Viral Marketing Advantages
What are Viral Marketing Advantages?
Use this thinking exercise: Which is better?
(1) Earning $25,000 a day for 30 days! Or (2) Earning 1 cent that doubles every day for 30 days!
If you chose option 1 you might want to reconsider that the first option gives you $750,000 at the end of the month, the second gives you over 5 Million Dollars! (You do the math)
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Viral marketing is a lot like gossip! It starts with one person and multiplies like wildfire throughout the whole neighborhood. How does this happen? One person tells another person, that person, promising not to tell anyone, tells 5 more. Those 5 people each tell 5 other people, and this process continues until finally, everybody knows the rumor.
Viral marketing works exactly the same way. If you tell just 5 people about your website, and those 5 each tell 5 more, 5 becomes 25, becomes 125, becomes 625, becomes 3125, becomes 15625…and it keeps multiplying. Just like one cent will eventually turn into $5,000,000 if you double it for 30 days.
The Advantages of Viral Marketing
Likes, shares, and “15-minutes of fame” aside, viral marketing can benefit your brand in a number of ways.
1-Lower Advertising Costs
While initially, your campaign may need a little push (perhaps paid promotion on social media). As it begins to get picked up by your audience, they will do the sharing for you, and you can pull back on your advertising expense. Furthermore, your future initiatives are more likely to naturally reach a larger audience thanks to the brand awareness established during your viral campaign.
2-Fast Growth
Success in business rarely happens quickly. Even the cases that look like overnight successes usually turn out to be a 10-year struggle where the founders hustled through many failed attempts until finally getting it right. That said, viral marketing is one of very few tactics that has the potential to create explosive growth in very little time. This is obviously the most appealing advantage to business owners, but it’s also the most difficult one to accomplish. Fortunately, you don’t need overnight success to be successful with viral marketing. If you can get even steady, consistent growth at a relatively low cost, you’re already ahead of the game.
3-Mainstream Media Exposure
As inbound marketers, we’ll usually say that you don’t need mainstream media to build awareness, but no one can deny the power and audience it still holds. Viral marketing, when done correctly, gives media outlets a reason to cover your brand without you paying or petitioning for it. The beautiful part about getting mainstream media coverage is that in itself creates virility as smaller media outlets follow the stories pushed by the big names. Just imagine what a feature on NBC or ABC could do for your product.
4-Increased Credibility
The simple fact of the matter is usually with recognition, comes trust and acceptance. When your brand “goes viral” and grabs the attention of a new audience, more people are willing to give it a chance.
5-Rapid Lead Generation
Although we usually focus on the sales that result from viral marketing, we can’t ignore the fact that going viral has a tremendous impact on lead generation. People always gravitate to trending topics. Everyone might not be ready to purchase from you just yet, but when you attract enough attention, they certainly want to keep you in mind for when they are ready. Realistically, you’re likely to generate more leads than customers from viral marketing if you’re a B2B brand, or you’re a service-based business, but it is well worth the effort.
Myna Marketing Agency
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Will Digital Marketing Work For Your Business?
How is a successful digital marketing campaign example? This is an extremely difficult question to answer because there are so many complex factors involved. Specifically, the techniques you employ in your Internet marketing campaign as well as the execution of these techniques can determine whether Internet marketing will work for your business. Additionally, the likelihood of your target audience using the Internet and responding to your marketing efforts should also be considered into the equation. This article will outline the potential for success in an Internet marketing campaign.
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Before making the decision to embark on an Internet marketing campaign, you should carefully consider your target audience. The Internet is used widely around the world, but whether members of your target audience are likely to utilize the Internet to research or purchase the products or services you sell is not guaranteed. This is significant because investing a great deal of time, effort, and money into Internet marketing when your target audience is not likely to respond to these efforts is not worthwhile.
Conducting market research can do a great deal to help you determine whether you should invest in an Internet marketing campaign for your business. This step is very important because it will give you a good indication of whether you should even begin marketing your business on the Internet. Hiring a firm specializing in market research is recommended because they can conduct this research quickly and efficiently and will likely gain a great deal of valuable information as a result of their research efforts. If they determine your business can benefit from an Internet marketing campaign, it is time to start thinking about how you want to advertise your business online.
Again, seeking the help of professionals can be an extremely worthwhile investment. If you are not well versed in the industry of Internet marketing, hiring a firm with a great deal of expertise in this industry can be very helpful. They can assist you by consulting with you to determine which marketing strategies will be most effective. They can assist you by designing advertisements for your campaign, helping you to orchestrate your Internet marketing campaign, and evaluating the results of marketing efforts to determine which strategies are working better and which are not.
The potential for success with an Internet marketing campaign is virtually limitless. The success you enjoy is only limited by your ability to promote your products and services and execute effective marketing strategies. Some marketing strategies you may wish to employ may include optimizing your website for relevant search terms, placing links to your website judiciously on the Internet, writing and publishing e-newsletters and utilizing affiliates to promote your website.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of any Internet marketing campaign. SEO is so important because it dictates the ranking of your website on popular search engines. Internet users value these results and are not likely to seek out websites which do not rank well with search engines. Conversely, high ranking websites can enjoy a great deal of increased website traffic as a result of these rankings.
Inbound links to your website are also important in Internet marketing. Inbound links are links on other websites which direct users to your website. These links are important in an Internet marketing campaign. First of all, many search engines factor inbound links into their ranking algorithms, which means inbound links can result in higher search engines rankings. Also, these links can be used directly by website users to access your website. This means you can gain traffic directly from these links.
Another way to enjoy a successful Internet marketing campaign is to orchestrate an affiliate marketing campaign. Affiliates are essentially website owners who place a banner ad on their website to direct traffic to your website. Typically, affiliates are only compensated when the advertisement on their website produces a desired effect, such as enticing the users to click through the advertisement. Then lead the users to sale or in another action such as filling out a survey or registering with your website. Affiliate marketing can not only be highly effective, but it is also cost-effective because you only pay the affiliates when they produce results.
Successful digital marketing campaign: The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Strategies & How to Improve Your Digital Presence
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5 steps to generate revenue from a website
We’re going to be looking at the process of creating a website and how to make money online with your site. We’ll take you through the steps of choosing a domain name, website hosting, designing your pages with website templates, adding content and making money online with Google AdSense and affiliate programs.
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To begin the creation of your website, you will need to come up with a domain name or website address. Try to get an address that has specific keywords for what your business or website is about. This will make it easier to remember and will also benefit with keywords searched for on search engines. There are a lot of additional domain extensions to choose from .com .co.uk .co.nz .net .biz .tv etc… A new domain extension is recently available .ws (World Site or WebSite) Try this domain name extension as there may be more names available than the .com’s.
Top 5 Tips:
Make the address easy to remember.
Choose an original domain thats reflects what you are about.
Include keywords in the domain for what your site or business is about.
Decide what domain extension to use (.com .ws etc.) a local or international domain.
Buy multiple domains if required. Similar wording for the domain names.
Once you have your domain name, you can sign up with a hosting account web server. There are many hosting account deals out there on the web. Search around for something suitable for your website and business. It can sometimes be best to get a hosting account that is within your country. There are even hosting deals called ‘resellers accounts’ where you can create hosting for unlimited domains plus divide and sell webspace!
Top 5 Tips:
Search online for an appropriate hosting provider.
Choose Hosting that supports your country.
Check details for MB allowance, email accounts, databases etc.
See if the hosting account has an easy to use control panel.
Decide if you want to run a ‘hosting resellers account’.
We strongly recommend Bluehost
If you have the skills, you can design your website yourself by learning HTML or use web design software. Otherwise, hire a website designer to create your site. If you design yourself, there is a range of CMS available that is free and easy to use. We recommend WordPress. These can save hours of time, lots of money, and make your websites easier & enjoyable to design. 1000’s of free and professional templates and plugin are available on the internet.
Don’t forget, The more professional website, the more generate revenue.
Top 5 Tips:
Create the website yourself or hire a designer.
Choose suitable CMS.
Surf the internet to get ideas and learn from other websites.
Use free or professional website templates.
Search for free or paid plugins and tools.
Google AdSense is a great way to earn money online and add content to your website. Google makes it easy for website designers to display relevant Google Ads on their site. Because the ads match your keywords and content, your visitors have will be interested in the links, plus you will profit from the links they click on. It’s as simply as that. You can also make extra money by referring others to the program. The first time they make $100US, your account is credited with $100US. Additional to this, you can be credited $1 for every download and install of the Firefox web browser.
Top 5 Tips:
Use text ad units for best results.
Blend link colors to match your site.
Place the Google Ads amongst content.
Have links for referral sign ups.
Place ads on all your pages and websites.
Affiliate programs are a great way to make money online. You simply have links to products and services on your website. Once a visitor makes a purchase through your link, you can receive some great commissions on sales or even simply by people clicking on your links.
Top 5 Tips:
Signup to a selected few good programs.
Create your own affiliate program for your products.
Signup with Google AdSense to create profit fast & easy.
Create multiple streams of income on different sites.
Use your mailing lists to advertise your affiliate programs.
Stay tuned for the next part, where we’ll look at promotion of the website you’ve created.
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2 Things Your Ecommerce Website Must Have
Most customers today prefer to shop online. Online shopping is so accessible and convenient. This is the reason most business persons put up their own ecommerce websites. Most ecommerce websites are bound to success, but is yours?
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Online shopping is the latest trend among customers. Why would you still go to the shop personally when you can do shopping from the comforts of your own home? Because of the rising popularity of online shopping, more and more business persons are setting up their own ecommerce websites to meet the needs of customers and, of course, earn big money online.
There is a very bright future for ecommerce websites. As long as there are needs that should be met, there will be customers. For ecommerce website owners, earning money online can be so easy. If people need your products and services, your website will stay alive as long as you want.
Online Competition For Ecommerce Websites
Because of the increasing numbers of online shoppers, there is a need for more ecommerce websites. The problem, however, is that there seem to be several ecommerce websites now. A lot of business persons have answered the call to sell something online. This makes online competition very tough.
Just think about this, if you sell health and beauty products online, there are hundreds more several websites like yours. They also offer the same products and services. If there is one customer looking for a health product, he has a hundred choices to choose from. So, how can you increase your website’s chance of getting that customer?
Plan Ahead And Market Your Ecommerce Website
This is one thing that most ecommerce website owners do not completely understand. Most of them think that once they have set up their websites, they don’t have to do anything anymore. They will just sit and wait for sales. This may be true ages ago, but with the tough competition now, if you don’t do anything, you won’t get any sales.
Ecommerce websites need two things to consider. The first is planning, and the second is marketing. Before setting up the website, there must be a thorough planning first. In planning, you must consider the target market, budget, design and other factors that will affect the overall performance of the website.
Second is website marketing. After you have set up your website, you need to work on a marketing campaign. Through marketing, you can make your website more popular and visible to your target market. There are several web marketing options which you can use. The choice of the web marketing option depends on the need of your website.
Remember not to stop working on your website after the set-up. If you stop working on it, the sales will also stop. Continually market your website for continuous sales.
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Making Money On The Internet With Your Home Business
Lessons learned from Amazon.com’s early success are summarized in this article. You can learn from them and apply them with prudence to your own business.
Almost every website on the Internet has one goal in mind: how to make money, at the lowest cost possible. The purpose of this article is to share with budding webmasters and those intending to make their presence felt on the World Wide Web. The lessons learned from the early successes of Amazon.com — the online store founded by Jeff Bezos — one of the business leaders in today’s Information age.
Here are the lessons learned from Jeff Bezos’ early successes with Amazon.com — which I hope will be of valuable help to you.
Lesson One: Have a Goal
You must have a goal. From the moment Jeff Bezos envisioned to make his presence felt on the Internet, he spared nothing to attain his goal. Lay down and make known in clear fashion your goal to every stakeholder of your Internet business. These include your spouse, your web designer, and your assistants, if any.
When Amazon was struggling to make a profit for the first time, only its founder Jeff Bezos believed that his business goal could be achieved. Everybody was astounded when Jeff Bezos achieved his goal after one year from pronouncing his goal. You can write your goal on a piece of paper and post this on the wall beside your desk. Save this goal in your hard disk. If possible, make your goal the start-up page when your computer boots up. Convert your goal into a screensaver. Read your goal to yourself every day as you go about your business.
Lesson Two: Motivate Yourself
You should motivate yourself every day and pass this motivation on to every one who’s involved in your business. Jeff Bezos did not lack motivation when he was struggling in his business. To paraphrase Wallace D. Wattles who wrote the 1910 best-selling book, The Science of Getting Rich, envision yourself right now as having a very successful business and do every legal and ethical way to actualize your vision.
Lesson Three: Adapt to Change: It is said that change is the one single permanent thing on this planet (i.e., next to taxes). Amazon changed the way it does business through the years. First it was an online bookseller. Next it expanded into selling music and videos. An Internet entrepreneur, must also learn how to adapt to change. Change comes and goes. For example, in the early years of the Internet, people were wary of using credit cards in their online transactions.
Nowadays, the use of credit card is like coffee in the morning. You can’t do without it. Then there is the growing realization that blogs are not just for personal records. Blogs are here to stay — to help your business grow.
Lesson Four: Have a Business Model Since we are on the topic of Amazon, you could use Amazon as your model. You could run your own business like Amazon during its early years. You could be selling your single information product now. Two weeks from today, you will have added another back end product. Next month, you will have introduced into your product line the inventory of the affiliate programs you have joined in.
Lesson Five: Add Content to your Website If your website is content based, you should be adding new content every day. Casual visitors to your website will become your regular guests when they see new content every time they come to your site. These visitors will in the end become your regular customers.
Lesson Six: Be a Generalist A generalist is one who does a multitude of things. In computer language, this is known as multitasking. This has been the culture at Amazon. You as the single person in your own business must be a generalist, too. This means doing and knowing everything that goes in and out of your enterprise.
You don’t know any HTML coding? This is tolerable. You must strive however to understand at least the basic formatting that goes into your site code. This way you can make small insertions into your web pages when your web designer is nursing a cold or is out of town. Or you can learn a thing or two on scripting.
Lesson seven: Importance of Online Marketing Methods and Tools
Times have changed, and even the way businesses approach their customers has shifted. Traditional marketing has taken a step back and bring a new face in front of the industry.
Digital marketing can bring a lot of opportunities and growth to businesses. It can lead to exposure and more sales. After all, your goal as a business owner is to increase your profit.
Start today to use digital marketing tools. Nowadays, there are a lot of Online marketing tools which are totally user-friendly and easy to use. Digital Marketing Tools…
Lesson eight: Let Your Work Ethic Shows
Jeff Bezos was the company CEO and he and his wife were the first workers at Amazon. Their work ethic was marked with hard work and consistency, among others. These traits were handed down to their employees through the years.
To succeed and last long in your Internet business, you should work hard to put your business online in the fastest and frugal manner possible. The important thing to consider is to start up and put your small business online early and rapidly. If you have to wake up at two in the morning to do your Internet work, by all means stick to this routine.
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Why do many marketers fail at internet marketing?
How to improve digital marketing performance?
It is estimated that approximately 95% of people fail online, lose money, or never make a penny from internet marketing… and that’s not just some made-up statistic to get your attention.
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Internet marketing is one of the fastest-growing and profitable businesses today. It is an excellent way for anyone to start a small business with little investment, no overhead, and high profit margins. Anyone can get up and running with an online business in hours. Sounds like an easy way to make money, doesn’t it? Compared to other offline small business ventures, it is.
Yet internet marketing failures still vastly outnumber those who have succeeded in internet marketing. For every story you hear of someone making $10,000 a month at internet marketing, there are hundreds of untold stories of those who failed to make a profit or only made a few dollars and then quit. Why do so much fail when the potential to succeed is high?
Failure to plan – No matter what type of business you are running you need a business plan with well-defined goals. What are your short-term and long-term goals? What steps do you need to take to meet those goals? Write out your plan and review it frequently. You are running a small business. Treat it as one.
Failure to work the plan – So you already have a business plan? Are the following it? A plan means nothing if you don’t follow it. Work the plan every single day. Revise it if necessary but don’t detract from it.
Making goals too big early on – Many internet marketing failures try to do too much too fast. You are not going to create the ultimate web site for dog lovers overnight. Start small with dog training tips and add content daily. Those 1,000+ page web sites took months or years to build, so will yours.
Lack of knowledge – Would you be a successful plumber without knowing anything about plumbing? No. Then to be a successful internet marketer you need to learn internet marketing. Find a successful mentor willing to help you and you will be way ahead of the crowd.
Not investing in your business – You won’t get any support or very much web traffic on with a free web host. Many times, the best ebooks, scripts, and tools are the ones that cost money. You can run an online business for next to nothing but you’ll achieve faster and more profitable results by investing in the right tools.
“If I build it, they will come” – You can have the most comprehensive and informative website on natural healing in the world but if you don’t promote your site and work to drive traffic to it no one will know about it. There are many ways to drive traffic to your website. You should be using several of them.
Lack of patience – You will not be making $10,000 a month when you start. Internet marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time and testing to build your web traffic and increase your conversion rate. In the beginning you might actually lose money and this is when too many people give up without giving their business time to grow.
Wrong niche – So you wrote that ebook on underwater basket weaving and you’re wondering why nobody is buying it? Find a niche but make sure it’s profitable first. Too many times people create the product first then try to figure out how to sell it. Find out what the people want then give or sell it to them.
No Uniqueness – There are a million low carb diet books out there, what makes yours so unique? Why should I buy your widget when Bob’s widgets are just as good and he’s been selling widgets a lot longer than you? Stand out from the crowd and get noticed. Know your competition and do what they do better or do something totally different.
Lack of commitment – To be successful, you must be committed to success. Behind every success story there are many hours of work and dedication. You’ll need drive and determination if you want to be the next internet success story everyone is talking about.
Print out these ten reasons for failure and post it next to your computer monitor or tape them to your bathroom mirror.
Every day, review your online business and make sure you are not making any of these mistakes. Do this, and you are well on your way to being an internet marketing success.
The tip that I would add to the article is, do not forget to use the proper tools to implement your ideas and digital marketing strategy. The right online marketing tools have been studied hours and hours with experts. They know the purpose and how to catch that, so I strongly recommend them. Using digital marketing tools increase the performance and save a lot of time for marketer or business owner as well as make a clear vision of the concept and its process. That is why they can be super helpful for beginner and who has not experienced enough. Currently, there are many of digital marketing tools exist in market, and it is not so easy to find the best one. If you are searching a right tool, you can find it here. Digital Marketing Tools..
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