gyounisdnad · 4 years
Final Evaluation
Throughout this project, we had to complete work from home and received our work remotely through emails and Microsoft Teams meetings. My biggest issue towards remote learning was that I did not have suitable equipment at home. Adobe is predominantly used throughout my course and having no access to this was a struggle. I had to use free software such as Inkscape and Krita instead. I also had to familiarise myself with the use of video calls and emails to contact my tutors and classmates. Once I became confident with learning in this way, I was able to focus on my tasks and produce art pieces as well as written work.
I have chosen the Key4Life brief, as I feel that knife crime and gang violence is a growing concern within the modern society targeting teenagers in particular. I feel that it should be tackled immediately to reduce the rate of knife related crimes as well as prevent this problem from spreading further. An issue I faced during my project was to portray my message across in an empathetic way towards my target audience, whilst also being educational. Teenagers worry about getting involved in knife crime and gang violence whilst graphic designers use negative imagery and language to talk down at their audience. I believe that showing compassion and empathy will allow my message to reach my target audience and help them understand the severity of gang violence.
When conducting my primary research, I looked at what technological influences my target audience are associated with as well as their interests. I noticed that majority of the younger portion within my target audience use social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. I also found through this research that a majority of young people feel more comfortable with communicating from behind a screen as an anonymous user. This prospered my idea of creating a chatroom for teenagers to use. When researching artists, I looked at typographers who use minimalistic and simple typography. This fit into the modern, minimalistic art style that most brands use to construct designs that appeal to my target audience
Another research method I used was to better educate myself on how the British police force target knife-crime. I have previously taken part in a ‘Stop and Search – Know your rights’ presentation which is aimed at young people. Also, a family member of mine works within the stop and search sector of the force, which outreaches to young people in order to prevent knife crime and gang violence. Through this research, I noticed that although the police force presented themselves as welcoming and understanding, many of the students felt hesitant to interact with the police officers. Therefore, I aimed to make my project less intimidating and a calmer environment where young people can express themselves without feeling pressurised or overwhelmed.
Throughout this project, a difficulty I faced was having to use alternative software which did not have the tools or capability of Adobe. I did resolve this issue by becoming familiar with the new software that offered the tools that I needed and produce the final piece that I wanted.
A major change within this unit was choosing what brief I wanted follow. I had to choose between making an illustrated book or making a typography font to combat against knife crime. After considering both briefs, I settled on the typography brief as I felt that the project was more meaningful and influential.
Throughout this project, I learnt about the importance of empathy when creating a graphic design for a subject which many people struggle with. In future, I can use the skills I have obtained throughout this project to collaborate with charities and Youth organisations. I also learnt how a project can be tailored to suit a certain client through the understanding of both the person I am working with as well as the research I use. Working on a live brief and getting in touch with other graphic designers opened my eyes on the importance of a message when constructing a piece of work.
One of my projects that has potential for development in the future is the chatroom. I could use the help of a programmer to programme it into a functioning app. This chatroom could be used by schools or charities such as Key4Life as a way for young people to open up without feeling pressured or judged by others through the use of an anonymous server. Also, I have researched how to submit my work and I am confident in doing so. I believe that I have been able to complete my work within the time frame provided. However, one improvement I could make is that I want to expand the type of art that I produce. I want to look into creating physical art such as stickers and keychains since the art I have made are all digital. One project I created was a phone case, but I wanted to develop this further since it could symbolise unity across my target audience.
Overall, I feel that my final project is successful in capturing my idea but there are still areas for improvement. I am happy with the concept and direction of my project since I have been able to create a functioning platform that my target audience can use to spread my message. This can also illiterate and highlight the importance of knife crime prevention amongst the current and future generations. When creating a presentation, I found this clear and simple. The images were large, and I tried to minimise the amount of written text on the presentation to ensure that it was understandable. Some changes that I would make on my presentation would be to improve my spelling as well the size of the text so that it is more visible. On the whole, I feel that I have achieved my goal for this project.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Gif Hey
I have made a short gif that could be use as a sticker on a story
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The first gif have each segment of the letter fading in, showing how its made out of ticks.
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The second gif is made having the shapes rise and revealing the word.
Overall, I prefer the fading animation as it showcase the tick better and it have more of a natural flow to it. 
However, I decided to discontinue this project because it did not suit the collective style of my final pieces. Also, my target audience tend to use images such as emojis to express emotion rather than short, animated clips therefore thus project was irrelevant.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Improving chatroom
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Improving post two
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This is what my first post looked like before the improvements. However, I was advised to darken the green and was told to replace the zigzag pattern with a shape pattern.  
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Therefore, I will apply this edited version to all of my pieces. 
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Improving my post
To improve my posts, I was advised to ensure that they are all connected. This would allow all of my posts to flow together nicely. To do this, I have looked at existing posts made by an artist who has successfully established this connectivity. Therefore, I was required to research on how I could make my posts flow in a cohesive way.
My first example derives from the artist, Aaronnieh since he was able to connect different projects together into a consistent story. Through the use of inference, he used an image in his project and had included it in multiple posts. He would then incorporate a plain boarder behind the central image. This creates contrast which emphasises the spacing and allows the viewer to focus on the image within the post. This simplistic boarder has allowed each post to flow together in a coherent manner. Consequently, it has made the work user-friendly and suitable for the platform which is visually unique.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Making a chatroom
One of the pieces that I will be making for this project is a chatroom. This chatroom would allow my target audience to get in touch and speak to one another. This is beneficial because the audience can easily access each other who share the same problems without embarrassment or shame. Therefore, a chatroom would be perfect for group discussions without the feeling of being lectured.
The examples which I have analysed are Instagram, Reddit and WhatsApp. From studying these social media platforms I have noticed that they adopt the same features as normal text messaging apps. However, these social media platforms include illustrative and graphical imagery. Therefore, the graphics provide a distinctive touch through the form of texting.
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From these sketches, I have added a wavy pattern to introduce texture within the chatroom. This was achieved by watching a video which explained how to successfully create lattice deformation upon multiple lines. Lattice deformation is used to create a curvy effect on a shape or lines which results in a pattern.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Connected Post Ideas
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Digital example
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From the four pieces that I have produced, I have chosen the bright green one (bottom right) as this would be visually pleasing for the audience. 
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Posts for Instagram part one
The sketches at the beginning were solely focused on displaying the typeface that I have made. However, I felt that these thumbnails would not work because they do not carry a cohesive theme which ignores the tick shape. This tick shape is integral for my font. 
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I disliked how all of these thumbnails lacked a connection to my theme. This is because the thumbnails were too illustrative and straight forward.
After the meeting on Teams with my tutor and peers, my group advised me that I should incorporate the tick shape onto my posts. I could do this by breaking the image down into a three by three grid where I can import my text. Also, I could place any pattern work which would connect to my artist inspirations. 
Furthermore, I could overlap the same pattern onto different post which would allow me to develop a link between them. Hence, it would maintain the connection between each post I create. 
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In another meeting, we discussed about the possibility to combine all the posts together on Instagram. I have learnt that a post is measured from one thousand and eighty by one thousand and eighty pixels. By applying this calculation onto my canvas, I can keep all my work visible without the risk of it being cropped out or obscured. 
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Essentially, I have planned how to create a connection between posts for my Instagram.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Graphic Designer Talk
Trey is a typography artist who specialises in posters, type fonts and murals. One of trey’s project was to create a typeface that would be used during protests and marches. He looked at the historical movement of Back Lives Matters (BLM) and other movements to which he came across traditional text. Traditional texts were used by factory workers and by workers who followed Martin Luther King Jr. He was inspired by this and was able to create his own font which he called Martin font. This font could be used in protests as it is a thick, clear font. The Martin font was adaptable because it was used in range of sizes and could be placed on any surface. This implies that it is very important to implement history and culture into your work as it portrays context. Implying that fonts are to connected your work and to its meaning. This also allows you to provide a reason for why you should implement the font for certain purposes. 
Trey illustrates that it is significant importance to adopt a mindset of an entrepreneur. Therefore, we should look at the world in its context and how your work can make an societal impact. Also, you should look at graphics to its business value and to analyse what the people are currently interested in. Ultimately, to reflect on how your work is able to benefit yourself as well for your future.  
Lucy is a graphic designer and a visual artist. Her aim was to offer graphics to businesses in order to portray their thoughtful identity, through the use of her visual artwork. She uses plenty of flora and fauna imagery to create a soft, dreamlike piece. This is achieved by the process of using maximal and abstract art styles which incorporates a sense of movement. Also, the colour scheme within her artwork creates an hypnotic and surreal feeling. 
Her project is aimed to tackle social issues that affect women and to create awareness of these problems through the use of graphics. An example of this is Women’s aid charity, where she applied the information of women who suffered from domestic violence onto T-shirts. Her graphics has increased awareness of the difficulties women face which would encourage individuals to reach out and to speak on this problem. 
In conclusion, Lucy has the belief that artwork can address and criticise issues within society, especially towards women. Graphic design is able to implement messages into visuals which makes it easier for individuals to understand, rather than relying upon blogs or sessions on this topic area.
Arvy is a graphic designer and an illustrator based in Sydney which is located in Australia. He specialises in branding and motion graphics. Arvy has the ability to incorporate smooth and easy animations in order to bring his work to life.
Arvy has made two separate projects that showcase his work. The first project was focused on re-branding the Event Cinema. He has used a simple black and white pattern to create an illusion that there is an painting on the wall. The black and white lines gradually get thinner to mimic a tunnel. In reality, the illusion leads to a new room within the cinema which deceives the viewer. He has used this style to connect all the different aspects and sub-categories that are consistent within the Event Cinema. Examples of these are Gold, Kids and Vmax. These all provide a different service to suit their target audience and are located in different areas of the city. Although all these versions of Event Cinema are targeted at different audiences, they all simultaneously link through the use of pattern and motion graphics. Therefore, the similar design work provides a clear focus for the branding of the cinema.
The other project was a self-challenge to make a series of small illustration daily. These illustrations are small, simple and are clear to identify. In his line art, he has a set number of lines which broke the subject matter into basic shapes. The inspiration is influenced by what he visually saw throughout his day. An example is a bike in the park or a Stormtrooper from the Star war movie he had watched. This implies that an individual can be influenced by what they see daily to produce a piece of artwork. 
Overall, it is centralised about enjoyment which creates inspiration when creating art and graphic designs. Therefore a individual should seek to find what makes them happy to evoke emotion in their work. It would allow them to have a drive to complete their piece and would is also inspire a person to start thinking outside of the box. Therefore, it would persuade a person to create something not because they have to complete it but because they wanted to.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Improved five by six typeface
This is the improved five by six typeface. 
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Here I have adjusted the letters X, I, K and V.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Twelve by twelve grid
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After a group discussion, they preferred the smaller grid over the bigger one. This is because you are able to see the tick shape more clearly. It is also seen as unique and unconventional in comparison to the larger grid.
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
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gyounisdnad · 4 years
Twelve by twelve grid example
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I have expanded the grid to the measurements of twelve by twelve. This is because it would provide more room to work on. 
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