hangnailme93 · 24 days
me trying to come up with an eventuality where callum survives season 7 but all i can think about is the fact he uses magic and the cosmic order hate humans using magic and it's heavily implied he's gonna die and be consumed by darkness and the Rayllum ship literally burnt and sank in an icy sea after callum did a massive monologue about how it wasn't going anywhere so there's that and it's going to break my heart because Rayla's going to be the one holding the blade when the time comes isn't she:
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hangnailme93 · 28 days
My husband, who has never watched TDP: The animators of this show must be horny AF cuz all the adult female characters are FOINE
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hangnailme93 · 1 month
Them: "Katara was coerced into her relationship with Aang, she never wanted this"
Katara in the canon series:
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Saint Zuko please save this poor cindarella from the abusive Aang :(
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hangnailme93 · 1 month
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Season Six was about Callum finding his one truth and I think that Season Seven will have Claudia find hers as well. Family.
The question is what they do with those truths. Will Callum become more like Claudia, or will Claudia become more like Callum..?
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hangnailme93 · 1 month
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has this been done yet
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hangnailme93 · 1 month
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Callum's "down bad" face sure is something, huh?
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hangnailme93 · 1 month
Oh My God! You Have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!!?!
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
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so, rayllum this season, huh
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
they wrongfully executed his daughter, in front of him, and then imprisoned him IN THE CRATER FORMED BY HER CORPSE, IN HER RIBCAGE WHERE HER HEART WOULD BE, IN A SEA OF HIS OWN TEARS
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
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Though my face cannot be seen, the answer in your heart is clear. I am the moon, the silver queen. I am near, my love is here.
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
If giving humans (presumably) primal magic was a violation of the cosmic order and enough to get Leola killed, I am TERRIFIED for Callum in s7.
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
I was brainrotting reflecting on Rayllum last night, specifically their main differences in beliefs and how that impacts their relationship.
To Rayla, love is to leave. Is to carry the burden alone, so it doesn't weigh on the other. Her parents left to fullfill their duty as guards and never came back, and Runnaan is very loyal to his oaths, so how could she be any different? How could she not leave by herself to keep the promise of protecting him? To love is to honor your promises, even if you must sacrifice what you really want, which is to stay with them. Like the moon, she loves Callum even when she's not around.
To Callum, however, love is to stay. Is to carry the same burden so its lighter to them, even if he doesn't agree with that burden and even if it's too heavy for him. His mother died for a mission she didn't fully agree to go, but went anyway to be there for her husband, and eventually his stepfather met the same ending, so how could he not do the same? How could he not go against his values and use dark magic to save her? To love is to break yourself constantly, so the other stays intact.
Callum puts his loved ones on top of the greater good, while for Rayla the greater good is the only way to protect her loved ones. Two sides of the same coin.
But what's really interesting is that these views are so polar opposite that they end up coming full circle and end up looking the same. By Callum sacrificing his values and Rayla sacrificing her needs, they put both their lives, the people their truly are and the people they fell in love with, on the line.
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
Things in TDP that surprised me but I'm not mad about
The title is a bit misleading because I could never be mad at The Dragon Prince but I'm specifically talking about season 6 because I think Aaron, Justin, and everyone that worked on this show infused this season with drugs because this is so fire they fucking cooked with this one.
Soucering: most of the gifs used in this post are from this post  by celestialowlryx unless stated otherwise! (I am not in the business of stealing people's shit)
The Blood on the Beach!
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There was a lot of blood on that beach like the blood that you could tell was blood on that beach in the first episode, and I know this show doesn't shadow away from death but THAT'S A LOT OF FUCKING BLOOD IN THE SAND! Not to mention, CLAUDE IS COVER IN BLOOD! Plus the whole Claude amputated her own leg, and her fucking voice actor during that scene, oof my heart!
The Bathing Scene
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I'm very surprised that this was allowed dispute knowing nothing about TV rating (I mean obviously it was allowed it's in the fucking show!) But that scene is silence, besides a backing track, and you have a Terry bathing Claude in the ocean! That scene is so fucking intimate, especially for what is supposed to be a children's show and it makes me go insane!
Rayla and Callum's Bed Sharing Scene
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Yionked from this post by rayllurn 
I'm looking at this in part from the eyes of a parent dispute not being a parent and just being a 23-year-old fucker that watches children's cartoons they have a weird obsession with, But this is another scene I'm a little surprised was allowed. Although I love that it was allowed! I can see from the eyes of a parent this scene be too "raunchy" because "What happens when two be people share a bed... sex!" but Fuck you this scene was great!
Viren and His Wife's Backstory
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Yoinked picture from this post by Kilfeur
Okay fucking attack me in the internet town square if I'm wrong, but Viren described abuse... right!? Like that was Spousal Abuse right!? Because if it wasn't it was so fucking close! And where the scene wasn't animated in the traditional sense respective to The Dragon Prince, that whole sequence is insane!
All the Kissing Scenes
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Damn, there was a shit ton of PDA this season, Specially thinking about the one scene with Rayla and Callum on top of the Starscraper, THINGS ARE GETTING FUCKING INIMATE FOR KIDS SHOW! I fucking love it! I love when we can do Romance like this so no complaining here there was just a lot, or many in the scope of the series as a whole this seems like a lot, I don't know, but regardless a win for romantics everywhere!
Viren's Sacrifice*
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Yoinked from this post by madou-dilou
This one is more of an honorable mention, was it surprising, fuck yeah, but it didn't surprise me in the way everything else did. I did think Soren was going to be murdered for a hot second, which was shocking but fuck this scene had been balling like a God damn baby!
Janai and Amaya's Wedding*
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Another Honorable mention because it's not shocking that it happened The Dragon Prince has not strayed from representation and the longer it continues the more representation we seem to get, although queer representation is still always shocking to get especially in children's cartoons, so it's going on this list for all the creators that have wanted to give us queer rep but couldn't and to those that have paved the way for us to get here!
Couldn't find a picture of Allen lol
Okay, you may not get this if you haven't read the graphic novel Through the Moon but Allen is a minor character way back from season one that Lujanne couples up with and I was surprised to see especially because the day before the season came out. I had read the graphic novel and cackled at his presence! So I freaked the fuck out when he was just there, at the moon nexus!
Rayla and Her Parents*
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I'm adding this because it was another scene that had me balling (I think mostly because I have a good relationship with my parents and I couldn't imagine losing them) Knowing Rayla's character it wasn't surprising but I respect everyone who made that scene possible because, brother, that's emotional!
Finally Leola
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*sigh* Leola's existence in general is a shock, and to me changes Aaravos completely! That purple motherfucker created the Sea of the Castout with his own tears, then got imprisoned in a pearl in a calm in his daughter's bones in the same sea he made with his own tears of grief! In addition, THEY FUCKING ANIMATED CHILD DEATH! THE ANIMATORS ANIMATED A CHILD DYING ON SCREEN! I don't give a fuck if there wasn't blood, THERE WAS CHILD DEATH ON SCREEN IN A CHILDREN'S SHOW! HOW HEAVY METAL IS THAT?!
Honorable of the honorable mentions: Big Aarvaos
Fuck he's huge.
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Alright, I'm done.
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
I love how this is the exact moment Rayla makes her decision.
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She touches her bracelet and just knows.
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Just as she belongs with Callum and has to come back to him‚ Runaan belongs with Ethari and her parents should stay together even if that means letting both them go.
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It's such an small detail but it speaks volumes.
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
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i want to put him into a juice press ilhsm
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hangnailme93 · 2 months
Rayla's last wish
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what was she going to say?
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