being gender nonconforming is great bc straight people think i'm edgy and intimidating but lgbt people see me and immediately think i'm friend shaped :)
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You know what we need more of? Beginner’s classes for adults.
It’s supposed to be really, really good for you to keep learning new things as you age. It helps stave off strokes and dementia and Alzheimer’s and improves memory. And hey, learning stuff is fun.
But I really don’t want to be infantilized when I try to learn something. And I definitely don’t learn the way a child does. And honestly, what adult wants to be in the same class as children? Very few.
This occurred to me recently because I’d like to learn how to actually ice skate properly. My parents never signed me up for classes, because it wasn’t a thing they ever cared about or thought about. Now I’m in my twenties and want to learn, and also don’t want to be surrounded by a bunch of eight-year-olds who probably honestly skate better than I do. Because that’s embarrassing, and embarrassment is not how you learn.
Would it be good to lose the social stigma of being worse at something than a child? Yes. Hell yes. But we’ve got to start somewhere, and like I said: adults don’t really learn the way kids do, and a lot of people use these kinds of activities to make friends, and I don’t want to make friends with an eight-year-old, either.
Beginner’s classes for adults. Let adults suck at stuff and learn how to get better and learn new things and broaden their horizons, while still being treated as adults. Classes for writing, for pottery, for chess, for art, for instruments, for singing, for sports, for chemistry. For everything, dammit.
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New diet journey and health stuff
I genuinely do not give a shit about meat anymore.
I never once thought that would happen.
Diet- and body-wise, I feel pretty good now that I’m only eating meat about once a week. I’m still getting enough protein, and I’m getting WAY more fiber. I’m also supplementing to make sure I get enough iron, magnesium, and calcium.
The only issues I really have are that 1) I never feel full, so I graze all day (but I keep track of everything), and 2) the farts are unceasing and malodorous.
However, I’m having other issues. My thyroid is still on the fritz and I’ve been feeling worse than I’ve felt before. About a month ago, I had a terrible spell of fatigue and brain fog. I couldn’t even hold a conversation with myself. I was feeling better for a little while, but I’m having fatigue and brain fog again, along with insomnia and ridiculously vivid dreams when I finally do get to sleep. I also narrowly avoided a migraine last week, and it was the first time I’ve had to take my meds for it in a long time. Even with the sumatriptan, I still had an achy head and shoulders all of the next day.
The cognitive issues I’ve been dealing with have made my schoolwork feel impossible. I’m a month into the semester and I’m still playing catch-up. Assignments that used to take me maybe four hours are taking me DAYS to complete. I’m running behind and turning in work that’s way below my standards.
I’m getting more and more worried about my ability to perform well in school, so I’ve emailed my doctor. It’s about time to get my thyroid retested so I hope I can get that done sooner than later.
Anyway, this has been an update.
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zero light plants
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And then it comes back in full force 2 years later.
Anyone else has like... The inability to form habits?
Like normal people, they repeat something daily for a couple weeks and it sticks. They might miss a day here or there, but the overall habit is formed.
Me? I can push myself to do the same task daily for 8 months, forget one day, and it's gone. I realize 3 weeks later that i have not done it a single time since.
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why do anime girls from the 80s and 90s look so much better than anime girls today
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this is horrible but its accurate .
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Is anyone else borderline incapable of writing in chronological order? I love writing backstories / future scenes rather than actual chapters oops
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when you tell a girl her outfit is really cute and she does a little pose thing then smiles, reblog if u agree
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people really measure out their spices? you’re really going to take out your little ¼ teaspoon? you’re afraid your food is going to taste too good?
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New Year, New Bullshit
Hey hey, I’m still here.
Well, 2020 was a shit show and a half.  And this year is starting off just...wow.  My dad got COVID (he’s fine, but I’m mad about where he got it from and the fact that he got my immune-compromised stepmom and stepsister sick).  Plus, there’s still *vaguely gestures at everything*.
I had my blood work done recently, and it’s not great.
I had to increase my thyroid medication (AGAIN) and, at the ripe old age of ~27, I have a total cholesterol level of 307, LDL of 169, and triglycerides of 178.  That’s BAD.
As a result, I’m adopting what I’m told is called a “flexitarian” diet.  I’ll still eat meat once or twice a week, but I’m replacing a lot of it with plant products.  My doctor pointed me to Oh She Glows for vegetarian/vegan recipes, as well as other great resources such as the American Heart Association.
-Reduce animal protein intake to 1-3 meals per week.
-Create a workout program that balances resistance and cardio training (I was focusing mostly on resistance before my blood test).
-Try a new vegetarian/vegan recipe every week.
-Reduce alcohol intake to no more than 3 drinks per week, and no more than 2 drinks in one day.
-Drastically reduce salt intake (my kidneys weren’t too happy with me, either).
-Phase in good food substitutions for common ingredients (chia egg for chicken egg, coconut aminos for soy sauce, etc.).
-Maybe cut back on the gluten, too.
Luckily, I have a short-time subscription to Hello Fresh thanks to my sister-in-law, and I recently downloaded Mealime to help plan healthy meals.
Wish me luck, and have fun storming the castle.
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A friendship between a time traveler and an immortal. Wherever the time traveler ends up, the immortal is there to catch him up to speed.
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okay i made another quiz but this time it’s which monster you’ll get to hook up with. reblog with your result!!
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mutuals are people u wanna eat bread dipped in olive oil with
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And that’s why it’s my favorite
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