greeney26 · 7 months
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"Oh Doctor, you're not going to make me hold that big long glass thermometer under my tongue for 2 whole minutes, are you? I couldn't possibly sit still for that long. I'm too nervous!"
"Well, Katie, this is a rectal thermometer. It is going to take a couple of minutes, but you won't be holding it in your mouth. I'm going to hold it in your rectum to take your temperature."
"Oh, Doctor, I'm scared!"
"Don't worry, Katie, it won't hurt you"
"But, Doctor, you're going to put it.. back there? You're going to see my.. everything! It's so humiliating!"
"Don't be silly, Katie. I'm a doctor! I've seen it all before. And I was always going to see all of you anyway, for a complete physical examination. Why else do you think we had you change into the gown with nothing on under it?"
"Nothing? Oh no, was I supposed to take my panties off too?"
"Yes, Katie. Let's just get those off now. I need full access to you if I want to make sure your whole body healthy. Just drop them down around your ankles for me"
"Oh Doctor, I feel so vulnerable.."
"Alright young lady, let's get this over with. Now quit prattling and turn around, present your hindquarters.."
(record scratch sound, Katie suddenly wakes up from daydreaming)
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greeney26 · 9 months
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I just came in the bathroom for the picture, i didn’t actually have to potty😔
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greeney26 · 10 months
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greeney26 · 2 years
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greeney26 · 2 years
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greeney26 · 2 years
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i like to bond
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greeney26 · 2 years
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Caption me! ☺️💜
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greeney26 · 2 years
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My little princess had a bit of an upset tummy at the weekend, so I did what any loving Daddy would do and put her in a nappy and gave her a suppository to relieve her of her discomfort. After a few cute little whimpers and asking politely for Daddy to let her go, I let her waddle into the bathroom and let out a very stinky mess all into her nappy! Once she came back I made her sit on my knee and bounce up and down to her embarrassment 😏 afterwards she ended up wetting lots as you can see here! When everything was finally out we sat and played video games together and I changed her stinky little bum! I love her so much, she is the best thing in my life and I wouldn’t change a thing! (Except her cute bum when it’s stinky!) 🙊 I love you lots pumpkin! Forever and always @paddedprincesss ♥️
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greeney26 · 2 years
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greeney26 · 2 years
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Trapped little baby 🥺 good thing she has her diaper! Full photoset up on my justfor.fans now! 😉
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greeney26 · 2 years
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Trapped little baby 🥺 good thing she has her diaper! Full photoset up on my justfor.fans now! 😉
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greeney26 · 2 years
Cucks like me need to make sure their diapers are extra thick.
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greeney26 · 2 years
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I fidgeted, tugging the hem of my skirt down for the millionth time.  It was futile and I knew it, but I still had to try.  It was too hot for something longer and Lizzy had locked away all my jeans and shorts when she took my panties.
Easier to check you, she had said.
This was day 5 of this particular round of being stuck in diapers.  Every now and again, she just wanted me in them.  All day, all night.  I had to beg for changes, I had to beg to be allowed to use the potty for… you know.
She told me if I was naughty, she’d tell me no and I’d have to humiliate myself further… and I knew she’d taunt me even as she cleaned me up.
But today was the last day.  At noon, I was supposed to finally be out of diapers.  I had tried so hard to be good and I was really looking forward to just going to the bathroom and not wearing it.  Just to feel like an adult again.
I waddled up to her, blushing at the crinkle, knowing that she could see up my skirt from her spot on the couch.  “Um,” I began, fidgeting again, “…it’s Tuesday… and you said I’d be unbanned today… “
“I did,” she smiled.
“I’ve been really good… “  Any time I had misbehaved, she had threatened to add more time - and a two day ban had stretched into five days as a result.  Just yesterday, I hadn’t even realized I was wet at one point.  I needed to get my panties back soon.
“You certainly have,” she nodded with a mischievous look in her eye that made me nervous.  “You’ve been much better behaved since I put you back in diapers, haven’t you?”
I felt my stomach sinking.  I knew where she was going with this and there was no winning.  “Yes, Lizzy… “
“So you should stay in diapers, shouldn’t you?”
The trap closed around me and I squirmed like they prey that I was.  “Lizzy please, you said I could get my panties back today… it’s not fair.”
“Oh, is someone being willful?”  Her voice dropped that playful note, becoming dangerously serious.  That was a bad word, willful.
I panicked.  “I’m sorry… “
“That’s better.”  She grabbed the hem of my skirt and pulled me closer, patting my bottom and slipping a finger in the legband.  “Now, let’s get you some lunch.”
But I was feeling fussy, trapped, and I needed to rebel.  I pulled back, crossing my arms with a pout.  “I’m not hungry.”
“Well.”  She reached to the seat next to her and lifted a bottle - a full bottle.  Formula, or a smoothie, or something similar.  “I say it’s time for lunch.”
“No!”  I stomped my feet in protest.  She was making it worse.  Diapers were one thing, but bottle feedings were something else entirely.  I had to do something to stop her from regressing me.
Her glare dropped the temperature in the room five degrees.  “Three more days.”
“What?”  I whimpered, looking at her with sad eyes.
“Three more days in diapers.”  She had just said I was staying in diapers because I was being good, now she was keeping me in diapers because I was being fussy… I couldn’t win.  My heart sank, knowing that any further rebellion would result in a harsher punishment.
“I’m sorry… “
She patted her lap and I sat down, laying across her, across the couch.  Her arm went behind my head and the bottle approached my mouth.  I had lost.
“I’m glad you’ve decided to be good.”  The nipple filled my mouth and I could taste that sickly-sweet flavor of one of the drugs she’d use on me when she wanted me wetting constantly.  “One more fuss and it would have been three days of double diapers.  Now then, princess.”  She held the bottle firmly as I suckled, accepting my doom.  “We’ll try again on Friday.”
I whimpered and nodded, as I felt the liquid slide down my throat, into my tummy.
Knowing that I wasn’t getting out of diapers today, and I probably wouldn’t be on Friday either.  She had me right where she wanted me.
Diapered, wet, and in her lap.
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greeney26 · 2 years
Mommy said good baby’s make big messes in their diapers for their mommy’s to change.
Video 1
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greeney26 · 2 years
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Birthdays are meant for commemorating. They are days that invite us to evaluate where we stand in life and how far we have come. This is true especially for those of you who have just finished their first year in diapers. What better day is there to celebrate your progress? And what better way is there to do this than with a birthday card?
I have prepared these templates for just this purpose. If you have someone record your progress, they may give you all the details you need to evaluate where you stand.
The original picture that I have used for creating the first template was created by KK Bunny and was first published on www.cushypen.com.
If you know the creator of the other pic, please contact me so that I can add the corresponding details for that as well.
As always, if you hold any rights concerning the pictures used on this site and oppose their use, please contact me and I will remove them immediately.
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greeney26 · 2 years
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I caught these two naughty boys when they thought no one was paying any attention to them.
After they were all dressed up in their pyjamas, teeth brushed with their thick nighttime diapers on (a necessity for these two bedwetters!) and they thought that Daddy had left them to go back downstairs….. I heard some little crinkling sounds.
Crinkling sounds and the noises of two diapers being rubbed softly together underneath the bedcovers. Slowly at first but then these two desperate little boys began to rub harder and faster with little moans and the panting of breath.
Daddy knows it isn't good for little boys to make stickies too often, and they knew that too. But they were a little too overexcited to remember.
I hung around until they were deep in the act of enjoying their diapers, their eyes rolled back into they heads with pleasure when I burst through the nursery door! Stopping them before they got too far and squirted into their padding.
This is why they're not standing in the corner sobbing with red cheeks!
See even more captions and stories over on my Patreon
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greeney26 · 2 years
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"Oh no! You leaked again? But we put you in such thick diapers last night, I really thought you'd be able to wake up to dry sheets at least!"
"B..b.. but Daddy" she stuttered through tears, "you gave me so much to drink in my baby bottle last night! I needed to go peepee even before I went to sleep!"
"Silly girl" said Daddy rolling his eyes. "Little girls need to stay hydrated. The problem isn't how much daddy gives you to drink, it's how much you can't control your little tinkles!" That response made her blush even deeper red in shame.
"I'm not really sure what we can to princess! Tonight I'll make sure that we slip another layer over the top of vour usual bedtime diaper and then well pop a pair of crinkly plastic panties over the top just to be safe
"You don't have to Daddy! I promise l'Il try extra hard not to leak tonight!"
"Don't worry your pretty little head about that, sweetheart. It'll all be fine once Daddy goes out to buy a plastic cover for the bed! I don't think this bed wetting problem of yours will ever really go away!'
See even more captions and stories over on my Patreon
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