harriejamesbrown · 4 years
The Importance of Physical Fitness
Regular exercise and physical activity promote strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for some cancers. A highly recommended gym east finchley, can help you do regular exercise easily with the help of their personal trainers.
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harriejamesbrown · 4 years
Ways to Stay Consistent with Diet and Exercise
If I were to give the shortest weight loss advice, it would be this: do the right thing and stay consistent. Knowing the right thing to do is easy. We’ve all seen the millions of articles on ‘how to lose weight.’ But most folks can’t stay consistent long enough to see results.
Even so, it’s possible for you to stay consistent if you follow the tips below. Here you go – 9 ways to stay consistent with diet and exercise.
1. Start slow then gradually advance
Folks start routines at a pace they can’t keep up with long term. Don’t expect to exercise for 6 days a week without feeling depleted, if you’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle.
Start slowly, then gradually increase the intensity of your workouts as you get fitter. It takes about 21 – 40 days to form a habit. So, as you continue to repeat the easy routine, exercising will become a habit. Start with a 3-day routine for the first 30 days, then advance to a more challenging routine. It’s the same way with diet. Start with a low calorie deficit and then increase the deficit once you learn to control hunger.
2. Stop relying on motivation
I frequently get emails from people telling me that they’ve lost their motivation. Frankly, nobody feels motivated all the time – there are times even I don’t feel like exercising at all. But I suck it up and exercise anyway. Do the same thing. In fact, once exercising has become a habit, lack of motivation won’t stop you. Skipping workouts can be a habit too, so avoid the temptation.
4. Have workout and diet plans
The easiest way to fail is to start a weight loss journey without a meal plan or a workout routine prepared. Plans guide you on the exercises to do and the foods to eat, but don’t download just any plan you find on the web. Find a routine designed for your fitness level and goals.
3. Be accountable
It’s easy to skip workouts or eat unhealthy foods if you’re not accountable to anyone. But nobody wants to disappoint their fitness partner by skipping workouts or eating unhealthy foods. When picking a partner, make sure they’re as committed as you are, you’re both on the same fitness level, and you have the same schedule.
5. Set short term goals
It may take more than 25 weeks to lose 50 pounds. Frankly, maintaining a calorie deficit and exercising for such a long period is hard, and it may seem impossible to reach that goal. Don’t focus on the big goal – instead, set smaller monthly goals. You’ll be motivated to keep going once you attain the short-term goals. A simple monthly goal would be to lose 8 pounds in one month.
6. Set rules and stick to them
One of my workout rules is ‘I’ll never go for more than 3 days without exercise.’ And my diet rule is ‘I won’t go for more than 2 meals without eating healthy proteins and vegetables.’
Such rules help you maintain healthy habits with ease. The idea is to have a few precise rules you can stick to. Write them down if you have to.
7. Form small habits
Small habits like drinking 2 liters of water a day or eating an apple every day will remind you of the bigger habits like exercising and tracking meals.
Not only that, but small healthy habits make a difference in the long run. In this study, people who drank the daily recommended amount of water for 12 weeks lost 44% more weight than those who didn’t.
8. Exercise in the morning
It wasn’t until I started exercising in the morning that I stopped skipping workouts. Morning is the best time to exercise because there are no distractions and you’re fresh (not tired). You’ll also make healthier food choices through the day if you work out in the morning.
9. Stop making excuses
I’m tired, I got held up, I feel lazy, the list goes on and on. Excuses are easy to make and justify. Avoid making excuses and just do what you have to do. Getting fit is not easy, so push yourself and get out of your comfort zone.
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harriejamesbrown · 4 years
Business Name:
Clean Body Health
Full Address:
Edgar Kail Way, South Camberwell, London, SE22 8BD, United Kingdom
Business Email:
Business Keywords:
personal trainer east dulwich, female personal trainer east dulwich
Business Description:
Join us and our brain trust of highly experienced and knowledgeable personal trainers, fat loss specialists, and nutritionists in the industry who provide our clients with our own elite, tailored service. We offer personal training services in East Dulwich, Brixton, Herne Hill, and East London. Choosing a personal trainer is a great step towards attaining full-body health and fitness. Working with a professional is the best option you have in your fitness journey since they have the right skills and knowledge on how you can do this correctly. They can help you attain your wellness and health effectively without a lot of strain. The support you get from the trainer helps remain motivated and accountable according to the plans you have set in the process. With their high-level training, they can help you leverage the time you spend at the gym, avoid injuries and get consistent results.
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harriejamesbrown · 4 years
Losing Weight: Things to Consider
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There are so many reasons to workout! Physical activity reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol, anxiety, and stress; in addition, it boosts your mood, improves your sleep, and much more!
A huge benefit to working out is the role exercise can play in losing and maintaining weight. People use physical activity as a way to control their weight for good reason- weight control is all about calorie balance (calories in vs. calories out) and exercise burns calories.
So, if you’re looking to lose some weight, just maintain it, or to feel awesome then you may benefit from adding exercise to your daily routine.
So how much should you work out if you’re trying to lose weight? Here are the top tips if that’s your goal.
Follow Physical Activity Guidelines These guidelines aren’t impossible to follow, but they can be hard to accomplish if you aren’t intentional about a fitness routine. The key to sticking to a fitness routine is simply finding things you like to do. This way it won’t feel like your physical activity is a chore but rather something you enjoy and look forward to doing.
Be Aware of Calorie Burn When it comes to weight loss, the only way to ensure success is to maintain a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit simply means you are consuming fewer calories than you are expending throughout the day. This can be achieved in a few ways, either by eating less (or lower-calorie nutrient-dense foods rather than sugary processed ones), exercising, or a combination of the two.
Depending on what activity you choose and how intensely you’re engaging will affect how often, and how long you will need to work out. These numbers can vary so much based on your activity and effort.
Be Aware of Calories In Because a calorie deficit is essential to losing weight, it’s important to pay attention to what and how much you’re eating. Many people make the mistake of believing they’re burning more calories during exercise and consuming fewer calories than they actually are.
Be mindful of how many calories you need per day for your body specifically. If you aren’t sure what that number is, try checking out a personal trainer. A personal trainer like a personal trainer Crystal Palace will teach and guide you on how to calculate that number. Tracking your calories by writing on a journal your food intake can be a great way to stay on track.
Make it a Lifestyle The only sure way to make weight loss and maintenance sustainable is a lifestyle change. And most of the time these lifestyle changes are pretty simple. You don’t always have to be on it and perfect every single day. BUT you do need to be consistent most of the time to see results.
In all your efforts remain consistent. Take heart because they are worth it and you are going to see a difference with intention.
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harriejamesbrown · 4 years
Qualities To Look For When Searching A Personal Trainer
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Staying fit is everyone’s goal but getting there may not be as easy as it seems. You wake up one fine day with the objective to pursue a fitness regimen religiously. In a matter of a week, you find yourself having lost all the motivation. Since then it has always been procrastination or the false reassurance that I will start tomorrow. But that tomorrow is yet to come so in this hopeless situation where you badly need to get in shape, what do you do? This is where personal trainer South London comes to our rescue. They will be your guardians every step of the way.
An instructor will put you on the road to getting healthier while exceeding your expectations on the way. But you need to choose wisely as a bad decision will only cost you in terms of money and time. We have noticed how the demand for a coach has gone up and this has all happened due to awareness on social media. When you are on the lookout for a trainer, there will be many options available. So how do you decide which one is best for you? Please know this that there are many phony people working under the pretense of delivering outstanding results. Some also make lofty claims that they will help you lose weight in 30 days. But as a sensible person, you should steer clear of all those trying to make money out of you.
Starting out ask yourself whether you are ready to commit to the challenges of a workout. It is not easy and you have to put in a concerted effort. No matter how good a trainer is, if you are not up for the task then don’t expect the instructor to work up some magic. What you can do is rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 to decipher the level of dedication. Next, you need to see whether you are setting realistic goals or expectations. We all want to witness the best version of our bodies but it is sheer hard work and unwavering dedication. You can’t expect to change overnight. Losing fat is a slow process and a coach can set out a realistic timetable but it will be expected of the individual to fully cooperate.
Next, when you are finding a personal trainer, check the incumbent’s qualification. Do they have a college degree in their respective field or are they certified by any reputable agency? A degree in exercise, sports, human anatomy equips the person with a sound knowledge of human physiology and how it reacts to changes. Also, you should be interested in finding out if they have real-life experience.
There are fitness instructors out there who should not be deemed qualified for the job. The first is one who lacks both knowledge and education but still puts workout exercises based on what they see on YouTube. The other category is of those who have knowledge but experience next to none. Someone who is starting out fresh needs to work under a teacher to guide them before they can train people unsupervised. But you should be on the lookout for one who has both the knowledge and experience. Each client is different and will have varying needs. Hence, the coach should be smart enough to recognize that and apply exercise techniques that work for them.
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harriejamesbrown · 4 years
How Do You Find A Good Trainer?
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Trainers that lack proper and thorough education can potentially injure a client, or create a bad experience for the client, and this makes it bad for the good personal trainers out there.
So how do you find a good trainer? Start with an interview. You are investing a lot of money and should make sure the person guiding you on this journey is a good fit for you and most importantly, qualified.
Consider these key points in the interview:
Education. Where did they receive education and/or certification?  Is it accredited? Google is your friend — look into their certification and education to make sure it is legit.
Experience. How much experience do they have? Minimal experience isn’t necessarily a bad thing (everyone has to start somewhere). If they have a solid education and certification, experience might not be an issue for you (this leads to the next point).
References. Ask for references from current or previous clients. Even trainers with minimal experience will have references. Talking to someone who has worked with the trainer can give you valuable information that you might not get directly from the trainer.
Attention. They learn about you, your lifestyle and goals and then create training around that, and not force you into a program that is unrealistic. During the session, their focus is on you, not their cell phones, other people in the gym, or shiny objects passing by. How can they help you if they don’t pay attention to you?
Professionalism. They are on time, dress appropriately, follow up with emails/texts/calls regarding your sessions promptly, treat you with respect and talk to you like an adult. Also, they leave their personal drama at home.
Approachability. They are easy to approach with concerns or questions. Nothing is worse than a trainer that is so scary and serious that you are scared to ask questions.
A new year usually means health and fitness resolutions. Many seek help from personal trainers, which is a great investment into accountability, motivation, technique, effectiveness, and efficiency.
The good news? There are so many fantastic trainers out there like a Highgate personal trainer.
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harriejamesbrown · 4 years
Lose Weight with the Keto Diet
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Ketogenic dieting is a big jump for some people. You’re plainly converting over to a new metabolic substrate that can take some getting used to. The best way to enhance your chances for success is to have an aligned eating pattern in place for at least a few weeks.
What else can you do to make keto work for your weight loss?
Make a Minimum Commitment to Six Weeks
The first three weeks will be the most difficult as you transition to new fuel sources, but then you can expect breakthroughs. (Some serious athletes may experience a temporary performance dip in the early weeks, but then will come back strong after 4 weeks and beyond.) Once you acquire to the six-week mark, the metabolic mechanism is in place, and it’s hard to reverse the adaptation. Extra mitochondria don’t just disappear.
Eat Fat
Just because a ketogenic diet is a high-fat diet doesn’t mean you should eat ungodly amounts of fat. Being ketogenic is more about not eating carbohydrates than it is eating as much fat as you possibly can.
Eating extra fat in the first days can speed up keto-adaptation. After that first week, you can have your intake down to the recommended 65-75% of total caloric intake.
Eat Vegetables
The vast majority of vegetables are keto-friendly. Not only do they provide important micronutrients and phytonutrients, but they also provide negligible amounts of carbohydrates. To meet your essential micronutrient needs, above-ground vegetables should be the bulk of your keto diet in terms of volume, even while fat will provide the majority of your calories.
Eat Berries
Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries are all relatively low in glycemic load and extremely high in phytonutrients. While having a flat of strawberries isn’t very ketogenic, a large bowlful won’t knock you out.
Eat Fiber
Many individuals on ketogenic diets tend to overlook or malign fiber. That’s a mistake. First, fiber doesn’t digest into glucose. It doesn’t “count.” Second, fiber feeds your gut biome, providing fermentable substrate for your gut bacteria to turn into beneficial short-chain fatty acids and to provide support to your immune system.
Lift Heavy Things
A common disapproval of ketogenic diets is that they cause reduction of lean mass. This isn’t totally unfounded. If your ketogenic diet lessens appetite so much that you under eat, you will probably lose muscle. If you’re on a super-low-protein ketogenic diet, you might lose muscle. Lifting weights avoids these issues by sending an anabolic indication to your muscles and permitting the ingestion of more protein without hampering ketosis.
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harriejamesbrown · 4 years
Exercise and Its Wonderful Benefits
Oftentimes, we do not like the much effort and bodily pain that comes along with exercising. However, the many benefits of exercise make more than all the sweat and muscle aches that we sometimes face while working out. What people sometimes ignore is that exercise is not only good for our body, but also for the benefit of our well-being and state of mind in general.
The most difficult part of doing exercise is how to begin with it. However, once you start exercising, it becomes easier each time you do it because you will start to notice your improvements by feeling and seeing physical changes on your body as a result of your great effort. The more effort you engage in doing your routines, the more you will get out of it. You can now run much farther, lift more weights, have much more muscular endurance, and as the time goes on, you will be surprised at the results you have acquired.
Exercising can offer you many wonders especially physical benefits. Exercising lowers your risk of having high blood pressure, a high level of sugar in your body, bone and cardiovascular problems. By having an exercise program, you will also gradually decrease the amount of excess body weight your body has. This is due to all of those excess calories that your body has stored and turns it into fat allowing it to become as your body fuel to perform those routines. When you are guided with an exercise program, you use your energy correctly. As a result, your heart works more efficiently and allowing your circulatory system to deliver a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients your body needs. Doing regular exercise gives you better sleep at night. Your body builds more muscles as you sleep which increases your recovery time between workouts. Many people do not know this, but your body rebuilds itself while you are asleep, not during performing your routines.
Following an exercise program offers you numerous health benefits. But, exercise alone is not enough. You also need to engage in a healthier lifestyle to complement your workout. This is actually noticeable if you want to lose weight. Exercise tones your muscles and builds your body. But, if you really want to lose weight, you need to stick to healthier habits. The best solution to a great body is the combination of the right exercise, healthy lifestyle, self-discipline, and motivation.
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