somehow on a 7 win streak playing mundo jungle, gonna finally regain all that lost lp from playing glacial morgana. also seeing Griffin/Flash wolves mid laner Rather playing a lot of ap nautilus mid, not sure if i should try it considering his win rate on it isnt even particularly good
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Dr.Mundo Jungle (Patch 9.7)
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So with the new patch there’s been a bit more power shifted into tank junglers, combined with Mundo buffs hes actually a pretty viable jungler now.
As Mundo you’ll still be playing basically as an unkillable tank who actually has pretty decent ganks with the slows from his Q and actually pretty decent damage.
A lot of times its seemed to me like Mundo is way better as a situational pick into pretty AP damage heavy enemy teams. He really benefits a lot from MR items such as spirit visage and merc threads and champions like vayne or master yi can very easily shred you really no matter how many items you have.
For your starting items you want to get Hunter’s Talisman and a Refillable Potion. Your core items are Red Smite CInderhulk, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, these two could be in either order but ideally you would be getting visage first as it synergizes very well with your kit. After this you’d want to get Warmog’s Armor and defensive boots. usually Mercury’s Threads as they give you additional tenacity. Your items after this are pretty situational and i’ve been trying support items such as Locket Of Iron The Iron Solari which seems to work out pretty well.
As a Keystone you can either go Fleet Footwork for more sustain or Conqueror. I personally prefer Conqueror.
Next you go Triumph, Legend:Tenacity, and Last Stand
Secondary:Domination or Inspiration
for Domination you would go Cheap Shot and Relentless Hunter and for Inspiration you would go Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity.
which secondary you want to go is purely preference but i personally think Domination kind of outweighs the value of Inspiration.
extra plug thing here but ill be testing whatever builds i think might be viable on Twitch, probably doing pretty late night streams and probably going to just be playing a lot more mundo jungle until something new comes up, Heres the link if you’d like to follow or come watch or whatever https://www.twitch.tv/grimey_plague_rat
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Top 5 Champions To Go On An Ice Cream Date With
The hard hitting question on everyone’s mind, with over a hundred champions to choose from who’s best to choose.
5:  Yasuo,The Unforgiven
Easily the most dramatic guy in league, for sure has several ways to make an ice cream date analogous to death, dying, being horribly alone, or the wind or something. Maybe not the most fun date but totally an interesting worthwhile time.
4: Ezreal,The Prodigal Explorer
irl anime boy would probably let you borrow his gauntlet to do a couple arcane shifts.
3: Teemo,The Swift Scout
League’s cutest boy also can maybe fulfill some of your wishes for the price of your soul
2: Jinx, The Loose Cannon
Explosive literally and figuratively probably fun to hang around, probably a decent romantic option if you survive long enough
1: Vel’Koz, The Eye Of The Void
Pretty self explanatory, kinda just devours everything with his laser, might even devour you, very romantic.
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Live Build Testing:Mundo Jungle
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Cinderhulk and Mundo buffs? What could go wrong. Seriously though plz not a tank meta again
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Cats vs Dogs skins for Neeko and Evelynn !
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Amelia The Hextech Conductor - Nicholas Oei
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The 2018 Invictus Gaming World Championship Skin Splash Art
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Looking for people to lose to bots with
msg me if interested
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Live Build Testing: Glacial Morgana Mid
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Mordekaiser VGU Teased in Ranked Emotes!
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RIP double tear Ezreal, welcome back old pal Trinity Force
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Jungle Urgot (Patch 9.6)
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With the release of the new patch and sort of substantial Urgot changes. Mainly to how his W works, having the shielding moved to his E, passive shotgun knee damage reduction being removed, and the giant range increase to his R. Some experimentation with jungling Urgot seems to be going on among pro players. If this actually is deemed particularly strong or not remains to be seen but it is definitely very playable and actually pretty fun.
~General Idea~
Urgot’s clear is not the fastest but due to the changes to his passive its also not the slowest, he also has a very healthy clear while having a lot of early game power in potential duels with the enemy jungler. Urgot Jungle actually is very reminiscent in these ways of something like trundle jungle.
~Build and Abilities~
Level W First to help with your clears and then E and finally Q and max in this order leveling R whenever possible. While lane Urgot prioritizes Q a lot there are a lot less opportunities for it to be useful while jungling.
For your build you want to go Red Smite, Warriors enchant, and then a standard Urgot build of Black Cleaver and Righteous Glory with defensive boots. Everything after this is situational tank items or Guardian Angel if you’re going to be the primary engage for your team now that Urgot is a lot less of the unkillable tank that he used to be.
Primary: Precision: Conqueror, since it actually interacts very well with your W,Triumph, Lengend:Tenacity, and Coup De Grace
Secondary:Inspiration: Magical Footwear, and Approach Velocity for some extra stickiness.
~Tips and Tricks~
Using your flash with your E makes it very hard to react to and can be an easy way to catch someone out
Tagging someone that you’re fighting with your ult early is a good way to be sure you’ll secure the kill without having to worry about trying to land the ult when they’re actively attempting to dodge it.
Always try to make use of the aoe fear effect that happens when you kill someone with your ult. being able to get it off in the middle of a team fight can really sway things to your teams favor
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Jungle Rat (Patch 9.6)
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In the spirit of another unconventional play style here’s one that’s kinda always been around, never been universally viable but its a lot of fun and also very snowbally.
~General Route~
Every match you should be starting red and starting with your Q ability to boost your attack speed for a faster clear. After this you level your E and want to immediately go for a gank, usually mid lane, the use of your stealth, poison damage, and red buff slow/damage makes it so this almost always results in a kill or least some summoners expended.
In the event that you’re on blue side and expect an early invade an extra sneaky sneaky move to make is to start the enemy red buff and go for a gank top instead. This is a much riskier route but always results in a kill maybe even more if the enemy top laner decided to immediately TP back in. Its also helpful into very bad jungle match-ups because the vertical jungling makes it so you have a lot less of a chance of running into the enemy jungler.
~Tips n Tricks~
Clearing multi-target camps like raptors can be somewhat difficult early but its made a lot easier if you venom cask them and then go into your stealth. Your poison will stack on them while you lose aggro making it so you end up losing a lot less health clearing this camp.
There is a delay between pressing Q and you actually going into stealth. You can Q and hit a blastplant making it so you go into stealth in mid air which is situationally useful. This always works for stealthing during your backing animation.
Vision control is very important when playing jungle Twitch, people love to kill twitch in his own jungle. keeping things warded and being very cautious about facechecking anything will keep you alive.
Often times even when you’re somewhat fed a lot of champions can often still 1v1 you because your adc squishiness, be sure to always let your teammate engage a fight first in situations where you can be quickly focused down. This is especially prevalent when ganking top lane.
~Build Path~
while the recommended items suggest blue smite, red smite is basically always the better choice. You also want Bloodrazor, Runnans, and, Infinity Edge. Blade Of The Ruined King situationally can be considered also. While adc Twitch almost always goes berserker greaves, in the jungle you almost always want to go defensive boots unless you’re snowballing very hard. After those core items its all situational and depending on the enemy teams comp.
Primary:Precision: Press the Attack or Lethal Tempo, PTA helps with your early gank damage and Lethal Tempo gives you more carry potential later on so pick accordingly.Triumph, Legend:Alacrity, Coup De Grace
Secondary Sorcery: Nimbus Cloak, Gathering Storm
Domination: Sudden Impact, Ultimate Hunter
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I had the opportunity to work on the splash for Transcended Kayle, formerly known as unmasked. It was so much fun and challenging, as always I got amazing feedback and suggestions from splash team to help push it to final. Super excited to play her once she is out! Be sure to check out the other splashes, was a
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KR Kayle Build (Patch 9.5)
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With the recent release of the Kayle rework people are kind of still scrambling to find the best build for her and as of now i don’t really think a one has completely been agreed upon yet as objectively the best. So i recently came across this kind of unconventional build watching SKT’s top laner Untara’s stream.
~Build Path~
Start with the usual Corrupting Pot Start, one of the first unusual things is that in almost every match he buys double Dark Seals. This helps a lot with early sustain especially considering Kayle’s garbage early game.
Your core items then consist of Trinity Force, Rapid Fire Cannon, and Infinity Edge.
While you might not think the spellblade passive on the tri force would be that useful on a largely auto attack based champ it actually comes into play a lot more often than you’d think. While Lich Bane also could provide this tri force also gives you extra attack speed, mana, and attack damage which synergizes a lot better with this the rest of your build.
Rapid Fire Cannon proves crit into your build and also kinda provides some cheesy long range E executes occasionally.
Your full build would then consist of Trinity Force, Rapid Fire Cannon, Infinity Edge, Berserkers Greaves, and two situational items.
​Untara uses basically the same rune page for every matchup consisting of
Inspiration primary and Resolve secondary with Kleptomancy, Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery, and Time Warp Tonic in inspiration and Demolish and Bone Plating in Resolve.
an alternative rune page that i sometimes prefer for added sustain is the following with Precision primary and Resolve secondary with Fleet Footwork, Triumph, Legend:Alacrity, and Coup De Grace in Precision and Second Wind and Revitalize in Resolve.
I’ve personally been trying this build out and have been doing pretty well with it, i’d appreciate any input anyone has on their experience with it as well.
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