hailsmudge · 5 years
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– the traveler’s blessing, the 100
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hailsmudge · 5 years
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She’s been dead for over a hundred years, yet this is photo they use. 🤣🤣
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hailsmudge · 5 years
I know most of us Clexa shippers have migrated, via the Great Gay Migration™, but I would just like a quick show of hands. Reblog if you still hate Jason Rothenberg with a fiery passion.
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hailsmudge · 5 years
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lupus constellation demiurge?? wolvden? 👀
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hailsmudge · 5 years
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hailsmudge · 5 years
god i’m so frustrated i need more wlw representation. i want to be able to open netflix and see wlw rep without having to watch like. riverdale
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hailsmudge · 5 years
An Account of the DC Pride Shooter Scare & Trampling
My friends and I were in the front of the crowd by the barriers in front of the grassy/fountain area where everything initially went down at. The parade was wrapping up; it was loud, music was playing from passing floats and it was a good time. I was there with some friends- I’d tied my cross shoulder bag to the barrier a few times (as I didn’t want it to get stolen and was tired of holding it) and my friend had set his skateboard down on the other side of the barrier. There was something that sounded like a base drop - music, probably - and we didn’t hear gunfire at any point when suddenly a man ran up to the crowd, a terrified look on his face, saying that we needed to run and that the barrier had to be pushed down so we all could cross to the other side. I was frozen in that moment, but as people started to push forward the metal barrier was pushed down. Moments before all of this had happened, I had seen a teacher from my school a couple people behind me and spoken with her for maybe 5 seconds. One of my friends saw that the woman behind us had made eye contact with her daughter (who seemed about 12 years old) and put her hands on her shoulders, telling her to jump the barrier before anything started.
As people started to scream and get frantic, I didn’t want to leave my purse behind (like an idiot who was worried about losing their metro pass home and debit card) and crouched down to untie it from the barrier. One thing that I definitely remember is that people were very careful to not hurt each other- I don’t know if it was the teacher I’d seen looking out for me- but I was only brushed against by other people. Maybe it was because I was so far up in the front as the situation began to develop I’d had more time than other people. I do know some people did end up getting hurt, though. It took me about half a minute to untie my purse as my hands were shaking and confusion distracted me. I ran across the street, but the two friends I had been with were gone (they had run ahead and sheltered in the entryway of a bank.) My friend had left his skateboard behind and another group of friends who were further back in the crowd had grabbed it as they ran away. I regrouped with the friends who had been further back in the crowd and the teacher, as we all tried to catch our breath and understand what just happened. An important note is that we were told to run, sincerely, by a terrified looking man BEFORE any of the guard rails were down. Other people further away may have mistaken the guard rails falling for gunfire, but that was not the source of the panic. In the immediate aftermath of the stampede was a few people having panic attacks, being helped by people they knew or what appeared to be strangers. There were shoes/sandals that had been left behind in the frenzy. People who’d been separated from the people they’d come with. We saw an ambulance and police cars start to pull up on the other side of the circle, in the back to the left from where we were standing. We had no idea what had just happened. We called everyone we knew that had been there to make sure that they were okay. As our re-group crowd was fairly large and only a few people were unaccounted for, some of us decided to go ask anyone if they knew what happened.  A passing police officer who was in a hurry told us he didn’t know. We approached a group who were collecting some stray shoes to make a small pile by a lamp post to ask if they knew and they said they thought someone had a gun or that there’d been a fight. Another man said he didn’t know. Another group said someone had been shot. We had no idea what was happening, other than that it was something bad.  Even in desperate times like these, the LGBT community took care of each other. A woman who’d been crying and holding onto a post on the street had been adopted by a group who were determined to help her find her friend she’d been separated from and get home safe. My friends and I were extremely thirsty on our long walk to the next metro stop (as we’d been told DuPont had been closed for broken escalators) so we bought a giant case of water and passed out water bottles to other people on the walk. On the metro home, one person was reading aloud some of the first news coverage for the rest of us so we could all understand what’d happened together. I know there were more acts of kindness besides these, but these were the ones that I had witnessed personally.  Stay safe, and happy pride. 
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hailsmudge · 5 years
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anyone else already decided their pack names? is it too soon to have picked??
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hailsmudge · 5 years
Wolvden hype culture is checking their tumblr 100 times a day on mondays and thursdays hoping for sneak peeks and spoilers
but at the same time wanting to be surprised by the game upon release
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hailsmudge · 5 years
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“ravenpaw’s sleep paralysis” someone come take my rights away
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hailsmudge · 5 years
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hailsmudge · 6 years
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ha ha ha thank you Tumblr for flagging my trashy cat drawing 
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hailsmudge · 6 years
I'm so hype for wolvden
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hailsmudge · 6 years
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elphaba because I love her, of course! 
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hailsmudge · 6 years
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scourge if he body was made of plastic
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hailsmudge · 6 years
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hailsmudge · 6 years
all these shaggy memes remind me of my ex. every time it think of shaggy I think of her. what  
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