hauntedxwritings · 6 days
“Leon! Oh my God, I thought… I thought he was going to—” She couldn't help but gasp, trembling as she clung to Leon’s arm, still feeling the rush of fear from that Ganado grabbing me. "I—I'm sorry... I just, I didn’t mean to scream, but—" She glanced down at the disintegrating body, forcing herself to look away.
He made it seem so easy, like he wasn’t even phased by what just happened. Meanwhile, her heart was still pounding in my chest. She tried to calm herself, taking in Leon’s steady voice as he pulled her up. How did he stay so calm?
“Fish...?” She blinked, still trying to catch up with his words, my thoughts spinning. “Yeah, yeah, okay. Anything sounds good at this point.” She gave him a small, shaky smile, feeling the exhaustion pulling at me again. “I’m sorry for slowing you down, Leon. I know this isn’t exactly what you signed up for, but... I’m trying. I promise.”
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Ashley took a deep breath, glancing around the barn, realizing just how exposed they still were. “Let’s get out of here. I’m ready.” She tried to sound stronger than she felt, even though every muscle ached from running in these stupid boots. Who knew heels were the worst thing to wear during a kidnapping in a parasite-infested village? But she wasn’t going to complain, not when Leon had done so much already. She owed him that much.
“Lead the way, I’ll follow.” Ashley managed a nod, hoping they could get somewhere a little safer. Even if it was just to catch their breath.
SLEEP certainly wasn’t the easiest thing to come by, especially for Leon. Actions and faces in pain and agony, and the most horrific monsters imaginable, more akin to something from a Lovecraftian novel. But Ashley Graham wasn’t a trained operative, far from it. Nobody could go on forever without food, and without sleep, and this wasn’t a full fledged operation like Operation Javier, in the past with water canteens and sixty pound rucksacks. No, the President had sent him in alone, with limited weapons on a commercial flight to not attract attention, as kidnapping situations were very delicate.
He had backtracked with Ashley away from the church, and he had gone back to a small farm that was across the bridge and over the ravine from the house where him and Luis had tried to make against a horde of parasite controlled villagers. Every Ganado had been cleared out, and while Ashley had to catch SOME sleep inside of a barn and on haystack, shared with two large hogs, it was relatively safe and out of the way. She didn’t seem to have trouble as running in high heeled boots probably wasn’t the easiest over rocky terrain, some rural village in Spain.
One couldn’t last forever in the field without food and rest, and more importantly water. He had survival training on week long missions, in the field, in his own special operations training. But Ashley had none of that, and he had to do what was best for Ashley, even though both of them had Plagas inside of then and time was short. It was not going to be good for a parasite controlled Presidential agent and the President’s daughter to bring back a parasite to the White House. Ashley wasn’t exactly dressed for humping out of a hot landing zone, with her high heeled leather boots that were a weeks pay alone for most people.
There was alot of large bass in the waters that surrounded the quarry, a small hike across mining equipment and ravines from the villages, and while he didn’t have a fishing pole and the patience to just wait for fish to bite. It was going to make a nice meal, and he didn’t really want to offer Ashley snake meat, cutting down and skinning a tree branch with his survival knife made spear fishing easy. He stowed two large bass in his survival pack, and Leon made the quick trek back to the village and the barn where he had stashed the first family’s daughter.
The barn door was wide open, and that was not how the blonde agent had left it. He had hoped that Ashley had not gone wondering off, looking for him. A shrill woman’s scream, crying for Leon’s name.
And then Leon heard the scream, and he immediately pulled the knife instinctually from his shoulder holsters, palming the serrated combat knife into fingerless gloved hands.
The agent ran into action and slipped inside of the barn, finding Ashley struggling with an old man, dressed in unkempt overalls and filthy shirts, his beard halfway down his chest. The crimson eyes of the man betrayed the presence of the Plaga inside, controlling his every move. He was unarmed as Lord Saddler likely had orders to subdue Ashley unharmed and bringing her back, as Leon rushed him quickly and grasped the man with his strong arm around his neck.
He grunted with exertion, as he brought the knife down home into the side of the Ganados head, aiming for the eggshell thin part of the skull at the side of the assailants head, as the stainless steel blade punched into his skull relatively effortless, terminating the Plaga inside quickly and then dropping the former villager to the ground, quickly and relatively quietly. He didn’t want to attract too much attention, as ammo for his handgun was scarce and more noise attracted more of Saddler’s cronies.
“Hey.” He smiled casually and positively as he pulled Ashley up into his arms, hardly panting, indifferent to the fact that had taken out a man ninja style with a knife, in front of Ashley. The Ganado seemed to seemed to disintegrate into dust now that the parasite inside had been destroyed.
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“We should get moving. Don’t know if the Big Cheese is able to see where we are, through the villagers. Thought we could relocate, and have something to eat. Not exactly a Taco Bell around out here. Plenty of fish though.”
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hauntedxwritings · 7 days
Just passing alone the good vibes on this monday. It can be rough now a days and this is my attempt to spread some nice vibes around the web. I hope you are having a good day, and thank you for being a positive presence to the community!
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Thank you! I appreciate this.. I needed it.
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hauntedxwritings · 7 days
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"I think there's one in town." Lydia remembered a small one right on the edge of town. "We could go there."
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"Well, wheres the closest dog shelter? It doesn't have to be that kind of dog. But, I think I'd prefer an ugly dog."
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hauntedxwritings · 7 days
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"We could look into getting one. I mean.. where would we find one though?" She looked at her with a small smile.
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"You've got a point... I always liked those Xolo dogs. You know like from that stupid Pixar movie Coco. They're kinda ugly. But, in a cute way."
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hauntedxwritings · 7 days
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"It can be both if you want it to." She looked at her daughter. "I mean.. we can get a dog, but you know, this house.. it has a way of bringing you what you need."
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"I can't tell if that's morbid or nice? Can it be both?" Astrid shook her head. "Side note, can we get a dog? I think that it's the one thing missing in our lives."
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hauntedxwritings · 7 days
“So… do dogs and things become ghosts too or is strictly humans?” - Astrid to Lydia
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"In my experience, all of us to. Dogs, cats, all animals.." Lydia was honest with her daughter. "At least I saw a few in the netherworld as a kid. There might even be some here in the house."
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hauntedxwritings · 8 days
[ JACK O’ LANTERN ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  carve  pumpkins  together.
[ JACK O’ LANTERN ]  for  the  sender  and  receiver  to  carve  pumpkins  together. || for @scribedhorror
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The room is cozy, decorated with autumn hues and flickering candles. A large table sits in the center, covered with newspaper and scattered with pumpkin carving tools. Two pumpkins, one large and one medium-sized, rest on the table. Beverly and Bill, both in their early forties, are hunched over the table, focused on their task.
Beverly picks up a carving knife and carefully starts cutting into her pumpkin. She giggled softly thinking about it all. "Remember how we used to try to outdo each other every Halloween? I think one year, I made a pumpkin with a face that actually scared me." She pauses to scoop out the pumpkin guts, her hands working deftly.
"And then there was that time we tried to carve something super intricate. Ended up with more pumpkin on the floor than on the pumpkin." She wipes her hands on a towel and examines her design, making small adjustments. "It’s funny. Even though so much has changed, it feels like we’re right back where we started. Carving pumpkins together."
Beverly looks over at Bill’s pumpkin and gives him an encouraging nod. She teased him a little. "Your pumpkin’s got that classic Bill charm. I think it’s going to be a big hit." She finishes carving and sets the knife down, looking at the two pumpkins with satisfaction. She gives a content sigh. "There. Not too shabby for a couple of old friends, right?"
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hauntedxwritings · 8 days
"Oh, Xavier, you know how to make a girl feel special! This party’s definitely on fire—good music, great drinks, and awesome company. I mean, who knew you had such killer moves? And hey, if you’re actually having fun dancing, then we must be doing something right. Let's make the most of it and tear up this dance floor. Who knows when we’ll get another night like this? Spin me again and let’s keep this party going!”
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@hauntedxwritings asked [Monster Mash] for sender and receiver to dance together to fun halloween music {From Montana}
Xavier looks down at Montana and laughs as they dance "This party might just be the best one that we've been to so far this Halloween Tana. At least they have music that we can dance too and some good liquor." He cocks an eyebrow at her as he spins her around and dips her "I'm actually having fun dancing for once."
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hauntedxwritings · 8 days
"Ugh, tell me about it! It’s like everyone’s so hooked on instant everything, they don’t even know how to savor anything anymore. Waiting for something and really investing yourself in it—there’s something kinda magical about that. It’s like the build-up makes the payoff so much sweeter. But, hey, who needs romance and patience when you can just swipe and get it now, right? It’s totally messed up. But, you know, if you find someone who gets it, someone who’s willing to wait and appreciate the build-up, that’s kinda special in its own way. Maybe even worth a little extra effort. So, Xavier, do you think you’re up for the wait?"
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@hauntedxwritings asked [From Montana] "No one wants to yearn anymore.."
"Well, i mean why should they in a world full of instant gratification? i mean, i would wait forever for something that i wanted but people just don't have the patience for it any more plus they think that if they can't get it in a short amount of time that it isn't worth it anymore. That's pretty sad if you ask me and less than romantic." Xavier looks over at her and smiles
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hauntedxwritings · 8 days
Otis let out a low chuckle, his grin twisting into something between amusement and a warning. "Gentle, huh?" He tilted his head, studying her with those cold, calculating eyes. "Ain't nobody ever accused me of bein' gentle before. Guess there's a first time for everything."
He stepped closer, his voice dropping to a rough whisper, the edge in his tone unmistakable. "But don’t get it twisted, darlin’. I ain’t the soft type. I might ease up for you sometimes, but that don’t mean the monster's gone. You like the edge? Good. 'Cause that’s what keeps things interesting, keeps people on their toes."
Otis leaned in, his face just inches from hers. "Don’t worry about me gettin' soft. I ain’t goin' anywhere. But if you’re fallin' for me, you better be ready for the ride. This ain’t some fairytale, Scout. You know what I am. And if you think you can handle that, well… we’ll see how far you can go before the bite comes." His grin returned, dark and dangerous. "I don’t mind playin' a little gentle, just to see if you can handle the real thing when it comes."
@hauntedxwritings | cont.
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❝ with how gentle you are with me,people could say the same about you. ❞she smiles,dimples poking out. she had told him he didn't have to be gentle with her,but as they warmed up to each other there was no stopping him. she liked being close with him,even if it could bite her in the ass later. scout was in fact,falling for otis. baby noticed but didn't say anything as far as she knew,the others would catch on eventually.
❝ just don't become to soft,i like your edge. ❞
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hauntedxwritings · 8 days
Tate’s breath hitches as she pulls him close, the weight of her words settling in. His hands find her hips instinctively, his eyes locking onto hers, filled with a mixture of confusion and something deeper—guilt, maybe.
"You watched me?" he murmurs, a flicker of surprise in his voice. "All that time... and you didn't say anything?" His tone isn't accusatory, more like he's trying to process it, to understand the years of silence between them. "I wish you had. Maybe things would've been different. Maybe... I wouldn't have done what I did."
He lets out a heavy breath, his gaze dropping for a moment before returning to hers, darker now with the weight of his past. "I was... gone that day. Out of control. And I know there's no going back, no undoing it." Tate’s voice lowers, almost to a whisper, raw with regret. "But you tried. I heard you."
He bites his lip, almost nervously, before continuing. "I get it, though. The Harmons—they were their own mess. But part of me wishes you'd said hi sooner, too." Tate's smirk returns, though it’s softer now. "Maybe we could’ve helped each other out of this mess a long time ago." His grip tightens slightly, as if grounding himself in the moment. "But hey, we're here now, right?"
@hauntedxwritings | cont.
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❝ i've been here,dead as fuck and watched you grow up. ❞she said,wrapping her legs around his waist and pulled him close. she had been a ghost in the murder house since '81,and watched tate grow up and do what he did. she had whispered in his ear not to do it but failed. he was high as a kite on coke and there was no stopping him in that moment but she tried.
❝ part of me wishes i would've said hi sooner. but i didn't want to get involved in the harmon drama. ❞
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hauntedxwritings · 9 days
Persephone’s heart ached as Kharon spoke, his words heavy with the burden of his fears and the depth of his yearning. She held him close, feeling the weight of his confession, his need, and the way he leaned into her for solace. Gently, she brought her hands up to cradle his face once more, guiding his gaze to meet hers.
"Kharon," she whispered, her voice filled with quiet strength, "you are not a burden to me. You could never be. I am not fragile—I am the Queen of the Underworld, and you are as much my anchor as I am yours. What we share is not a weight to bear but a balance we both need."
Her fingers brushed against his cheek, her touch light but filled with intent. "You have always been there for me, steady and unyielding, even when the tides of the dead overwhelm you. If I can offer you respite, if I can be your calm in the storm, then let me. It is not a weakness to lean on one another."
She leaned in, her forehead gently touching his, breathing in the space between them. "I am not crushed by your need, Kharon. I cherish it, as I cherish you. Together, we are stronger than the sum of our parts."
A soft smile played on her lips as she pulled back slightly to meet his eyes again. "I will always be here, no matter the storm. You are not alone in this, my love."
Kharon couldn't find the words to respond right away, sinking into her. Her words wrapping around him like a warm blanket, one he wished he would wear forever. Maybe if he remembered this moment, this feeling he could feel it even when she was away. But maybe that wouldn't be fair, maybe he just preferred to have her in person. It was selfish and he knew that, she seemed to be saving him more and more these days. He's not sure if it was his old age seeping in or something was just shifting in the universe.
Dipping his head lower he closes his eyes for a few seconds so he could breathe with her. Allowing his racing mind to be calm once again, allowing his bones to relax, his shoulders slumping forward.
"You are my respite." Kharon says softly, his bright eyes blinking open to look at her face again, "But that isn't fair to you, is it? I feel like, if I lean on you too much, you might be crushed under my weight." He lets out a sigh, his hands moving up to rest on her shoulders blades. Holding onto her to try and ground himself further.
The Ferrymen felt like the need and yearning he held for her was dangerous. It was also exciting, and terrifying. Knowing that without her he would cease to exist. @hauntedxwritings
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hauntedxwritings · 9 days
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Hey everyone, just a little heads up everything is in drafted up. Tomorrow when I'm not so stressed out, I'll be knocking them out. I love you guys who stuck around during this transitional time.
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hauntedxwritings · 9 days
Time for Voting my dears!!! I need all the votes I can get I love you guys who stuck with me during this trying time. I've been dealing with a lot, health issues and now my mom's health is low again.. I'm fighting just to keep from losing it.
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hauntedxwritings · 10 days
For those who don't know I compete every year in this competition and yes, last year I made it to third place.. but only 1st place gets the prize. Voting is DAILY until I'm out of the competition or I win.
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hauntedxwritings · 10 days
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"BJ.." She looked up at him. She was older now, much older than when he had last seen her. "I need your help.." She nodded. "I have a daughter.. Astrid.." She paused, waiting for his reaction. "She went to the netherworld, over a kid named Jeremy."
@hauntedxwritings Continued Open [x]
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"In the dead flesh." Beetlejuice opened his arms and grinned. He slithered closer to her, grabbing both of her shoulders. "Always knew you'd come crawling back to me, Lyds. Now, who do I need to take care of, huh? Who's bothering you? I'll give em' the ol' one two, if ya' know what I mean." He winked, removing his hands from her shoulders so they could morph into large green boxing gloves.
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hauntedxwritings · 13 days
Ellie paced slowly around the room, her fingers brushing over the dusty leaves of a potted fern by the window. The sunlight streamed through, casting long shadows across the floor as she spoke, her voice steady but filled with a weight of experience. "Anya," she said, turning to look at her, "it's a heavy legacy to carry, isn’t it?" She walked over to a shelf lined with old scientific journals and fossils, her hand lingering on a framed photograph—one from years ago, back when things were simpler. Ellie’s lips pressed into a thin line before she continued.
"Growing up with those stories, hearing about everything that happened—what your parents went through—it's bound to shape how you see the world." Ellie picked up the photo, studying it for a moment before placing it back down, her eyes locking onto Anya's. "Trust me, I get it. There are still people who want to forget, who think we can just move on, pretend the past won’t repeat itself. But you know better. I can see it in your eyes—you carry that weight with you every day."
Ellie moved toward the window, gazing out at the sprawling wilderness beyond the glass, where the world felt both too beautiful and too dangerous. She leaned against the window frame, folding her arms across her chest. "The fact that you’ve spent more time here, on this island, than anywhere else... it gives you a connection most people can’t even begin to understand." She turned back to face Anya. "You see the beauty, but you also know the risks. Your parents lived through the chaos and the danger, and they probably hoped you wouldn’t have to face the same."
She took a slow breath, walking toward Anya, stopping just a few feet away. There was a softness in her eyes, but also something steely, a resolve forged by years of survival. "But this place..." Ellie gestured around them, her hand sweeping through the air as if encompassing the entire island. "It has a way of pulling people in, especially those like you and me. We don’t forget because we can’t afford to."
Ellie stepped closer, her voice quieter but firm. "It's rare to find others who understand that, but it sounds like you’ve known the truth longer than most. Working here, following in their footsteps—it’s a brave choice. Just remember, that knowledge, that awareness—it’s your greatest strength." She gave Anya a small but knowing smile. "Never lose sight of that."
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CONT.  THREAD  FROM  HERE  W /@hauntedxwritings
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Too  many  people  forgot  what  happened  back  there.  Her  mom  &  dad  CERTAINLY  never  let  her  or  her  brother  forget  that  fact.  But  she  could  expect  the  esteemed  woman  to  not  expect  people  who  were  just  like  her.  They  were  rare.  But  Anya  had  been  raised  here  due  to  her  parent's  work.  Spending  more  time  here  than  on  the  Mainland  or  any  other  part  of  the  world.  Those  stories  involving  Dr.  Sattler  were  the  stories  her  mom  and  dad  told  her  about  when  she  was  younger.    " They  didn't  have  to ... I  knew  that  before  I  even  graduated  high  school.  Not  like  my  parents  would  EVER  let  me  forget  about  it  once  I  set  me  sights  on  workin  here. "
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