harrylewisbitch Β· 5 years
Lost Her- Harry Lewis Imagine
Warnings- a little sad, major character deaths
Y/N as always finding her self in trouble but this was some deep shit. She had started an argument with Talia (no hate on her, I stan her x)again but this was too far of revenge. Y/N was enjoying a little time with her friends when Talia had to crash it and make it a party with the sidemen. Alcohol made the air in the house humid as drunk people danced together grinding against each other. Y/N was lost in the crowd of dancers a WKD in her hand, everyone was singing and dancing to the music as she tried to get through. "Hey Y/N!" Someone called over the music and she turned around to find Harry Lewis standing near her a beer in his hands, but yet he still looked gorgeous. Y/N blushed at the sight of him never mind him talking to her. "You know my name. Omg you know my name." Y/N happy panicked and Harry only laughed at the shorter girl. His was dressed in his usual black jeans, black trainers and his blue sweater, while she was dressed in dark ripped jeans , black combat boots and light purple sidemen shirt. "Let's dance." He said grabbing her waist and they slowly started moving to the beat. The rest of the night Y/N drank, grinding on Harry as they danced and well more drinking the night became a blur.
Y/N doesn't remember that much of that night but she woke up in her friends (which was where the party was held) spare bedroom, bed sheets crumbled and Harry's naked body laying next to her. Messy hair and hickey is what she left that room looking like, she had on Harry's hoodie knowing she won't see him again as he's popular and a youtuber but completely forgot to pick up her XXL hoodie because she like sweater or hoodie paws. Walking out her heart breaking after looking at his peaceful look etched on his face, but she still slipped out of his life like he was bedsheets.
--8 months later--
A lot had changed in 8 months, including Y/N's rounded stomach that she hid by wearing hoodies all the time. Y/N was wearing the same pale hoodie when she left Harry, even though it was his hoodie. She was at the park with Freya, Talia as they sorted it out, eating Subway and Simon and Josh tagged along for their sister(not really but they have a bond like that) after their video when they seen him walk past, Freya was motioning so he'd notice them while Y/N ate her sub. Harry noticed the girls flaming arms instantly and smiled wondering if she knew where Y/N was but his smile dropped when he seen her eating her sandwich laughing at something Simon said. Freta kept pointing towards her stomach but Harry was confused until she played out pointing at Y/N then her stomach and then cradling a baby. He instantly clicked when he notice that her 7 month pregnant belly was barely noticeable in his hoodie. He couldn't believe it the girl he liked sat barely a foot away but she didn't look like she cared. "Y/N!" Freya said tapping her shoulder then pointing to Harry who was walking towards them. Y/N froze, everything around her froze as she sat glanced at him, that was before Talia clicked her fingers in front of her bringing the girl back to reality. "I have to go I'm sorry." She said putting her sub on the table and rushing out like she rushed out of Harry's life before. The park gate rang out as she ran out, but Harry was catching up to her before standing in her way. "Y/N please." He begged as anger crush through her veins. "You want your stupid hoodie back here it is." She screamed pulling of the pale blue hoodie and throwing it at him. Her 7 month belly was clearly visible through the black sidemen shirt. "See this, this baby is mine I don't want you in their life." She screamed storming away. Harry wanted to run after her but he knew she was hurt because after they had slept together they tried a relationship but he cheated a day after he said I love you. So that ended early enough for him not to know about the unborn baby. Josh followed behind his sisterly friend. But as she ran away from it rained down, hard. He ran after her as he seen her body slip and slide across the path on the road, he reached the end of the path as she slowly got up before a black car zoomed around the corner and running over her body as it's was rain hard in the window. "Y/N!" Everyone screamed/cried as the car came to a sudden halt, she lay in the ground,weak and broken as she whimpered in pain. He took the girl in his arms, "Baby baby, please stay awake baby." He cried pushing her hair away from her forehead as Talia sobbed calling the ambulance while Simon's life froze, the girl he always thought of as a sister was gone. The weak girl laid in his arms as the ambulance drove to them, she brought her cold hand up and brushed his hair. "Harry if I don't survive but the baby lives please look after them and you can pick the girls name." She said as the lights appeared. "How about Rein if it's a girl baby." Harry said watching the girl become weaker and weaker. "And if it's a boy call it Tobi or Zander after Tobi as I love him, he's the nicest person ever." She said coughing dangerously add the paramedics lifted her body into the truck and Freya walked over to the boy. "We are so sorry Harry, we told her she should go and see you but she just cried." She said placing a hand on his shoulder as he watched the truck zoom away with Simon and Talia with her. Freya and Josh were at his sides now too holding his other shoulder. "We went to her scan and she's having twins but she wanted to be surprised at the genders and them being twins." This only made the boy cry she wanted to live her life with her children but I showed up and ruined everything.
Three years later
A dark figure walked up to the white grave and placed a bunch of lilac lillies down before putting his head against the grave. "Y/N I love you I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" And kissed the grave before disappearing again.
A young boy at the age of 25 could be seen sat in front of a new white grave which read:
Your Full Name
Your birthday- 09.08.21
She will be loved
A friend
A sister
The bond
Rein Lewis
Never made it to the real world.
A twin Sister
She was loved
So he sat with a little kid sat in his arms. He sat on a picnic blanket with some sandwiches on a plate, He must have been coming for three years now. "Harry!" Someone called and he turned around, it was all the sidemen. "Hey guys" He said as they sat next to him and around him on the blanket in front of the grave. "Still coming eh." Tobi said smiling like one of his closet, best friend wasn't dead. But he only nodded biting into his sandwich as the kid chase a butterfly around laughing. "Hey Tobi Jadon Lewis where's my hug?" Simon said laughing at the young boy which he used the full name of and he ran towards him laughing and smiling, "Uncles." He said running into their arms.
A lot of changes since Y/N's death but she had watched all the memories. His first steps, first words and had seen him grow into a toddler, but of course she watched Harry, her lover. He had grown up since her death realising the child's life's where his to handle but his love for his ex still shrine through the cracks. But Harry was barely ever seen of again, after the news of his girlfriend was dead. He still lived there in London were she was buried but hardly ever left his new house close to the graveyard so he could still Y/N every day. Her death had broken the young boy, they had been friends for so long he thought he'd never lose her so easily but life doesn't always work out the way you want it to.
I'm sorry about my first ever piece being sad but this really hit my heart when I had a dream like it and it inspired me xx
Thank you for reading it Lovies πŸ’œπŸ’œ
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