hanabisimps · 4 years
THIS! I needed this! I’ve been in a rut lately so please send in requests for me to draw!
Any Obey Me characters please 🥺
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feel free to send a character (can be your oc!) and a number and i might doodle them in my free time!
you can use this for yourself too idc!!
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hanabisimps · 4 years
YESSSSSS My baby is home🥰🥰
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hanabisimps · 4 years
•Welcome to Devildom•
-A Prince and His Right-Hand Man-
Chapter 2
The first thing you hear is a voice that sounds deep joyful. You open your eyes and see you’re in a place that looks like a courtroom and several men are looking you’re way. You’re looking around the area assessing your environment. To be honest, you were pretty scared after almost falling downs flight of stairs and then you were immediately greeted by a strange and new figure. You were never considered short or tall before but when you see these new people you feel incredibly tiny and insignificant compared to them.
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A man sitting atop the main seat that looks like where the chief judge would sit starts speaking.
???: ... Oh pardon me, feeling a bit shocked, are we? Well that’s understandable. You’ve only just arrived after all.
He spoke in such a proper tone. You’ve never heard anybody talk in such a manner before besides your family. He sounds almost as if he was actually worried. The tone of his voice makes you feel comforted despite not knowing where you are and you’re situation. You have never met anybody that looked like this man before. His hair was a bright red that was fit to be called a royal red and his skin reminded me of chestnuts, his features look inviting and was pleasing to the eye, something that she’s seen before but accompanied with such deep red hair? Shes never seen it, even from a distance anybody can tell that he was a very handsome man.
???: As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom.
Hanabi: what..?
When you heard that last statement you snapped out of the comfortable and warm feeling you had. Realizing what he just said. It almost sounds like they plan on keeping me here for a while. Does that mean they will eventually send me back or... did I die and this is the place I will be staying from now on..?
???: I suppose I should start by introducing myself. My name is Diavolo, I am the ruler of all demons and all that live here know of me. Someday I will be crowned king of the Devildom.
Diavolo: This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo... but just feel free to just call it RAD. You’re standing inside the assembly hall, they very heart of this school. This is where we officers of the student council hold meetings and conduct our business. I also happen to be the president of the student council.
Hanabi: Did I die?
You look up at the man concerned but almost half hopeful. You had a dream that you wanted to continue to pursue and are worried that your life ended to early for you to do anything. But on the other hand, you would have to go back home and that was something you didn’t want to even consider as an option.
???: I will explain everything to you.
Another man walked up to you. His hair was a jet black and his face had defined features. He had reminded you of some dramas you used to see, to you he looked as though he could play the CEO of a company in one of those dramas. He looked radiant and refined almost too beautiful to be real. Where are all these good looking people coming from?
Diavolo: Hanabi, this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the avatar of pride, he is also the Vice President of the student council. He’s also my right hand man... and not just in title, I assure you. Beyond that, he’s also my most trusted friend. *he glances at Lucifer, almost as if in anticipation*
Lucifer: *lets out a sigh* flattery will take you nowhere, Diavolo. *he turns to you with an elegant smile plastered across his face* Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours... I offer you a most heartfelt welcome Hanabi.
You were caught in a daze of confusion. You eventually snapped out of it and remembered that you are in a strange place that speaks of devils and celestial realms. You clasp your hands together up to your chest to calm yourself and remember what you were going to say.
Hanabi: Answer my question * you say this bluntly and with no hostility but with a hint of annoyance*
You were sure that saying this to someone that is supposedly an avatar of pride and a demon would surely set him off. Or at least you thought it would.
Lucifer: ...Interesting. This one is quite different from Solomon. *he gives you an amused smirk* don’t fret, you’re most certainly alive.
Hanabi: I see... * you let out a breath and relax yourself knowing that you’re alive* thank you...* you bow *
Diavolo: *surprised* Well now this is unexpected! Why are you thanking us and demons all of all things?
Hanabi: Before being brought here I thought I was going to die but now that I know that I’m alive... all I could think of was to thank you. Even if it was unintentionally, I still thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving me. * you bow to them again *
Lucifer: ... not once in my long life have I seen a human thank a demon like this before. I’m beginning to believe that I made the right choice of picking you to be an exchange student here.
Hanabi: What do you mean?
Lucifer: Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationship with the human world and celestial realm.
Hanabi: Hmm...* you begin to wrack your brain* I see, so does that the students here were also transported to the human world too?
Lucifer: you’re quite quick to put two and two together. *makes a satisfied smile* I can see that you will do well here. * he goes back on subject* Yes you are correct, we’ve sent 2 of our students to the human world and 2 of our students to the celestial realm. This is the first step toward our goal and you’ve been chosen from among the people of the human world to participate in this program of ours.
Hanabi: so that means 2 humans have been sent here correct? I had heard of you mention someone called Solomon, is he the other human that will be here?
Lucifer: yes, you seem to have impressive perceptive skills. That might be a blessing and curse for you during your stay here but anyhow. Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you will receive from RAD. After a year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in Devildom.
Hanabi: Are the people in the human world aware that this is going on? Do people know that I’m here in Devildom?
Lucifer: Now why must I tell you something like that?
Hanabi: ... *glares*
Lucifer: don’t glare at me like that. It’s not like I will abandon you all by yourself her in Devildom.
Hanabi: *you feel strange when hearing that* you’re not going to abandon me..?
Lucifer: *confused* of course not, our goal is for humans, demons and angels to get a better understanding of each other so of course we are going to make sure that you make it back to the human world in one piece. Speaking of which, I have assigned my brother, Mammon, to look after you. He’s the avatar of greed and ... how should I put it..? Oh well, you’ll understand soon enough. Here, take this device, it’s called a D.D.D. It’s a lot like the cell phones of your human world.
Hanabi: Ah right my phone! *you rummage through your pockets and find it* there it is ! *you turn on your phone* lets see if I can contact people in the human world with this...
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You finally turn your phone on to see that you have no signal. You try and send a text anyway and it doesn’t go through. The only things you can do is use other apps that don’t require data and service.
Lucifer: ah right, I didn’t think I needed to mention this but the only phones that work on devildom are the D.D.D but you can still use the D.D.D in the human world and everywhere else. Your phones and a D.D.D are similar but are different in that kind of sense. Anyway, this will be yours to use for as long as your here. Now, go ahead and try calling Mammon with it.
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hanabisimps · 4 years
I don’t like that im in this post
so y'all just...... don't hyperfixate?? or imagine your own little world where you put yourself or an oc in as a main character and imagine the world for hours on end? or get random bursts of emotions??? wack
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hanabisimps · 4 years
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I want to see this so badly .
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hanabisimps · 4 years
So I wanted to make my MC an ID card and this is how it turned out
Not the best but it gets the point across and that’s good enough for me
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hanabisimps · 4 years
Hey can I ask how you did that with your apps I’m thinking about doing an aesthetic like that too 👉👈
The first thing to do is be updated on iOS 14 if you aren’t already
I learned about the widgets form my sister and videos mostly and figured out my layout by playing around with what I liked
The apps I used were
Color Widgets
The first two can be found in the App Store and the last one is already on your phone.
I’m not very good at explaining directions so here’s a video of someone doing it better than I ever could
I hope this helps you set up your aesthetic 💕
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hanabisimps · 4 years
Honestly I can see it and I’m dying
the demon brothers as male thot jobs
lucifer: assistant manager at verizon
mammon: uber driver
levi: tour guide at sea world
satan: the guy that checks your seat before a ride at an amusement park
asmo: dude behind the front desk at kay jewelers
beel: personal trainer
belphie: footlocker employee
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hanabisimps · 4 years
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I finally finished my Obey Me phone aesthetic 😅
It took a while trying to organize everything based on color and brother. ( They are all in order too)
Some of the stuff isn’t color coordinated because i wanted the stuff I play a lot in one place sooo..
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hanabisimps · 4 years
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hanabisimps · 4 years
The resemblance is uncanny
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somehow luke reminds me of marshal ≧◡≦
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hanabisimps · 4 years
•The Black Sheep•
This is my first time writing a short story like this so please give me some criticism and opinions on this.
|| Chapter 1 ||
How Hanabi ended up in Devildom
Warning: may contain some triggers, child neglect, bullying, misogyny
It’s the afternoon and Hanabi has just now woken up. The servants usually never bother to come in her room but today they came, she could tell somethings going on.
Maid: miss your father has requested you and your brothers to come to his office immediately.
Hanabi: ..what.? My brothers too?
Maid: yes, now please hurry. You know your father doesn’t like to be kept waiting.
Hanabi: fine...
Hanabi(in her head): all of a sudden we wants to see me? Why now after all these years?
Still half asleep, she gets up and puts on her usual attire that consisted of just a medium length turtleneck dress and a soft pastel yellow cardigan. As she is about to tame the mess that her hair is she looks at a photo and has a sense of nostalgia. But, it wasn’t a very pleasant experience as she immediately grabbed the picture and made it face down her vanity.
The memories that she thought she had buried resurfaced...
(We will now be in Hanabi’s memories)
The smell of sweat permeated through the training room. Hanabi continued to practice while her other groupmate takes a break.
Aira: hey Hanabi! Why don’t you take a break? It was only a minor mistake plus you know how that choreographer is, they were just being picky.
Hanabi: continues to dance I know that it’s just that I can’t help it. If I’m going to do something I want to do it right.
Aira: you’re way too hard on yourself y’know? You’re already plenty smart, talented, and athletic to boot! So just take a break with me already!
Hanabi:* stops dancing* hah.. fine you win... *goes to sit next to her *
Aira: Soo... what did you think of the anime I recommended you a couple days ago? Did you like it? Its beginner friendly and  the main character is really cute too!
Hanabi:  Ah hmm well... I thought it was a fun.. and what was the main characters name again? The really cute one.
Aira: Ruri Chan? 
Hanabi: Yeah that one, I think she's really cute too. But I gotta ask... how do you have so much time to watch animes when we have so much dancing and singing  practice... surely you aren't slacking off when I'm not looking..? *makes a ominous smile*
Aira: Ah! I'm not! I'm working suuuper hard! *breaks out in cold sweat*
Hanabi: Hmmmmm..? Really now...?
Aira: *eyes darting around* Ah..haha..ha... ha..
Hanabi: Airaaaaa..... *pulls on her cheeks*
Aira: Awwwaaa! Em Sowwyy! Iwl prawice! Swo stoup pullgin ma cheechs! (I'm sorry! I’ll practice! So stop pulling on my cheeks!)
Hanabi: *lets go*
Aira: mmmm... *rubs her face and looks at Hanabi*
Hanabi: *sees Airas swollen cheeks* 
Aira: * looks into the practice mirror and sees how red her face is *
Both: *look at each other* pfft... Hahahaha!! 
The two girls sit and chat with each other laughing and playing for the rest of practice...
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(Back to reality)
Hanabi’s head starts to ache as she grips the edge of her vanity.
Hanabi: ugh.. why do I have to remember this now... I need to just forget about her already...
With her head still aching she starts to go to her fathers office. She was so deep into her memories she forgot to brush her hair and make it look presentable. But, she couldn’t be bothered by that now, her father was waiting in his office with her brothers.
She hesitates but eventually opens the door only to be presented by her fathers scowling face.
Father: you’re late.
Father: go stand next to your brothers already. Waiting for you already wasted enough time.
Oldest brother: *looks at Hanabi in concern*
Middle brother: *scoffs at Hanabi and give her a cocky smirk*
She starts to walk to his desk and stands in front of it like the others.
Father: now, I know you’re wondering why I gathered you all here today. As you know your brother just recently came home from studying abroad. I’m certainly impressed at how you carried yourself there. It’s good that you don’t bring shame on this family *he says that while glancing at Hanabi*
Hanabi: *clenches the sides of her sweater*
Older brother: thank you father.
Father: I also hear that your new company is working out well for you. Good job. I’m looking forward to seeing your results.
Middle brother: yes! Thank you father I’m won’t disappoint you like a certain someone. *looks at Hanabi*
Hanabi: *clenches her fists even tighter but still keeping a straight face*
Father: and you. *he looks at Hanabi straight in the eyes*
This sends a shiver down her spine. She knows that whatever he’s going to say to her wasn’t going to be good.
Father: you are going to get married to one of these men here *he slides a folder on his table to Hanabi* now leave my office I expect you to choose at least 5 of these men by tomorrow.
Hanabi: what?! I’m not getting married! Why should I?! What give you the right -!
Father: QUIET!
The room falls into a deathly silence as soon as he raises his voice. He looks at Hanabi with his piercing eyes.
Father: I’m your father and you will do as I say. This is your last chance to make yourself useful this time instead of disappointing me like last time.
Hanabi: ... shut up...
Father: *gets up from his chair and stands in front of Hanabi while looking down at her*
Hanabi: *clenches her fists even more* you only call yourself my father whenever it benefits you... we may be related by blood but you are no father of mine!
Father: *raises his hand*
Hanabi: *closes her eyes and braces for impact*
Hanabi: ...?
She opens her eyes to see her brother holding back her fathers arm.
Older brother: Father. We’re you really going to hit her?
Middle brother: Let go of fathers arm! Let him hit her! *scowls at Hanabi *This is all your fault! If you just stayed quiet and did what he told you to do none of this would have happened!
Hanabi: what? Did you really expect me to go along with this ridiculous plan to get me married off!?
Middle brother: SHUT UP! Everything is your fault! You’re the one who killed mom! It’s all your fault you-
Father: Enough! Now, let my arm go.
Older brother: not letting go
Father: hah.. fine... I promise I won’t hit her.
Older brother lets go of fathers hand and he starts to walk toward me and forcing me to back away leading to my back being against the wall. Her fathers eyes were incredibly intimidating and intrusive.
Father: you better not be thinking about going back into the music industry again... don’t you remember what happened last time with you and your little “friend”?
Hanabi: *grits her teeth* I... I do remember...but it’s what I want to do.
Father: why can’t you be like other women and be quiet. The only place women belong is at home not on a stage where millions of men look up at you in skimpy clothing dancing for them like a whore.
Hanabi: I don’t want to be like that! I have my own dreams and goals and I’m not ever gonna become what you want me to be and I’m not going to try and seek your approval anymore!
Father: the only goal you should have is to find a husband and give birth to his children! That’s all you good for!
Hanabi, enraged, she bursts out of the office and sprints off with her older brother following close behind.
Middle brother: Hey! Get back her you little bit-
Father: stop, once she fails again and realizes her mistake, she’s going to come crawling back here begging me to forgive her.
Middle brother: ! ... yes father..
Hanabi dashes down the hallway wish great speed with her brother falling behind. She slows down to go down the stairs and that gives him a chance to grab her arm and stop her.
Older brother: panting please... hold..on cough
Hanabi: let me go!
Older brother: *regains his composure* Hanabi please lets go back and talk to father again. I’m sure if we talk to him we can sort this out, we’re all family after all.
Hanabi: family...? Did you see how he looked at me? Did you not hear what he said to me? If that’s how family is supposed to treat each other then I want no part of it! Family? Hah! That’s you’re family not mine. So let me go already!
She had succeeded in shaking him off but pulling her arm from him as hard as she could and that made him topple over on his bottom.
Hanabi & older brother: !!!
She feels her foot slip on the top step of the stairs. She must’ve used way too much force. Her brother stretched his hand out to catch her but he missed. She then gets sent flying off the stairs knowing how large the stairs were, Hanabi was certain that she would fall to her death. She clenches her eyes closed preparing herself when she hears-
Older brother: huh?! What is that?
It goes quiet, then she feels a floor beneath her. When she opens her eyes she sees that’s she isn’t at home anymore, she looks up and sees a bunch of men looking at her.
???: Welcome to Devildom Hanabi
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hanabisimps · 4 years
I kept seeing this trend and thought it was so funny
The demon bro’s as random pictures on my phone
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Asmodeus: (I couldn’t choose just one for him)
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hanabisimps · 4 years
I DID IT!! I somehow finished chapter 34 and also somehow sweating. The dance battles do be making me nervous tho.
It’s not perfect but I got the job done👌
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hanabisimps · 4 years
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If beelzebub is a KPOP idol, BM would definitely recruit him to the big tiddie gang
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hanabisimps · 4 years
I can hear this image and it hurts 👁👄👁
Please accept this cursed image as a replacement for writing because I am procrastinating
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hanabisimps · 4 years
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Another OC dump interacting with the bois.
I can’t choose a favorite cause they’re all so precious 🥺🥺
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