hasanah-asana · 3 years
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@aaronzar @dabdaddy49 @recentrendz @ikillpride1 @fifiona-h-blog @ammadahmad @littleroseyprincess @cinderellaprincess18 @mashuqeh @lionessnala @hibaah-yar @catelynnn @rareisthislove-keepitcovered @pocketsized-storycollector @freya-roisin @songsthatinspireme @hijabipanda @hashyms @wanderhus @marebear-123 @yourmomsadoor-blog @happyendings-starrynights @su-10-08-13 @aussie-kashmiri @juanxdiesel @nastynas1991 @kadyroxzwhat @ali-asgharr @made-by-mum-n-dad @thalassy 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
Barnes and Nobles is gonna start serving food and alcohol.
Everybody’s cracking jokes about how it’s a desperate attempt to stay relevant in the age of Amazon.
But you know what? Props to them. This is exactly what Blockbuster didn’t do. At no point was Blockbuster like “Hey, movie rentals aren’t the lucrative enterprise they once were. Perhaps it’s time we become known for our cheesy garlic bread.”
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
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by Henni Klee
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
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“It’s like I was playing some kind of game, but the rules don’t make any sense to me. They’re being made up by all the wrong people. I mean no one makes them up. They seem to make themselves up.”
The Graduate (1967) dir. Mike Nichols
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
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dahlias (part 1)  by Danielle Nelson
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
Islam didn’t come to eliminate emotions, desires, personality, art, or culture. Islam came to direct these things.
People are so afraid of pain. Terrified of falling or failing. Terrified of the break. Terrified of picking up the pieces. That is why we don’t try. That is why we don’t put ourselves out there or really live.
But we only fear pain, and breaks and wounds, because we rely on ourselves to heal them. If we truly believed that no matter how broken, how much pain, or how deep the wound, we could run to the Healer, we would no longer be so afraid to try, to risk, to feel. To live. And that would look like courage.
Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
oh my god she’s screaming 🤣
credit: bestvideos / ig
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said: that Allaah [عز و جل] said:
«من علم أني ذو قدرة على مغفرة الذنوب غفرت له و لا أبالي ما لم يشرك بي شيئا.»
❝Whoever knows that I have the capability to forgive sins, then I will forgive him and not care, as long as he did not associate anything with Me.❞
[ Saheeh Al-Jamia, (No. 4330)]
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
Imam Shafi'i رحمه الله  said:
“You will never be able to please anyone, rather rectify what is between you and Allah, and do not care about the people.”
[Tawali at-Ta'nees, Ibn Hajr 168]
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
Who is Allah?
Allah - The Greatest NameAr-Rahman - The All-MercifulAr-Rahim - The All-BeneficientAl-Malik - The Absolute RulerAl-Quddus - The Pure OneAs-Salam - The Source of PeaceAl-Mu’min - The Inspirer of FaithAl-Muhaymin - The GuardianAl-’Aziz - The VictoriousAl-Jabbar - The CompellerAl-Mutakabbir - The GreatestAl-Khaliq - The CreatorAl-Bari’ - The Maker of OrderAl-Musawwir - The Shaper of BeautyAl-Ghaffar - The ForgivingAl-Qahhar - The SubduerAl-Wahhab - The Giver of AllAr-Razzaq - The SustainerAl-Fattah - The OpenerAl-’Alim - The Knower of AllAl-Qabid - The ConstrictorAl-Basit - The RelieverAl-Khafid - The AbaserAr-Rafi’ - The ExalterAl-Mu’izz - The Bestower of HonorsAl-Mudhill - The HumiliatorAs-Sami - The Hearer of AllAl-Basir 27 - The Seer of AllAl-Hakam - The JudgeAl-’Adl - The JustAl-Latif - The Subtle OneAl-Khabir - The All-AwareAl-Halim - The ForebearingAl-’Azim - The MagnificentAl-Ghafur - The Forgiver and Hider of FaultsAsh-Shakur - The Rewarder of ThankfulnessAl-’Ali - The HighestAl-Kabir - The GreatestAl-Hafiz - The PreserverAl-Muqit - The NourisherAl-Hasib - The AccounterAl-Jalil - The MightyAl-Karim - The GenerousAr-Raqib - The Watchful OneAl-Mujib - The Responder to PrayerAl-Wasi’ - The All-ComprehendingAl-Hakim - The Perfectly WiseAl-Wadud - The Loving OneAl-Majíd - The Majestic OneAl-Ba’ith - The ResurrectorAsh-Shahid - The WitnessAl-Haqq - The TruthAl-Wakil - The TrusteeAl-Qawi - The Possessor of All StrengthAl-Matin - The Forceful OneAl-Wáli - The GovernorAl-Hamid - The Praised OneAl-Muhsi - The AppraiserAl-Mubdi - The OriginatorAl-Mu’id - The RestorerAl-Muhyi - The Giver of LifeAl-Mumit - The Taker of LifeAl-Hayy - The Ever Living OneAl-Qayyum - The Self-Existing OneAl-Wajid - The FinderAl-Májid - The GloriousAl-Wahid - The Only OneAl-Ahad - The OneAs-Samad - The Satisfier of All NeedsAl-Qadir - The All PowerfulAl-Muqtadir - The Creator of All PowerAl-Muqaddim - The ExpediterAl-Mu’akhkhir - The DelayerAl-Awwal - The FirstAl-Akhir - The LastAz-Zahir - The Manifest OneAl-Batin - The Hidden OneAl-Walí - The Protecting FriendAl-Muta’ali - The Supreme OneAl-Barr - The Doer of GoodAt-Tawwab - The Guide to RepentanceAl-Muntaqim - The AvengerAl-Afū - The ForgiverAr-Ra’uf - The ClementMalik al-Mulk - The Owner of All Dhul-JalaliWal-Ikram - The Lord of Majesty and BountyAl-Muqsit - The Equitable OneAl-Jami - The GathererAl-Ghani - The Rich OneAl-Mughni - The EnricherAl-Mani’ - The Preventer of HarmAd-Darr - The Creator of The HarmfulAn-Nafi - The Creator of GoodAn-Nur - The LightAl-Hadi - The GuideAl-Badi - The OriginatorAl-Baqi - The Everlasting OneAl-Warith - The Inheritor of AllAr-Rashid - The Righteous TeacherAs-Sabur - The Patient One
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
the older you get, the more you really just want someone with iman in the heart, a warm smile and arms that will hold you tight forever
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
Umar bin al Khattab said:
❝Do not let the prayer of a man deceive you nor his fasting. Rather look at the truthfulness of his speech, his trustworthiness whenever he is entrusted, and how he acts whenever he is given wealth and/or power.❞
[المطالب العالية 11/620]
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
May Allah allow me to one day celebrate Ramadan with my own little family.
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
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hasanah-asana · 5 years
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I want to thank Allah for the sun or else I wouldn’t be having such good selfie game these days
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