harushiia · 1 month
gay stories
tiktok's wlw/mlm slideshow stories will be the death of me
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harushiia · 1 month
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harushiia · 2 months
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harushiia · 2 months
This shouldn't even be need to be said but don't fucking report people who express being suicidal. I don't care how much you think you're doing it for someone's own good, it does NOT help us it only harms further
You are ACTIVELY harming those people when you try to be a goody two-shoes and tell on them when they get suicidal
Don't fucking report them to social media app features that have the report for self harm option. Don't fucking call a suicide hotline on them. Don't fucking report them to therapists, paychiatrists, cops, controlling parents or partners
It does not matter how uncomfortable it makes you - this isn't ABOUT you - it doesn't matter how much it goes against your cute little saviour complex thinking you're being oh such a wonderful kind heroic person by "saving" someone from themself.
When you report a person to any of those places it heavily risks hospitalisation and incarceration. Where I live it's technically still a crime to attempt suicide, they never overturned the law. And if you think being in a ward might help them - do everyone a favour and go check out the actual conditions in the wards and talk to psych survivors about how they actually are. Otherwise shut up about things you have no experience with.
Everyone should have a right to autonomy, especially bodily autonomy, and you don't have to like what they do with their own body for you to know not to take that away from someone. It's not your place to judge, it's not okay to be moralistic about bodily autonomy suddenly because you can't handle the reality of mentally ill people.
And it's not fucking okay to lock us in and remove us from society just because our disorders are too fucking ugly for you to look at.
If you absolutely have to help just talk to a suicidal person if they're up to it, just ask them what will help, and if you can't do that then leave us the fuck alone you snitches
And don't come at me with the law, if you had to be an ally to mentally ill people, to queer people, to women, to any kind of marginalised people, historically a lot of it has always included standing against the law and with us.
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harushiia · 2 months
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It's funny how you could create multiple universes for someone and still lose them each time.
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harushiia · 3 months
I love this so much (ps: i love space)
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Above image is a pride flag with every color band represented by a NASA image. White is Earth clouds, pink is aurora, blue is the Sun in a specific wavelength, brown is Jupiter clouds, black is the Hubble deep field, red is the top of sprites, orange is a Mars crater, yellow is the surface of Io, green is a lake with algae, blue is Neptune, and purple is the Crab Nebula in a specific wavelength.
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harushiia · 4 months
typing style
I love adding 1 in overexaggerated exclamation points (!!!!1!!1!!) and typing Zs instead of Ss in words (foodz, carz, lovez) yall get me?
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harushiia · 4 months
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lol, made this on DDLC maker as a reaction pic (im les, dont kill me)
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harushiia · 4 months
random thoughts
kind of funny how people will switch up immediately once someone has a different opinion on a topic. Like, make up your mind bud.
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harushiia · 5 months
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buy me this and you're set for life
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harushiia · 5 months
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harushiia · 5 months
headcanon (incorrect quotes version + part 2)
Nikolai: I don’t remember that. Fyodor: Do you remember that night last week when you slept in a revolving door? Nikolai: …No. Fyodor: Okay, do you remember when you were chased by those wild dogs for two miles? Nikolai: Not especially, no. Fyodor: It was in between those two things.
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harushiia · 5 months
my honest reaction after hearing this song:
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harushiia · 5 months
Nikolai: Can I show you a magic trick? :3 Sigma: If it's pulling a bird out of your ass again I swear to god--
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harushiia · 5 months
Flowers bloom only once. I got lucky, mine bloomed the moment I met them.
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harushiia · 5 months
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these are so fun to make oh my lord
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harushiia · 5 months
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♥ The lolita ballerina ♥
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