greatpudding · 7 years
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fishing partners karamatsu and todomatsu would like to battle!
recently remembered that jellicent come in pink and blue
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greatpudding · 7 years
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more pkmn (read “touya”) doodles
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greatpudding · 7 years
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lemres and sig
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greatpudding · 8 years
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apple and cotton candy
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greatpudding · 8 years
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greatpudding · 8 years
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greatpudding · 8 years
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sokudomatsu ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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greatpudding · 8 years
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greatpudding · 8 years
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finally got around to playing through gen 5
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greatpudding · 8 years
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black white white black
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greatpudding · 8 years
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greatpudding · 8 years
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OMFG - hello | i love you
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greatpudding · 8 years
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greatpudding · 8 years
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sokudo + ⇆
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greatpudding · 8 years
hello there ! i just wanted to say that i really love your art, it's just perfect and it has really good colors
good day!
gosh thank you so much, i hope you have a nice day too!
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greatpudding · 8 years
Heyo! I recently stubbed across your guide on how to manage the layers for when you click on it hidden stuff appears, but it seems like the main layer is the only one showing up. I'm not so sure what I did wrong... :/
greetings anon!
i’m not very sure what you’re saying, sorry.
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by “main layer” you mean where you’ve done your drawing right? are you saying that no white shows up on a dark background or is the white without lineart not showing up? or is the dark background for the preview layer not showing up?
if it’s the first problem, then you may not have filled in your drawing correctly; are there any gaps in your lineart when you use the bucket tool?
the second and third problem can be connected to the first explanation. because of gaps in the lineart, you may have let the white “leak” onto the whole canvas so the dark background or white shapes cannot show up (because everything is white!)
if i haven’t been able to answer your question, could you clarify further? thank you!
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greatpudding · 8 years
How do you do those images where when you click it there are some hidden stuff?Ive been wanting to do that but I'm not sure how
good day!
first off, i think twitter user avogado6 (general horror warning) would be of interest to you. they make a lot of art like this and i feel they could serve as inspiration
also, i hope what i have to say below is clear enough, i am not very good with giving directions so if you have any more questions or enquiries after this feel free to ask me!
am i correct to assume that you know how to save a drawing with a transparent background? that is basically the last, and most important, step!
generally, what you want to show up once you click the image is filled in white while the lineart is in a dark color (so it won’t show up with the dark background if you don’t want it to). err… kind of like this
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of course, drawing with white on a white canvas obviously is not practical! which is why it is good to have a layer waaaay at the bottom that you hide and unhide a lot so you can check your progress.
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(the main drawing obviously uses more than one layer; this is not a .sai file so i do not have all the separate layers to show you, sorry!)
once you are satisfied with your drawing, delete the layer with the dark background and save it as a transparent .PNG file (32bpp ARGB). and there you have it.
(as you have seen, i use SAI but i think if you use photoshop it should work about the same way.)
also, i think it should be noted that this is how i would draw this kind of thing if i am planning on posting it to tumblr. different sites will preview the image differently (personally, twitter works best with BLACK lineart. meanwhile, tumblr works better with a dark grey lineart– as the image previewer is semi-transparent)
but! as with art in general, there is definitely more than one way to go about this. avogado6 uses different opacities with their white (this is how you can get grey) as well as using a fully colored drawing for example. so don’t be afraid to try different things out!
happy drawing!
(and if you would like to show me what you’ve done in the future, i wholly welcome it!)
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