy was more friendly and likely to lead an exciting life
Gender did not affection perception of professional vs. trendy
Neil Howlett, Karen Pine, Ismail Orakçıoğlu, and Ben Fletcher’s The Influence of Clothing on First Impressions (2013)
Male attire only
308 social media participants, mostly female
Digitally created images
How does clothing psychology affect the outer world?
Teachers perception of student intelligence and stuff was based on how they dress
Consumerism meant that more well dressed people were seen as credible and therefore better able to sell things
Men care more about office dress
Color affects perception but only for the perceiver, not on another individual (positive colors do exist, as far as clothing goes)
Questions analyzed
With just a short period of time of looking at a photo, can people make decisions and judgments? 
Will minor manipulation to clothing change how people feel (cut of suit, etc)?
Will the earnings of perceiver will affect their perception?
Better fitting suit got ranked higher on everything
The higher the income, the lower the ratings generally
People can therefore make snap judgments
Significant for suit type (higher for better fitting)
Significant for income (lower for high income)
Semi significant for suit type (marginally higher for better fitting)
Significant for income (lower for high income)
Not significant for suit type (not higher for better fitting)
Significant for income (lower for high income)
Howlett's Psychology Today study (2013)
Focused on women's clothing, specifically high earning / position women in office jobs
Ranked by their bosses, conservative clothing was rated better
In order to control for over stigmatization of non-conservative clothing in the office, "non-conservative" was slightly above the knee skirt and one button undone, not provocative
Psychological gender roles as well as far as clothing goes?
Provocative clothing was ranked lower by an employer, especially on women
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Hello everyone! My name is Grace, and I’m conducting a small-scale experiment regarding the interaction between style and first impressions. I hope to not only collect data and make conclusions about how a perceiver’s qualities (the individual viewing a subject) affects their perception of others, but also address the big research question: Does what you wear drastically affect how people view your personality and traits?
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