heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Played around with inks - Midi
In retrospect Midi had a cool muckup day costume. I am proud to say I painted the shirt! Well, this one, and the real one. The indigo ink here is new, and probably 5 times better quality than the red ink.
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Well now that I've finished reading Bakuman...
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Started drawing a big one (the actual size is a lot bigger than this smaller version). Seeing as this will take... a while to finish, I figure I should upload each stage rather than wait out the weeks it would take to complete.
Plus having bits of it posted already gives me an incentive not to give up on it. ^^
So, tonight is just a brief sketch and some small experimenting with the tool I will be using (Artist Pastel Chalk, CorelPainter).
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Sketchdump: Miscellaneous Friends
Playing around with a felt-tip pen a nice friend gave me, by doing little figure sketches of other friends. It is a Sakura Micron, and I would have had more words to describe it with... except that a different friend has run off with it so I don't have it in front of me.
Friends. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Go figure. XD
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Figure & Face Practice: Sharktooth Lumpycheeks
In which I tried to pay attention to both posture and expression with varying degrees of success. I also tried to get over my crippling inability to draw proper shoes. Scaredshitless!Lumpycheeks is my favourite sketch out of this dump. XD
Poor fellow is my best drawing guinea pig, and he still doesn't have a name.
The past week has been hell, which is my explanation for why I went a week without posting anything. =I
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Have a quick doodle of the upper half of a very private dragon.
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Comic Practice
India ink on paper, a little practice at drawing comics and using ink. This is the raw scan; Shirohayabusa generously practiced his scan cleaning powers on it but for some reason the cleaned version refuses to upload.
This practice comic is embarrassing for many reasons. Firstly this is a ridiculous overdramatisation of real events, and also noone dresses like that. Secondly, the Ghost Town Project that was instigated by the events overdramatised here... yeaaaaah. Thirdly, the page number is purely cosmetic, and I have no explanation for "opening_theme_song" except that I wanted to draw more Raster Font. XD
This will be the last time for a while that I draw anything related to the making of the Ghost Town Project, because I have spent far too long on one subject. Also because drawing "the making of" holds no candle to actually making it happen.
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Some people I drew on the train.
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Altogether, on a vaguely fancy textured brown background.
This has been a cast photo substitute.
Hooray! :D
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Group 6: Axiomfable, Raxor
In which someone is now a butler, and someone else ended up facing a different direction from everyone else somehow? XD
And that.
Is now.
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Set 5: Emin, and Emin
Gets some special treatment, compared to the rest of the sketches. Lord knows they deserve it. ._.
Remaining: Axiomfable, Raxor
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Set 4-ish: Starrisu and Lord Drol
Somebody here is Problem Sleuth! (No points for awarded for a correct guess.) Been generally unproductive lately, plus I should've uploaded this when I finished it a few days ago.
Of the remaining cast: Emin and Emin are next, Axiomfable and Raxor are last. And apparently we may or may not be getting another member?
Even though we really don't get new members, we still manage to accrue them at a rate faster than I can draw, which says something of my drawing pace. XD
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Louis before the wall.
Louis is a nice fella; I had a photo of him standing in front of a wall in a graffiti lane in Melbourne so that's where this comes from. The colours in this picture are slightly off, too.
Hmm... india ink, student ink, oil pastel and acrylic paint on paper. It was the direct result of the earlier art equipment experimenting. XD
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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This is what I have been up to recently; playing around with school art equipment.
When I have nothing else I can think of to draw, I draw what I drew last, which in this case would be a small bunch of GTR folk. The bright colours and blacks on the first page are all student inks applied using brush and pen; the neapolitan ice-cream colour splotches at the bottom are actually heavily watered-down acrylics. The second page contains a various kinds of dirty student pastels, as well as more coloured inks.
I really like inks, actually, after ages of not really giving them a real try. They're really bright and easy to use, versatile without much effort, and fit my style of throwing everything I've got onto the page (as well as my habit of mixing or sticking various foreign/unlikely substances into my media...).
On a totally unrelated note, my school shirt now contains at least one small paint/ink blotch for every colour of the rainbow. Including indigo. XD
P.S. Pirate Anuveon is cool.
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
The Pebble
This was where I stood in the universe.
Before the rockpool, on the sand, with the pebble in my palm. Watching still crustaceans from the gaps between my outstretched fingers.
I never truly saw the pebble during my contemplation, but I couldn't contemplate without it. I was an odd enough creature already without such a compulsion. Somehow though, having the pebble made me less odd.
The universe is funny like that, so I needed a pebble to tell me where within it I stood. Before a rockpool, on the sand, watching still crustaceans from the gaps between my outstretched fingers.
I thought about the universe, and my place in it. I wondered why it was odd, why I needed a pebble, why needing a pebble made the everything slightly more odd. How strange could a everything be? How strange could it get?
I threw the stone at the sky. I told myself it wasn't defiance that drove me, that I had a better reason to lose it. But I couldn't bear to watch the rock rise.
I heard it fall.
The pool rippled.
And I rippled, too.
And the universe changed, before the rockpool, on the sand.
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Set 3-and-a-half: Max and Alexei
As we progress further into the realms of "people I have not drawn before in some shape or form", attention to detail goes up and I lose some of the styled speed I set out to practice.
That, and school has cut down my so-many-more-half-an-hours-than-a-half-an-hour-should-be to... just half an hour.
And forgive me, Alexei, for your pose (and your hands). I just... found a convenient photograph. XD
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heckyeahartventures · 12 years
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Set 2: Steven, Blue, Magpie and Anuveon
I did something stupid while drawing Blue, which was forget to save the first one. Bluh. So I've drawn Blue twice now. Meanwhile, Steven is dressed accordingly for an amusing exchange about Lelouch vi Britannia.
People left to draw: Alexei, Max, Lord Drol, Emin (and Emin), Axiomfable and Raxor (new person whom I have not yet met).
And... Starrisu? May I add you here, too?
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