Can we talk about Gwuncan please
I mean ye but idrk what u mean
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Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire badly rewritten to be drarry - part 1 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UZmcoLLBn9 i wrote a drarry fanfic.Its rly bad but oh well
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I have four (4) moods
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welcome to another installment of “who’s more flexible” with peter and loki, guest starring tony stark (who is utterly terrified of both their safety and of....them.)
installment number one can be found here <3
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reblog if it’s okay to become internet friends
I’ve always wanted internet friends but have never actually had the courage to ask. so this is me asking I guess. I hope this isn’t an inconvenience. if you’d like a good friend to love and support you, I’m here. even if you want to send memes back and forth that’s fine.
we can talk about a show, a movie, your favorite character. we can talk about your day, your favorite music. anything and everything.
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This is the scene where M’Baku calls out Shuri during the challenge. I love that everyone surrounding her snaps to action, but please check out Shuri’s body-language here.  Look at her face. She is looking M’Baku dead in the eye.  Her stance is open and relaxed.  She’s not the least bit intimidated. Also notice that Shuri’s mom and most of the Dora aren’t pointing those vibranium spears at M’Baku.   They are effectively holding Shuri back. ….Just something to think about.
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Just leaving this here for when I want a good fanfic to read
Please excuse the mess.
Tony Stitches Peter Up - Peter shows up bleeding out. Tony tries not to have a breakdown.
Chinese Food for Fridays - Random fluff with Tony, Peter and May
 Just Lost for a Minute Chapter 1 & 2 - Peter has a notorious habit of getting lost.
Well That Was Awkward -  Peter’s classmates find him talking to the Tony Stark, who shouldn’t even know he exists. So, naturally, chaos ensues.
Close to My Heart - A short fic full of angst and hurt/ comfort
In the Dead of Night Part 1 and 2 - Tony and Peter comforting each other through their nightmares.
Stark Only Cares for Himself - Steve thinks Tony only loves himself. He was wrong.
Spider-Man, Spider-Man - Peter proudly plays his new theme song to the Avengers.
Teething - Baby Peter is teething. Tony is very stressed.
Well at least it’s not on fire - One late night, Peter and Tony try to bake a cake. 
They’re Good Uncles, But…. Chapter 1 and 2 - Uncles Rhodey and Happy are babysitting Peter when the penthouse decides to set fire.
Time to Die… Of Embarrassment - May pulls out Peter’s baby pictures.
You Terrified Me - Bio son Peter breaks curfew. Tony is scared.
Other Fics
Car Crash Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 4 - A fun road trip leads to a disaster. Chapters 4/4
Nose Bleed - Both Tony and Peter are shocked when Peter suffers his first  nosebleed.
Baby Peter - A fluffy fic with toddler Peter and his dad
On the Ceiling - Tony finds his toddler not in his bed, but on the ceiling.
A Few Heart Attacks - Peter takes a major hit for Tony and barely survives.
Vlogging - Peter, Ned, and Shuri as seen through their vlog.
Hammock - Peter discovers the many wonderful pleasures of a hammock.
Something is Wrong - Peter collapses and scares the shit out of Tony.
Hot Chocolate and Cuddles - A fluffy fic about the first snow.
Here Comes Trouble, Make it Double - Peter had had a good day. But not anymore.
Don’t Worry, I’ll Sue Thor - Peter’s definitely not afraid of storms. Nope. Not one bit.
I Love You So, So Much - Tony tries to protect Peter from Hydra by keeping him in the tower… unfortunately, Hydra is at the tower too.
Midnight Snack - Peter has a late night snack on the ceiling.
Why the Hell Were You on the Ceiling?! - A very short fic where Peter falls asleep on the ceiling.
How do you Tie a Tie? - Tony shows Peter how to tie a tie. Peter is unsure the he belongs with the famous Avengers.
Please Don’t Kill Flash - Peter and Flash get kidnapped together. Tony is frantic.
Presumed Dead - Peter won’t eat, talk, sleep. He has nothing to live for if Tony is dead.
A Fast but Steady Heartbeat - Peter, Tony and Rhodey are enjoying their afternoon at a restaurant until the building and their food explodes.
October 30th, Day Before Halloween - Tony gets an emergency call. The Parkers have been attacked.
Peter’s Favorite Avenger? Not anymore - The Avengers meet Peter. Tony was terrified at first, and now he’s jealous. He’s still Peter’s favorite Avenger, right?
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Why NYPD hates Spiderman:
Cops: *pepper spraying peaceful protesters*
Peter: HEY! *swings down and webs up the officers*
Peter: You people are supposed to protect innocents, not attack them! You are either children, idiots, or just assholes! I’m a literal child and an idiot, but I can understand that what you’re doing is wrong! So, by process of elimination that makes you all assholes! And I beat up assholes for a living!
Peter: *backflips and crowd surfs as he flips off the webbed up cops* Fuck off!
Tony: Peter, why did I get a call from NYPD demanding Spiderman’s removal from the Avengers for charges of assault on multiple officers?
Peter: *eating chips on the couch* Easy. Black Lives Matter. Asshole Lives Don’t.
Tony: *tearing up* that’s my boy...
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hc, the avengers/starks at pride?
•  It’s probably Peter who suggests all the Avengers go to pride, and as soon as he brings it up to Tony, Tony definitely becomes a starry-eyed, excited father at the prospect. Like, he probably wishes his father was more supportive in anything he did, so having Peter open up to him about an event he’s really excited about would make his paternal instincts THRIVE.
Peter, shyly approaching Tony: So, you know how it’s June?
Tony: Yeah...?
Peter: And, um, June is pride month.
Tony: Mhm...
Peter: I was wondering, if, umm, maybe we could all, ya know, go to some pride events together—
Peter, tearing up: Yes, please, Mr. Stark...
•  EVERYONE gets a special pride themed suit. They all get different flags to inspire their suits, too! They’re not all rainbow! Bi, pan, lesbian, trans, ace, any color scheme they can think of, they get! 
•  Tony goes ALL OUT with the suits. I mean turn-his-blasters-into-confetti-cannons level of extra, here. He helps Peter make his web shooters fire pride colored webs. Steve gets a cape that’s a pride flag. It doesn’t do anything special, but it looks tacky, so Tony puts it on the suit anyway. Just to piss Steve off. I mean, what’s he gonna do?? Take it off and disappoint Peter?? AS IF. 
•  And pride becomes a mandatory event for ALL the Avengers. There will be no, “But I’m cis and heterosexual—” Tony WILL throw hands. You are supporting his spiderson; you don’t get a say. Not that it’s much of a problem because anyone who sees how thrilled Peter gets at the support couldn’t possibly turn him down in good conscience. And I mean ANYONE. Nick Fury couldn’t withstand those puppy eyes.
Fury: Look, I’m sorry, Stark. I have an important meeting that day. I support all of you, but I—
Peter, spotting Tony and Fury: Oh, Director Fury!! Mr. Stark told me you were gonna come, too!! I was so surprised!! But thank you so, so much; it means so much to me that even the highest members of our little team support me :) !! I’m used to higher-ups hating people being open about LGBT+ stuff, is all.
Fury: Ah...
Peter: Yeah, like at school they don’t let us talk about stuff like that. Apparently the existence of LGBT+ people is too “controversial.” It’s really dehumanizing. I’m so glad it’s not like that here though!! I’m happy the Avengers can be a safe space!!
Fury, sweating: Ahah...
Peter: Anyway, I’m gonna go work on my rainbow web shooters!! Bye!! Thanks again!
Fury: ...I’ll cancel that meeting.
Tony: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
•  Tony’s support would be so over the top it might border on overbearing. Like, when a parent is SUPER supportive, to the point that anytime they see ANYTHING rainbow in a store (pride related or not), they buy it. And then, like, they give it to you with that >:3 look on their face. “Ah?? AH??? DO YOU LIKE IT??? GET IT???? ‘CUZ IT’S RAINBOW?????” That’s definitely Tony. Once again, he’s compensating for not getting the same support from his own father figure. 
•  Also, Tony would totally pull strings to get prominent LGBT+ singers to perform at pride. Like, all of Peter’s faves. He would never admit to being the one to convince them, though.
•  And, obviously, the Avengers would make sure no assholes hurt people at pride. They see a Trump flag in the distance and all of the Avengers just
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•  No one tries to pull ANY shit that June.
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AU Where Peter is Tony’s Biological Son (A.K.A How Peter Finally Got A Dog)
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PLEASE anyone send me an idea for a fanfic.Ik i havent finished either of mine but i’m looking for something new to write aswell as those
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Mike’s Past.....
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Part 2
1st part got way too long.
I jumped when Chester spoke.Manitoba went on to explain how he was just trying to stick up for us,and he felt horrible that it had caused me to faint!As he went over what happened,I got more and more anxious,but surprisingly,Chester and Manitoba were really good at calming me down.
Chester called Vito and Svetlana into the TV room.They all agreed that someone else should take the front.I was hesitant,because I didn’t want anything else that could cause trouble to happen.But eventually they broke me,and we all agreed that Vito should take the front.He would defend himself if anything did happen and he could explain clearly what happened to the teacher.
I needed to calm down and just not worry about the outside,so I went into my room and thought of ways to decorate it.It currently looked exactly like my bedroom in my house,but I wanted to change it up
When he walked into the room,he could feel everyone staring at him.He knew it wasn’t for a good reason,but he still enjoyed it.Ms. Morrisey walked up to him after telling the class to continue their work.
“Manitoba?” she asked. “No ma’am!It’s the Vito” he replied,winking at her.A few people in the class snickered,and Ms. Morrisey took the boy back to the teachers’ lounge so he could explain what just happened.
Vito explained in full detail,and even educated his teacher on some other situations that might come up.She was speechless when he had finished.All of this was happening in one little 9 year old’s head?! “You know,Vito” she said,grabbing his hand “it sounds like you have all had a very stressful day.Maybe I should just call your mom?
“Eh yo,ms teach-y,there ain’t no need for that.All right?We been through way worse than this crap” he said,rolling his eyes and sounding quite offended that she thought they couldn’t handle it.
“Oh..right..o-of course.I’m sorry” the teacher replied quite sheepishly as Vito got up and left the room.
When Ms. Morrisey walked back into the classroom,Vito was sitting in his chair,shirt off,surrounded by the girls in the class.She calmed the class down,but then,when everyone was in their seats,Vito still had his shirt off,and was leaning back in his chair,not caring at all.It was as if everyone in the room was just waiting for the teacher to give him detention or something! “Vito!” said the teacher in a very loud voice,startling everyone.He looked up,uninterested. “Put your shirt on now or I’m going to have to give you detention today!And for God’s sakes pay attention!”
“Eh yo!Why you tryna cover up the tan!!” Vito almost shouted as he reluctantly put his classic blue-white shirt back on.” A lot of the class giggled,or whispered about it for the last 20 minutes,but Ms. Morrisey didn’t even care at that point.
School soon ended and Vito made his way outside.Just as he left the school gates,he was suddenly surrounded by every popular person in school.
He eyed the boy that stepped forward.The same boy Manitoba had threatened. “Eh yo,you lookin for a fight?Cause I could go all day baby!”.
Without a word,the boy punched Vito right in the face.At first,he was shocked,as the boy didn’t look strong at all.And it didn’t help he was only 9! “Alright.” Vito said non-chalantly. “Let’s rumble!”.He suddenly jerked forward and leapt onto the bully.
At this point,a small group had surrounded the fight.This caught the attention of one of the teachers leaving the school.He walked over to see what was going on,and as was everyone else,he was shocked to see Mike fighting!And how strong he was!But nevertheless he broke up the fight and ordered everyone to go home.
Vito recognized the teacher as Mr. Carino.Neither Vito or any of the other alters had ever spoken to him,but they had all seen him around the school.
Mr. Carino looked at them for a moment,sighed,shook his head and grabbed their arms.He led them to the principle,Mr. Kelly’s office.Mr. Carino told them to wait outside while he spoke to the principle.
Vito stood there picking at his nails,ignoring the other boy staring daggers at him.
After a few minutes,Mr. Kelly opened the door and gestured for the boys to enter.At this point,everyone in the subconscious had heard what happened.At first,they all tried to be co-conscious at once,but no one could communicate properly.So as the principle was speaking,the rest of the alters were outside the living room arguing about who would be best to next take the front.Mike had stayed quite up till that moment.
I was internally freaking out about what happened in the hour or two Vito was in the front,and I had enough!
“I’m going i-in the front!”I said,trying to sound as confident as possible.Everyone stopped shouting and stared at me. “A-all day,one of you has been the front and i-it has b-been horrible!And besides,I know the teachers best and I’m too shy to cause any further trouble!”
I tried to sound confident,but I really didn’t succeed.My voice was squeaky and kept breaking and I kept stuttering.
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Hair and Amen
Loki: Hey Y/N nice hair
You: Oh um thank you *blush*
Loki: I'll bet it would look nicer balled up in my fist when we-
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i love marvel,total drama,zombies and some light harry potter
I need people who are as obsessed with zombies as I am so like throw this a reblog if you dont mind me ranting about zeddison or anything to you
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EEEE!Congratulations!You've just peaked!It's all downhill from here honey!
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tdwt London
Noah:Hey buddy,can we bribe you,to strip yourself down?
Owen:Yum Yum Happy Go Time Fish?
Noah:Don't kill him you clown!! *rolls eyes*
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Come fly with us,come DIE with us
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