guntherthekibby · 8 days
"Psst, kitty... I'll give you ten fishy sticks if you knock over all the wine bottles in @askadrianalucardtepes's castle."
This mysterious hooded stranger is definitely NOT @ariaacrossthemultiverse making a very desperate attempt to keep Alucard away from the wine.
((except it is. hai!))
"mm... Tempting..." Gunther mewed, rolling on his back, batting the air as he purred, "but I think he would be rather cross with me if I went through with that. Who knows how long the wine was there and how much it all costs. Besides, I think he's doing better these days!"
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guntherthekibby · 5 months
"Guntheeerr! Here, kibby! I've got treatos!"
She is holding a bag of fishy treats and shaking it.
Gunther leaps out of the bushes, eyes widened. He purred aloud,
"treats!? TREATS!?"
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guntherthekibby · 10 months
((Ohhh, this is gonna be fun. @ariaacrossthemultiverse ))
Laser Focus!
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"get... back.. HERE!!!"
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guntherthekibby · 10 months
Send “laser focus” for my muse to get distracted by a laser pointer.
Send “focus on the laser” for your muse to be distracted by a laser pointer. 
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guntherthekibby · 11 months
Ye just kinda itching for rp, grab me on discord, it's just #Diana2412Assassin
Mostly have ocs but I can also rp canons I guess ruurueiiejdj
I prefer to avoid one liners, so I'd say semi-lit? I'm exhausted af so three sentences could be the limit fr
I'm 18+, I like angst a lot, we don't have to go overboard if angst comes up in the rp, really. I mean, it doesn't always have to pop up but I do like angst.
Shipping is... Alright I guess? I don't really mind it (no, not with Gunther, he kitty we don't ship kitties). If you want a shipping rp, just know I prefer to see where it goes and if chemistry is there. I just have experience with some folks in the past that try to force a ship on me and then get EXTREMELY mad if my characters reject their advances, or they try to "seduce" my characters so that's why I want to make it clear that I prefer a build up if the intention to rp is doing a ship
But ye
Idk what else to put
I just really want to rp and have fun
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
"patrols, hunts, in the deepest, darkest woods? Hmm! Well, well, consider yourself lucky, you have yourself a companion!"
Gunther mewed, walking by Trevor's side as they strolled through, heading towards the village, "we'll get plenty of food, kill plenty of creatures, the delights!"
"Thank GOD you're breathing!" Gunther bapped Trevor's head several times, "that was an awful fall, you were knocked conscious for several minutes! What happened!?"
Trevor sat up and rubbed his head, "I remember.... I was out on a patrol and saw a night creature. It hurled something at me and it hit my head. Everything went black after that."
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
Gunther slowly held out his paw, pressing it against the palm of her hand,
"this is close enough, I believe. Why do you humans do this, anyways?"
Gunther you have fleas! Lisa might know what to do about that.
Gunther furiously scratches the back of his ear, "you're telling me! @asklisafromlupu!! Help!!!" He yowls as he began to bite his fur, growling furiously at the pesky fleas in his skin.
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
*Ben 10 looks at the cat, as his expression turns from bored to pure excitement*
"Who's a good kittyyy?"
*He said while patting the cat's head*
Gunther furiously shook his head, hissing, "seriously..! Would a 'may I pet you,' hurt anyone every now and then!? I get it, fluffy cat, here kitty kitty, but come on!"
"unless you have food. "
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
"would a nice warm meal count?" Gunther mewed, looking up at Lisa, slowly closing his eyes, "I think the warm blanket will be enough - no wait a minute..! Ah... I already agreed, didn't I? Now I can't back out......... Ack, alright, Lisa...! You win. Bath it is for me.."
Gunther you have fleas! Lisa might know what to do about that.
Gunther furiously scratches the back of his ear, "you're telling me! @asklisafromlupu!! Help!!!" He yowls as he began to bite his fur, growling furiously at the pesky fleas in his skin.
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
Gunther purred, warm in the towel, "ah, yes... At last... Warmth.........."
"zzzzzzz...." And so Gunther fell asleep, warmed up and feeling a lot better than before.
🗡️ @guntherthekibby Gunther extended his claws, hissing, "no BATHS. I'm warning you! I'm perfectly fine, I can clean myself up without the water! NO BATHS!" (Becausecatsvswatersomethingsomethinghelloagain)
Lisa did not take the threat from the cat seriously as she gently poured warm water over him, "Gunther," She said sternly, "If you didn't want a bath, you wouldn't have gone through the mud."
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
"I've yet to learn of my powers, but not to fret! Soon I will come to learn! I think...! I might have to talk with Alucard about it."
Gunther rambled a bit until he noticed Trevor's pain and ceased, "oh... Oh yeah, your head is bleeding... We need to get that looked at. I don't think we should stop, you might fall asleep and we can't have that right now. You were able to wake up..."
"Thank GOD you're breathing!" Gunther bapped Trevor's head several times, "that was an awful fall, you were knocked conscious for several minutes! What happened!?"
Trevor sat up and rubbed his head, "I remember.... I was out on a patrol and saw a night creature. It hurled something at me and it hit my head. Everything went black after that."
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
"GAH! Sorry! Ok, getting a Belmont! Got it! Stay here, ok!?" Gunther paused, "... oh... Right. Uh... Anyways! I'll make it up to you, promise! @lastofthebelmontsrp ! Do you have any idea what this thing is!? And how we can get Alucard out!?"
Gunther stared at Alucard in the stocks for a long time, and proceeded to sit on his head, purring as he adjusted to a deep slumber, "rrrrr... Rrrrrrrr..." When jolted awake: "huh- what!? I don't have those weird things you call thumbs, Can't help you there! ...... OH. You mean CALL for help? Ohhh... Ah! Sorry! I can call up a Belmont, but first... How did you even get... Imprisoned? What is this thing, anyways?"
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"I'll tell you why I'm stuck here if you go get Belmont already, come on Gunther. I'm sure you're reaaaaally enjoying the fact I can't do anything to stop you right now, but consider this; so long as I am bound, I can't make any snacks for you nor pet you. I'm not entirely sure what this thing is called either, but I do know that is it very, very embarrassing to be in it. And right now you're not helping me feel much better."
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
"To put it simply, not only can I talk, I can also screech high pitches. Sometimes it's effective, it kinda depends on the creature. It stuns them! Some run away, some come charging. Fortunately, it ran away! I'll show you sometime. Let's get going!"
"Thank GOD you're breathing!" Gunther bapped Trevor's head several times, "that was an awful fall, you were knocked conscious for several minutes! What happened!?"
Trevor sat up and rubbed his head, "I remember.... I was out on a patrol and saw a night creature. It hurled something at me and it hit my head. Everything went black after that."
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
Gunther suddenly jumped up from his rest, eyes widened and pupils dilated, "treat?!there's treats!? You have any!? Goodie!! Let me have some! Please, please, please!"
Lisa stood and stared at the cat as he slept in the afternoon sun. But there was one problem. He was still. A little too still. Her heart started beating faster as she went over and put a hand on his belly. Feeling the gentle rise and fall, she let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god you're breathing," She felt a tension in her shoulders release. (from @asklisafromlupu)
Gunther was stirred in his sleep when he felt a hand on his belly, which which he began to purr and roll to his side,
"morning to you too... Did I really look dead? Was my tongue sticking out again?"
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
Gunther closed his eyes, purring, "ahh, they're kids. I know they like chasing things around and all. They never learned how to properly treat us cats. It's all, 'cute this,' 'cute that,' then they yank my poor tail and pick me up without asking. I forgive the children for that, but adults? Picking me up, petting me without seeing if I'm uncomfortable!? No manners!"
🗡️ @guntherthekibby Gunther extended his claws, hissing, "no BATHS. I'm warning you! I'm perfectly fine, I can clean myself up without the water! NO BATHS!" (Becausecatsvswatersomethingsomethinghelloagain)
Lisa did not take the threat from the cat seriously as she gently poured warm water over him, "Gunther," She said sternly, "If you didn't want a bath, you wouldn't have gone through the mud."
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
Gunther mewed again, continuing his little protest but to no avail. He went limp in the mother's arms as a final attempt.
"I'll still feel cold afterwards..! My skin is sensitive!"
Gunther you have fleas! Lisa might know what to do about that.
Gunther furiously scratches the back of his ear, "you're telling me! @asklisafromlupu!! Help!!!" He yowls as he began to bite his fur, growling furiously at the pesky fleas in his skin.
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
"I'd be glad to! It was awful... humiliating! Of course, I didn't talk because I was afraid they'd think I'm a creature... but still! It was awful..."
🗡️ @guntherthekibby Gunther extended his claws, hissing, "no BATHS. I'm warning you! I'm perfectly fine, I can clean myself up without the water! NO BATHS!" (Becausecatsvswatersomethingsomethinghelloagain)
Lisa did not take the threat from the cat seriously as she gently poured warm water over him, "Gunther," She said sternly, "If you didn't want a bath, you wouldn't have gone through the mud."
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