grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
Mccree's so big-headed he can't stand on his own. Pass it on
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
//holy shit it’s getting late and iiiiii have homework this weekend that i probably shouldn’t have put off. Reports are hard, art is harder. I have to draw stairs.
Gonna be MIA for a better part of the weekend
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
     The little town he wandered into was a nice little spot, one of those places he would go to just to feel so much more powerful that those he hunted. Easy prey that would put up such a pitiful fight.     Cool night air settled around him, all living bodies moving quickly away from the area, perhaps getting smart that it wasn’t an ideal place to stay. Or perhaps for another reason. Reyes huffed to himself, stretching out his arms in front of him.     Quickly things shifted, feeling the change. Something–no, someone, was coming towards him. Who would be foolish enough–     SLAM. He felt something collide against his back, digging into the spine with great force. Well, that was interesting.     He quickly turned with inhuman speed, fingers grasping the arm just below the elbow that had dug into him. Tight, unrelenting grip held the limb, pulling it back to bring whoever owned it closer to his face.    Jack. Jack fucking Morrison. That was enough to bring rise to that familiar bitter taste in his mouth, like taking a bite and finding out it was nothing but rotten on the inside.    A deep sneer curled his lips before Reyes yanked the arm to the side, bending it past the threshold the normal body could withstand, “Well well well,” he hissed venomously, “Look who fucking decided to show his ugly face.”
Crying out, Morrison tried to twist his arm free, but Reyes was stronger than him. Even before he was pulled closer, he could hear Ana’s voice ringing in his head, scolding him for being so damn foolish. For rushing in without thinking about what he was getting in to.
Fear wasn’t something he felt much these days. To the point that he suspected the ability to feel it had been burned out of him. But the explosion or the change, he couldn’t say. But as he stared into those eyes, he could feel it curdling in his stomach, feel it’s icy talons on his heart. It seemed there were things in this world that could still terrify him.
Just as when he’d been alive, he let the fear wash over him and through him. Like so many things, it was simply habit. A habit he’d thought he’d never need again. In its wake came the familiar: anger, purpose, focus. 
“I could say the same about you,” he growled. His right arm was trapped in the monster’s vice grip, but his left was still free. He slammed the heel of his hand upwards, aiming for the other’s chin. 
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
//Rules updated, smut rules added
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
Spooky Versus
Vampire: Turned by Gabe against his will during their legendary fight. Still refuses to die, refuses to feed on innocents. (I’d kill to play out the turning)
Ghoul: An off-shoot of vampire. Instead of being turned, he was supernaturally enslaved. And boy does he resent it.
Dark!Jack: He didn’t just turn bitter with the fall. He went complete dark side. He doesn’t exactly delight in it, but he’s far more wicked and cruel, completely rejecting everything he’d once stood for.
Ghost: He did really die, and is left haunting Overwatch agents and bases. He only has fragmented memories of his life.
Junkenstein-ish: An immortal who is neither dead nor a live, forever stuck in castle Eternal protector that can’t be killed but cannot leave.
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.
Damage (1992), Dir. Louis Malle (via wordsnquotes)
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
OOC: Rules Clarification
This is something i’m going to add to my rules once I figure out a concise way to phrase it, but it seems I’m being misunderstood.
I have zero interest in “soft” threads. This is no judgement on people who do want them, they just aren’t for me. They don’t hold my interest and I frequently find them too out of character for my tastes. 
I play a very prickly, aggressive, hard-headed, impatient bastard for a reason. I have no interest in softening his edges. 
Please respect this. Be honest with what you want. If you frame your idea as “oh it’s totally not fluffy at all” and it turns out that’s what you were after, I will be beyond disappointed. I don’t want to force my style of play on you if it’s not what what you like, and I ask that you do the same for me. 
There is the obvious fluffy, cuddly, romantic type threads. But this also extends to anything where you expect gentleness, open support, tender, gushing, anything that could be considered “soft.” 
Again, I have no issue if you prefer that. More power to you, and I think you’re awesome for it. But I just ask that you not try to force it on me.
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
As McCree made his way though the street, he glanced over his shoulder occasionally, making sure that he wasn’t being followed. He soon spotted bar, & with a smirk on his face, he began to make his way to the doorway, glad that he had finally managed to find a bar. 
Just before he entered, he glanced over his shoulder. He quickly spotted an outline of someone across the street through the glare of the street light, & proceeded to walk into the building. If the man had any sense of morality left, he wouldn’t try to start anything inside of a crowded bar. 
He moved through the bar, stopping at the front to get a drink before sitting at the back. If the man came in, he was counting on the large crowd to distract him enough so that he could make an escape. As long as he got to finish his drink first, he didn’t mind a game of cat & mouse. 
Letting out a soft curse, the soldier weighed his options. Any other day he would have just gone in there, shot the thing point-blank in the face, and walked out. Let someone else deal with the fallout. But he didn’t have his damn mask thanks to the beast. All it took was one person to recognize him, and everything would be ruined. 
So he did the only thing he could do. He got comfortable. Patience wasn’t his strong suit, and if the monster took too long in there, he was going to get antsy, but he had few other options. He could set up a distraction and go blasting through the bar. But that would put too many bystanders at risk. More risk than anything the demon could be doing in there. 
Or so he hoped.
Open RP
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
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La douleur sarvoureuse. ​​​​
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
What Once Was
For @themxerte
Halloween hadn’t been Morrison’s forte, really. Getting dressed up pretending to be monsters seemed...disingenuous when there were real monsters out there. But Reyes had brought in a new recruit and it seemed Jack had something of a soft spot. A kid, really. Younger than he’d been when he’d left home to join the fight. He’d been hesitant about bringing on a member of a gang they’d wiped out, but maybe they had a chance to set him on the right path. 
So he was going to throw a proper Halloween party. Complete with cheesy decorations, and even cheesier costumes. He’d even rejected his usual themes of stars and stripes to go for something more in the holiday spirit. All red leather and his best attempt at making himself look dead. 
“Reyes!” He called from the bathroom as he made an absolute mess of smearing the black grease paint around his eyes. “You got everything ready?” Their guests wouldn’t arrive for at least another hour, more for some of them. But Jack had approached this planning thing like everything else: a mission. There were some habits he just couldn’t break.
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
“Jack... you smell like shit.” >:^( [i’llseemyselfout :,D]
you’re smelling your own breath under that mask, gabe
“You’re one to talk, Reyes.” 
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
{ Send me a headcanon about my character and I can only reply with ❎ for wrong or ✅ for correct }
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
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Why 76 is so Mean to Jesse, I will never know for sure,,,,,,
Commission me!! :D
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grumpyoldsoldier · 7 years
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