haeunxhj · 1 year
𝗰𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲'𝘀 𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁 day: pride day six time: early afternoon with: yeongi @hjxyeongi tw: murder and death mention
hiding behind a pair of sunglasses, haeun looked around at the gathered people. quietly, she had to wonder if it was unethical to be participating in the big scavenger hunt? after all, she was part of the pirate descendants that helped put together the chest that would be given to the winner or winners. but after a moment of thinking like that, she remembered that she was extremely competitive and was willing to crush someone’s spirit to win. so, there she was carefully studying her clues when she caught sight of one of her cousins out of the corner of her eyes. now, it wasn’t like she only had one or two. she had a few when it came to those related to the captain but actually seeing yeongi out in the light and not looking like batman was… a rare thing. especially after their uncle’s death. he was a firm believer that their uncle was a fucking saint. haeun couldn’t help but think he was an idiot. an angry idiot. sure, she knew he didn’t deserve death but he wasn’t perfect. none of them were. it wasn’t like she was going to share any findings from her end when it came to digging into things herself. most of the pirate cousins were out of their damn minds over it all. still, “holy shit, you come out during the day.” she called out to yeongi, not really moving closer to him but watching him anyway. “i thought you had gone nocturnal…”
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haeunxhj · 1 year
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haeunxhj · 1 year
There was no way she was keeping track of how many times she had circled the running path. All Haeun knew was there was music screaming in her ears as her feet hit the pavement. Her thoughts were fully consumed by that police report. By the rumors she had been hearing. The fingers being pointed from left to right. In her mind, it was all some bullshit. She was a pirate blooded that didn’t believe a thing until it was proven.
They didn’t let her examine the body. ‘Because it was a family member,’ they said. Again, a whole load of bullshit.
Those thoughts had been consuming her for days. While she worked. While she was at home. When she worked out. Nothing seemed to snap her out of the genuine distaste she had over all of it. It made her suspicious. Her instincts told her something was off but every time she tried to investigate it, there was nothing but roadblocks.
Hence the run she was keeping no track of. Sweat cascading in all the places it normally did in the body as she finally stopped for a breath. Close to the beach, allowing the cool breeze to help her heated skin. Taking a drink of the water she had in her hand, she found herself idly looking for a seat on what was like a boardwalk. Finally, like her body relax for a minute.
Haeun leaned her head back, finally enjoying the sun for a little while before she could feel a shadow fall over her. She didn’t open and eye but decided to speak, “here for me or the view?”
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haeunxhj · 1 year
somedays there was nothing more lovely in Haeun's mind than kicking someone's ass at something they loved. sure, call her a little competitive. or even, mean-spirited when it came to assholes but she would argue that many of them deserved to get knocked down a peg or two.
either way, it made sports day one of her favorites when it came to celebrating the great Hanjeong.... right...
while normally, she wasn't caught outside the hospital or her own personal training, exceptions were made this time of year. she found herself enjoying running, swimming, and other various forms of movement. that, was until she noticed Jongsu's ass was in the swimming portion.
losing as gracefully as possible, Haeun huffed to herself when she walked over to the other. some things were meant to be left unsaid, and she would leave them. but still, her side eye was clear, even behind her sunglasses. "that win was bullshit." she huffed with more humor in her words than most would realize.
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"but shit, what a coincidence, i was waiting for fencing too," was added. "i might have to kick your ass," she continued with a nod, as she looked dead at him. more than likely he would kick her ass but she was good with blades... give him a run for a little bit of his money..
changing tides//open
Date: April 11, 2023 (Sports Day)
Location: The Beach
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Considering Jongsu was trying to blend in with his human form, perhaps he should have lagged behind a bit during the swimming competition. Unfortunately, his naiad half had taken over as soon as he was in the water. Even with concentrating on keeping his human form, he had easily beat the competition. It was a combination of age, experience, and no other water folk being in this particular race. The humans were all too afraid to lose to them.
Sometimes, messing with them was just too easy.
Jongsu began to dry his hair. It was only in the last decade that he had decided to rejoin the general community in Hanjeong. No one seemed to notice that he didn't age much. Humans were incredibly self-centered. That never changed, no matter where he traveled to.
Though many in Hanjeong suspected he was a half-blood, he usually never admitted it. Old habits died hard. Back in his day, being a half-blood could easily get him killed.
"So, you going to compete in the next one? I am going to wait until the fencing competition," he said. Jongsu had an unfair advantage, but that was of no particular concern to him. Besides, it wasn't as if anyone would die at the end of it.
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haeunxhj · 1 year
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haeunxhj · 1 year
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