greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Drainage System: What You Need To Know
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/drainage-system-what-you-need-to-know/
Drainage System: What You Need To Know
Understanding your residential drainage system
The drainage system helps minimise the risks of flooding by carrying stormwater safely away from homes to creeks and rivers and discharging your home wastewater into the main sewer line. Properly functioning and well-maintained drainage systems are essential as poor drainage can lead to many problems.
When designing and building your house, it is crucial to consider its drainage system. At the outset, it must be in accordance with the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) to ensure its quality and durability.
What makes up a residential drainage system?
A drainage system is a large network of pipes that starts from home gutters, downpipes, and pipelines, which fall under the responsibility of the homeowners. It then connects to the drainage system that spans towns and cities to ensure that neighbourhoods will not be flooded.
Residential drainage systems help in ensuring that stormwater and household water wastes directly go to the sewer. As mentioned, when building your house, it is vital to ensure that the drainage plan is included. A house with a faulty drainage plan can be disastrous, for you and your property as well.
You must ensure that your home’s drainage system is complete and working. Improper and incorrect installation of your home’s drainage can lead to leaks, damaged roof, damaged foundation, growth of moulds and mildew, and even flooding.
Here are the components of a complete and functional residential drainage system:
Stormwater Drainage System
Stormwater, if not directed properly to the main drainage system of your neighbourhood, can cause you serious problems. Your house’s drainage system should include provisions for stormwater. Having a rainwater collection system also allows you to use the water for cleaning or watering your lawn and landscape. You may likewise choose to direct all the stormwater to your city’s main lines.
Gutter Systems
Your gutter system is not only important for your roof, but it is also essential for your entire house. It is the first line of defence of your home against the onslaught of stormwater, and it plays an important role in your home’s drainage system.
Your gutter system has one function, and that is to divert stormwater away from your home, as well as your surroundings, such as your lawn and your driveway. Stormwater can ruin the things that you have worked hard for. It protects your house’s foundation, protects your lawn and landscaping, prevents soil erosion, protects your concrete paths and driveways, and prevents flooding in your basement. Gutters also protect your home’s paint job and help prevent the growth of mould and mildew.
Without your gutters, stormwater needs to go somewhere. Without any structure to stop it, it can go to any part of your home. It can damage your electrical wirings, your ceiling, and even your walls. Moisture is one of your home’s biggest enemies, which can result in costly and serious damage.
It can also go to your concrete driveway. Moisture can seep in, or worse, the force at which stormwater falls on your concrete can wear it down sooner than expected.
The same way that stormwater rushing down your roof can damage your driveway; it can also damage your manicured lawn and landscape.
From the gutters, the downpipes take the stormwater down into someplace in the ground. It can go to your stormwater or rainwater collection system, or it can go directly to your city’s main underground drainage system. Like your gutters, its role is to direct stormwater away from your property and towards the main stormwater system of your municipality.
The amount of rain in your location can affect the specifications of your downpipes. Your downpipes come with accessories such as brackets, joiners, and offsets. They come in different sizes, depending on your needs.
Sewer Drainage System
Household water wastes should be directed efficiently to the city’s main sewer line. If not properly disposed of, it can cause unspeakable damage to your home, as well as pose serious health risks to you and your family.
Your sewer drainage system is made up of underground pipes that carry water wastes from your laundry, bathroom, kitchen, sinks, and other plumbing fixtures in your home. It carries sewage from your home to the main sewage system. These wastes go to your city’s treatment facility where rubbish and organic matter are removed. The treatment facilities may then use a process to recycle the water or direct the treated water to the nearest creek or river.
Your home’s sewer drainage system must include the following components:
P-traps are located beneath your sinks, bathtubs, and other plumbing components. A P-trap is a curved section of your piping that’s shaped like a letter P, hence its name.
It holds standing water, which prevents sewer gases from rising from your sewer system and smelling inside your home.
Toilet Traps
The toilet trap serves the same function as a P-trap. It is a curved drain that holds standing water, preventing sewer gases from rising.
Clothes Washer Stand Pipe
This pipe is connected to your washing machine. The drain tube of your washing machine empties into an exposed standpipe, leading to a branch drain into your home’s main drain.
Branch Drain Lines
These lines connect your home’s plumbing fixtures to the main drain lines. The drain lines are normally out of sight, hidden in your ceiling, walls, and floor.
Soil Stack and Soil Stack Vent
Also known as main drain stacks, soil stacks are vertical pipes with a large diameter. The soil stack vent, located at the upper part of the standing soil stack, gives your sewer system venting. The soil stack vent extends upward and exits to your roof into the open air. This gives your sewer drainage system equal air pressure.
The stack vent serves two purposes: it carries toxic fumes away and allows pressure to be released, so that your wastewater can move downward freely.
Main Drain Line
This pipe connects your home’s sewer system to your municipal’s main sewer system. This usually runs beneath the foundation slab of your home.
What is the difference between rainwater and stormwater?
You may see the two terms used interchangeably, but it is important to understand the difference between the two. Stormwater comes from rain and may be considered as rainwater. However, when it comes to drainage, the two are different.
Stormwater refers to the water that drains off the land during rainfall. This includes rain that falls on your roof and goes to your gutters, downpipes, and into your drains. It also includes rain that falls on the streets, gardens, driveways, and lawns, among many others.
Rainwater is the rain that only falls on your roof, which you can harvest using a rainwater harvesting system. It is of higher quality than stormwater, which carries with it organic matter, soil, litter, and oil residues.
While some homes invest in rainwater collection systems, there are those who invest in stormwater detention tanks. Unlike a rainwater collection tank, a stormwater tank is fitted with a valve. This is to allow the tank to release water slowly. A stormwater tank is a better alternative for collecting rainwater during heavy downpours.
Why are stormwater and sewer drainage systems separate?
It is necessary to separate the stormwater system from the sewer system.
For one, it helps prevent wastewater treatment systems from being overwhelmed during heavy rainfall. This could lead to the treatment system having to discharge untreated sewage water back into the environment.
When designing the stormwater and sewer systems for your home, make sure that there are no illegal cross-connects between them.
What are septic tanks?
Believe it or not, some houses are not connected to the main sewer lines of the municipality where they live. These residents rely on septic tanks for the treatment and disposal of their home sewage wastes.
Before everyone was connected to the main sewer lines, homeowners had a domestic wastewater treatment system with septic tanks.
Septic tanks are wastewater treatment structures buried underground. They are commonly used in places that do not have centralised sewer systems. A septic system consists of a septic tank and a drain field.
So how does it work?
Wastewater runs out of your house through the main drainage pipe into a septic tank.
The septic tank is a water-tight container usually made of concrete or polyethylene that is buried underground. It holds the wastewater for some time. During this period,  solids settle down to the bottom of the tank, forming sludge, while the oil and grease float collectively at the top as scum.
Scum is prevented by a T-shaped outlet from travelling into the drain field.
The liquid wastewater, known as effluent, then flows out of the tank into the drain field.
The drain field is a shallow excavation made in unsaturated soil. Pre-treated wastewater from the septic tank is discharged to the porous surfaces, allowing wastewater to filter through the soil. The soil then treats and disperses wastewater as it drains. 
The filtered wastewater is then discharged into the groundwater.
How to properly maintain your stormwater drainage system?
If you want to avoid mishaps and serious problems with your house’s stormwater drainage system, it is fundamental to do your own share of maintaining it. You can do the following:
Keep your gutters free of dried leaves and debris.
When your gutters are filled with foreign objects, water has nowhere to go and will spill over your roof into the ground.
If you have trees in your yard, gutter guards can help keep your gutters free of blockages.
Regularly check your gutters for leaks or damages. You would not want to wait until your gutters collapse on you in the middle of heavy rain.
Cutting overhanging branches can also help clear your roof’s gutters.
Your downpipes also need your attention. Make sure that your downpipes are connected properly.
Watch out for cracks, rusts, and accumulation of soil in the gutters, among others.
How to properly maintain your sewer drainage system?
No one likes a clogged sink or toilet. However, how do you ensure that your sewer drainage system is working properly? A blockage in one of your lines can spell trouble for your household.
A blocked main drain can cause extreme convenience, discomfort, and even pose health risks. Clogged sinks and toilets can cause a huge inconvenience when they happen.
The best and most effective way to take care of your sewer drainage system is by taking preventive actions. Be mindful of what you throw down into your drain. Do not flush solid wastes, such as used napkins or tampons, in your toilet. Do not drain food scraps down your kitchen drainage.
You can use a drain guard in your sinks to limit the number of solids that will go down your sewer system. You can also use boiling water to wash out non-soluble products such as cooking oil and coffee grounds.
Remember not to pour any chemicals down your drain. It can lead to more trouble should the chemical be highly reactive or does not dissolve in water. Call a licensed residential plumber if you want someone to do a comprehensive check-up of your home’s sewer system. Plumbing experts can clean your main drain line to reduce the risks of main drain blockage.
Call Green Planet Plumbing for your plumbing needs.
Green Planet Plumbing offers unparalleled 24/7 plumbing services in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, and Hunter Valley regions. We serve both residential and commercial structures, offering excellent installation, repair, and maintenance services.
Need to call us in the middle of the night for a plumbing emergency? Our plumbers will be happy to help you out. Call Green Planet Plumbing today at 02-4911-9402. Our team will be glad to assist you with your concerns.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
New Year's Resolution Ideas That Help Conserve Water
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/new-years-resolution-ideas-that-help-conserve-water/
New Year's Resolution Ideas That Help Conserve Water
Little changes make a huge difference for the environment.
It’s common practice for most people to welcome the New Year with a fresh set of resolution. The New Year’s resolution typically helps guide one to better health and living. It’s customary to include self-improvement bits, such as committing to an exercise regimen and a healthier diet to lose weight. Others take on challenges, like finishing a book every month or developing a brand new hobby this year, which is also a great way to battle the boredom brought about by the pandemic.
This year, why not take your new year’s resolution list a notch higher by including environment-saving habits? You could plant a tree this year or reduce the amount of waste your household makes. One of the best — and completely doable — goals you could accomplish is water conservation. And it starts right there at home, today.
This Year, I Pledge to Conserve Water…
Climate change and continuous industrialisation are drying up Australia’s river systems, resulting in drought and water scarcity. Rainfall comes at only around 470mm per year, which is considered below the normal range. And yet, Australians are reported to waste around 90% of water resource.
With the decreased rainfall and drying up of rivers and lakes, the water supply is rapidly depleting! For a country whose citizens are among the greatest water consumers, at 100,000L per person every year, this is alarming. Becoming proactive with conserving the available water the country still has may help bring the water balance back. It may take some time and the commitment of many, but it has to start somewhere. And it can start with you!
I Will Use Less Water When…
Using the Tap or Shower
Don’t keep the water going as you lather up, brush, or shave; turn the water off. Letting the water run unnecessarily results in hundreds of litres down the drain every month, which can also add to your monthly water bill.
Rinsing Produce
Instead of rinsing fruits and vegetables under running water, do it in a stoppered sink. Or go the extra mile and consider using a basin or container of water. You can collect used water this way and save it to water the plants later.
Watering the Plants
Limit watering the plants when it’s winter or when the weather is cool or rainy. Water when the soil feels dry and try to do it during the coolest time of the day to minimise water evaporation. Use greywater instead of fresh water from the faucet. It is easy to overestimate the amount of water that a plant needs; consider the plant and pot size and watch out for water run-offs. These should help you gauge how much water is enough and when it is too much.
Consider taking shorter showers than usual by setting your target shower time with a shower timer. This can also measure the amount of water you use when showering, which should give you an idea of whether you are using more water than necessary. It also helps you adjust your shower routine and align it with your water conservation goal.
Washing the Car
If you are used to using the hose, it’s time to ditch this water-wasting habit. A running hose can consume up to 200 litres of water just for this task. Use a bucket of water to wash the car, and it will cut down the water used to about 50%.
When you cook, note how much water you use and evaluate if the amount is really necessary. For example, do you need to cook your pasta in 4 litres of water, or would 3 litres do the same job? Wouldn’t the extra 2 cups of water make the broth thinner and bland? Perhaps, using less water will create a better sauce texture and retain the flavour of your food.
To Save Water, I Will Consider…
Getting the faucets fitted with aerators.
This relatively inexpensive tool will help reduce the water flow by separating the single stream of water into a shower. It introduces air into the water flow that scatters it, and can cover more surface area and minimising water use (and lowers your water bill as well!).
Replacing regular showerhead with a low-flow one.
Switching to a low-flow showerhead reduces the amount of water you spend while having a shower, making it a water-efficient choice. Low-flow showerheads save up to 20 litres of water per minute compared to regular showerheads.
Installing a dual flush model toilet.
Dual flush toilets are more water-efficient than the conventional, single flush models. It uses 70% less water, which means you use a lot less water for flushing than with a regular single flush one. With a dual flush toilet, you have the choice of a half flush for liquid waste and a full flush for solid waste.
Installing a rainwater collection system at home.
This is a beneficial addition to your home and a green way of conserving and maximising the use of available, free water. You may even qualify for rebates from Australian, territory, state, and local governments.
Collecting the cold water while waiting for hot water.
Cold water is typically just left to flow and drain away while waiting for the hot water to come out. Avoid this wastage and collect the clean water in a jug, and use it to wash fruits and vegetables.
Shower over bath.
A relaxing soak is not bad once in a while, but if you can help it, choose to have a shower instead of a bath. A tub needs around 70 gallons of water to fill. Showering consumes less water versus bathing in a full tub and finishing it off with a short shower.
Gardening with drought-resistant plants.
Many gorgeous drought-resistant plants in the country do not require frequent watering or tending. Succulents are trendy, and these lovely, low-maintenance plants don’t need constant watering.
Insulate the hot water pipes.
By insulating the hot water pipes, water heat is retained. This minimises the need to let the cold water flow until hot water comes out. With insulated pipes, you get hot water faster on demand.
Storing a jug of drinking water in the fridge.
Letting the tap water run until cool water comes out is among the most common water-wasting habits at home. Many people don’t even give this much thought as this practice has become automatic every time they need a drink. Make a complete change by storing the drinking water in a jug and keeping it in the fridge to cool.
I Will Try These No Water Alternatives
Clean the patio, walkways, and pavement by sweeping the leaves and dirt instead of hosing it down. You don’t necessarily have to wash down these areas with water every time. More often than not, it only takes a good sweeping with a broom to rid it of dirt.
Defrost the food without the use of water. Let the frozen food defrost in the least cold part of the fridge or simply thaw it out in the sink (don’t leave it for more than two hours), instead of unfreezing it in the water. Some foods also defrost well in the microwave.
Use a compost pile instead of relying on in-sink garburators. This in-sink garbage disposal fixture uses a lot of water, whilst the rubbish may eventually clog the septic tank and sewers. The greener alternative to disposing of solid food waste is by starting a compost pile.
Throw rubbish in the bin instead of flushing it down the toilet. Each time you flush a cigarette butt, facial tissue, wipes, and other personal hygiene materials, about 7 gallons of water is wasted. This habit can also clog your toilet. Quit using the toilet as a trash bin and chuck your rubbish in the waste can.
Try using dry shampoo once in a while. Cut 3 to 5 minutes off your shower time, save up to six gallons of water, and style your hair easily with dry shampoo! Your hair can also benefit a lot from using dry shampoo versus regular shampoo, which often contains parabens, sulphates, and other chemicals. Save the usual lathering up for another time when your hair needs a deep cleaning.
Water Conservation Q&A
Q. Is it true that we save more water with dishwasher than washing by hand?
A. Yes. Unless you are just washing a cup and a plate after having your coffee and sandwich, washing a load of dishes by hand actually uses more water versus using the dishwasher. By leaving the job to the dishwasher, you are using 3 times less water. When choosing a dishwasher, go for one with a WELS rating of 4.5 stars or higher.
Q. How do I save water in the laundry?
A. The easiest way to save water in the laundry is to wash only a full load of clothes. If there are only a few items to wash, skip it and wait until you have enough to run a full load. Skip the extra rinse if it’s not necessary. If you haven’t yet, you might also want to switch to a high-efficiency washing machine with a WELS rating of at least 5 stars. It will help save as much as 35% on water bills.
Q. I could not shift to dual flush system toilet yet, but I would like to start saving more water with the flush ASAP. What can I do?
A. You can use greywater to flush the toilet. Alternatively, you can use a DIY tank float booster, which can cut back on water consumption 10 gallons or more per day. To make a tank float booster, simply fill two 1-litre plastic bottles with sand or small pieces of stones. Put the cap back on and place the bottles inside the tank, making sure that the bottles won’t get in the way of the tank’s working mechanisms.
Q. Wouldn’t greywater harm my plants?
A. Greywater contains nutrients and other organic materials that are beneficial to plants. Unlike black water, grey water is relatively cleaner with minimal or no harmful contaminants and is still suitable for reuse.
Q. My home is not set up with water irrigation or piping system for greywater collection. How can I make manual greywater collection easier?
A. You can strategically place a small water bucket or pail by the sink in the kitchen, shower, and laundry where you can easily collect water from:
rinsing fruits and vegetables
hand-washed delicate garments
hand washing
rinsing off in the shower
Q. Aside from conserving water and reducing the water bill, how else will it benefit those who practice water conservation?
A. Conserving water by making significant changes with the way people use water has a positive economic influence in the long run. Producing certain commodities become easier when there is enough water needed to process these. The commodities become available and are easily accessible for everyone, thereby resulting in lower pricing.
Q. What is the most compelling motivation for conserving water?
A. With everything that is happening to the world, we can at least give our planet a fighting chance to heal by conserving water. It reduces our carbon footprint, allows our flora and fauna to thrive, and creates a better world for the future generation to live in.
Make Green Planet Plumbing Your Water Conservation Partner
Making a few adjustments with your habits when it comes to water use is a great place to start your New Year water conservation resolution. You can make your water conservation efforts more effective by checking areas of your home that are prone to water leak problems. Water leaks at home may be easy to spot, but some are hidden behind the walls or under the floor.
We can help with your water-saving efforts by checking your home plumbing system for issues that causes water wastage and high water bill. Our licensed and professional plumbers can test for and fix drips, leaks, backflows, and make your home as water-efficient as you strive to become! If you are anywhere in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast and Hunter Valley regions and needs our help, contact us today.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Pipe Relining and Its Benefits
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/pipe-relining-and-its-benefits/
Pipe Relining and Its Benefits
If you’ve ever experienced sewer, drainage or water pipe problems in your residence or facility, you’ll know how inconvenient they can be. As mundane as they may sound, the complications that damaged pipes lead to can be troublesome and expensive. Fixing your damaged plumbing pipes requires specialised solutions, and pipe relining is one of the best methods you can use – compared to other fixes, pipe relining is quick, low-risk, and often much more cost-effective.
If your pipes have begun to show signs of leaks and cracks, but you’d like to avoid or minimise the expense and potential collateral damage associated with digging them up, there may be a relining method that can precisely fix the problem without needing to disturb trees or landscaping, or risk damaging surrounding structures such as driveways, retaining walls or footpaths.
What is pipe relining?
Pipe relining is an umbrella term for several methods of fixing damaged and leaking pipes from the inside, rather than disturbing the area surrounding the pipes – such as by pulling out walls, ripping up floors, trenching and/or excavating. Pipe relining, as the name suggests, involves repairing or replacing the inner surface of a pipe, either with a coating, flexible tubing or another rigid pipe. There are several methods of pipe relining, and while all aim to repair pipe problems in minimally invasive ways, the method you choose is important, especially if you want your repairs to be as hassle-free as possible.
How is pipe relining done?
There are a number of stages in the pipe relining process:
Initial inspection of pipes: Pipes are inspected to assess the extent and location of the damage. Previously this was done with the help of remotely operated cameras, but technology has advanced and now a process called focused electron leak location (FELL) is used to more accurately pinpoint and evaluate the damage.
Cleaning of pipes: There are several steps required to adequately clean and prepare the pipes for repair – the pipes are flushed, then any large blockages are removed, then a high-pressure water jet is used to perform a final clean of the pipe to fully prepare the inner surface of the pipe wall. This is done to ensure good adhesion of whichever product is used to line the pipe.
Secondary inspection of pipes: Pipes are inspected a second time, after the cleaning process has been completed, to further check the extent of the damage and ensure the damaged pipes have been adequately cleaned and prepared for the relining. This is usually done with remotely operated closed-circuit cameras.
Determination of relining length and method required: The pipe relining professional will determine the length of piping that requires relining, based on the entire length of the pipe/s involved and the extent of the damage. If your pipe relining professional offers different methods of pipe relining, they will determine which method best suits the damaged pipes and plan the repair accordingly.
Installation of pipe relining materials: Using one of the methods of pipe relining outlined below, the pipe relining professional will undertake the selected relining process. This may involve insertion and curing of resin- or epoxy- coated tubing, or insertion of a replacement rigid pipe, usually made of durable polyethylene. This step of the relining process is the one that takes the longest to complete, as any joints or T-sections are fiddlier and will take more time and effort, and the curing process (if it is used) can take time to fully harden. This step may also include cutting of junctions and access/inspection pits, using grinders or robotic or surface-level cutters.
Final inspection of pipes: Once the relining process has been completed, the pipe relining professional will perform final checks and inspections to ensure damage has been fully repaired and your pipes are working properly.
How does pipe relining work?
As mentioned, there are several pipe relining methods available (outlined below), and each of these methods can be used to address specific issues that your pipes face. Of course, you can’t just randomly choose from these methods – you’ll have to look at individual circumstances and seek advice from properly qualified professionals, like the team at Green Planet Plumbing, who will be able to advise you on the best method for your pipe repair.
The most widely used methods are as follows:
1.      Cured-in-place
Cured-in-place piping (CIPP) is one of the most common relining methods available. After the damaged pipe has been cleaned and dried, a resin-saturated felt tube (usually made from polyester or fibreglass) is inserted into the damaged pipe. The resin is cured in place with jets of hot steam, which helps the felt to attach to the pipe’s interior, molding into internal cracks, and hardening in place.
2.      Sliplining
A tried-and-tested, albeit older, relining method is sliplining. Sliplining involves inserting a narrower pipe into a larger damaged pipe and grouting the space between the two, thereby replacing the larger pipe with the smaller one. While this method is effective, it reduces the functional diameter of the pipe, which can cause future problems with blockages. It goes without saying that this method cannot be used on pipes that are already very narrow.
3.      Pull-in-place lining
As the name suggests, pull-in-place lining involves fixing an epoxy-soaked felt tube liner into the pipe using heat (e.g., steam) and then pulling the liner through the pipe until it covers the damaged section. Air is then introduced into the pipe to inflate the tube, so that it lines the walls of the damaged pipe, an keep it in place while it dries. Once the inflated tube has dried it acts as a replacement for the damaged pipe.
4.      Pipe Bursting
Pipe bursting is used on sewer lines or heavily damaged pipes. Due to the nature of this method, it is also best used on outdoor underground pipes. Pipe bursting involves the use of a bursting tool on one end of the system that is to be repaired. This tool breaks the old pipe apart while using hydraulics to draw new piping in to replace the old.
5.      Internal Pipe Coating
Internal pipe coating is another excellent method to use for sewers and outdoor pipes. The damaged pipes in question are completely drained and left to dry, and then a thick coat of epoxy is applied to the inner walls of the pipes to cover any damage. This epoxy coat is left to dry for a few hours, with the resulting product being a sturdy internal coating on the pipe.
When should pipe relining be done?
Pipe relining can fix a wide variety of pipe problems but isn’t usable for all of them. When applicable, however, it is an excellent option if you want to minimise damage to the surrounding area. Some of the situations that pipe relining can be useful for include:
Pipe deformities
You may notice that pipes that receive both hot and cold water are more prone to damage. This is because certain conditions can cause your pipes to become deformed. For example, alternately subjecting them to hot and cold temperatures can cause them to expand and contract, which can cause deformities over time.
Breakage and damage
Cracks and tears in the pipes can eventually worsen and lead to further damage. Intrusions, like tree roots, can also cause significant damage and adversely affect pipe performance. Holes and cracks in the pipes can be effectively fixed by relining.
Pipes are sturdy, but they don’t last forever. No matter how well you take care of them, damage due to normal wear-and-tear will eventually become significant and problematic.
Older metallic pipes are often prone to rust damage, as rust weakens the structure of the pipe. If you suspect that your pipes are malfunctioning because of rust, then relining may be a useful alternative to replacement.
If you think your pipe problems are due to any of these issues, you should definitely contact a professional plumber with experience in pipe relining. The specially trained plumbers at Green Planet Plumbing have a wealth of experience in this area and are ready and willing to advise you on pipe relining alternatives. Relining definitely isn’t something you can or should do on your own, as you will only end up doing more harm than good.
When does pipe relining fail to work?
Pipe relining is incredibly versatile in terms of what it can fix, but it’s not a solution to all problems. Pipe relining cannot be used for excessive pipe displacement, severe damage, or situations where there is no suitable inner pipe surface to attach to. Generally, if the old pipe’s interior cannot be threaded through, then replacement may be necessary.
What should you watch out for?
If there are problems, then you should also be able to see or hear signs of damage. The most notable signs of damage you should watch out for include:
Visible signs of damage
Visible signs of damage are obvious and should be addressed as soon as they are spotted. Examples include visible cracks, holes, deformities, gouges, and the presence of anything that pierces the pipe. Take note that when you spot objects piercing the pipe, but don’t remove them without professional help. Removing them without immediately plugging up the resulting hole will cause even more problems. Wait for a professional plumber to get there for immediate relining. Green Planet Plumbing offer 24/7 plumbing services in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast and Hunter Valley regions, so you can contact us at any time if you have a plumbing emergency.
Weak water pressure
If your home’s water pressure set at an adequate amount but the flow of water is weak, there are some things you need to consider. Either you have problems with your supplier, you have blocked pipes, or you have damaged pipes. Rule out all other possibilities before you decide on a solution. If you think it’s the latter, then relining may be your best option.
Dirty or murky water
If your water supply is dirty, cloudy, or murky, then you may have a problem with your water supplier. However, if there’s no issue with the supplier, then the problem may be specific to your home. Some of your pipes may be damaged, leading to dirt or soil being sucked up by your pipes. This is especially the case for cracks and holes found in underground pipes. These cracks and holes, luckily, can be repaired through relining.
Leaks are among the most problematic consequences of damaged pipes. If there are visible signs like drips, puddles, or discolouration marks, then leaks are likely the problem. Most leaks can be fixed by relining as the cracks and holes can be covered up. Be sure to address these quickly as leaks can lead to other more serious problems, like water damage to your home that can be costly to repair.
Water damage
Water damage should never be underestimated as it can severely affect the structure of a building or home. Water damage is particularly severe when it affects wood or plasterboard for an extended time. Signs of this include bubbles on wood or paint, the presence of mould, soft spots, or warped wood, stains on your ceiling or wall. Also, watch out for discolouration on harder materials like concrete and metal. If pipes are the cause, then you should get them fixed immediately to avoid further damage.
When any of these signs become apparent, try to determine the source of the damage. When you’ve worked out what’s causing the damage, addressing the issue should be easier, especially if relining is a process that can solve the problem.
Is pipe relining worth it?
Definitely! You can solve a lot of problems through pipe relining without shelling out too much money. In addition to this, you also minimise the amount of damage caused to the surrounding area. Knowing more about the pipe relining process and its benefits can help you make up your mind, and you should consider contacting a local professional plumber for advice. Green Planet Plumbing are a locally owned and operated licensed plumbing business servicing the Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Central Coast and Hunter Valley regions in New South Wales, and their knowledgeable, experienced, and fully insured plumbers can advise you on the right solution for your plumbing problem.
What are the benefits of pipe relining?
Do you need a little more convincing about the advantages of pipe relining? If so, knowing more about what the benefits of pipe relining are may help you decide whether the procedure is right for you. So, the benefits of pipe relining include:
It solves a wide variety of pipe problems.
As we have explained earlier, pipe relining can solve a wide range of pipe problems. Cracks, deformities, leaks, rust, and breakage can all be easily fixed with right the materials and methods. You won’t have to look far for an effective pipe relining solution that can help.
It is cost-effective.
Pipe relining is a cost-effective option because you don’t have to completely replace the pipe system. It’s also quite fast, meaning the labour costs won’t be as significant as complete pipe replacement. The materials involved won’t break the bank, either. Couple these with the fact that you don’t need extensive construction work, pipe relining is generally a lot cheaper.
It is convenient.
You might think that any work involving plumbing pipes will take a long time. This is mostly true, especially if you think about pipe replacement and the excavation and construction work involved. Pipe relining is an exception because, without the need for lengthy excavations, pipe removal and replacement, you won’t waste your precious time on waiting, monitoring repairs, and downtime. Minimising downtime is important, especially if the fix is in a commercial establishment.
You don’t need to dig deep.
You don’t need to have access to the entire pipe system for pipe relining to be done. For some relining methods, you only need to have access to a small portion of the pipes. This means that you won’t have to trench or dig up the entire pipe system to get it fixed.
It doesn’t damage the surrounding area.
If you have concerns about the damage and noise that your pipe repairs might cause, have no fear! Because there’s no heavy excavation and construction work involved, relining ensures that disturbance or damage to the surrounding area is minimised, and noise isn’t a problem.
It lasts a long time.
If done properly, pipe relining will last for decades to come. The materials used are often more durable than the original material, making your pipes more resistant to damage. It also gives you peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to worry about your pipes.
Of course, to gain these benefits, you need to find an experienced professional to undertake your pipe relining. Don’t go for just anyone; be sure to find an excellent pipe relining specialist in your area. The team at Green Planet Plumbing are happy to help you with all of your plumbing and pipe relining needs. Contact us today on 02 4911 9402 or 1300 GP PLUMBING.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions about pipe relining:
1.      How long does the fix last?
Without extreme events (like natural disasters) that can cause damage, relined pipes can last for decades. Of course, proper care and maintenance are still necessary to prolong their lifetime.
2.      Is relining better than replacement?
It depends on the situation, but relining is the better option whenever possible. Pipe replacement can be quite invasive and inconvenient, so try to avoid it if there are effective alternatives. If relining is sufficient to solve the problem, then it may be a better solution compared to replacement. If not, then you may have no choice but to completely replace the damaged parts.
3.      What relining method should you use?
Again, it depends. A qualified and experienced professional will be needed to accurately diagnose the problem, assess the situation, and determine which method is best. If you’re having plumbing problems and you suspect your pipes are the cause, contact the professional plumbing team at Green Planet Plumbing.
Contact Green Planet Plumbing for any problems with your water system
A lot of issues with your water supply can be traced back to problems with your pipes. If you are experiencing problems with your plumbing system, make sure you have an experienced, qualified professional take a look. Green Planet Plumbing has skilled professionals that can help diagnose and fix any pipe problems you’re facing. Fill out our online contact form or call us on 1300 GP PLUMBING or 02 4911 9402 to organise a consultation.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Which Hot Water Unit Should I Install?
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/which-hot-water-unit-should-i-install/
Which Hot Water Unit Should I Install?
Types of Hot Water systems
Hot water systems are probably not at the front of your mind when you think of the most important parts of a functional home. But, when you think again, it is one of your key household necessities.
Hot water is a luxury we tend to take for granted, but it is a luxury we should pay more attention to. These days, we all have hot water units and hot water systems installed in our properties. From running a bath to cooking, there’s a wide range of reasons why having an instant hot water source is advantageous. After all, the types of hot water systems you can install today are convenient and very safe.
If you’re currently thinking about having a hot water system installed in your house, you’re in safe hands. Green Planet Plumbing can brief you on everything you need to know about hot water systems and advise you on selecting a hot water unit that best fits your property and needs.
Hot Water Systems and How They Work
A hot water system consists of water-heating or water-cooling components. They also consist of heat-emitting elements like baseboards, convectors and radiators, that control the temperature of your water straight from the mains. Your property’s internal piping system connects the heat source to the heat-emitting units and your hot water system will then process your water so that it flows through your system at the temperature you select.
Types of Hot Water System
There are two main types of hot water systems: continuous systems and storage systems:
Continuous water systems
These are usually gas powered, but you can sometimes find electric models too. This water system only heats water when it is required.
Storage water systems
These systems are usually electric or solar powered. They pre-heat your water and store it in an insulated tank so that your hot water can flow on-demand without you needing to wait for that short while before the water temperature reaches the level you requested.
How Does a Storage Tank Hot Water System Work?
In storage or tank hot water systems, there is a heating element at the bottom of the water heating unit which keeps your water warm so that it can be readily available whenever you need it.
How Does a Continuous Hot Water System Work?
In continuous hot water systems, a heating element is connected to the pipes which heats your water as it passes through, but you generally have to wait for a short while before you get your desired water temperature. You can power your water heater by gas, electric or solar.
Why You Need a Hot Water System within Your Property
Whether you are in a residential or commercial property, you’re always going to need hot water and having a convenient water heating system is recommended for this. We all realise just how important hot water is to our daily tasks.
Instant access to hot water
This is probably the main reason why you want to have hot water systems installed: hot water on demand. Whether you choose a continuous or storage hot water system, you will still be able to get access to hot water almost immediately; at most, you’ll only need to wait for a minute or less.
Having an instant hot water unit means you will not need to manually fill up a container and heat it whenever you need your hot water. Now, all you need to do is open the tap, and hot water will immediately flow from your pipes, saving a lot of time and energy.
Save Energy
The more modern your hot water systems are, the more energy-efficient they will be. Old water heaters tend to use more energy, due to the technological limitations of their manufacturing period.
When you install a new hot water system, you will get near-instant access to hot water without the electric load that old water systems consume, which means that you’ll be able to save money.
Help Conserve Water
The worst thing that you could do to water is waste it. Water is one of the most precious resources we have, so it’s a given that we should treat it well. Usually, when heating water manually, we end up collecting more water than we need because possibly to save on energy costs. Unfortunately, excess hot water often gets drained or repurposed after it is cooled, which creates a waste of energy used to heat the water, or a waste of the water itself, or both.
With a continuous hot water system, you’ll only release hot water whenever you need it, so you would not need to gather more water than you need. A hot water system not only helps in conserving water, but it also contributes to lower energy costs.
Types of Hot Water Systems According to Heating Power Source
Below, we break down some of the most common types of hot water systems according to their heating power source. We’ve also listed down their pros and cons to further give you more insight:
Electric Hot Water Systems
Powered by electricity, these are probably the most common hot water systems used by Australians, due to the relatively easy installation process. These are also the cheapest hot water system type in the market today.
Relatively low upfront costs
Good choice for moderate water consumption
Easy to use and install
Space saving – continuous electric hot water systems do not require a tank.
It can be more expensive in the long run due to the overall amount of electricity used, compared to other types of heaters.
You won’t have hot water during power outages. If your area has regular power outages, then this might not be the best one for you.
Gas Hot Water Systems
The second most popular water system in New South Wales is the gas hot water system. If you need fast-heating of a higher volume of water, this should be your heater of choice.
Provides hot water even during power outages.
Once installed, the operation cost of gas hot water systems is lower than electric versions.
Higher hot water recovery rate than electric heaters.
Higher upfront costs than other types of unit
Small risk of gas malfunctions. Such as a leak, explosion or Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
Solar Hot Water Systems
Solar heaters are newcomers to the Australian hot water systems market and this newer type of hot water system is slowly gaining traction in NSW.
Low running and operational cost, just like gas-powered hot water systems.
Government subsidies or loans are available for solar battery systems – Using renewable energy in New South Wales can give you interest-free loans from the government (subject to qualification).
Highly efficient.
Higher initial cost – You may have to spend a lot of money to have a solar-powered hot water system.
Check with your local government if you can have access to the interest-free loan mentioned above.
Requires enough roof space to accommodate the correct number of solar panels.
Weathers can affect your heater’s performance, because lower levels of sunlight will affect solar panel performance.
Which is the Right Water Heater for You?
There are a couple of factors when considering water heaters:
Do you want a continuous system or a storage system?
Do you want it to be powered by electricity, gas, or solar power?
Each of these have their pros and cons, so you will have to weigh out your options properly.
To those who are budget conscious, an electric hot water system may be the right choice, but if you are able and willing to invest in something more efficient in the long run, then you can look at the gas and solar-powered water heaters as well.
Browse through our water system selections and see which one best fits your property! Contact us today at Green Planet Plumbing to know more.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Plumbing Checklist for Home Buyers
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/plumbing-checklist-for-home-buyers/
Plumbing Checklist for Home Buyers
Buying a home in Australia can be a tiresome and tricky experience. It is worse if it is your first time. On a daily basis, you have hustled, worked your butt off, saved enough and now you want to invest in owning a house. Every person at some point in life wants to have that home feeling, free from worrying about paying rent at the end of every month.
In the event you are lucky and want to become a homeowner, then you will want everything to be just like you pictured it. Moving in should be apt and you will not want unexpected plumbing issues to hamper your transition.
It is wise to conduct a home inspection before buying and later moving into a house. Ensure that you have a plumbing checklist to make sure that you make an informed decision before signing any papers.
How and What Impacts Your Decision
By the mere fact that a home may require plumbing repairs, doesn’t necessarily mean you should not move in. Some issues are minor and can easily be fixed. A good example is a broken toilet or adjusting of water pressure. Some other instances might be tricky and may need extra work.
Some buyers are choosy and tend to avoid homes with minor issues like an outdated water heater. Inexperience plays a bit part, especially in younger or first time buyers.
Extreme water damage as a result of corroded pipes is an issue for most home buyers as well. Issues like leaks is a clear threat to both the comfort of a homeowner and their health. You don’t want to make appointments to the doctor as a result of accumulated bacteria in your home.
In general, for an outdated home, things like leaks and worn out pipes are inevitable. You might consider contacting a professional like Green Planet Plumbing for a thorough inspection of the house plumbing matters.
To make sure your potential new residence has no underlying plumbing issues, below is a compiled list of plumbing issues to look out for.
Things to Inspect Before Purchasing a Home
Check out the faucets, sinks or bathtubs to ensure there are no cases of water dripping. If so water is dripping, it is a red flag that there is possible leakage in the pipes. In most cases, major leakage is seen under the sinks. When you see these plumbing issues it is wise to contact the experts at Green Planet Plumbing and get the job done.
Look out for cracks in the showers, refrigerators, sinks and the toilets. These cracks, often lead to discolouration and possible leakages. You don’t want to be surprised by sudden floods in your house which will result in future unwanted repair costs.
Another area of interest is the bathroom shower. Most people looking to buy homes take keen interest in taps, but forget about the shower. Randomly turn it on and closely check the consistency of the water pressure. Check if the water heater is in good condition. You can do this by seeing how long the water takes to get warm.
Still on the water heater. Most water heaters are prone to rust which results from the frequent passing of water. Their lifespan is usually 8 to 12 years. It should be new and updated. If there is rust in the water heater and it has been operational for the past 10 years then you ought to replace it. Green Planet Plumbing is a phone call away.
In addition, flush the toilet and see how they work. A misbehaving toilet flush is the number one sign of plumbing troubles. The water pressure is of the essence as upon flushing, the water should fill up without spillage problems and they shouldn’t run for an excessive amount of time. This works well with ample water supply and working flush valves.
Take a tour of the house and ensure to inspect the condition of the rooms sitting beneath the bathrooms and toilets. Check the ceiling, walls and floor for stains or unpleasant smell. Before committing yourself to buy any house, ensure to ask for previous and current services records of repairs and maintenance.
Furthermore, if the home you are about to buy has a basement drainage system, ensure to check if it works as it should. Floods of water in the basement are the result of rotten pipes, leaks or errors with the structure. Check out for anything suspicious before any purchase as damages associated with appliances kept in the basement may be costly.
Lastly, check if the house has a sewer system, if yes, locate the septic tank and confirm there are no overflows. Don’t forget to ask for the current sewerage pipes plan in a diagram. In the event, you find plumbing troubles associated with the house reach out to experts from Green Planet Plumbing.
Maintenance Tips to Follow after Buying a Home
Washing machine and the dishwasher hoses are vulnerable to damages thus regular inspecting is vital. Wear and tear of these hoses is a tell-tale sign that you need to replace them.
Often turn on your garbage disposal system. Just like a car engine, these machines are prone to clogging which results in corrosion hence malfunction.
Most households, especially during winter, use water heaters on a daily basis. Therefore, wear and tear is expected. Ensure to regularly check for unusual babbling sounds. If there is the presence of strange bursting noise in your water heater, this is a sign that there is sediment build up and it needs replacing. You can reach out to a professional like Green Planet Plumbing who can advise if it is a minor repair or you need a new water heater.
Buying a home ought to be a pleasant experience. It is therefore in your best interest to do your due diligence and ensure the home you are about to buy has no underlying issues before you move in.
Are you seeking a reliable professional to help with the plumbing repairs in your home? Serving the larger Australian community is the trusted and licensed Green Planet Plumbing at your service. Contact us for a free quotation
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Finding a Plumber Near Me
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/finding-a-plumber-near-me/
Finding a Plumber Near Me
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Finding a Plumber Near Me
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2960″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]
Green Planet Plumbing Can Help
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We all need a plumber from time to time, and searching for a ‘plumber near me’ online is the easiest way to do it. Finding any available plumber might be easy enough, but for a skilled and licensed professional, it is imperative to do some research. Whether it’s plumbing around your house or in the office, you will need someone who knows the job.
Green Planet Plumbing are a trusted team of Plumbing experts based in Newcastle and the Hunter Region, who can complete the task to a superb standard. Locally owned and operated, Green Planet is a trusted domestic and commercial plumbing company that services hundreds of homes and businesses in the area.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
24/7 Plumbing Services Near Me
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Green Planet Plumbing offers 24/7 on-call emergency services for your home or business. If you live in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, or Hunter Valley, we’ll be there. Green Planet isn’t just a ‘plumber near me’, we are skilled, licensed, and insured plumbers who have years of industry experience. Whatever the time or place, our team of expert plumbers can fix it for you. There’s no plumbing service too big or too small for Green Planet.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2961″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]
Skilled Plumbers
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Don’t just speak to the first Plumbing company that you find; your plumbing emergency is more important than that. It could be your pipes, a broken tap, weak water pressure, a smelly, clogged drain, the list is ongoing. Whatever the emergency, you will need someone fast as well as skilled – no matter how fast the plumber gets there, a bad plumber will be a waste of your time.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Efficient Plumbing Services
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We offer fast, efficient, and approachable service that can repair your problem as soon as possible.[/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”2965,2964,2958″ img_size=”full” slides_per_view=”3″ hide_pagination_control=”yes” hide_prev_next_buttons=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Best Plumbing Services
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]How do you know if a plumber is right for you? You can’t try each and every service and hope for the best, you want the best plumbing service right out of the gate. Green Planet Plumbing doesn’t simply focus on a few niche issues. Our experts are licensed and experienced to provide everything you would need to ensure your plumbing system works and does not disrupt your day-to-day activities. Green Planet wants your home or business to run like clockwork. Whether its water going in or waste going out, plumbing that works can give you peace of mind.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Emergency Plumber
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]How do you know if a plumber is right for you? You can’t try each and every service and hope for the best, you want the best plumbing service right out of the gate. Green Planet Plumbing doesn’t simply focus on a few niche issues. Our experts are licensed and experienced to provide everything you would need to ensure your plumbing system works and does not disrupt your day-to-day activities. Green Planet wants your home or business to run like clockwork. Whether its water going in or waste going out, plumbing that works can give you peace of mind.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We provide everything from basic maintenance to emergency services, from leaky faucets to blocked sewers. If you have a clogged toilet, we’ll fix the problem for you.
Backflow Testing and Prevention
We also do backflow testing and prevention for your homes and business. Our expert process prevents water supply contamination and we do inspections whenever needed.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Hiring a Residential Plumber Near Me
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Admit it, when you have a plumbing problem you are often tempted to do it yourself. It’s not bad practice to try home remedies, but these are temporary solutions. DIY plumbing jobs are stop-gap measures, but you have to work out the underlying causes of plumbing problems at some point.
Often, you don’t call a plumber in until it’s gone too far and you end up spending hundreds more dollars on repairs. Why not call in the experts as soon as possible and prevent further, more expensive plumbing repairs?[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Residential Plumbing Solutions
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]With Green Planet Plumbing, you don’t need to wait for a dire emergency to get the best support for your pipes. Green Planet Plumbing offers residential plumbing for your everyday needs. We assist, check, and maintain your pipes to make sure they’re in tiptop condition for years to come.
Our work lasts, backed by insurance and a guarantee on its longevity. With Green Planet, you can have the peace of mind that your residential plumbing works.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Commercial Plumbers in the Hunter Region
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you have a commercial establishment, it is just as important to employ the best plumbing support – someone with a good reputation. You want a plumbing team that has gained the trust of their clients. Our expert commercial plumbers have a solid reputation for expert commercial plumbing services in Newcastle, Central Coast, Lake Macquarie, and surrounding areas.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Fast Commercial Plumber
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We make sure local businesses will have their plumbing problems fixed as soon as possible. Lost time means lost income, and for a small business, this can be devastating. Blocked drainages, sewer issues, and leaking pipes can cripple a business. With Green Planet Plumbing, we can get there fast, when you need it most. Our team will readily respond to and help fix any plumbing-related issues you have.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Hot Water, Gas and Kitchens
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We don’t stop at plumbing, either. Green Planet can help you fix your hot water heaters, do your gas plumbing installation, and even install your commercial kitchens. Green Planet Plumbing will take care of your business like your own home. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, our team is here to make sure you only get the best plumbing support.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2962″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]
Why Choose Green Planet
High-quality, long-lasting work
Our work proudly complies with Australian safety standards
Over 15 years of experience in plumbing
We’ll make sure everything is up to code for you
Australian-owned and operated
family-owned, locally-operated business
We’re a part of a community that we care about
We fix problems quickly, accurately, and efficiently
Our expert plumbers offer easy to understand, honest advice. We’ll tell it to you like it is, so you’ll be sure to know the proper scope of the problem.
Rinnai, Everdue, and Paloma Installation and Service
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Green Planet Plumbing is an expert with different brand heaters, hot water, and cooling appliances. If you have a Rinnai, Everdue, or Paloma brand equipment, the experts at Green Planet can help. We are a huge fan of Rinnai, Everdue, and Paloma heating and cooling products and we provide the installation, repair, and maintenance services to support them.
Green by Name, Green by Nature
Green Planet Plumbing is not only green by name – we are green by nature too. We strive to offer eco-friendly services and care about the environment. Green Planet knows our world needs more environmentally conscious services that reduce emissions. We try to help whichever way we can:
It starts with our office, with paperless transactions. We make sure that all records and transactions have digital copies to reduce paper waste.
We also upgraded our vehicles to be more fuel-efficient.
We offer ways to reduce your impact on the environment – through responsible plumbing practices, we can help you cut your waste and consumption.
We can install environmentally conscious products, such as:
Solar hot water systems
6 Star Energy Rating Gas Instantaneous Systems
Rain water tanks
Water Efficient taps and showerheads
Grey water recycling
Water Efficient Dual Flush Toilets
Water efficiency testing for your home, investment property or business.
Going green now can contribute to your children’s future tomorrow.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2962″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]
Can I call Green Planet Plumbing today?
Definitely! Green Planet Plumbing is here to service Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, and the Hunter Valley regions. Whether it’s a plumbing emergency or commercial maintenance, we have the experts with us.
Green Planet is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we have a local team of experienced Newcastle plumbers ready to do the work for you. Don’t hesitate to ask us anything plumbing related. You’re always sure that a Green Planet plumber is a friendly professional, ready to help. We pride ourselves on efficiency, effectiveness, and speed whilst keeping things tidy. We never leave a mess, so your home will stay clean and safe.
Call Green Planet Plumbing today and request a quote. Want Newcastle and Lake Macquarie plumbers near you? Green Planet is close by.
Blocked Sewers
Residential Plumbing
Backflow Prevention
Commercial Plumbing
Hot Water Heaters
Commercial Kitchens
Call Your 24 Hour Plumber Anytime Of The Day[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Setting the Right Water Pressure For Your Bathroom
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/setting-the-right-water-pressure-for-your-bathroom/
Setting the Right Water Pressure For Your Bathroom
Ensuring you have the right water pressure in your house can do wonders.
All of us have encountered water problems in our bathrooms at some point in our lives. In most cases, these problems have incorrect water pressure settings as the cause. While the process of changing water pressure itself is simple, there are factors you need to consider beforehand. Setting your home’s water pressure with these factors in mind can help prevent problems in the long run.
The Importance of Setting the Right Water Pressure
High water pressure is ideal for some homes, especially those with heavy water use, to ensure an ample supply. While setting water pressure high is tempting, it can cause a significant amount of problems. Some of the most notable ones include:
Damage to pipes and other fixtures
High water pressure causes the water in your pipes to flow strongly and may cause damage. Any damage to your pipes, of course, can lead to more serious problems in the long run.
High water usage
Is your water bill disproportionately high compared to your water use? If so, then this can indicate either leaks or water pressure that is too high. Make sure to check the pressure if it’s just right.
Cause leaks and drips
Your faucets, toilets, and other areas for water output may not be able to contain high water pressure. As a result, leaks and drips become more likely. While initially just an annoyance, drips can cause more problems later on.
On the other hand, setting the water pressure too low can cause you a lot of inconveniences. While the long-term effects aren’t as bad as setting water pressure too high, they can still be problematic. Some of the things that can happen with low water pressure include:
Low water flow
The most immediate effect of low water pressure is low water flow throughout your home. This becomes more apparent when multiple faucets are turned on all at once.
Water loss
More serious water pressure problems can cause a complete loss of water for some parts of your home. This can particularly be a problem for bathrooms in the upper storeys of your house.
Your tasks will be affected.
Have you ever tried cleaning or showering with poor water flow? Doing these tasks when water pressure is low can be wasteful and consume much more time than otherwise.
Most homes set the water pressure between 40 to 60 psi. Of course, there are other factors you have to consider regarding what value to choose in this range.
What Affects the Right Water Pressure?
Setting the correct water pressure for your home isn’t a one-and-done task. Several things affect the water pressure demands of your home. Some of the things that can affect the water pressure requirements of your bathroom include:
Bathrooms located in the lower storeys have easier access to water compared to rooms in the upper storeys. While low water pressure may suffice for first-storey bathrooms, the upper storeys may have trouble accessing water. This is because it is challenging to move water upward through the pipes if water pressure isn’t sufficient.
The number of rooms that use water
The more rooms you have that require water, the higher your water pressure requirement will be. Of course, you will have to also consider simultaneous use since it increases water pressure demand.
An average Australian consumes 100,000L of fresh water annually. The addition of one more person to the household significantly increases water demand. As such, you need to also consider how the people in your home will potentially simultaneously use water.
Other special considerations
Bathrooms and kitchens aren’t the only determinants for water pressure requirements in your home. Make sure you also consider washers, hot tubs, pools, and the like. These significantly increase water use so think about how frequently you use them.
Be sure to identify the water demands of your home to determine the ideal water pressure. Carefully evaluate the different factors we have measured above to help you do so.
Causes and Signs of Faulty Water Pressure
Plumbing systems are carefully crafted to give adequate water supply to homes. Problems, however, can still arise due to various reasons. Some of the things that can cause water pressure fluctuations in your bathroom are the following:
Problems with the water supply
In most cases, the problem doesn’t have anything to do with your home. If you’re experiencing water problems, check if there are any scheduled interruptions set by your water supplier.
Clogs are among the most common causes of low water pressure. The presence of blockages in pipes can prevent water from flowing efficiently. Large clogs can even cause a complete loss of water flow.
Among the most common culprits for clogs are mineral deposits from hard water. Make sure to unblock visible mineral build-ups, such as those in showerheads or faucets. If you suspect blockages in the pipes themselves, you may have to call a professional plumber.
Gas build-up
Sometimes, gas bubbles will form inside pipes. These arise due to different factors, but the effect is almost always the same – water fluctuations. Complete water loss is also possible in more serious cases. If you notice that your water flow frequently sputters, then gas bubbles may be the problem. 
Pipe leaks
Leaky pipes inside your home can cause local water pressure drops. Pipe problems with the water supplier, on the other hand, may cause low water pressure for entire neighbourhoods.
Ask around in your street to if neighbours also experiencing low water pressure. If so, then the problem is likely with the supplier. If not, then you may need to hire a plumber to have a look at your home’s supply system.
Faults in the pressure regulator
All houses have a local water pressure regulator, a valve which reduces incoming water pressure to prevent damage. Problems with your water pressure regulator can lead to faults with the water supply in your home. If you suspect that this is the case, then have your water pressure regulator replaced.
Spotting these problems early is crucial to keeping your home’s water system in proper working order. Leaving these unaddressed can lead to significant problems. This is why you always have to watch out for the signs that tell you something is afoot. Some of the things to watch out for that can indicate pressure problems include:
Strange noises
Strange noises from within your house’s walls when the water is on can indicate high water pressure. This is due to the contact between water travelling at high pressure and your pipes.
If this is the case, then take steps to reduce the water pressure. Prolonged exposure to excessively high water pressure can cause damage to your home’s pipe system.
High water bill
Excessively high water pressure in your home can cause you to consume much more water than you need. Also, the pressure may cause faucets and toilets to increase output unnecessarily. These can make your water bills skyrocket, so make it a habit to check your water pressure regularly.
Problems with your hot water supply
Does your hot water supply fluctuate even though you have no problems with your water heater? If so, then the problem may be due to high water pressure. This is because the heater is not given enough time to heat the water before it exits. Low water pressure, on the other hand, can cause excessive heating of water. 
Drips and leaks
If you spot drips and leaks from your faucets and sprinklers, high water pressure may be the problem. As we mentioned earlier, the water pressure may be too much for these outlets to handle, thus causing leaks.
Low flow
Low water output is the most classic sign of low water pressure. Simultaneous water use that leads to low water output may indicate a slight lack of pressure. On the other hand, low output even without simultaneous use shows a more significant need for pressure increase.
Having water pressure that is too high or too low can be harmful. Be sure to watch out for all the signs of water pressure problems to prevent complications in the future.
Setting the Right Water Pressure
Naturally, setting the right water pressure for your home is the best way of keeping your water system healthy. It may sound challenging but is actually quite simple if you already know what to watch out for.
Some of the best steps to make sure that you set the right water pressure are the following:
Set a pressure based on your needs.
Most homes have a water pressure range of 40 to 60 psi (or 580 to 870 bars). Keep your water pressure within this safe level to prevent complications.
Also, we mentioned that factors like elevation, water use, and appliances like washing machines, affect pressure requirements. Keep a list of all the rooms and items that use water to help determine the ideal pressure. Adjust your home’s water pressure within the safe range while keeping the items that need water into consideration.
Make sure that the pressure valve works correctly.
The first thing that you have to do is to check your pressure valve’s performance. This, after all, ensures that you can properly control the incoming flow of water into your home.
If water pressure still does not change even if you change the settings, the valve may be faulty. If this is the case, change your valve as soon as possible to prevent further complications. 
Install a water pressure gauge.
A water pressure gauge is an instrument that can be connected to a pipe system to determine pressure. These gauges are commonly installed close to the water pressure valve for easier adjustment.
Installing a gauge makes sure the water pressure in your home is always kept at optimal levels. Luckily, these items are inexpensive and are readily available in many hardware stores.
Do the simultaneous use test.
Simultaneous water use, as mentioned earlier, can lead to problems in water flow if water pressure is insufficient. A good hands-on test of water pressure is by doing a simultaneous water use test. Turn on multiple faucets in your home and evaluate whether the output is sufficient for your needs.
If water flow sputters or weakens excessively, then water pressure may be insufficient. Of course, make sure that the pressure remains within the safe levels when you adjust.
Check for the signs of water pressure problems.
We have listed a good number of water pressure problem indicators above. Make sure that you do a check the moment that any of these signs become apparent. Leaving them unaddressed may, after all, lead to further problems with your water system.
It also helps to do a regular check for these signs in potentially problematic areas. Some of these include areas of water output, damage-prone fixtures, and the water pressure valve.
Look for the culprits if you have water pressure problems.
In some cases, water flow is only interrupted in some parts of your home. If this is the case, try to diagnose where the potential problem could be.
For example, suppose that the second storey has low pressure but the first storey is fine. This could then mean that the problem can either be the pipe leading to the second storey. Another possibility could be that water pressure is too low to lift the water efficiently. As another example, suppose that only one bathroom has low water flow. Possible culprits include localised pipe blockages, damaged pipes, or mineral deposit accumulation at the output area.
Are you having water problems in your bathrooms?
Many water problems in homes are directly linked to problems with water pressure. Diagnosing these problems can be tough and may need a professional opinion. Fortunately, if you’re located in Newcastle and the surrounding areas, we’ve got professionals that can help.
Green Planet Plumbing has the best and most experienced master plumbers you can find. If it’s water pressure problems that you have, we’ve got your back. You may contact us through 02 4911 9402.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Importance of a Well Maintained Plumbing System amid a Health Emergency
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/importance-of-a-well-maintained-plumbing-system-amid-a-health-emergency/
Importance of a Well Maintained Plumbing System amid a Health Emergency
Australia is in the middle of a health emergency. Government authorities around the world are trying to curb the global COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on testing, isolation, social distancing protocols, and finding a vaccine.
A critical aspect of public health that people often ignore is plumbing.
How Plumbing Affects Your Health
Centuries ago, outbreaks of dysentery, cholera, typhoid, and other water-borne diseases were common due to poor plumbing design and lack of clean water. Millions of people died from these diseases. Thanks to technological improvements in plumbing, sanitation, and waste management, however, these public health threats are almost non-existent today, especially in developed countries like Australia.
But this does not mean that water contamination cannot happen in modern cities. Here are four ways you can get sick from bad plumbing.
1.      Cross-connection
Wastewater can contaminate your clean water supply with bacteria when there is backpressure or back-siphoning. Backpressure occurs when the downstream pressure is greater than the supply pressure, and contaminated downstream water is forced back up to your clean water supply.
Cross-connection may also occur when there is a drop in water pressure. When your water main breaks or a fire hydrant is in use, the water pressure drops and creates a vacuum. This vacuum can suck contaminants into your pipes.
Although cross-connection is not common, it is still possible, especially if you have older sinks and tubs. Dirty water from toilets, garden hoses, and swimming pools can contaminate your bidets, dishwashers, and even washing machines.
2.      Mould from unfixed leaks
Mould thrives in moist organic material. It grows in roofs, basements, bathrooms, kitchens, clogged gutters, and other areas where leaks are prevalent. They can cause a variety of health problems that range from a simple runny nose and headache to more serious issues such as asthma attacks, sinus infection, and other respiratory problems.
3.      Improper plumbing installation and negligence
There could be defective valves, air gaps, vacuum breakers, and other components in your home plumbing system that could lead to cross-contamination, back siphonage, and wastewater backup. Be sure to hire only certified licensed plumbers in Newcastle to prevent these issues.
4.      High water acidity
Water with a low pH is acidic and can corrode plumbing fixtures that are made of copper, lead, or zinc. It can also cause laundry staining, a metallic or sour taste in drinking water, or blue-green stains in tubs, sinks, and drains.
Acidic water can damage your pipes, lines, and taps. Over time, it can also lead to serious health issues such as liver or kidney damage, gastrointestinal disorders, and increased risk of Type-1 diabetes.
5.      Lead pipes
While lead has long been used in plumbing, recent studies have proven that it can be toxic to humans. Ask your plumber to check your pipes, fittings, and fixtures to make sure that lead is not seeping into your drinking water.
COVID-19 and Your Plumbing System
Safety should always be a priority – now more than ever because of the coronavirus pandemic. While Australia has done reasonably well in containing the virus, as compared to the US or the UK, we should still be extra cautious with our day-to-day activities.
Here at Green Planet Plumbing, we’ve been monitoring the COVID-19 situation through daily updates from the health department. For plumbing professionals like us, watching supermarket shelves being wiped out of toilet paper is a concerning development. We might have to deal with an overwhelming number of sewer blockages resulting from consumers who can’t get toilet paper using unsuitable alternatives and flushing those  down their toilets.
As we deal with the shortage on toilet paper, we cannot stress enough the importance of not flushing certain products which can cause major damage to your plumbing system. These products include:
Wet wipes
Tissue paper
Paper towels
Cleaning cloths
Sanitary products
These items do not dissolve in water the way toilet paper does. In fact, they actually absorb water which makes them expand once they are flushed. That’s terrible not only for your pipes but for our environment as well.
Dos and Don’ts to Prevent Plumbing Emergencies
Plumbers provide an essential service to our community, especially during the current health emergency. But in the process, they are also putting themselves at risk, as well as their families and anyone that they come into contact with after completing the job.
One way to avoid calling a plumber is to take precaution with your plumbing system. Since plumbing emergencies don’t occur by chance, you can prevent plumbing disasters from happening by following these dos and don’ts.
·       Don’t flush anything aside from pee and poo.
As mentioned above, do not flush things down the toilet. Paper towels, baby wipes, and hygiene products can wreak havoc on your plumbing system.
·       Don’t pour grime and gunk down the sink.
The best way to protect your kitchen plumbing is to avoid pouring any oil, butter, congealed fat, or any greasy substance down the sink.
In the bathroom, oil baths can cause blockages too, especially when combined with hair and other particles that are trapped in the drain.
·       Don’t ignore the leaks.
Small leaks when left unfixed can grow into a more costly problem that can damage your home and become serious health and safety hazards for your family.
·       Don’t puncture your pipes.
As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, this is not the time to start a home makeover project. If you are too bored and want to do a little DIY around your home, make sure you know where your pipes are to avoid puncturing them.
·       Check for leaks.
Leaks are one of the most frustrating problems with home plumbing. Your kitchen sink, in particular, is susceptible to leaking due to heavy usage. Once you notice that water is escaping around the sink strainer, faucet or any other part of the sink, check for leaks right away.
You should also inspect all the exposed pipes in and around your home. Pay attention to small cracks or holes that may not be easily noticeable. One way to check for water damage on walls is to look for moisture or discolouration. These are often signs that your pipes may be leaking.
·       Clean your sinks and toilets.
You should always emphasise proper hygiene in your household – even when there is no pandemic. Clean your sinks and toilets regularly with a mild cleaner to help break down the build-up of debris and keep the water free-flowing.
·       Clear slow drains.
If you notice that water is flowing slowly down your drain, it could mean a clog or debris build-up. You can fix this in two ways; you can pour very hot water down the drain, or use a drain cleaner to improve the flow of water.
As part of your regular plumbing maintenance, let the water run down your sinks, toilets, showers, and tubs once every few months to check the speed of the water draining. If you notice slow drainage, this could be a sign that your pipe is clogged or has a partial block. Consider hiring a plumber if the problem persists.
·       Look for signs of corrosion.
Rust is one of the main culprits of pipe damage. Green stains are a common sign of corrosion on brass and copper pipes while orange stains are often found on worn steel fittings. Replace your pipes if the problem is severe to avoid costly damages in the future.
·       Inspect all your plumbing fixtures.
Since we are all forced to stay at home during the pandemic, this is the perfect time to inspect your taps, showerheads, and valves. To make sure there are no leaks, wipe all surfaces around these fixtures and check for signs of moisture after an hour or so.
·       Check all your appliances that operate with water
You should also inspect your dishwasher, water heater, washing machine, and other appliances that are connected to your water lines. Look for signs of damage or leaks along the water hoses.
After going through everything around your home, list down the problems that you have discovered and see which ones you can fix and which ones require a professional.
The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Plumbing Industry
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people all across the globe. Like other countries, Australia has seen its share of events getting cancelled and businesses shutting down. While some people have the option to work at home, many professionals are forced to stay at the frontlines. Doctors, nurses, drivers, retail workers, and, yes, even plumbers attend to the needs of our community while putting their own health at risk.
If your pipes are leaking or your water heater suddenly emits steam or smoke, your Newcastle plumber comes to the rescue!
The Australian plumbing industry has been severely affected by the global pandemic. Some companies have been forced to retrench workers while those that remain open can only offer limited services. Perhaps the biggest hurdle for professional plumbers is social distancing. The health department requires people to stay 1.5 metres away from each other to minimise the risk of infection.
For homeowners the question is, should you cancel your regular plumbing maintenance appointment or call your plumber anyway?
The answer is simple – cancel or postpone unless you have an emergency. A burst pipe is definitely an emergency while a small leak is not. If the problem can wait or you can fix it yourself, put off calling a professional to get the job done.
When do you need a plumber?
Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time. Whether there is a pandemic or not, your pipes could burst, your toilet could clogged, or your water heater could break down. All these issues require an urgent fix.
You may have a potential blockage if:
your sinks, showers, or toilets are slow to empty
your toilet is not flushing properly
your toilet is overflowing
your toilet or floor drain is making gurgling noises
wastewater is backing up from the drain.
If a simple leak has turned into a full-blown disaster, call your trusted Newcastle plumber immediately.
How to minimise risks during a health emergency
If you need to call a plumber to deal with an emergency, here are important reminders on how to protect your family as well as your plumber.
1.      Call ahead and ask about safety protocols.
Despite the health risk, many plumbing and maintenance companies continue to serve their community. Call and ask about their safety and hygiene protocols. Do their plumbers wear protective equipment while on the job? Have they been briefed on public health guidelines prior to visiting your home? If a company does not enforce the rules set by the health department, do not hesitate to find someone else.
2.      Ensure a safe work environment.
You and your plumber share equal responsibility in making sure the work environment is safe for everyone.
Always observe proper social distancing – stay at least 1.5 metres away from one another. Instead of crowding your bathroom, let your plumber do the work alone. You can wait in the kitchen or living room, or stay out in the yard until the job is completed. Also, make sure that you have hand sanitisers or antibacterial soap available so your plumber can wash their hands before leaving the premises.
3.      Always disinfect after the work is completed.
After the job is completed and the plumber has left, you should disinfect the work area as well as the pathway. Clean and disinfect all surfaces that they might have touched along the way.
4.      Stay up-to-date with public health guidelines.
With the rapid transmission of the coronavirus, the government has had to keep pace with the latest developments. Therefore, it is not surprising that safety protocols often change in a moment’s notice. Be sure to stay updated so you can do your part in slowing down the spread of the virus.
Why Plumbing and Public Health Go Hand-in-Hand
Well-maintained plumbing systems protect our water supply from contaminants and pathogens – and are therefore essential in maintaining a healthy community.
However, no plumbing system is absolutely foolproof. Maintaining our home plumbing system is something that we should never take for granted, especially now that everyone’s health is at risk.
If you are not able to fix plumbing issues in your home, then you are exposing your household to water-borne diseases. The problem becomes even more dangerous if your sewage and wastewater pipes contaminate your drinking water. An outbreak of any disease is the last thing that our hospitals need right now, so plumbers are essential during this public health emergency.
If you need help in repairing leaks or inspecting your pipes, give us a call at 02 4911 9402. Green Planet Plumbing is happy to help with all your plumbing concerns.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Default Kit
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/?elementor_library=default-kit
Default Kit
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Is it Time for a Bathroom Renovation?
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/is-it-time-for-a-bathroom-renovation/
Is it Time for a Bathroom Renovation?
How to tell if you need a bathroom renovation, what bathroom designs to consider and how to get the best bathroom results
Do you find yourself unhappy with your bathroom? Does your current bathroom situation make you feel you can do better? If your answer is yes, then it’s probably time for a bathroom renovation! If you find yourself dreaming of a rejuvenated bathroom experience, it’s likely time to overhaul your bathroom.
The Importance of Bathroom Renovations
Your bathroom is your private refuge. Bath time is associated with relaxation and taking your mind off your worries. It’s the only time you can be genuinely private if you have a family.
If your bathroom does not have the right ambience to relax you or it isn’t functional in the right way, there’s no point to it. Why lock yourself up in quiet contemplation if your bathroom stresses you out?
If you feel that your bathroom is not a pleasant place for you anymore or it isn’t working like it should, it might be time to consider a renovation. The good news is that bathrooms offer an excellent return on investment for your home as they improve your home’s functionality and gives you a more restful time at home. Bathrooms can increase the marketability of your home. If you plan on selling your home, a beautiful, functional bathroom can give you a better value.
7 Signs You Need a Bathroom Renovation Sooner than Later
A bathroom renovation can be a long, time-consuming process, but it’s worth it once you see the results. Once some of the common tell-tale signs present themselves to you, you’ll know that you need a bathroom makeover. Whether you’re looking for simple repairs or extensive replacements, here are seven signs that it’s time for a bathroom renovation.
1.  Outdated colours and décor
When colours and decors start to become an eyesore, it becomes a necessity to repaint, replace or renovate.
There are many reasons why you might stop liking a particular colour or bathroom design. For starters, many residents are not the original builders of their home. The bathroom design was likely at the behest of the previous owners who eventually sold the property to you. The colour might have been unpleasant for you since the beginning, or the way you see it over time may have simply changed. Trends change, especially if interior designs are more than a decade old. Some styles from yesteryears are not tasteful anymore.
Regardless of your reason, finding your bathroom’s colour or design unsightly is a clear sign that it’s time to re-evaluate. A repainting job or a complete bathroom remodelling is might be necessary.
What renovations should you do?
When renovating, colour is one of the first considerations you take into account. It’s a great starting point to find your inspiration and your overall theme. Décor colour is a reflection of your personal tastes, so you want to be careful with it.
Take your time when trying to commit to a specific colour choice. Rushing to a colour you want only to regret it later will cost you time and money. For those who are generally indecisive, it’s best to stay in neutral colours.
You would also want to pick bathroom tiles that use unique textures and patterns. While neutral style tiles are a classic, consider designs that “speak” to you. You should also consider functionality in your overall design. Ask yourself questions such as:
Will I still love this in 10 years?
Will this be easy to clean and maintain?
Would someone else love this if I were to sell my home?
Are my renovations making my bathroom more functional?
What features, themes, colours and patterns will make me want to spend more time in my bathroom?
2.  Stains, cracks, and small damages exist
Stains, cracks, peeling paint, and missing grout are annoying and a clear sign of a need for bathroom renovation. Many minor bathroom issues also lead to bigger issues with your plumbing and construction. 
An expert plumbing team can immediately see if there are issues in your bathroom. Still, small nicks or dings such as the following can be genuine warning signs to ever-growing problems:
Mildew growth
Leaky fixtures
Oft-congested toilets
Blocked drains
Weak water pressure
Water temperature issues
Old, damaged plumbing systems
Ventilation issues
Ignoring warning signs can result in costly bathroom renovations for you. You want to make sure that you address any small issues as soon as you can. Compounding issues can result in more expensive remodelling down the line.
What Renovations Should You Do? 
Once you start experiencing several micro-issues, consider if they are becoming bothersome or parts of a larger issue. A small nick on your bathroom tiles may not be a problem for some people. Small nicks that start leaks and moulds should receive immediate attention.
Broken fixtures also require urgent attention. While water leaks are not always visible, you’ll notice a change in your bathroom’s overall experience. If you’re experiencing weaker water pressure or specific odours, call a professional plumber.
Master plumbers can give your bathroom a quick assessment. They’ll look for potential issues and inform you if it’s time for a bathroom renovation.
3.  The bathroom layout is messy
A common problem among many Australian bathrooms is what we call a messy layout. In some cases, bathrooms receive renovations without much forethought. These layouts then become an annoyance to the bathroom owner or the eventual owners of the house.
For example, there are bathrooms where the door can hit the commode or the sink. Some people are too tall for the position of their showerhead to give them a good spray. Other homes have tight bathrooms due to too many bells and whistles.
A messy bathroom layout can be stressful, especially if it’s an issue with important fixtures. A toilet that’s too small for you can ruin the entire toilet experience. It will make you want to get out of the place as soon as possible.
In an emergency, messy bathroom layouts are dangerous. It makes you struggle with what you want to do, and they can eventually injure you or your family.
What Renovations Should You Do? 
Messy layouts don’t always need extensive bathroom renovations. Most of the time, you would only need to talk to a master plumber and ask to reposition fixtures. Sinks and showers will only take a minimal level of work at best.
Some parts of your bathroom, however, would need deep renovations. Moving your toilet, for example, would need substantial plumbing work. Plumbers would need to open up a floor, reroute pipes and reposition fixtures.
It’s best to redo your bathroom layout in its entirety if you have multiple issues. A plumber’s advice is always essential in making your decisions to renovate. You can ask your trusted Newcastle plumber to give your bathroom an assessment of what they can do.
Depending on the size of your bathroom, renovations can be about addition or subtraction. Removing some bathroom fixtures can be useful if space is at a premium. Adding new features to your bathroom would be excellent with enough leeway.
4.  Inferior lighting
Do you look entirely different inside your bathroom versus outside? Is your vanity light so dim that it prevents you from seeing your details? These are common lighting issues in many bathrooms.
When it comes to bathrooms, many people neglect bad lighting when considering a renovation. Many believe that lighting issues are easy to resolve, and usually, they are. You only need to change a few light bulbs here and there, and you’re good.
Still, there are bathrooms with poor lighting, such as those with only a single light source, usually coming from the ceiling. Other bathrooms have no windows looking out, and others are too big for their illumination.
A bathroom needs good illumination for it to feel cosy and homey. A simple white fluorescent bulb makes the colours of your bathroom look drab. Aesthetic lighting dictates the mood and can help you relax more.
What Renovations Should You Do? 
Consider adding more lighting fixtures when you do bathroom renovations. Add more sources of light when you can, especially for rooms with no windows. See if it’s possible to add more ways to include ambient lighting for relaxing and task lighting for grooming and self-care activities.
Indirect lighting around your bathroom’s cornice would do a lot for the mood. Dim accent lighting around the corners can also support the central light for a brighter bathroom.
If you have a tub, mood lighting will help improve your relaxation inside your bathroom. Consider adding specific lighting fixtures to illuminate your vanity mirror.
5.  Your bathroom storage is limited
For many Australian homes, bathroom storage is rarely a significant consideration. Still, the ability to store your bathroom necessities and toiletries in the bathroom is vital. After all, you should have everything you need within arm’s reach inside your bathroom.
The last thing you need is to start looking around your home for toiletries when inside the bathroom. Soaps, shampoo, conditioners, and some medications should be inside the bathroom. Toilet paper, towels, and wipes should also stay inside.
If you feel you lack storage space, it’s time for a bathroom remodelling – It’s time for you to add more storage!
What Renovations Should You Do? 
Adding storage space should come into consideration during the design process. Depending on the size of your bathroom, you would want a few cabinets at the very least. One bottom cabinet can store cleaning products, while overhead cabinets can store hygiene products.
A place to put some decor would be beneficial, especially if you have a window. A nice ledge to your window can support vases, candles, and even incense. Add some rails where you can put your towels and other wipes.
You can place a few extra furniture or some fixtures near the door. Take advantage if you have the space to spare by affixing storage solutions. Cabinets and shelves make a bathroom feel more luxurious than it is.
6.  Your bathroom is too cramped
A cramped bathroom can be a headache. Bathrooms should make you comfortable instead of claustrophobic, so you need to have enough space to attend to your needs every day.
Do you feel it’s a bit awkward to move around your bathroom when putting on your makeup? Is it hard for you to fit around spaces if you drop something on the floor? Is your morning shave limited by how you can position your tools?
If the answer to any of these is a resounding yes, then it’s time for a bathroom renovation! You need to have a professional help increase the current space that you have.
What Renovations Should You Do? 
When you are looking to increase your bathroom space, there are two ways to go about it. First, you can check for areas of your bathroom that you want to optimise and remove. Second, you can also see if there’s space to widen your bathroom physically.
In the first solution, the answer is always to see what is vital for you. You may have a bathtub, but if you don’t use it at all or dislike long baths, there’s no point in having it. You might as well remove the tub and add a shower cubicle and fixtures.
Contemplate what you need in your bathroom. Remove what you don’t need from the layout and substitute with something else. There’s no point in cabinets and shelves that are not being used at all.
By removing bathroom fixtures that you don’t need, you reclaim space to work with. It also allows you to do something else with the space or add removable furniture instead.
The second solution is to expand your space by moving or removing walls. If you have too cramped a bathroom space, find areas in your home where you can move the walls. Have a licensed plumber assess the situation for you and see the best-case scenario.
If you’re moving a wall, it’s pivotal to speak with a licensed plumber first because you would likely need prior permission to do construction for your bathroom. Always follow the advice of plumbing experts and ask for a quotation before saying yes to their service.
7.  Your family’s bathroom needs are changing
Bathrooms would need to keep their value over time. As your family grows older, their bathroom needs also starting changing. An ideal bathroom will be able to serve your requirements to live a comfortable life.
While you’re single, a small and cramped bathroom may not be a problem. It should be enough for your daily needs. Even when you bring another person into your life, a small bathroom would still be workable.
Once you start having a family however, a single, small bathroom will not be enough. Every family member would need their own storage in the bathroom. The older your children get, the more needs they develop.
It’s the same when you grow old. You would want to develop your bathroom further to increase accessibility options. Older people usually require grab rails, shower chairs, and other features to keep themselves safe.
What Renovations Should You Do? 
When your needs are changing, assess your family’s bathroom use. See what additions you can install for the renovation that will make your situation better. You would want to put into consideration everyone’s needs.
In some cases, safety rails and other accessibility options need a professional plumbing team. Plumbers have experience in bathroom construction, and they can usually help maximise the space you depending on your unique needs.
Talk to Expert Newcastle Plumbing Professionals for Your Next Bathroom Renovation
When is it time for a bathroom renovation? Several reasons can trigger the need for a new bathroom. Whether you have changing needs or your bathroom is starting to get too old, a renovation could be in order.
Whatever concerns you have with your bathroom, it’s crucial always to ask a trusted plumber before considering DIY. Doing things by yourself requires money, time, and training or knowledge. There are also necessary government permits you would need to make sure everything is done correctly.
Hiring an expert plumbing team can make your bathroom renovations much easier. Get advice from pros who have years of experience with renovations. Talk to an expert plumber in Newcastle today and find out if it’s time for a bathroom renovation.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
What You Need to Know About Bidets
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/what-you-need-to-know-about-bidets/
What You Need to Know About Bidets
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Here’s why you should consider installing a bidet in your bathrooms.
Bidets are quite common in some parts of the world, like East Asia and Southern Europe. You’d be hard-pressed to find a Japanese or French toilet without a bidet. Why are bidets common in some places and not so in others? It’s a cultural thing in some places, while others don’t install them for practical reasons.
Many people are discovering the convenience that bidets bring to the toilet experience, attracting more and more households to install bidets to their toilets. What many people do not realise is that convenience is only one of the benefits of their installations. Bidets also have many other advantages, and we detail some of them below.
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Types of Bidets
First off, know that there are several different types of bidets, each with their own merits. What type you should get depends on your needs, preference, or available space.  Some of the most popular of these bidet types are the following:
Standalone: Standalone bidets resemble low sinks with faucets facing upwards or sideways. Using these may take a while to get accustomed to. When you’re used to using them, you’ll find that standalone bidets are excellent for washing. These bidets, however, occupy a bit more space compared to the other types.
Toilet seat bidets: Toilet seat bidets themselves come in multiple varieties. Some of the most basic ones are nozzles or sprays that can be attached to the seat. The more advanced, such as those that are common in East Asia, involve entire toilet seats. These seats have built-in sprays whose settings can be adjusted. These settings can change seat temperature, water temperature, or spray type. Some can even play music while you’re using the toilet.
Handheld sprays: Handheld sprays are some of the most popular types. These resemble hoses with the end resembling a small shower head. Handheld sprays are normally connected close to the toilet for easier access.
It comes down to preference. Regardless of the type you opt to get, you’ll still be gaining the many benefits that bidets have.
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Bidets are Convenient
Some people are put off by bidets because of the current practice of just using toilet paper works. Why go through the trouble of installing a bidet to fix what already works? What they don’t consider is that making the shift from toilet paper to a bidet is incredibly convenient. Bidets also come with a lot of other benefits such as the following:
·  They’re easy to install.
Most people think that bidets need specialised plumbing systems to work. While this is true for some types, most bidets will readily work with what you already have. As long as your bathroom has working pipes, bidets can easily be installed. If you’re unsure, ask a local supplier for more details.
·  They’re easy to use.
Many people are at a loss when they first encounter a bidet. However, it doesn’t take a genius to operate one. It’s as easy as turning on the faucet and aiming. The obstacle that most people face is getting used to using a bidet. Fortunately, the ease of use of bidets makes sure that you continually keep yourself clean with each wash.
·  They’re comfortable to use.
Bidets can seem daunting to use. After all, it’s a bit scary to imagine a jet of water aimed at you tender parts. Most bidets, however, come with different settings. If a strong, cleansing stream is what you need, your bidet should come with those settings. If a gentler wash is what you want, just adjust.
·  You reduce the chances of clogging.
The use of bidets is ideal for your drainage system. Having a bidet means that you flush less toilet paper down your toilet, reducing the chances of clogging and helping your bathroom’s pipes to last longer. They can save you a lot of inconvenience in the long run.
·  They don’t take up much space.
Bidets don’t take up a ton of space in your bathroom. These can be as compact as you wish, depending on what type you get. If you don’t have a lot of space, go for the smaller sprays that can be attached to the toilet. If you have some space to spare, consider getting a standalone one. 
·  They have a ton of functions.
Bidets aren’t just for washing your privates. They also have a lot of other functions that you can enjoy. Do you need to wash something that you don’t want near your sink or shower? Wash it down with your bidet. Hand-held bidet sprays are excellent for these functions, and the possibilities are endless.
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Bidets are Great for Your Health
Convenience is not the only boon that bidets can offer. What many people overlook are the many health benefits of using bidets. Using these to clean up instead of just using toilet paper can be advantageous. Some of the best health benefits of using bidets are the following:
·  They’re hygienic
Remember that faecal matter contains bacteria from your digestive tract. The most hygienic way of dealing with this is by keeping it away from you.
Proper cleaning, however, can be problematic. You can never get totally clean if you just use toilet paper after doing your business. Rinsing with just water, or both soap and water is a lot more hygienic.
·  You reduce your chances of contamination.
Faecal matter can particularly be problematic if it contaminates other objects. The worst cases come from bacteria getting into food or drinking water.
It can, fortunately, be prevented through the use of a bidet. Bidets allow you to wash thoroughly and remove any faecal matter from your body and lessens the chances of you contaminating other objects as a result. The smaller the chances of contamination, the smaller the chances of contracting other diseases.
·  You reduce your chances of irritation.
If you’ve ever had your skin rubbed until it’s raw, then you’d know how painful it can be. Rubbing the skin raw can also happen to with the excessive use of toilet paper. Defecating and cleaning up with paper multiple times a day, for example, can cause this to occur. The micro-abrasions caused by rubbing the skin can be quite painful.
The use of bidets could prevent this from happening as the use of water is a lot gentler on the skin and can prevent irritation.
·  You can prevent infections.
Scrapes, wounds, and cuts are easily infected if microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi get to them. Using a bidet can mean that you reduce the chances of getting cuts and scrapes in your genital area. In turn, you also reduce the chances of microorganisms infecting your skin.
·  They’re great for other conditions.
The use of bidets can benefit some medical conditions. For example, some people experience frequent defecation or urination, which may demand frequent cleaning and wiping that could be harmful. Those with haemorrhoids also find using a bidet causes them less irritation and pain.
Regardless if you have pre-existing conditions or not, there’s no denying the benefits of a bidet. Make sure you take these into account if you’re considering getting a bidet installed.
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Bidets are Environmentally Friendly
Bidets don’t just make you healthier, but they also keep the environment healthy and are among the most environmentally-friendly options for personal hygiene available. Many of the environmental benefits of bidets come from using less toilet paper. Among the most notable of these include the following:
·   You’re saving trees.
In quite a surprising way, you also save trees when you use your bidet. That’s because you reduce the amount of toilet paper that you use. The toilet paper industry needs 27,000 trees daily to keep up with demand.
By shifting to the use of bidets, you help reduce the demand for toilet paper. Reducing this demand can mean that fewer trees are cut down for toilet paper production.
·  You save water, surprisingly.
It’s not intuitive, but you use less water if you use a bidet as opposed to if you use toilet paper. The production of toilet paper uses significantly more water if you compare it to the use of bidets. In fact, it takes 37 gallons of water to produce a single roll of toilet paper. Bidets use far less water.
Why should you care about where all this water goes or how it’s used? Toilet paper production uses clean water and produces wastewater. The environmental impact of this can be quite significant. Clean water is a precious commodity, while wastewater can severely pollute ecosystems.
·  You save electricity indirectly.
Toilet paper production also consumes a significant amount of electricity. Operating your bidet, on the other hand, does not. By shifting to the use of bidets, you also indirectly reduce electrical consumption.
·  Toilet paper turns into sludge.
Have you ever seen what happens to tissue paper when soaked in water for too long? The same thing happens to toilet paper. It disintegrates into small particles that either remain suspended in water or sinks to the bottom. Either way, sludge is formed.
Significant amounts of toilet paper can form a thick sludge that can be hazardous to the environment. If left untreated, aquatic animals that come into contact with this sludge face serious health concerns. The use of bidets lessens the amount of dissolved toilet paper that makes it to the environment. Just think of all the animals that bidets save as a result.
·  You reduce your carbon footprint.
Overall, using a bidet instead of just using toilet paper reduces your carbon footprint. It may not be a significant reduction, but every single act counts.
Even if you’re not an avid environmentalist and you consider getting a bidet installed for the other benefits, the help that you’ll be doing for the environment can be a bonus.
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Bidets are a Great Investment
When getting a bidet installed, the only expenditures you have are the purchase costs and installation fees. The water consumption of these items is minimal, and you’ll hardly notice this in your utility bill. At the same time, you save a lot of money on other expenses. Here are some reasons why bidets are an excellent investment:
·  They’re not expensive at all.
A big misconception that people have about bidets is regarding price. They don’t consider installing a bidet because they think they are expensive. That is not true. As mentioned earlier, not many toilets have bidets for cultural reasons. While there are some expensive ones, many handheld or spray-type bidets are inexpensive and are quite affordable.
·  You save money on toilet paper.
Having a bidet will drastically reduce the toilet paper consumption of your household, which means that you’ll be saving money on toilet paper expenses. An average Australian household uses more than 400 rolls of toilet paper a year. Cutting that number can save you a lot of cash.
·  You save on plumbing expenses.
Flushing toilet paper is one of the biggest reasons for clogged toilets. Since you’ll be flushing down minimal amounts, then you also reduce the chances of clogging. You also save on plumbing expenses as a result. Aside from saving on plumbing, you also help maintain local water lines and drainage systems. Keeping these in good condition will benefit you and your house in the long run.
·  You’re preventing potential medical expenses.
We mentioned earlier that bidets have many health benefits. These may help prevent certain types of medical conditions, and therefore, it means that you’ll be saving a lot on potential medical expenses as a result.
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Have a bidet installed in your home today
If you want to experience these benefits for you and your family, then get a bidet installed today. These are easy to install, but a professional plumber can help you install it properly and effectively. Whether you need bidets installed at your house, office, or other establishment, our licensed plumbers are here to help.
Green Planet Plumbing offers a wide variety of plumbing services and are sure to offer the services that you need. Email us at [email protected] or call on 02 4911 9402 for more information.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
25 Ways to Conserve Water All Year Round
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/25-ways-to-conserve-water-all-year-round/
25 Ways to Conserve Water All Year Round
These 25 water conservation hacks would surely benefit the environment.
The steady rise in population growth and continuous economic development have resulted in the increased demand in freshwater. The improved living standards over the last few years also added to the water stress. With the environment’s decreased capacity to produce water, it seems that this growing demand will not be satisfied to the full.
Drought is a natural part of Australia’s history, and this will likely carry on in the future. For this reason, its citizens are encouraged to engage in water efficiency initiatives. With Australia being the driest inhabited continent, collective effort in water conservation can contribute a lot to alleviate water stress. Everyone can do their part in conserving water, beginning with simple steps at home.
Conserving Water in the Kitchen
The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that an average household uses up to 31 litres of water per day in the kitchen sink. Dishwashing by hand, for example, consumes around 18 litres of water on the average; whereas, dishwashers use 15 to 20 litres depending on the cycle.
Here are some smart ways you can minimise water consumption and wastage in the kitchen:
1.  Let the dishwasher do the job.
You might think that this is counterintuitive, but you actually use more water by hand washing your dishes. With hand washing, you are using more than 3 times more water. Choose a dishwasher with at least a WELS rating of 4.5 stars; it uses only 15 litres of water per cycle. So, save water — and give yourself a break from all the scrubbing and washing — by letting the dishwasher do the job. Win-win.
2.  Get your faucets fitted with aerators.
How could something so simple and cheap be so clever and effective? Aerators allow you to save water by separating a single stream into multiply sprays of water. By introducing air into the water flow, it gets less space to flow through and reduces the flow. It results in less water consumed, which also results in a lower water bill.
3.  Go for single-lever mixer taps.
Single lever taps allow you to mix and control water temperature and flow with just one lever. You won’t have to wait long to achieve your desired water temperature. And with the water flowing out from a single spout, you won’t waste water.
4.  Have an alternative to in-sink garburators.
Aside from the environmental implication, in-sink garbage disposal unit also ramp up water usage at home. It can also overload the septic tank or sewage system, which can add up to the maintenance cost. One good alternative for this fixture is by starting a compost pile.
5.  Don’t use running water to rinse fruits and vegetables.
You will end up using way more water than necessary if you do it this way. Instead, wash the produce in a stoppered sink or basin of water.
6.  Check your faucets and pipes for water leaks.
One small leaking faucet can waste up to 9,000 litres of water in a year. That’s enough water for an average person to do all things water-related in a full month. To prevent this wastage, it is essential to check and fix for drips in your faucets, pipes and even toilet periodically.
Preserving Water While in the Shower
For a 7-minute shower, one will typically consume about 55 to 64.2 litres of water. That’s approximately 9 litres of water coming out from a water-efficient showerhead per minute. Add 10 litres more per minute if you are using an older showerhead model. So, how do you minimise the amount of water you use in the shower? Consider these tips:
1.  Switch to a low-flow showerhead.
By installing a low-flow showerhead, you only use 2 gallons or less water per minute instead of the usual 2.5 gallons. For every minute spent showering, you can save as much as 20 litres of water.
2.  Use a shower timer.
Sometimes you may think you only spent 10 minutes in the shower when in fact you have spent 15 minutes. The thing is that it’s quite easy to lose track of time whilst showering. Make shower time water-efficient by using a shower timer. This attachment can effectively save water by limiting the time you spend consuming water in the shower. And don’t keep the water running while lathering your hair or body!
3.  Keep your shower time short.
Taking a quick shower is a great way to start saving water in the shower. Obviously, you consume less water with a shorter shower time. Try to cut back on shower time and limit it to 4 or 5 minutes. By taking shorter showers with a 3-star WELS rated showerhead, you only use no more than 9 litres of water per minute.
How to Save Water in Toilets
In the toilet is where the largest percentage of water usage at home goes. Toilets with single flush cistern flush down 9 to 11 litres of water per use. Those fitted with a dual flush cistern consumes 3 litres water for a half flush and 4.5 to 6 litres for a full flush. If you consider the number of household members using the toilet and the how frequent each one uses it in a day, the amount of water consumed can easily add up. Consider these tips to save water in toilets:
1.  Don’t use the toilet as if it’s a trash bin.
Facial tissue, cigarette butt, and other bits of trash and personal hygiene products should not go into the toilet. It wastes gallons of water and can cause a maintenance problem in the long run. There are only three things that should go in there — pee, poo and toilet paper.
2.  Use a tank float booster or use a DIY alternative.
A float booster or tank bank can help save more than 10 gallons of water per day. It is inexpensive and quite easy to use. You may also improvise by filling two plastic bottles with sand or pebbles and screw the cap back on. Put these bottles inside the toilet tank, in a corner away from the working mechanisms.
3.  Install a dual flush model toilet.
As mentioned earlier, a dual flush toilet is a smarter choice for its water efficiency. It allows full flush for solid waste and half flush for liquid waste. With a dual flush model, you can save up to 70% more water. It is better for the environment and saves you money on your water bill.
Simple Hacks for Decreased Water Use in the Laundry
Around 13% of water use in Australian household goes into the laundry. And depending on the washing machine that you use, you could be wasting over 460,000 litres of water. But by changing the way you wash your clothes making smart choices, you can eliminate this wastage. Follow these tips:
1.  Wash only with full loads.
As much as you possibly can, forego laundry if you only have a few items to wash. Or check if your washer has a setting for half-load and adjust the water levels to match the load. Washing with full loads gets you the cleanest clothes with the water you use.
2.  Consider doing laundry only once a week.
When you wash by only one load weekly, you save 120 litres of water. Also, handwashing clothes with delicate fabrics allow you to use much less water. Handwashing is gentler for your delicate items and they will last longer.
3.  Use a high-efficiency washing machine.
Using water-efficient appliances can help save up to 35% on water bills. Washing machines can be notorious water wasters, and it’s time to rethink your choices. The most efficient washing machines have a WELS star rating of 5 stars or higher.
Smart Water Saving Tips for the Yard and Garden
Garden sprinklers can consume up to 1000 litres of water per hour. Meanwhile, watering your garden by hand can sometimes result in water wastage due to overwatering, drips, and run-offs. It is easy to unknowingly waste so much water in your yard and garden, thinking it all goes into your greenery. Save water with these tips:
1.  Use greywater for plants.
Collecting and using greywater is a great way to preserve water. You can collect greywater by keeping a pail to gather used water that’s still clean enough to be reused. The water used to wash fruits and vegetables and the water coming from your washing machine’s rinse cycle, for instance, are good for watering the plants.
2.  Use a pail to wash your car.
When you wash your car with a running hose, you use around 200 litres of water. But you can easily cut it down to 50% by using a pail to wash your car and only using the hose for rinsing. When rinsing, use a spray nozzle for more efficiency.
3.  Don’t hose down sidewalks and driveways.
Similarly, avoid using the hose to clean the sidewalks and driveways of dirt and leaves. Use a broom instead, and only hose down spots with grimes. This small change in the way you clean these areas can help conserve water and save on bills.
4.  Water your plants during the least hot time of the day.
It’s best to water your plants early or late in the day when the evaporation rate is lower. The best time would be early in the morning before the full-on sunshine. It will prevent the formation of fungus that can harm your plants. But late afternoon during sunset is also fine.
5.  Choose plants that do not require lots of water to thrive.
With Australia’s often challenging climate and the drive for water conservation, we need to make smart choices in almost every aspect of our lives. That extends to your garden and yard, and opting for drought-resistant plants can do the trick. With a garden graced with water-saving plant selections, you save on water and maintenance. Native plants are usually the best choices for this.
6.  Choose the best spot for your garden sprinklers.
For maximised efficiency, position your sprinklers where the water only reaches on the lawn or garden and not on the paved areas.
7.  Get your garden installed with automatic irrigation system.
If you haven’t got an automatic irrigation system installed yet, maybe it’s time to get one. Not only is having one prevent water wastage due to overwatering, run-off, drips and leaks, but it is also convenient. Imagine not having to worry about whether or not the plants have been watered, especially when you are on holiday. This system allows adjustments, so it works on a specific time of the day and is optimised according to the weather or season.
Additional Tips
Without realising it, you may be using more water than necessary. By making small adjustments in the way you do things, you can stop wasting water here and there. The water you save may not seem that much at first, but if you add everything up, you will see how significant it can be. Here are some more tips:
1.  Store a jug of drinking water in your fridge.
A cool glass of water relieves parched throats, especially during summer. During extra hot days, don’t waste water by letting the water run to cool it off. Instead, keep a jug or bottle of water in the fridge. You will also get much colder water to drink this way.
2.  Don’t leave the water running.
Many people get in the habit of keeping the water running while shaving, soaping their hands, or brushing their teeth. Those can easily waste more than 200 gallons of water in a month. But you can save that much water by turning the faucet off as you go about your brushing, shaving, and lathering up.
3.  Insulate your hot water pipes.
This procedure is reasonably inexpensive and can save water by retaining water heat. It prevents water wastage which typically happens when cold water gets flushed out while waiting for hot water to come out.
Make Your Home Water-Efficient with help from Licensed Plumbers
By following the tips and tricks suggested in this article, you are doing a significant part in conserving water in your community. You may use this simple tool to know more about how much water your household consumes.
Having your home plumbing checked is one of the easiest ways you can prevent unattended water wastage. At Green Planet Plumbing, we make sure your home is water efficient. We can check your home’s plumbing system for any issues that may result in high maintenance cost and water bills.
We test for any for leaks, drips, backflows and other problems. Let our trusted, professional and licensed plumbers handle your home plumbing issues! Contact us today for enquiries, and we can service you anywhere in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast and Hunter Valley. Get in touch today.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Plumbing Checklist When Buying a Home
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/plumbing-checklist-when-buying-a-home/
Plumbing Checklist When Buying a Home
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When buying a home, it is common sense to check the property for any problems it may have. Buyers typically check the titles, property boundaries, and the property itself. But there may be things that seem okay but are actually hiding a defect.
Take plumbing — considered as the guts of the house — for example. Poor plumbing is among the deal-breakers when it comes to real estate selling. After all, who would want to buy a home with plumbing problems? For this reason, some agents deliberately fail to disclose bad plumbing to potential buyers. There are many horror stories of new home buyers who’ve thought they bought a perfect home only to face major problems later on.
That is why, when buying a home, you must equip yourself with practical information and guidance from experienced inspectors. This way, you may be able to detect hidden problems and save yourself from the hassles and repair costs down the line. Here is a handy checklist you can use to survey for possible plumbing issues when buying a home.
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Check the Water Quality and Flow
One of the easiest things you can do to check for plumbing quality is to turn on the tap. Let the water run on full for a few seconds and then turn it off. Carefully observe for any unusual colour, odour, and flow. These are immediate indicators of how sound the plumbing is.
·  Colour
Water should be clear and free from impurities. If it appears brownish or murky or has bits of sediment in it, it can only mean two things: either the municipal water supply has issues that cause the discolouration or there could be busted pipes. If it’s the latter, there is no other way to fix it than to replace the damaged pipe. Cracked pipes that bring fresh water into the house also bring in the dirt with it, hence the discolouration and silts.
·  Odour
Most water treatment plants in cities across the country use chlorine to disinfect the water. Chlorine is added in safe and controlled amounts to kill pathogens in the water and make it safe for drinking. It may slightly alter the smell of water coming out of the tap. A hint of chlorine or bleach is acceptable; however, water should not have any strong, offensive odour.
A foul odour resembling rotten eggs is definitely a red flag you must not ignore. The unpleasant stench may mean a damaged vent or a broken sewer pipe beneath the house. Not only does it translate to costly repairs, but it can also do significant damage to the foundation of the house.
·  Flow
Water flow should be steady and smooth unless there is a problem. Generally, though, it should flow out in a steady stream rather than trickling out of the tap. This can be common in older homes with equally older pipes that have not been maintained properly. Pipes can leak, break, wear out, and corrode over time and this can cause the water to flow out intermittently.
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Take Note of Any Noise
When testing the tap and sink, you might also want to pay attention to any weird sounds. Pay extra attention to areas where water leaks are likely to happen. Listen carefully for gurgling, bubbling noises coming from the sink, toilet, or dishwasher.
Do you hear any whistling, dripping, and clanking sound coming from the pipes? Do you hear the sound of water whooshing or banging in the pipes even though you are not using any water? These could be signs of water plumbing system troubles. Pipes may already be broken or clogged at this point.
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Check Around for Water Leaks
Another good way of checking a home’s plumbing system is by looking for any signs of water leaks. It is essential to inspect under the sink and around toilets and tubs. Dampness, wet spots, discoloured areas, and mould reveal leaks in the plumbing system.
Look under the sink and search for any presence of moisture, water stains, peeling material, and mould. If you empty the cabinet, you may find some water pooling at the bottom. These are all indications of water leak in the pipes.
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Look Out for Wobbly Toilets
Sometimes, there could be things that point to plumbing problems that escape our radar because they are not visible to the naked eye. Take wobbly toilets, for example. When you sit on it and it seems shaky and unstable, something is definitely not quite right. When that happens, it could be a simple case of a loose seat which only requires retightening the bolts. But if it’s wobbling even with the toilet firmly fastened onto the bolts, then there is a bigger problem.
Wobbly toilets could point to a water leak that has eaten away the wax seal around the toilet and perhaps the sub-floor, as well. Feel the floor surrounding the toilet; does it feel rather soft than firm and solid? If so, there’s a good probability that the toilet is leaking from the bottom, causing the surrounding floor to get weak.
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Inspect the Tiling Job
While you are feeling around the toilet for signs of water leak beneath the flooring, go the extra mile and examine the whole tiling job. Do you detect loose tiles, curling vinyl, or moisture seeping into the grout, especially when you gently push on the tiles? You may be looking at another sign of water leakage, which indicates a plumbing problem. Water can leak from the pipes and eat away at the layer beneath the tiles, causing it the tiles to feel loose and uneven.
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Observe the Drainage
It’s quite reasonable to expect the place to be as clean in all areas as possible, and that includes the drains. They should be free from food particles, residue, hair, and other things that could clog them and cause the water to drain slowly. Turn on the taps, showers, and flush the toilets and see how the water goes down the drain.
The speed at which the water drains can tell you whether or not the plumbing is in good condition. If it drains fast and smooth without any gurgling sound, you can see that the drain is in tip-top shape. But if it drains slowly, and especially if the water gurgles, chances are that the plumbing is bad. It could be due to cracks in the pipe or a blockage, or build-up somewhere within the pipes. Worse, it could be due to something as major as a tree root growing into the sewer line and affecting all the drains throughout the home.
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Check for Discoloured Pipes
As you investigate under the kitchen sink or explore the basement, take a long and careful look at the pipes. Take note of any discolouration that could indicate dampness due to a leak along the drain line. The leak may even originate in the supply line, and this could result in a costly disaster.
Be wary of corroded pipes, steel pipes with red patches, or copper pipes with white or green discolouration. These are signs that the pipe us damaged and will burst, and this is not a matter of ‘if’ but of ‘when’. The pipe must be replaced.
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Check the Sewer Pipes
Issues with sewer lines may be the trickiest plumbing problem there is. A damaged sewer pipe can easily be the most difficult to repair, as it often requires digging down to the pipes. It is also among the most expensive due to the extensive labour involved to repair it. You want to steer clear of a house with a bad sewer system.
How do you detect sewer pipe problems? The most obvious manifestation would be sewer backups. However, it is difficult to see it only by testing the flush, for example. You experience sewer backups after some time when you are already using the showers, toilets, and sinks.
Still, there is another way you can pinpoint sewer pipe defects. If you step into the shower, for instance, to try to catch a whiff near the drain. If you smell something odd and unpleasant, like it’s coming from a sewer, it could be a sign. The smell will be emanating from the damaged sewer line that could either be blocked or backed up.
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Look Around for Water Puddles
Inspect the outdoors too, as it can also bear tell-tale signs of plumbing troubles. Look around the yard or the lawn — are there puddles on the lawn or paving? Look for any possible source of puddling close by, such as a water sprinkler. If there is none, and if it didn’t rain on that day, it could mean trouble.
Water puddles and unexplained wet patches in the garden are a clear sign of leaking pipes. A pipe could have burst, causing the water to form a puddle right where there is pipe damage. Puddling can cause accidents, especially with children and pets, and it may even result in a sinkhole.
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Request for a Copy of the Present Drainage Diagram
You might want to request a copy of the house’s drainage diagram. This will tell you where the pipes are located all over the house, both inside and outside. The drainage diagram must be updated each time the owner makes changes to the drainage system. If the owner, for instance, decides to move a sink or install a tub, the drainage diagram should be updated to reflect the additions.
It’s useful because you would want to know how the renovation affects the original plumbing system. For example, you would want to know if a new fixture is anchored on the old pipes, or if they updated the pipes as well. The renovation should match the drainage diagram; if not, plumbing will be an issue in the years to come.
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Ask for Maintenance Records as Well
While you’re at it, you will also want to request for a copy of maintenance records. These should give you a clear expectation of the present plumbing state and you may see red flags of any issues you might be dealing with later on should you decide to buy the house.
There may be components in the plumbing system that are hitting their maximum lifespan soon. It could be a septic system, for example, that has not been pumped when it should have been. Such could result in a major plumbing system failure, and you may be the one left with this problem if you take ownership of the house.
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Look Into the Roof
When inspecting house plumbing, don’t forget the roof! Plumbing problems on the roof can cause water to seep into the ceiling. Water can also sit in the gutters, and it may bring about drainage and structural damage.
Best to look out for signs of roof plumbing issues such as stagnant water and rust spots. Stagnant water can also encourage plant growth on the gutter, so you might want to check out any weeds that are growing out of the roof.
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Check the Trees and Grass Patches
Trees and green grass – what’s not to love? You might, however, want to take a second look and make sure that there are no underlying pipe issues under it. Do you notice a patch of grass that is much greener than those around it?
It’s possible that a sewer issue on that section could be feeding the grass and trees and making them vibrant. It’s more likely for grass or trees situated between the house and the street where the sewer line typically runs.
What About the Hidden Signs?
Before selling a house, it is a standard practice for owners to spruce the place up and make it look attractive to potential buyers. This typically includes repairing any existing minor defects and other cosmetic retouching. The problem is that some sellers may try to hide defects with plaster and fresh coats of paint. This can make it hard for home buyers to properly inspect the plumbing and look out for possible problems. Some problems with the piping that may be concealed by sellers include:
Ceiling stains that could be covered with paint
Wall or wallpaper stains due to leaky pipe or roof that have been masked with a new wallpaper or paint
Cracks brought about by water damage that have been filled with plaster or covered with wall patch.
You might see a cut in the concrete or footpath due to a drainage issue in the property that’s been investigated in the past. If you see one, be sure to ask the owner about it and see to it that the problem has been dealt with and not just forgotten.
Professional Plumbers Will Be Happy to Assist You
Falling in love with a beautiful home is quite normal, especially when you see yourself living in that house until your hair turns grey. Make your home buying venture smoother by having the house’s plumbing system checked thoroughly by a licensed plumbing contractor. That way, you’ll be sure that your soon-to-be home will bring no costly issues and you can live in peace for decades to come.
Contact your trusted Newcastle licensed plumber today for a quote on our plumbing inspection services. We also provide 24-hour plumbing services in Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, Maitland, and Belmont. Contact Green Planet Plumbing today for a wide range of plumbing and gas services.
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greenplanetplumbing · 4 years
Is It Time to Switch To a Low Flow Shower Head?
Check out new post published on https://www.greenplanetplumbing.com.au/is-it-time-to-switch-to-a-low-flow-shower-head/
Is It Time to Switch To a Low Flow Shower Head?
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The benefits of low flow shower heads, saving money on water use and hot to choose the right shower head for you
Taking a shower is amongst one the most satisfying things you can do at home. It’s relaxing to take a shower after coming home from work to remove dirt and grime from your body and relax tired muscles. And let’s not even get started talking about the showers we need in summer!
In other words, showers are an integral part of your home and hygiene routine. The only problem to consider is the the sheer amount of water you can consume with all those yummy showers!
The average shower in Australia can use up to 64.2 litres of water per session. Not only is this wasteful, but it’s also bad for the environment. With all the effects of climate change destroying Australia, we need a solution.
Enter the low flow shower heads – they’re an ideal water-conserving utility that offers a dramatic drop in your water consumption, which of course is great for the environment and your utility bill to boot.
So, how does it work? When is it time to switch? Let’s take a deep dive on everything low flow shower heads and see if it’s right for you.
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Saving Water from Your Showers
When it comes to showers, the trick to saving water is to waste less. Doing so requires you to have a lower kPa shower that offers the same benefits as a basic showerhead. It’s fair to ask yourself, why is that important?
A tried and true measure of shower efficiency is the flow rate. Every shower unit measures in litres per minute of consumption. As for the pressure, Newcastle licensed plumbers use kilopascal (kPa).
For example, the standard water pressure in Australia is up to 500 kPa. The rating for many standard shower units is 250 kPa, which complies with AS3662.
Australian showerheads will then use up to 20 litres per minute. If you take a 15-minute bath, that translates to around 300 litres per session. In a year, if you take a bath once a day, you would consume 109,500 litres of water.
This calculation doesn’t take into account other members of your family and how often you shower. In between, you’re likely to waste more. Solving this problem is a crucial step to saving you money and using fewer resources from the environment.
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How Do Low Flow Showers Work?
Low flow showers are units that have a special mechanism in them. These designs restrict the flow of water while keeping or improving the quality of the shower as is. By switching to low-flow, not only do you save more on water, but you’re also cutting down on your carbon footprint.
How does it work?
There are at least two types of low-flow showers that offer different experiences. They are the aerating showerheads and standard laminar showerheads. Both options offer two different ways of saving water.
Many shower designs use different low flow methods to improve the experience. Some do standard methods like restricting water flow, and some add other special methods. These shower types include:
Laminar flow shower
Aerated low flow
Low flow with pause mode
Power massage
Every shower type has a separate advantage and covers a different showering preference – ask the plumbers at Green Planet Plumbing to help you decde which one will work best for you!
Choosing the Right Shower Head
The standard laminar shower uses a flow restrictor that controls the rate that water comes out. If you have strong water pressure, you can control it to reduce the water you use. If you have weaker pressure, you can open it up to let the water flow.
Aerating low flow showers have different mechanisms that provide oxygen. This method creates bubbles in the shower, making the lower flow feel more substantial.
Low flow shower heads with a pause mode are great for saving water when you stop to soap up. With the pause mode, the shower goes down to a trickle. This cuts down on water usage, which you can turn on again without having to wait for your water to heat up.
Power massage showerheads direct the water to focus through fewer, tighter nozzles and bigger slots. This allows for higher pressure on a focused point, which is excellent for spot cleaning. But which one should you choose?
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Differentiating Low Flow Shower Heads
Aerating heads use their oxygenation to increase water density on the skin. It feels misty and allows high pressure to clean off your body. This is best for people who have consistent pressure on their pipes.
Laminar showers separate water through smaller streams, making it great for hot, humid locales. Laminar heads produce less steam and moisture, which makes it a great pick if you like hot showers.
Showerheads with a pause mode are great for people who don’t have constant heated water flow. This cuts out the need to reactivate your heater and wait for it to heat up again. Pause mode is useful if you have tasks that take a longer time in the shower like washing your hair, soaping up and scrubbing thoroughly or shaving your legs in the shower.
The power massage showerhead is useful for cleaning tight spots. It can also be extremely therapeutic if you have specific aches and pains in your body.
A quality low flow shower head will feel great at both low and high pressures. Their designs allow them to cut down up to 10 litres per minute at 500 kPa. You can even find showerheads that provide lower LpM at around 6 litres per minute.
Types of Shower Head Body
Other than the style of the shower flow, there are also three types of low flow showers according to their movement. These offer different advantages to different users and can be a great pick. They are:
Standard low flow
Stationary low flow
Handheld units are some of the more interesting shower head types. They tend to use flexible hoses that allow for better movement. This helps people who want to focus on certain parts of the body or have mobility issues to clean themselves more effectively.
Handhelds also have clips that allow for a better hands-free experience, like a standard shower. This clip can be anything from a wall-mounted hanger to a metal bar. This design allows screwing straight into the shower arm and straight into a flow diverter.
Handheld models can be more expensive because of the flexibility they give. The sheer accessibility they offer is great for people who have disabilities or a hard time showering. They also offer more savings over time as you can still get great cleaning results with this shower head despite a lower water flow.
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Benefits of a Low Flow Shower Head
So, what are the benefits of buying a low flow shower head? One of the most obvious benefits of low flow showers is reducing your water consumption. You can cut down as much half of your actual consumption as you reduce your flow rates.
You’re accomplishing the same task with lower flow rates, so you conserve water. This will cut down on your annual expenses and create significant savings. You can also reduce the carbon footprint by cutting down on energy usage.
Regardless of your opinion on climate change, it can save you a good chunk of money. As you cut down your demand for hot water, you cut down your electrical or gas use for the water heating. This move will save you more money in the long run.
Low flow showers are also easy to install. An expert plumber can do the job in a matter of minutes. You would still need qualified advice to choose the best installation, but it’ll be a breeze once that decision is made!
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How to Pick the Right Low Flow Shower Head
If you plan on buying a low flow shower head, there are a few considerations you need make. Following these details can give you a good idea of what kind of shower head you need. Not all low flow showers have the same construction, so fitting with your needs is vital.
You need to take into account what kind of materials you want for your shower. You can stay with a lower cost showerhead, usually made of plastic material. Buying such a unit will only cost you a few dollars, but the longevity of the shower head can be questionable.
It’s best to buy either an aluminium or a composite material showerhead. This can last you for quite a long time, which pays for itself in the long run.
When picking your water saving shower head, you want to also confirm what the flow rate in the package is. It should show the flow volume, measured in litres per minute, and pressure output, measured in kilopascals (kPa).
You want to also take into consideration the type of shower head you want to install in terms of performance. Having the right features can make the entire showering an enjoyable experience. Not only do you want to conserve water, but you also want to keep the entire process something you can look forward to.
Choosing the Best Shower Valve
While you would think that low flow showers are all about the heads, it’s also about the valves. Finding the right valves to use for your shower is a smart choice. It will help when you’re regulating pressure and temperature, which is vital in low flow showers.
It’s a great idea to have a basic understanding of the intricacies of shower valves because this will then help you pick the proper faucet that will take care of your needs.
There are four valves that are the best choices to consider. These are:
Mixing valves
Thermostatic valves
Pressure balance valves
Anti-scald valves
The mixing valve is the one that takes care of mixing hot and cold water. It will take care of the water combination that gives you the best temperature for your shower. You want to invest in a strong mixing valve with a good way to make accurate adjustments in your water.
Thermostatic shower valves provide a sophisticated method of pressure balancing. It maintains a consistent temperature and pressure for your shower. Even if you use hot water, you can expect to have a consistent stream with your low flow shower head.
Pressure balance valves take care of maintaining a consistent balance between your hot and cold water. It has a specialised diaphragm that handles changes in water pressure, balancing cold and hot water output. This valve keeps your water at a constant temperature, even if you lose pressure on your cold water.
Pressure balance valves are also called anti-scald valves. Not all pressure balance valves are anti-scald, however. Anti-scald valves are useful if you have a new home with new piping construction.
An anti-scald unit can only do so much if your pipes have leaks, clogs, and corrosion. If you plan on installing it for your older home, it’s best to talk to a certified plumber for advice.
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Picking the Right Features
When you buy a low flow shower head, other considerations you want to make are some of the bells and whistles. The typical shower needs only a showerhead, a valve, and perhaps a tub spout. More high-tech showers, however, have more luxurious features.
For starters, some showers use digital control pads that allow for a different experience. All you need to do is to press a button, pick a setting, and you will be good to go. Program everything in your shower from the right intensity, temperature, ambient lighting, to even the shower setting!
For digital systems, you would need a professional who can do all the plumbing and electricals for you.
Some low flow shower systems can also have a timer that limits the length of the entire session. This allows for more savings while being more conscientious of your water consumption. You can also have a push-button program that creates a schedule of when to heat your water to save energy.
The peripheral considerations include steam shower installations, which are great if you have aerating showerheads. These retrofit into your bathroom to seal in the steam. This feature offers something akin to a steam sauna for the shower.
If you’re the type who likes to linger in your bathroom, adding steam shower installations are useful. They can help you keep your body clean, feel relaxed, and even enjoy some time inside. All this you can do without having to heat yourself with running water.
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Switch to a Low Flow Shower Head Today.
Switching to a water saving shower head can be a challenge. You would need to hire a licensed plumber not only to install but give you advice on your options based on your needs. You want something that fits your requirements without costing you too much.
Is it time to switch to a water saving shower? If you have sufficient pressure, switching to a low flow shower head can save you a lot of water and money. You can conserve water while also creating a way to cut down on your water bills.
Not sure if your home has the right plumbing system in place to handle a low flow shower head? Then it’s best to talk to a professional Newcastle plumber who knows their stuff. They will give you good advice on what you can do and the best choices for your situation.
An expert plumbing team like those at Green Planet Plumbing can help you find the options you want that can help give you the best shower experience. Call our friendly and experienced team today to book an appointment and get some great advice!
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