bought my gf a hidden dissectibles series two mlp blind box. stressed about her not liking it. we unboxed it she loved it. got her two more. still stressed.
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the silly posts were right !! to be loved is to be seen, heard, known !! love is attention. all love is attention. paid and given. i am sooooo seen. so heard, so known. i love having friends, i love being loved, i love being their friend, i love it so much. i hope i always feel this loved. i wish tiny anaé knew how cherished they were, and how cherished they would go on to be again. its so reassuring to know i am someone who deserves this amount of time and effort put into me. maybe !! perhaps !! i am not just cared for out of pity like i thought. maybe, perhaps i am someone who deserves this amount of love and care and thought and effort. peut-être que je suis un acolyte super. peut-être que je rends la vie de mes ami.e.s meilleure in a plethora of ways, maybe thinking of me is warm and comforting. maybe life is better with me in it. im so loved. i am noticed and heard and maybe there is no greater confort than to know this. maybe the only greater confort is to know i am also pouring myself into noticing, hearing, hearing, learning until i know. i am so lucky.
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the absolute fucking gall of that 'may'. hell, the absolute gall to call this breaking news like this is a surprise to literally anybody paying even the vaguest degree of attention to the fully fledged, US-backed genocide israel has been undertaking for eight months now. 'may'. eat fucking shit. 'may'. fifteen THOUSAND children are dead
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Concentration camp.
They built a concentration camp.
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I don't think words can describe what this other than genocide.
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in a never-seen-before, unpredictable, awe-inspiring turn of events.... i have studied !! in an efficient way !!!! bc of my finals coming up !!!!!
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“Why should rich people pay more” because fuck ‘em
“So you are okay for paying more when you have money” I am not excluded from ‘fuck ‘em’ when relevant
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it wasnt worth it
i had a salmon poke bowl exactly two days ago from my favorite poke place. and onther one maybe 4 days before that. but my greed knows no bound!!! i am getting another one tonight.
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The utter lack of self reflection in the average liberal astounds me. How is me not upholding their ideal of what a trans woman should look and act like proof that *I* have some moral blemish or am in fact a fake queer? Sounds like basal transmisogyny if you ask me. The only difference I see between between a "yelling at me to support Biden or else I'm just a republican" liberal and the average cryptoterf is that the liberal pretends to care about my fate before berating me for living my own life how I see fit and hurling xenophobic insults. Do you only support queers who uphold your narrow-minded view of what a queer person should be and do? Congratulations! You are a bigot!
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i had a salmon poke bowl exactly two days ago from my favorite poke place. and onther one maybe 4 days before that. but my greed knows no bound!!! i am getting another one tonight.
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finals week is like. 4 days away i am stuck unable to study i hate thisssss
someone teleport me to thirteen days later when its finally over!!!
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i've just decided that i like chatting and writing and its really stupid of me not to use this space for things that i love !!
so im going to be yapping here from now on probably.
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Switching my language from “Israel is detaining Palestinians in the West Bank” to “Israel is abducting Palestinians in the West Bank” because that’s actually what’s happening. They are not detainees. They are hostages. Innocent Palestinians get taken from their homes randomly, held up in detention centers indefinitely, and subjected to the cruelest conditions on no basis other than “you might do something bad in the future, so we have a right to imprison you.” This is what Israel calls administrative detention—and through it they have managed to get away with kidnapping hundreds of innocent Palestinians.
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I literally can't psychologically comprehend how someone can pay 75k to attend the MET gala but manage to send zero dollars towards helping people escape a genocide when there were literally protests about said genocide outside the MET gala. You just saw all that and walked in guilt free..?
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October 7 still being used as a talking point 7 months into the genocide actually gives me a fucking migraine when several fact-checking articles have come out by now that show Israel was completely aware there would be an escalation that day, that they let it happen because it could then be used as grounds for heightened Israeli terrorism for months to come (not that Israel hasn’t been enacting atrocities on Palestinians for decades now), that a huge portion of Israeli civilian casualty is owed at large to the IOF firing in close quarters at areas where Israeli captives were held, that Israeli helicopters indiscriminately shot at Israelis and Palestinians on that day (bc they don’t actually give a fuck for the civilians, in case you haven’t caught the memo), and that Israeli captives even recounted how the IOF obliterated everyone (including its own hostages it supposedly wanted to rescue) the moment they arrived on the scene. That day Israel murdered hundreds of its own in cold blood.
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Leaflets have been dropped on Rafah by the IOF for evacuation orders to “temporary safe zones” in the middle of Gaza and other southern parts of Gaza. There are no safe zones in Gaza, these are blatant psychological games. There are 1.3+ million humans in Gaza, where are they supposed to go?
Leaflet photos: X: Mai_Gazan
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