harley-hearts · 3 years
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Imagine: It's your and Harley’s anniversary, and Harley tries baking you something
It was your and Harley's one-year anniversary, and while you were at work, Harley thought she would be a wonderful girlfriend and bake a cake for you. So she went to the store and bought, stole, the ingredients. Once she got home, she immediately got started since she noticed the time, and you were coming home soon. She began to put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix everything together. Soon the batter was ready to be put in the oven.
She stepped away for a second to get a pan, and when she came back, the bowl was on the floor, and she saw Bruce eating the batter. She panicked, “Bruce, no!” Bruce immediately jumped from his spot and left. Harley looked at the mess and shook her head; she knew something like this would happen. Good thing she “bought” extra ingredients just in case. She began the whole process once more and made sure Bruce didn’t get near the cake.
She put the cake in the oven and waited for it to finish. While she waited, she decided to tidy up the place a bit, when she realized, “OH MY GOD, I FORGOT ABOUT DINNER!” Rushing, she ran out of the house to get you two dinner, forgetting about the cake. She ran to the restaurant and brought you both plates of spaghetti. She ran back to your guys’ apartment and smelled something burning, the cake. She ran inside and took the cake out. It was burnt, she left the door open as there was some smoke. There was no use in trying again; you would be home in less than five minutes.
She fell to the floor and cried; she had failed to do a small, simple task. She was so distracted she didn’t hear you come in. You ran to her side, “Harley, baby, what’s wrong?” I turned my face to her, even worried she looked gorgeous as always. “I tried baking you a cake; I left to get us dinner and completely forgot that it was in the oven. It burnt while I was out; I’m so sorry.” She pulled me into a hug, “Harley, it’s ok, I promise. It’s the thought that counts; thank you for baking me something.” I hugged her back; what did I do to deserve her?
“Besides, I figured something like this would happen, so picked us up a cake for dessert.” I laughed; she knows me so well. “Come on, let’s set up dinner; I’m hungry.” We set up dinner and had a glass of champagne. When we both finished dinner, we shared the cake. “Happy Anniversary, mi amor!” I smiled and kissed her, “Happy Anniversary, Puddin!”
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harley-hearts · 3 years
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Imagine: Margot gushes over you in an interview
Margot was in the middle of an interview discussing her new movie, Birds Of Prey. She was growing tiresome of the questions she was being asked until one comment grabbed her attention. “So tell us about your relationship with your girlfriend, (Y/n)!” As soon as she heard your name, her eyes lit up; she adored and missed her girlfriend so much. Margot blushed a bit before answering, “She’s doing well! It’s been hard being away from her for so long while filming, but we talk every day whenever we get the chance.”
“That’s so sweet! Now, could you describe to me what type of girlfriend she is?” Margot grinned, “She’s the type of girlfriend that no matter where we are, she manages to make everywhere feel like home. Whenever I’m with her, I can be myself. She loves me on the outside and inside; I couldn’t ask for a better significant other!” “That’s wonderful; I’m so happy for the two of you! Anything you would like to say to her if she’s watching?” I stared straight into the camera and said, “(Y/n), darling, I love and miss you so much; I can’t wait to be in your arms again.”
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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(A/n) Requested by Yanis_El_Sharaawy on Wattpad: Hi! Do you want to do a scene for your Harley Quinn Images book? Would it be fine if it'll be a Harley Quinn × Male reader chapter? I hope you like it! If you guys have any requests feel free to message me.
Imagine: Harley has to choose between you and the Joker
All Harley could do was panic. She never thought she would be stuck in this situation on who to spend the rest of her life with, you or the Joker. And she certainly did not like what would happen to the one she didn't end up choosing; she would have to shoot them. The gun, trembling in her hand as she looked between you and Joker. “Well, Harley,” Joker said, “who do you choose?”
“I-i choose-” “Harley, wait!” You cried out, “Look before you choose. I just want you to think, do you want a toxic and abusive relationship for the rest of your life? Or do you want a loving relationship with someone that really cares about you?” Joker growled, “Don’t listen to him, Harley! You know I love you, baby! I promise to get you whatever you want for the rest of your life, jewels, riches, whatever you want. No harm will come to you, I promise!” 
She pointed the gun at me, “H-Harley, look!” My voice was shaking, “I might not be able to give you as much as him. But I promise you; I will love and take care of you every day and never hurt you!” She looked down and thought about it for a second; next thing I knew, I heard a gunshot, and Joker was on the floor. I looked at her in shock; she threw the gun to the floor, ran up to me, and hugged me. 
I lifted her by her chin, “Did you really mean everything you said?” Her face looked full of hope but also scared of what I would say, “Of course I did! Since the day I met you, I’ve loved you; I couldn’t stand seeing you with him, getting hurt every day. I love you, and I will never, ever hurt you!” I leaned down and kissed her; she pulled away first and rested her forehead against mine. “I love you too, (Y/n).” “Come on, let’s go home.”
(2 years later)
It’s been two years since Harley and I got together, and I couldn’t have been happier! I was on my way home from work, and as soon as I got home, I heard crying. I ran to Harley’s, and my shared bedroom and saw her crying with a pregnancy test in her hands. I ran to her, “Harley, what’s wrong?” She didn’t face me and muttered the words, “I’m pregnant.” I hugged her, “You’re not mad,” she asked. I shook my head, “Of course not, baby. Why would I be mad?” She looked away from me, “Well when I was with Joker if I ever became pregnant, he would probably-” “Hey! Look at me.” I cupped her face in my hands, “I am nothing like him, and I will never be. And I can’t wait to be a dad!”
She looked nervous, “But what if I’m not a good mom? What if this baby doesn’t like me?” “Why wouldn’t they like you? You’re perfect! And I just know that you’ll be a great mother, I promise.” She nodded her head, “Ok, I believe you, and I can’t wait to start a family with you too.” Nine months later, they gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Scarlett, and thus started their journey as a happy family.
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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(A/n) Sorry if this sucked; I wrote it in a rush
Imagine: Your having a bad day, and you just want a hug from Harley
You were coming home from a long, stressful, and tiring day of work. Your boss was being such an asshole and made you stay overtime because someone called in "sick." All you wanted to do was spend the evening with Harley. She always knew how to help you relax after a long day. You finally made it home to your apartment and opened the door to discover a worried Harley.
Harley gave you a look; you could tell how pissed she was. "Where the hell have you been?" Before I could reply, she responded with, "Are you cheating on me?" I gave her a confused look, "What are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes, "Seriously! I tried calling you, but your phone went straight to voicemail! I called your work number, and you didn't pick up! If you don't want to be with me anymore, just tell me instead of going behind my back with someone else!"
I stood there shocked; how could she think that? I sighed, "Harley, look, my phone died, and I couldn't find my charger. When you called me at work, I probably stepped away for a second, or I had already left. I'm sorry!" "Whatever, I'm going to bed! Goodnight." She left to our shared bedroom and slammed the door. I couldn't take it anymore; I fell to the floor and cried.
There was no point in trying to argue with her, so I just took off my heels and laid down on the couch. Hopefully, this will help, and I'll have more strength for another day of work. A little later, I woke up to Harley shaking my shoulder lightly and saying, "baby wake up." I was confused, "Babe, what's going on?" She sighed, "I want to apologize; I shouldn't have said those things to you. I was just worried when you hadn't come home; I'm so sorry, please forgive me."
I stood up and nodded, she could tell I was upset, and she hugged me. We stood there for a couple of minutes, and I started crying again. This is what I looked forward to all-day, in the arms of my girl, and all my worries fade away. She pulled away, "First thing in the morning, you are calling in sick; you need a day to rest! Don't argue with me on this; we both know it's true. I muttered a small, "ok."
She kissed my forehead; I felt safe and relaxed with her by my side. "Come on, let's get you something to eat, and then we'll head to bed." Even though we may get into fights, we both know they won't last long and that we always come back to each other in the end. I couldn't have asked for a better significant other.
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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Imagine: Being Bruce Wayne's sister and falling for Harley (Part 2)
Ever since that date you and Harley had, you two had been going out for months, and your brother hadn’t found out, you hoped. You really liked the way things were going with Harley, and you didn’t want anything to ruin that. Your mood improved; you were genuinely happy and didn’t want the feeling to fade away. Bruce noticed this as well; he hadn’t seen you this content in what feels like ages. He intended to find out why perhaps you had finally found that certain someone you longed for.
One night when you were out on a date with Harley, Bruce was patrolling Gotham to make sure people were out of harm’s way. He saw you exit a restaurant, but he grew concerned as he saw the infamous Harley Quinn follow right behind you. He followed you as you walked home, he waited till you made it home, he was about to strike Harley until he saw you two kiss. His blood boiled! How could you fall for someone like her? He watched as you and Harley parted and immediately went into the house.
“(Y/n) we need to talk!” You heard the anger in his voice, and you grew concerned, “What’s wrong, Bruce?” He gave me a stern look, “Really? You want to play dumb! Do you want to explain to me what I just saw?” You were confused, and it finally clicked in your mind what he was talking about. You put your head down, ashamed, “You saw us.” “Of course I did,” he shouted. “Honestly, did you think I would never find out? How long has this been happening?” “A couple of months,” you muttered.
“A couple of months! Why (Y/n)? Why her?” You felt tears form and was too scared to speak. “Well,” he stood there waiting; I took a deep breath and finally dared to speak. “I wanted to tell you, I really did, but I was terrified. I haven’t felt this way about someone in a long time. She makes me really happy; she gets me; she completes me. I’m sorry, Bruce, but I love her, and I want to keep seeing her, regardless of what you say!” He sighed, “Okay, I won’t fight you on this anymore, I can tell how much you care about this girl, even though I never pictured your future like this, or with someone like her, I’ll allow it.”
Your eyes lit up, “Really! Oh, thank you so much, Bruce!” You ran up and hugged him, “On one condition.” “What is it?” “I want to meet her tomorrow.” “Done, I’ll call her right now,” you responded immediately. “Then it’s settled. I’ll have Alfred make us breakfast. Goodnight, (Y/n).” “Goodnight, Bruce.” You were nervous yet excited for the love of your life and your brother to meet.
(The next morning)
Harley had arrived, right on time, she looked tense, but her face softened when she saw me. She handed me a bouquet of roses, “H-hi, I-i bought these for you. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to bring anything or not.” You smiled at how adorable she was when she was nervous, “You’re perfectly fine, babe, I promise.” I was about to say something when Alfred walked in, “Ah, Ms. Quinn, a pleasure to finally meet you.” “U-uh, nice to m-meet you too,” she stuttered out. He took the flowers from you and said, “Master Bruce is waiting for the two of you outside with breakfast.” You both nodded, “Thank you, Alfred.”
You walked over to where and saw Harley tense once more; you squeezed her hand to reassure her that she was okay. Bruce stood up and went to shake Harley’s hand, “Ms. Quinn, a pleasure to meet you, (Y/n) has told me so much about you.” She shook his hand in return, “Likewise, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” “Please sit.” You all chatted a bit and ate. Harley grew less worried and was finally comfortable; they were both warming up to each other. You three had just finished eating when Bruce finally spoke up, “Now, Harley, I need to know that you aren’t with my sister just for money and that you truly care for her. I also want to make sure that you will never hurt her or put her in harm’s way; I don’t need your crimes from the past to harm her!”
“I promise you, I love (Y/n) with all my heart and that I would never use her. That life is behind me; I will always protect her.” She took my hand in hers, “I love her, I’ve loved her since the day we laid eyes on each other. She’s always been the one for me.” I felt my eyes start to tear up, and a faint blush appear on my face. Bruce stood up, Harley and I did too. He walked over and hugged Harley, “Welcome to the family.” Both our faces lit up, and we faced each other. “I have a meeting to attend to. I’ll leave you to it.” I ran up to her and hugged her, and she hugged back. Finally, a life with the person you loved, and nothing could ever stop the two of you.
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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Imagine: Being Bruce Wayne's sister and falling for Harley (Part 1)
You didn't mean for it to happen. In fact, you didn't think you would ever fall in love or believe in love at first sight. But when you laid your eyes on Harley, everything changed. You couldn’t eat, you couldn’t sleep, the only thing on your mind was her. You know that you shouldn’t have felt this way, she was your brother’s enemy, but you couldn’t help it!
This all started when your brother hosted a party; your brother also used this as an excuse to meet someone. Ever since he had found Selina, you had always been a third wheel around the two. The night of the party, you were bored out of your mind. Every person you had talked to bored you out of your mind. You were about to leave when Harley and Poison Ivy crashed the party. You tried to make a run for it when Harley stopped you. She grabbed you by your arm, and when the two of you locked eyes, her face softened.
It was like time stopped, the whole world faded away, and it was just the two of you. You two were leaning in until Ivy shouted, “Harley!” alerting her that it was time to leave. She leaned in and whispered in your ear, “Meet me at the diner Saturday night.” She ran to Ivy; when they left, Bruce ran to me. He had a concerned look on his face “(Y/n), are you ok?” I nodded my head, “Yeah, I’m fine.” He still looked disturbed, but I reassured him. Now all I was thinking about was Saturday night and her. God, I was screwed if Bruce ever found out.
(Time skip to Saturday night)
I was getting ready; I put on some light makeup and a dress. I tried to make it past Bruce and Alfred, but of course, I never could. “Where are you going?” they both asked. “J-just out with some friends.” Bruce gave me a look, “Looking like that,” he pointed to the outfit I was wearing. “Yeah, we’re all going out to eat.” Alfred nodded and walked away; Bruce nodded but still didn’t look convinced, “Alright, be careful.” I nodded, “I will. Bye!” I made it out of there, hoping Bruce wouldn’t follow me. I love him, but he can be very protective! I walked to the diner, walked in, and saw her sitting at a booth waiting for me.
I walked to the booth and sat down, “U-um, hi, Harley.” I mentally cursed myself at how stupid I sounded. “Hi doll, my don’t you look gorgeous tonight!” She winked at me, and I turned away and felt a blush spread across my face. She grabbed my hand and kissed it, “I’m so glad you came tonight; I was worried you wouldn’t show.” I looked at her, confused, “Why wouldn’t I?” She sighed, “Well, if you haven’t heard of my past with Joker, or technically now with Ivy-” I grabbed her hand and stopped her, “I know, but I believe in second chances.” She smiled, and I smiled back, we enjoyed the silence between each other, and suddenly her face lit up. “I forgot, I got these for you.” She handed me a bouquet of roses, “Oh, Harley, you didn’t have to.” “But I wanted to.” I felt my heart race; I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. She broke the silence, “So shall we order? I’m starving!” I smiled, “We shall!”
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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Happy New Year ♥
Good Riddance 2020
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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(A/n) Merry Christmas
Imagine: You and Harley spending your first Christmas together 🎄
It was your first Christmas with Harley; you both were decorating your apartment. Harley was especially excited because she was spending it with someone who she loved with all her heart, and her significant other felt the same way. They were done decorating, and (Y/n) was making her and Harley hot chocolate when suddenly Harley called for her. She ran to where Harley was standing, “What is it, baby?” Harley smirked, “Look up.”
(Y/n) smiled, mistletoe, classic Harley. She locked eyes with her lover; both leaned in and shared a kiss. A kiss full of love and desire, something that they both craved. They pulled away and rested their foreheads together, “Merry Christmas, (Y/n).” She smiled, “Merry Christmas, Harley.” The pair pulled apart and grabbed their hot chocolate.
They rested by the fireplace in each other's embrace. They couldn't have asked for a better night. It was truly a perfect Christmas.
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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Imagine: Harley when you agree to go on a date with her ♥
Harley had been nervous to ask you out on a date. She kept thinking of ways to do it, but they all seemed bad to her. She kept on thinking for what felt like hours until she finally had the guts to go over to your place and ask. As she walked over, she could feel her palms start to sweat. Thoughts raced through her head, “What if she says no? What if she never wants to talk to me again?” No! There's no way she could do that, right?
I finally walked in front of her apartment; I stood there for a second and was about to knock on the door when she opened it. She looked up and faced me with a smile on her face, “Oh, hi Harley! What are you doing here?” I took a deep breath “(Y/n). I have to tell you something.” Her face grew worried, and she put a hand on my shoulder, “What's wrong, Harley? You can tell me anything.”
I nodded “(Y/n) I've been wanting to tell you that I've liked you since the day I met you. You're sweet, funny, and kind; you were one of the first few people to accept me for who I am. I get it if you don't feel the same way-” “Harley, stop! Of course, I feel the same way; I've just been scared to tell you. How about we go out tonight? Meet me back here at 8.” “Y-yeah, I'll be here at 8.” She walked out and kissed me on the cheek, “See you tonight, babe.”
She walked away, and I was left there, stunned. I held my hand up to where she kissed my cheek; I can't believe it! I have a date! I walked back to my place to get ready; I can't wait for tonight!
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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Harley Taking Care Of You When You're On Your Period Would Include:
Most of the time, the two of you would be in sync
But usually, you started first
So Harley always came prepared
Made sure she got everything
Pads, tampons, etc. (whatever you use)
Chocolate, like LOTS of chocolate
Favorite candies and snacks
Giving you your space
Trying to help you with your cramps
Back rubs
Getting you your heating pad
Giving you small kisses
Making sure you rest
Harley just wants to take care of you and make sure that you're comfortable; she'd do anything for you
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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Imagine: Harley asks Ivy for help while preparing for your first date
Harley came out with a red dress, which she thought was perfect for your guys’ first date tonight. “What do you think, red? Do you think she’ll like it?” She got up and tossed it, “It’s hideous! She won’t like it!” Harley walked over to the dress and picked it up, “Geez, you don’t have to be so harsh! Also, that was the last good dress I owned.” Ivy rolled her eyes, “You don’t have good taste.” “I apparently don’t have good taste in friends either,” Harley muttered under her breath. Ivy turned towards her, “What was that?” “Nothing!”
Harley walked to the room; I don’t care what Ivy says, she thought. I’ll wear this, and I’m sure she’ll love it! She put her dress on and did her hair and makeup. She got a text from (Y/n) saying, “I’m here :)” She smiled and walked towards the door but was stopped by Ivy. “Wait!” Harley rolled her eyes, “What is it, Ivy? I have somewhere to be.” She grabbed my hand, “Please don’t go; I didn’t want to tell you but, I love you. Please, don’t go!” I pulled my hand from her grasp, “Ivy, you should have told me sooner! I’m sorry, but you lost your chance.” I walked out, but before I closed the door, I said, “I’ll pack my things when I get back.” And with that, I left.
It hurt, but it had to be done. I loved Ivy, but I loved (Y/n) now, too late Ivy. I walked downstairs from the apartment and saw her standing there; she looked so beautiful. I made my way over to her, “Hi (Y/n)!” She smiled at me, “Hi, Harley, you look beautiful!” I blushed, “Thank you, you do too!” She grinned, “So, shall we get going?” She extended her arm out to me; I linked my arm with hers, “We shall!”
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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It's finally December
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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(A/n) Who else loves Gotham and Jerome?
Imagine: Harley and Jerome fight to see who can win your heart first ♥
You were new to Arkham, and once you walked in, you immediately caught the attention of both Harley and Jerome. They gave each other a “back off; she's mine” look. Jerome didn't care and walked over to you to introduce himself. He took a seat in front of you, “Hi gorgeous, I'm Jerome.” You have to admit this ginger was adorable. “Take a picture, doll. It'll last longer.” He said with a smirk wiped across his face.
“U-uh, I-i'm sorry.” God, I sounded so stupid! “That's ok, princess. What's your name?” “(Y/n).” I could feel the heat rising on my cheeks “(Y/n); that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” I turned my gaze away from him, but he pulled me to face him. “Don't hide your beautiful face from me, doll.” I nodded. “Good, so what are you in for?”
“I killed my abusive father; he deserved it. Every day, he was so controlling, I was so scared to fight back until the voices in my head told me to do it. And now, I'm finally free.” He gasped, “Me too! Well, mom, anyhow. Liberating right, what a rush!” I giggled and nodded my head. Before I could respond, a blonde-haired girl came and walked over to us. “I'm sorry, but can I borrow my friend for a second?” I nodded and she smiled at me, “Thanks, doll, you're a peach!”
Harley's P.O.V.
I couldn't stand seeing her with Jerome; she belongs with me! I finally decided enough was enough, “I'm sorry, but can I borrow my friend for a second?” She nodded and smiled at; God, she was too adorable! I nodded and smiled back, “Thanks, doll, you're a peach!” I grab Jerome by the arm and drag him away to where we can't be seen. “What the hell, Jerome?” I shout at him.
He rolled his eyes at me, “What? I took the opportunity, unlike you. Plus, she likes me so much more, so you might as well just stay away from us.” I could feel the anger rushing through my veins, “SHE belongs with me! You better back off, or I'll-” He scoffed, “Or you'll what? Cry? Throw a temper tantrum? Please, Harley, your tactics are so dull. Why would she want someone like you?”
I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes, “Go on, little baby, and do what you do best! Cry!” “Screw you, Jerome!” He laughed, “Yeah, that's what she and I are going to be doing tonight!” I wanted to let out my rage, but suddenly an idea popped into my head, “How about we have a little wager?” He scoffed, “A wager, what are you playing at, Quinn?” “Whoever wins her heart first wins her. No cheating, we both get the same amount of time with her, no extra time, play fair.”
He thought about it for a second, “And if I don't?” I sighed, “Then neither of us gets her. So do we have a deal, or what?” I stuck my hand out and waited for his response; he shook my hand, “It's a deal, but don't come complaining to me when you see her in my arms and not yours!” “I doubt it; she'll be with me in no time.” He walked away, probably went to go spend time with (Y/n). Oh God, what did I just get myself into?
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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(A/n) This is a Margot one
Imagine: You watch your girlfriend, Margot, film a scene for Birds of Prey
You stood behind all the cameras and watched Margot film a scene for Birds of Prey. I was so proud of her; she's come so far; she deserves this! Her portrayal of Harley was phenomenal; I can't imagine anyone else playing Harley better than her. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the director yelled, “Cut.”
Once she finished, Margot came running up to me. She hugged me and pulled me in for a kiss. “Did you see what I did? Did you like it?” I laughed, “I loved it, babe. You were fantastic as always; I'm so proud of you. Your fans will love it!” “Thanks, darling, and as much as I love doing this for them, I also do it for you. You're my biggest inspiration, and I want to make you happy.”
My heart skipped a beat; I did not deserve her. “Baby, I love anything you do; you're such an extraordinary actress! When I see you on screen, you take my breath away with every performance you make. I'm so glad I get to call you mine; I love you, Margot!” She giggled and pulled me in for another kiss, “You are incredible, love; I love you so much!”
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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(A/n) Send requests
Imagine: You're a doctor at Arkham, and you are assigned to watch over the one and only Harley Quinn ♦️
I walked in and met my patient's eyes. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. I guess I was staring for too long when I heard her clear her throat. I blushed and turned away. “I can tell I'm already going to like you, doc.” She winked at me, and I blushed even harder. What was she doing to me?
I sat next to her, “So tell me about yourself, Harley.” She thought for a second, “Hmm, let's see. It all started when I was a doctor here and fell in love with my patient, Joker.” I gulped, this was going to be a long session.
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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(A/N) Please send requests
Dating Harley Quinn Would Include:
All types of kisses
Cheek kisses
Shoulder kisses
Neck kisses (her personal favorite)
Forehead kisses
Her being very protective of you
You being very protective of her
Spending time with Bruce
Helping her when she has nightmares
Being by each others side 24/7
Always getting breakfast with her
Fancy dinners on your anniversary
Jealous Harley
“I didn't like the way he was staring at you!”
“Harley, baby, I love you and only you.”
Keeping her out of trouble
Watching tv together
Going shopping together
Feeling like the luckiest woman in the world with her by your side
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harley-hearts · 4 years
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Imagine: You help Harley after she has a nightmare about Joker
You woke up to Harley screaming, “NO! Don't hurt me, please! I promise I'll be better, J, please.” You tried shaking her, “Harley, baby, wake up!” She whimpered, “No, don't hurt her; she's my everything. I'll do anything; please don't hurt her!” You finally shook her hard enough and shouted, “HARLEY!”
She woke up and hugged me and started crying into my shoulder, “Oh, thank God, you're okay.” I held her until she calmed down a bit, “Baby, what happened?” She looked up, and all I saw was my beautiful girl who looked so broken and lost I couldn't handle it; I hated seeing her like this. “I-he-i-” “Hey, hey, look at me, look at me, breathe, ok? I'm right here; take your time.”
She nodded and was finally ready to talk, “I was having a nightmare that J was hitting me because i-i didn't do something right, and I screwed up his plan. So he started hurting me, but you were there with me, you tried to stop him, but he wouldn't budge. Then when he got tired of me, he started to hurt you. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't. And it got me thinking, what if I couldn't protect you! What if you get hurt because of me? I could never live with myself if that happened!”
“Baby, you are a strong, independent woman who I love and adore. You don't need to worry about that; we are both capable of depending on ourselves and each other, and trust me when I say, I will never ever, let him get his hands on you again. I promise; I love you.” She leaned in and kissed me, “I love you too.”
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