Please continue Prey. It👏 was👏 simply LIT👏! 😩
I’m actually seriously considering it but I’m so glad you liked it 😅💕💕 BLESS AND THANKS
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Yandere Prompts From the Abused ViewPoint
• “You only care about me when it’s convenient for you!”
• “....Have you ever felt guilty- even once- for what you’ve done to me?”
• “You ripped me apart and then made me feel like I was the one that hurt you!”
• “I’m disgusted at what I am now... of what you’ve made of me...”
• “The fact of the matter is that you hurt me, and you fucking know it.”
• “Please, stop doing this to me... I would never do this to you!”
• “I wanted to believe there was good in you, I did. But I can’t anymore, I can’t-“
• It feels like I can’t breathe and he won’t stop, he won’t listen, he won’t quit-
• “But you were the one that taught me how to bite- it’s you’re fault! It’s all you!”
• “I hope what you’ve done to me haunts you to your last dying breath.”
• “Touch me again and I’ll bite your head off!”
• “I hate you! But I hate that you make me feel like I don’t always hate you even more.”
• “I didn’t want you! I never asked for this!”
• “But I care about you. I care about you and I hate it.”
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Yandere Prompts ThatHurt™️
• “I just wanted to let you know that I’m trying...”
• “I know I’m not perfect, but I love you.”
“What this is, this isn’t love.”
• “Stay away from me! I don’t want to hurt you!”
• “I just wanted to help you... I just wanted to be there for you...”
• “Why did you leave me? And why did you come back?
• “I can’t afford to lose you, not again, not like this...”
• “Is it that hard to love me back?”
• “Pretend for me. Just for today, pretend that you love me...”
• “ I can’t love right, I never can. I wish I could, but I can’t”
• “I know there’s something wrong with me, I’ve known it all my life! There’s no need for you to tell me!”
• “Please don’t leave me...”
• “Talk to me, please, talk to me...”
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Prey ~ Yandere 2pAmerica x Reader
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So this will just be a quick little fic, but if anyone wants a longer version or a continuation with it, I’ll be happy to oblige 🦑🦑
(Also as a side note holy shit I got likes on my last post??? I’m probs more proud than I should be tbh but imma still post garbage on here anyways 👌🏻 here we go bois)
The streets were quiet tonight, deathly silent aside from the panting emitting from your bloodied mouth, the dragging of your feet on the sidewalk, and the slight buzz of the street lamp ahead of you. Your hand was clasped tightly across your mouth, a desperate attempt to not just calm your gasping breathes, but to more importantly keep the blood from your cut lip falling to the pavement below. He’d find you if you left a trail, he’d done it before. And he’d do it again.
The taste of metallic blood pooled in your mouth as you forced yourself to swallow it, eyes darting carefully around you. You needed to get out of sight, he’d find you if you were out in the light. Carefully, you forced your tired legs to turn toward the alley ahead. You needed to hide, you needed to find someone... but where were you? Was anyone here? Was anyone going to help you in the first place?
The alley was significantly darker than the street, a distinct line of shadows and light at the entrance of it as you stepped forward, legs begging to wobble with exhaustion. How long had you been chained? When was the last time you’d gotten the chance to walk, to run, to merely stand? You were surprised you’d made it this far...
You sighed, slumping against the wall of the building nearby, hand falling slack like the rest of your body as you fell to the ground. Your feet ached something awful, sore from the gravel and concrete you’d run across.
You winced as you shifted, the all too clear memory of the practically impossible escape you’d made. The chances of getting away from Allen was next to zero and yet somehow, you were here, potentially miles away from your capture and torturer, all possible from your malnourished body, legs, a spare minute, a door he’d forgotten to lock, and fate itself being on your side.
Leaning your head back, you sighed, your tattered and oversized shirt not nearly enough to keep you warm on the cool summer night. But it was enough for now. This moment right here was enough for now.
But there, in the distance, a sound cut through the silence.
He was here.
The fear you’d felt so many times before, the fear that threatened to tear you apart from the inside came back with such force that for a moment you thought you were going to throw up. Shakily, you forced your weakened legs to raise the dead weight that was your body. You winced, glancing down at your feet in pain and lifting one up for inspection. And there, at the bottom of your right foot was a cut, blood steadily streaming from the wound, catching the very distant yellow light of the street lamp. You’d been so focused on your mouth bleeding, you didn’t realize you were bleeding else where. And now he’d found you. You’d led yourself into a trap, like a hunter finding the deer he’d shot through the stains of blood it left in the forest.
The panting had started up again before you’d even realized. The shaking had begun, but you didn’t know where to go, where to run, not even where you were- but another step had sounded through the streets and you knew, you knew the sound of them all too well. The sound of heavy boots on concrete, the sound of impending doom, of pain, of heartbreak and of tourture. Of the man who would tell you everyday that he loved you, of the man who simultaneously took you from everything you’d ever known. Who broke you down to this shaking, bleeding form you now were. The hand over your mouth gripped tighter, the blood from your lip seeping through trembling fingers as you heard the steps approach. If you ran now, would he hear? If he caught you running, would he hurt you more? Was it too late to keep running?
And then he spoke. And when he did, tears fell from your eyes before you even knew how to react. His voice was disgusting, you hated it, you hated him. But his voice was also inviting, it was familiar... then again it sounded... angry.
“(Y/n), I know you’re here.” His voice was just around the corner of the alley, a few feet away from your own trembling, aching form. You clutched your side as you doubled over, your heart pounding in your chest, threatening to climb up into your throat and choke you. The impending sobs of terror were clawing away at you and the tears had begun to blur the darkened walls of the alley from your vision.
“I’m going to give you a choice, alright baby?” He sounded tense, his words hushed and low. You could picture his face, the clenched jaw, the vein of anger in his left temple. The bat at his side. “I can come back there and get you,” he stated. “Or you can come to me.”
You swallowed back the sob of fear that came to you. You didn’t want to do this... you didn’t ask for this. You knew what would happen if he came back here. You’ve felt the grip of his hands on your throat, the blows to your back and stomach, seen the anger flare up in his eyes, heard the yells of rage as he turned into that monster you feared all too much. You’ve seen that side of him, you knew it intimately.
And you knew that side of him that wasn’t like that. The side that forgave, the one with the soft, kind eyes, the side with hugs that held you close and pampered you with kissed and told you how much he loved you. You knew this side of him too.
But you didn’t want to have both. You didn’t want to spend the rest of your life with the man who chained you, hurt you, trapped you, preyed upon you.
But you knew you didn’t have a choice.
“(Y/n).” His voice was clipped, short and quick. Time was running out for you and you knew it. “Don’t make me come back there-“
Your legs had started to move before you even registered it. Shakily, you leaned against the wall, hand still over your mouth as you curled your fingers over the edge of the corner. You inhaled, resisting, pushing down every ounce of the need to run back within you as you turned the corner. Your chance to run was gone, it had been from the start.
You stood, facing him with quaking legs as you looked away, shame in your eyes and across your face. Your heart was racing, your eyes still blurred from the tears.
And then suddenly, a touch flitted across your exposed shoulder. You flinched, your balance thrown off as you began to tumble back, giving a small shriek before your arm was grabbed, a strong hand pulling you up and into his body.
You quickly covered your mouth again, almost an instinct from the last hours you’d spent running like that. And you cried. Stifled sobs shook you as your face twisted up in pain, in fear and in acceptance of what had happened. You’d thrown away your chance. Your one and only chance.
Slowly, his nose traced lightly along your face, small kisses being planted across your skin as he held you tightly, possesively, needily.
“(Y/n), why would you do that...?” His grip on your started to become tighter, his arms encapsulating you in a now crushing state as you whimpered in pain. His fingers dug into your back with barely restrained anger. You could feel it, the anger just beneath the surface of the fear he himself had experienced, slowly being taken over with relief. But you’d run away, you’d betrayed him... he gritted his teeth, restraining himself from letting the anger overtake his voice to a shout as he whispered.
“Answer me, damn it!” The harsh hiss in your ear made you flinch as he suddenly grabbed your hand that had covered your mouth. Blood fell down your chin slightly, dripping onto the front of his white tank top, staining it brightly with the color of red.
You cleared your throat, the fear forcing you to reply. “I-I’m so- so sorry-“ you barely managed to get out between the tears as you looked up at him, trying to wipe the blood from your lips, but failing as he gripped your wrist tighter in his own much larger hands.
You saw his face, the anger there in his eyes, the way his teeth flashed as some type of warning, like he wanted to bite you, hurt you with words. His eyes flared for a moment, but it was merely a second before it disappeared, as if that rage on his face never existed before. He’d given you a choice and you chose the right one after all... he’d be going back on his promise if he hurt you.
“I’m so, so s-sorry, Allen-“ you choked out as your back shook from the sobbing. “Please, p-please, forgive me-“ your begging was disgusting to you. You were pathetic, a broken shadow of who you once were.
His face watched you, the way you fell apart right in front of him into the sobbing mess you now were. Watched you fall apart at the seams. And in that moment, he pitied you.
“Please, Al-“
But your continuation of pleas was cut off as a sudden pair of soft lips came down onto yours. You winced, taken aback as he kissed you. It was different than what he usually did to you. They would be harsh, cruel and unforgiving as he’d mark you up in any which way he pleased. But this time, there was something else. His lips trailed softly over yours, and when you stopped hiccuping with tears, he pushed a hand into the back of your head, fingers tangling into your ruffled hair as he pressed harder. He was desperate, but for what you didn’t know. Maybe he was desperate to feel some sort of love from you, to comfort you and protect you. Desperate to make sure you were real, that you were here with him and not still miles away, running from him as fast as you could. Desperate to believe that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you, loved you, cherished you. He didn’t want to hear you beg anymore, not this time. For now he just wanted to know that you were here with him, just the two of you and the buzzing strestlamp across the way.
You gasped as his lips moved against you, rougher, needier in want. He pulled himself closer to you, needing to make sure that you were infact there, that this was real and not some dream. You whimpered as his grip on you tightened. It wasn’t like his other times, when he merely wanted to dominate you. No this time it was revealing of something more, something that made you realize that Allen was human. He held you in fear, a drowning and overwhelming fear of what had just happened. That he could’ve lost you and that he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he did. He was a controlling, manipulative and abusive human being, but he was a human being nonetheless.
He pulled away, the taste of blood seeping into his mouth as you whimpered, the sting on your lip revived once more. You watched his face, the way he wiped your blood from his lips with his shirt, his eyes and how they held that soft look you rarely saw from him. That look of utter obsessiveness, of need and of control.
“I don’t want you to cry anymore, alright babe?” He said lowly, lifting your chin up towards him as he rubbed a thumb over the edge of your jaw. You swallowed, wanting to avert your gaze, but unable to do so. “Understood?” When he usually said that word, it was harsh, yelled and cruel. But this time is was soft, quiet and borderline caring as he leaned down, his lips connecting with yours once more. You shuddered, wincing but begging yourself not to instinctively pull away. You hated him, you told yourself over and over that you hated him. But when he did this to you, the line between hate and love became blurred. And you hated that too.
He sighed, pulling his lips away and gripping you with force, his body pulled flush against you as the two of you stood there, silence over coming you both as you thought of what was going to happen to you. You could feel the steady beat of his heart in his chest against yours before you dared to speak.
“Allen...” your voice was groggy from the crying. “Are you going to hurt me?” Your words shook slightly in fear of the prospect.
He paused before finally speaking, his eyes looking down into yours. “Not this time, You came back to me, and thats all that matters...” he murmured, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as you sighed out in relief. Not this time.
The two of you stood there for quite some time, Allen holding you close in silence as he calmed himself down. You were his lifeline, you always had been, you always would be.
“Let’s go home.” He said finally, sighing out as he pulled away from you, letting your body go. You silently moved to take a step, only to yelp in pain as you toppled forward. You winced as he caught you, glancing down at your feet that were still currently bleeding, leaving stained concrete below you. “It’s okay, it’s okay...” Allen murmured quietly as you inhaled sharply at the pain. “I’ve got you-“
He suddenly grabbed you, heaving you up into his stronger arms as he began to walk. You glanced down at the ground as he started back to the woods, watching as the two off you followed the bloody footprints that you’d left behind. He tracked you down, like an animal.
Behind you, the buzz of he street lamp faded, and the yellow, eerie light eventually disappeared before he spoke, hushed in your ear. “You won’t ever do this again.” It wasn’t a question, it was a command. You swallowed, the words wrapping around you like chains, sentencing you to the words he’d spoken.
“Not ever...”
Heck yeah bois another Drabble/fic of sorts for my boi Allen <3 HIT ME UP if ya have anyone in mind that you’d like me to do ;)
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“You’re mine, babe~”
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Yandere Canada x Reader: The Only One
He held you in such a crushing grip that it took your breath away. The way his fingers clung onto your clothing, sinking into your skin and gripping onto it for dear life as he fell apart before your very eyes. His lapses had never been so bad in the past- not like this.
“No, no!” He was shouting, voice cracking as he’d begun to break down into a sobbing mess before you. You couldn’t will yourself to say anything. You were too scared to.
You never did know how Matthew would react to you standing up for yourself, saying that you had never loved him in a cruel attempt at escape. But he never was the type to hurt you. But it didn’t change the fact that he wasn’t the man you’d known, wasn’t the same after he’d taken you. Maybe he never was he person you’d perceived him as. No, Matthew wasn’t the type to hurt you, physically. But his claws sunk much further beneath your skin than any hit or blow could ever do to you.
“Please! Please tell me you love me!” His was begging you now, sunken down onto his knees as he clung onto your legs desperately. He hid his face into the side of them, his back heaving as he hid his face, desperate to bring himself closer to you. His voice shook as he pleaded with you, back shivering in racking sobs as he continued his plea. It was all falling apart, right before him. All this time, this love... wasted!
“It doesn’t have to be real!” His voice was broken as he looked up at you, his eyes waterlogged and red. You could feel his heart breaking, could feel the pain you’d put him through. And despite all he’d done to you, all that he’d kept you from and manipulated you into doing, you felt yourself slowly put a hand out to him. He watched your face, his own twisted in pain, contorted in a pitiful way as your hand gently smoothed out the tossled hair on his head. He whimpered. It was so small, yet so pitiful, you couldn’t stop yourself from prying his arms off of you and kneeling down before him.
You looked into those blue eyes of his, pausing as you felt those cursed words leave your mouth. “I love you, Matthew.” It was hushed as they eased out from between your lips. You felt yourself slowly release the tension that you unknowingly had been holding onto this whole time.
You watched as his eyes trained onto your face, soaking in those lovely words you’d spoken. You loved him, and he loved you. He had always loved you and you’d always loved him. It had always been you two and no one else. And now he knew that it was true, just by those three words. Regardless if they were not true.
Gasping, You jolted as he flung his arms around you, that ever so tight grip once again upon you as you let out an exhale. He moved his face into the crook of your neck, soft, hushed whispers of relief and from his still cracked voice flitted across your skin along side the quick, desperate kisses he planted on your neck. “I love you, (Y/n). I love you, I love you, I love you-“ The mantra was repeated against your skin as a lock on your fate. What you’d done... caving into this sad boy’s ways... you may never be able to escape from. And maybe... you didn’t ever intend to in the first place.
~Inspired by the picture above! I love the aesthetic to it, along side the words and I immediately thought of sad boy Matthew~
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To start this all off, I wanted to show just some of the stuff I had been writing for a while now! So here’s a link to some of my yandere hetalia one shots 👀👀 take a peek if ya interested cause boi howdy I spend wayyyy too much time on some of these bad bois
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