grainofsaltadvice · 5 months
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
Trying to love yourself is an act of self-love
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
Take care of your teeth! Your teeth are so important to your health so please, take care of them. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss once a day, use mouthwash, and visit your dentist when you can. You deserve to take care of yourself and that includes your teeth. Anything helps even if all you can manage is to use mouthwash. It’s okay! Your efforts, however small you think they are, can greatly improve the health of your teeth
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
¿Cuándo está bien renunciar a algo o a alguien?
Esa es una pregunta capciosa. No existe una respuesta definitiva para una pregunta como ésta. Cada circunstancia es diferente para cada persona y cada situación, por lo que sería injusto responder a una pregunta tan profunda e intrínseca con una sola respuesta.
Entonces… ¿qué hacemos? ¿Cómo sabremos cuándo podemos rendirnos?
La respuesta es, en cualquier momento. ¡Puedes rendirte cuando quieras! Sé que esto no es lo que uno escucha normalmente. Algunas personas pueden incluso desaprobar esa respuesta. La sociedad moderna valora la resiliencia y la terquedad, por lo que es difícil aceptar una respuesta como "rendirse en cualquier momento", ya que es una contradicción con lo que nos han enseñado. Que es nunca darse por vencido.
Pero, está bien. Está bien renunciar a algo o incluso a alguien. A veces no hay nada más que dar. Otras veces no merece la pena. Puede haber ocasiones en las que estés siguiendo una carrera, un trabajo o una persona y te das cuenta de que esto ya no es lo que quieres. Puedes pensar que es honorable seguir adelante a pesar de tu falta de pasión por ello, o puedes pensar que no puedes rendirte pase lo que pase. Pero simplemente te estás lastimando a ti mismo.
Y no estoy diciendo que te rindas cuando sea difícil. Lo que digo es que te rindas cuando sea algo que realmente ya no quieras. Piensa en tu objetivo final, piensa en la lucha, los sacrificios que requiriste para llegar aquí y luego piensa en el resto del trabajo que aún tienes que hacer para alcanzar tu objetivo. Y pregúntate, ¿merece la pena? Si la respuesta es sí, ¡sigue adelante! Y si no, tal vez sea el momento de reevaluar sus decisiones y su vida.
Como he dicho antes, cada persona y situación es diferente. Esto es sólo algo general. Puede haber otras circunstancias que no sean tan fáciles. Pero realmente creo que se puede perseverar y, a veces, eso puede significar darse por vencido.
Renunciar no significa renunciar a todo y no volver a intentarlo, significa renunciar a las cosas que ya no quieres e intentar otra cosa. Quién sabe, rendirse podría llevarte a cosas mejores y más brillantes.
Puedes rendirte, pero espero que no te rindas contigo mismo <3
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
to all my fellow trans muslims on trans day of visibility: i see you and i hear you. you are not and never will be alone in this
if youre not trans but you know someone who is, take the time to tell them that they are loved today, yea ?
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
Journal Prompt #11
Talk about something that you consider is a weakness within yourself. What makes it a weakness? Does it hinder you in any way? If yes, explain the ways it holds you back. Is it something that you can improve upon? If so, how?
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
Quick easy exercises to get the heart pumping
Arm circles
Marching in place/high knees
Butt kicks
Jogging in place
Wall pushups
It's important to move the body and celebrate all that it has done for you! Getting the blood flowing is a great way to celebrate your body. Do what you can, when you can ⭐️
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
An adult in a diaper isn't less of an adult. An adult who needs the help of a caregiver isn't less of an adult. An adult who can't speak isn't less of an adult. An adult who can't work or study isn't less of an adult. An adult who can't live independently isn't less of an adult. Adulthood is about your amount of years spent alive, not about your skills and abilities
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
When is it okay to give up on something or someone?
That’s a trick question. There isn’t a definite answer for a question like this. Every circumstance is different for every person and every situation, therefore it would be unfair to answer such a deep and intrinsic question with one answer.
So then…what do we do? How would we know when we can give up?
The answer is, any time. You can give up at any time you like! I know this isn’t what one normally hears. Some people may even frown upon such an answer. Modern society values resilience and stubbornness so it’s difficult to accept such an answer as ‘give up anytime’ since it is a contradiction to what we’ve been taught. Which is to never give up.
But it is okay. It is okay to give up on something or even someone. Sometimes there is nothing more to give. Other times, it is not worth it. There may be times that you may be pursuing a career, a job, or a person and realize that this isn’t what you want anymore. You may think it’s honorable to keep going despite your lack of passion for it, or you may think that you can’t give up no matter what. But you’re just hurting yourself.
And I'm not saying give up when it’s hard. I'm saying, give up when it’s something you truly do not want anymore. Think of your end goal, think of the struggle, the sacrifices it took for you to get here and then think of the rest of the work you still have to put in to get to your goal. And ask yourself, is it worth it? If yes, keep going! If not, it might be time to reevaluate your decisions and your life.
As I’ve said before, every person and situation is different. This is just a general thing. There may be other circumstances that aren’t so easy. But I truly believe you can persevere and sometimes that may be giving up.
Giving up doesn’t mean giving up on everything and never trying again, it means giving up the things that you no longer want and try something else. Who knows, giving up could lead you to better and brighter things.
You can give up, but I hope you do not give up on yourself <3
English version
Spanish version
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grainofsaltadvice · 6 months
Struggling with self-compassion?
Recommended Reading:
Bluth, K. (2017). The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness and Compassion Skills to Overcome Self-Criticism and Embrace Who You Are. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Brach, T. (2003) Radical Acceptance: Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha. New York: Bantam.
Brach, T. (2020). Radical Compassion. NY: Penguin.
Brown, B. (2010). The Gifts of Imperfection. Center City, MN: Hazelden.
Desmond, T. (2015). Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy: Mindfulness-Based Practices for Healing and Transformation. Norton.
Germer, C. K. (2009). The mindful path to self-compassion: Freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions. New York: Guilford Press.
Germer, C. K. & Neff, K. D. (2019). Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion program: A guide for professionals.  New York: Guilford Press.
Gilbert, P. (2009). The compassionate mind. London: Constable.
Hickman, S. (2021).  Self-Compassion for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Neff, K. D. & Germer, C. K (2018). The Mindful Self-Compassion workbook: A proven way to accept yourself, find inner strength, and thrive.  New York: Guilford Press.
Neff, K. D. (2021). Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive. New York:  Harper Wave.
Neff, K. D. (2011).  Self-Compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself.  New York:  William Morrow.
Pollak, S. (2019). Self-Compassion for Parents: Nurture your child by caring for yourself. New York: Guildford Press.
Shapiro, S. (2020).  Good Morning I Love You.  Boulder, Sounds True.
Silberstein-Tirch, L. (2019) How to Be Nice to Yourself: The Everyday Guide to Self Compassion. San Antonio, TX: Althea Press
Beltzner, E. (2019).  How to tame the tumbles:  The mindful and compassionate way.  Ontario: Mosaic Press.
Garcia, G. (2017). Listening with My Heart: A story of kindness and self-compassion. Gabi Garcia Books.
Marlowe, S. (2016). My new best friend. Summerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
O’Leary, W.  (2023).  It’s OK: Being kind to yourself when things feel hard.  Bala Kids.
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grainofsaltadvice · 7 months
here to remind you...
...that starting again is a sign of strength.
a failed attempt is not a failure. every new beginning is an indication that you refuse to give up.
you're willing to start again & again. you're strong, resilient, and brave ✨
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grainofsaltadvice · 7 months
Journal Prompt #10
What's an embarrassing moment that you can't seem to forget? Write about it. What happened? Why was it embarrassing?
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grainofsaltadvice · 7 months
Upcoming posts, stay tuned:
☆ Journal Prompt #10
☆ The concept of giving up
☆ My personal journey with PCOS
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grainofsaltadvice · 7 months
This is your reminder to drink water!!
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grainofsaltadvice · 7 months
Hello everyone, my name is Star. After three years of not updating this blog, I've learned so much more and I'm happy to share what I learned with you all.
The things I've learned helped me and what I share may not be of any value or use to you and that's okay! But my intentions have always been to share my knowledge in hopes of helping others and recruiting people who can share their wisdom with me as well.
I hope you tag along and we can grow together ⭐️
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grainofsaltadvice · 3 years
Journal Prompt #9
What makes you angry? It can be from the most superficial to something a bit deeper. Remember, anger isn’t a “bad” emotion. You are safe to express your anger onto paper. The simple feeling of anger does not make you a bad person automatically. Feel free to express your anger 
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grainofsaltadvice · 3 years
shoutout to people who have acne and/or acne scars...you are all awesome
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