hellafiction · 3 years
Hey guys!
So, i havent used this account in years since its my old writing that im not particularly proud of, but ive moved to AO3 with the same username. I still have a tumblr but its a different account, the user for that one is 
I will be occasionally checking up on this old account! Also thankyou for all the kudos you have given me! It means so much to me!
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hellafiction · 4 years
Have you ever seen a violinist going APESHIT?!
Be sure to check out IAmDSharp!
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hellafiction · 4 years
Look at your wrist, see the blueish veins? The blood flowing through them contains hemoglobin, a protein that has four iron atoms incorporated into its structure. Iron is only naturally produced in one place, it can only be forged in the core of dying stars.
Every time you look at your veins, remember that you are built from, and kept alive by, pieces of stardust.
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hellafiction · 4 years
I got Data : )
i did some more fun bullshit, here’s a quiz for what character of star trek the next generation you are. with LOTS of outcomes ;)
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hellafiction · 4 years
Me after one cup of coffee : i am beautiful and fast
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hellafiction · 4 years
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Car sex just got a helluva lot easier.
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hellafiction · 4 years
‘@queenamidalasThankyou! Im tagging you right back!
and im also adding @specialagentlokitty we havent talked much anymore but i still appreciate our work and you!
Because of the recent fuckery happening, I would like to start a thread where we just tag our favourite people! I’ll start!
@isitstraightvodka , @wildbeee , @harry-writings , @shelivesindaydreamswme , @harryandthatgayvodka , @avhrodite , @haaarry , @jawllines
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hellafiction · 4 years
LF/Disney: Armitage Hux was mentally and physically abused by his father as a child-
Me: Aww, poor Hux. I love him now.
LF/Disney: Wait- uh, you’re not supposed to like him. I was just saying that-
Me: It’s too late, I love him. You can’t change my mind.
LF/Disney: But he’s evil-
LF/Disney: He killed his father!
LF/Disney: He’s a mass murderer!
Me: *yelling with fingers in ears* I looooooove Hux!!
LF/Disney: He almost killed Kylo Ren!
Me: I’m not listening, lalala-
LF/Disney: He is literally a sociopath!
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hellafiction · 4 years
Oh my fucking god this destroyed me in the best way! It hit home soo hard for me and this awarded me a few minutes of escapism. Armie really would be a great father-  Now the aftermath of reading this is me trying not to cry. Its wonderfully written.
Fatherhood // Stepdaughter!Reader X General Hux
A/N - okay so uh you might want to read this before you read this (for context and stuff) Also this got a bit too long and a bit angsty but also at the same time slightly fluffy (between Hux and your mother chill out) idfk enjoy this mess
Requests are open if you want more stuff (literally just ask anything I need more ideas)
Keep reading
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hellafiction · 4 years
hoo boy, here comes some serious talk about fandom mentality.
I feel like there’s a huge failing on readers’ parts to communicate to fic authors how much they appreciate their works or how much it affects them, unless the fic is “fandom famous” for some reason. sometimes it gets translated into demands (which are awful literally do not demand updates from an author ever).
more often than not, it gets translated into silence, and coming from a writer, the silence is probably the worst. you never know if they like it, you never know what the reader actually thinks about it. or even if they read it at all. and it’s… heartwrenching, and nervewracking and you start constantly questioning yourself and wondering if you’re actually good enough or if you belong. and you start comparing yourself. to the people who are popular, to the people with huge followings, to the people who get questions and art and compliments up the wazoo. and you start wondering if you should have bothered writing at all. in some cases you start begging. and in some cases, you do worse.
and it’s terrible. a writer shouldn’t have to beg. a writer shouldn’t have to only get attention when they’re frustrated or upset. a writer shouldn’t have to doubt themselves every time they pick up a pen or open their laptop. a writer should never feel so unimportant that they consider deleting their work–and do. and then be subjected to questions of why they deleted it.
(which, by the way, is kind of a rude thing to do. it’s their content, and they can do with it whatever makes them comfortable. and more than that–why wait until it’s gone to just suddenly unleash your appreciation for it?)
if, at this point, you are thinking, “well, writers shouldn’t write for attention anyway! writers should be writing for themselves!” then you are missing a Very Huge Point about the intricacies of and emotions behind creating art. of course art comes from the self, but art is meant to be shared. with people. like you. art is created for people to talk back to, to engage with, to live alongside–and yes, that in turn bolsters the creator’s own securities and motivation. it’s also a sad testament to the fact that we as a people have come to condemn the notion that anyone, especially content creators, should want attention at all.
and that’s toxic, and an awful mentality to have. (it’s also atrocious marketing. but, that’s another discussion for another time.)
what I’m trying to say here is this: a lot of this could be prevented by one simple thing. if you read a fic you like, *speak up about it.* make some kind of sign. about whether you like somebody’s work, or whether it excites you. reblog it to share with other people, gush in the tags, leave a comment/review if it’s on ao3 or ffn. (authors read tags as much as artists do, trust me.) kudos and likes are fine too, but like with any other kind of art, they’re very invisible. be vocal, y'all. spread the love.
and above all, *tell the author directly.* send them an ask, write a comment, tag them in an appreciation post. I can’t stress that enough. you’d be making someone’s day, relieving some securities, visible or not, instead of being complacent in this system, this mass way of thinking, that only popular writers deserve attention, that it has to be earned through working yourself raw instead of asked for. it causes these cliques and hierarchies and ultimately people start or keep maintaining this idea that people who are at the top deserve to be at the top, and people who get ignored deserve to be ignored. (which I have, in fact, heard people say, and that’s… I don’t even have a word for that.)
I just. something has to give, you guys. we have to stop doing this. we have to stop letting this happen. we have to be kind to our writers before they disappear.
and yes, you can reblog this post. in fact, I’d highly encourage it.
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hellafiction · 4 years
This looks absolutely amazing! I cant wait for the series! can you please put me on the tag list?
Sherlock x reader - Fire and Ice
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This is my new series, please let me know if you want tagged!
You moved into 221C Baker Street, the flat above Sherlock and John.
Upon your first meeting, Sherlock deduced you were just an ordinary person like John or Mrs Hudson, but he was sorely mistaken. Underneath the cold, merciless face of yours was a secret he failed to see.
A string of crimes leads him to the biggest gang he had ever seen in London, and somehow it also leads him into you once more, that’s where things get interesting.
You and Sherlock were polar opposites, fire, working with the police and ice, working against them
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hellafiction · 4 years
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hellafiction · 4 years
Baby get off the floor (Loki x Reader)
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Plot: It’s quarantine and (y/n) is bored, so she gets a little too drunk at the compound party, the next day she soon enough remembers what happened.Drunk Loki as well.
Genre: fluff, attempt at wit and comedy, alcohol use, some swearing.
(Y/N) stumbled to the towers kitchen, her mouth felt dry to the point it seemed like it was stuffed with cotton and sand, vision  blurry, she felt nauseous and her head was pounding.
Could i handle coffee? 
Taking one sniff of the coffee pot nearly made the grumpy woman empty her guts, but she held herself together by laying on the cold floor.
She was starting to regret yesterdays activities. 
Trying to get up off from the floor, the (h/c) woman prayed to the gods there were some pickles, reaching the fridge she peered inside it and to her relief, found an unopened jar. At that moment if she was able, she would have sang praises to the gods, nothing in this house stayed safe for long. Eventually, her stomach subsided and she was able to get some coffee before she got the withdrawals.
Now, there was another pressing issue, what happened yesterday? She desperately tried to remember, but it came out blank and made her head worse.
Different scenarios started overworking her imagination, spiking her anxiety. How had she embarrassed herself, did she drink alone? Oh gods, what if someone had footage of her? This couldn’t end well.
Her misery induced grave digging was interrupted by quiet footsteps near her body, it made her look up to see a lithe figure grabbing the now empty coffee pot. She didn’t dare make a sound, hoping he didn’t see her in this pathetic state.
‘‘Honestly, i’m surprised your weak human self did not get alcohol poisoning.’‘
‘‘Well, i’m surprised you’re not in prison.’‘ She half heartedly quipped back.
He gave her a glare, not really caring about her pathetic attempt to offend him. Leaning against the counter, Loki stirred his coffee and looked her over. 
(Y/n) looked absolutely miserable, he noted that she still had yesterdays clothes that were worse for wear on and un-brushed hair in a very loose pony tail. He could clearly tell that she was paying for yesterday. 
Deciding to take pity on her,he passed (Y/n) some paracetamol, while asking, ‘’do you think you’ll be able to eat something, if yes, what do you want?’’
‘’i don’t think i can,’’ her answer weakly came out, (y/n) was after all feeling so shit she was on the kitchen floor. ‘’What time is it?’’ 
Loki quickly glanced up,’’ four thirty.’’
‘‘what are you doing u-’‘ she was cut off suddenly by a cooling hand on her forehead.
Loki had kneeled down to her level, his gaze softening, he mumbled a few incomprehensible words.
She felt her headache starting to let go of squeezing her brain, nausea following soon behind headaches fate. ‘’What did you do?’ She asked him, in awe.
Not wanting to admit that he somewhat cared,’’its a pain to deal with you when you’re sick.’’Suddenly, he saw an opportunity to mess with the woman in front of him,’’I need to thank you for last night somehow,’’smirking, he got up and left her vicinity to find some pots and pans to make breakfast before the others woke up and judged him for living.
‘‘Wai-What do you mean by that?!’‘ When his words finally registered, she jumped up and Usain Bolted to invade his personal space. 
Not wanting to give away his mind fucking so soon,’’don’t worry about it, you’ll know soon.’’
Despite today’s panic on what happened yesterday, she did trust him, ironically, so while regaining some of her composure, her hangover was almost gone,’’ you’re such an ominous bastard,’’it was decided such an answer was fitting.
This earned a smug smirk that hid a genuine smile, low key he was relieved she didn’t assume the worst, the truth would suffice or that’s what he was trying to convince himself of.
Soon after breakfast, flashbacks started to pop up.
Quarantine had produced an unhealthy amount of boredom that had accumulated, (Y/n) had taken her personal stash of cheap Kentucky whiskey out at noon and by the time she had the grand idea to invite other compound members to join, she was significantly worse for wear. Upon her request, Friday had alerted the others of her idea.
Soon enough, the mini compound party was in full swing, just for a few hours, everyone wanted to forget the loneliness, the boredom so, it was an unspoken rule to not stir up any shit. Everyone was having a good, even Loki. 
(Y/n) heard Sexy back come on, her drunken self had decided to grab just as drunk Loki, ‘’Lets DANCE!’’ She shouted over the music.
He eagerly agreed, soon enough they were singing the lyrics to each other.
‘‘Dirty babe, you see these shackles, baby i’m your slave, ill let you whip me if i misbehave...’‘ (Y/n) wholeheartedly sang, trying to match the vibe of the song.
They both continued to sing the lyrics, too drunk to notice Steve’s raised eyebrows or even Tony’s open mouthed shock, both of them felt too sober for this, so Steve poured more of the Asgardian ale, Tony followed soon after, making sure that this scene was well documented.
Remembering this, (Y/n) was relieved it wasn’t anything worse, she would have gone as far as to call it one of her better memories. It was sad, really, Loki would have never think the same.
A few hours had gone by, they had cleaned up the kitchen and were still sticking together, not deterred by yesterdays events.
‘‘We both know i would have been the one whipping.’‘
‘‘That’s some cheap talk, darling.’‘Then, he decided to add,’‘and i can prove it.’‘
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hellafiction · 4 years
Our own corner of hell (Matt Murdock x Reader) Nsfw
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Fandom: Daredevil  Kinks? Daddy kink, dirty talk, voyeurism but with hearing, voyeurism.
Plot: Matt offers an old friend to work for him, not realising they would end up as neighbours, under the spell of long term attraction, Matt cant help himself but go over to ‘’give her a hand’’.
You’ve known Matt for years, so when he’d offered you a job you accepted without thinking twice, being a lawyer was a job from hell, so being in hell with friends sounded like a much better deal than your previous situation.
You had just stepped out of a dodgy taxi in front of a couple of buildings in Hell’s Kitchen, it was an unusually rainy day in this scorching summer month.
(Y/n) eventually made it to her new apartment, near a bright ass billboard she knew she was gonna hate, but it is what it is,right? She looked around the living space, it looked a bit drab, had too much space. She set her bags down in the appropriate areas, two suitcases and a large box. She sighed and unpacked, settling everything neatly.
Looking at the clock, it read 8pm, (y/n)’s tired eyes bore into the wall for a minute, before it was decided that coffee was in order, so seeing as there was no food or anything else of that sort in her house she set out to find a coffee shop.
Locking the door behind her, she heard the lock twinge to the door next door, she paid no mind to it.
‘‘(Y/n)?’‘ A familiar voice exclaimed.
She turned to the side just to see Matty- her dear friend standing now in front of her.’’Hell sure is cramped, isn’t it?’’ she said giving off a nervous laugh.
Matt gave off a grin that made (y/n) almost see red horns on his head.
5 minutes later they were walking down a somewhat familiar street to reach the nearest coffee shop, the walk was mostly quiet except the times when someone shared a joke.
Eventually they sat down with their hot drinks, enjoying the content silence.
‘‘You know i missed you.’‘ Matt quietly admitted, in the ironic privacy that only a public place can provide, safe to get intimate without being too close.
Looking at him, she let his statement sink in with hope brewing in her chest unbeknownst to her. ‘’Me too, its been way too long.’’ The statement held hints of nostalgia.
A week had gone by at that point, (y/n) befriended Foggy and Karen and life seemed to look up.
(y/n) collapsed on her couch, she felt a slight draft on her legs- it was getting chilly, the (h/c) woman couldn’t be bothered to close the open window, she justified it by telling herself that the breeze was nice. Her thoughts started to drift and eventually she found herself thinking about soft but strong hands squeezing her breasts.
God, it felt like her cunt had a heartbeat.
It was hard to contain it all day, while helping Matt sort papers and get ready for court when there was nothing else for her to do. 
Her small hands started to travel down her body, hiking up one of her legs on the couch, she started to slowly stroke herself, she let out a soft sigh that could have been mistaken for a moan. She played with herself for a while but it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t satisfying her how she wanted it. Getting up from the couch and walking over to her bedroom, upon entry she scanned the room for a soft pink bag, once she spotted it she grabbed it to search for what she thought she needed. Spotting the rather loud bullet vibrator, she quickly got her way back to the comfortable couch.
Turning it on, she settled on a fast, pulsing speed on her clit, the sudden contact made her sharply gasp and her eyes rolled back.
Meanwhile, a not so thick wall over, Matt froze, unintentionally tuning in on (y/n)’s apartment.
Hearing the loud buzzing and her laboured breathing, his eyebrows rose as he processed what was happening, he couldn’t help but imagine her sprawled out in the living room, clothes messy, hands between her thighs as she held the toy. Before he knew it, he was already half hard.
Being able to hear her, smell her, imagine her, was absolute torture.
Its like he suddenly lost control of any common sense, he followed his split second decision to go next door over, he had no idea what he would say. He was sure that the attraction was mutual though, Matt just prayed that he was right.
The sounds rapidly grew closer, he opened her door and for a moment, he just stood there, taking everything in with his senses. 
Upon seeing him, her heartbeat spiked and he could sense her body temperature rise. Being caught in the compromising position, she gave off a gasp.
He had to say something or he would surely fuck it up and she would never want to see him again. ‘’Need a hand?’’ Oh god, was this seriously what he goes with? Had he no skills, what happened to his seduction ‘’powers’’? 
(y/n) wasn’t sure if she had finally lost it, but Matty, her biggest real life fantasy, was standing there, looking a bit unsure, yet radiating power. With His glasses off, mesmerising eyes on display. ‘’Please,’’ to her embarrassment, It came out as a whine.
Matt felt relief wash over him so now that he felt more confident, he strutted over to (y/n), he knelt down before her, feeling overwhelmed with her scent.
(Y/n) looked down, caught off guard, she took in his appearance, he looked flushed and glowing, a smirk on his face. Suddenly, she felt his hot mouth kissing her thighs as he slowly drifted to the outside of her throbbing cunt. She wanted to cry with the too slow pleasure to the point of pain.
‘‘please,’‘ she begged desperately.
‘’Please what? Use your words, or did you suddenly lose your ability to speak?’’ He said it in a stern voice,’’ or do i have to make you remember English?’’
His dominating tone was killing her, she felt his grip on her tights tighten painfully, it made her let out a couple of short cut moans. ‘’ Please- daddy fuck me-’’ cutting herself off after realising what slipped out of her mouth made her freeze with mortification.
Matt froze as well for a second, her heartbeat so loud it could have deafened him, if he wasn’t hard then, he was definitely now. ‘’ Good girl, let daddy take care of you now.’’ 
(Y/n) felt like a ton of bricks was lifted off of her, she would have caught a plane to a remote island and never returned if she had made this weird.
Matt slowly licked her,’’ i can feel your dripping cunt pulsing baby, its like it has its own heartbeat.’’ 
(Y/n) moaned at his words, she felt him pick up the pace, it was still not enough, not hard enough, she wanted to not be able to walk properly for days. ‘’Harder,’’ she begged like a sinner.
‘‘Do you rather want me to fuck you until you learn to take what you’re given?’‘ He growled, now crawling up her body and straddling her.
‘‘You’re the best real life fantasy iv’e ever had.’‘ she whispered heatedly.
He laughed for a moment, before kissing her softly, eventually they pulled apart.
‘‘-And dirtiest too,’‘ she moaned when he bit her neck softly, scattering hickeys all over her neck and chest.
A part of Matt was unable to accept that hes what she wanted, that what she said was true and not a heat of the moment thing, he oh so desperately hoped he was wrong for once in his life.
‘‘You’re a bit too overdressed sweetheart,’ he kissed her neck,’‘don’t you think?’‘ 
His laboured breaths were like music to her ears, she wanted to hear more. Gathering up the courage, she grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped them over, somehow they ended up on the floor, her on top of him. (y/n) grinded down on him, resulting in him letting out a moan.
‘‘So you decided to be a naughty girl, huh?’‘
Oh god he knew how to take her apart, reduce her to a begging mess with only his words.
He started to unbutton her flannel,when he cupped her breasts he realised that she had no bra underneath,’’ all ready for daddy..’’ he trailed off.He took his sweet time to feel every inch of her chest.
She couldn’t help but rock her hips against  him to get some friction, desperately dry humping.
‘‘so needy…’‘
The need for him overpowered her embarrassment.
She felt the throbbing pressure building up inside her, her cunt starting to pulse more intense. ‘’I’m gonna-’’ she gasped.
‘‘Yes cum for me, cum for daddy, ride it out,’‘ he softly said, guiding her through her approaching orgasm while he felt his own release not far behind, but no, he wouldn’t let himself cum just now.
Not soon after, she rode out her last wave of her release, still humping him with need, desperately.’’This is embarrassing-’’ she mumbled.
‘‘No. NO this is the best thing ever, you feel amazing..’‘ trailing off, he added, ‘‘ and we are not done yet baby, i did say i’d teach you how to take what is given.’‘
Her embarrassment was forgotten at his words, so she slid down his body, releasing his cock, she enthusiastically licked it, making him in turn shiver and moan, it encouraged her enough to try and take all of him in her mouth.
He could feel her hot mouth around him, her saliva dripping, as she moved up and down, swirling her tongue.
‘‘Make sure to remind me to walk in on you more oft-aaah,’‘his sentence was cut short.
‘‘Baby, at this rate we’re going i’m not gonna be able to fuck you.’‘  He was desperately trying to keep a hold of himself, it was deemed almost impossible with the most pleasant sensory overload he’s ever had.
(Y/n) eventually obeyed his words, releasing his cock with a pop.
The devil eventually decided that for him to teach her a lesson, he should be on top,’’get on your stomach and lift your ass up sweetheart,’’ he commanded.
Hiking up her short skirt, he rubbed her ass before entering, he groaned in satisfaction.
‘‘Ohyes, yes, yes, don’t stop,’‘ her words sounded like sinful prayers, luckily, he was the devil of their own corner of hell.
At this point, he was ramming into her with no mercy, reckless abandon that somehow, simply because it was him, seemed controlled.
A thing that should be impossible for a mere mortal.
Eventually, all good things have to come to an end, but it didn’t have to mean it was the end, his last few pumps intensified their over-stimulation to the point of it being almost too cruel.
He’s release filled her and it triggered her second orgasm, losing her support, she panted, face down on the floor, while her ass was still up.
Matt couldn’t have been any different, barely holding up himself, he pulled out and collapsed next to her,so she rolled onto his chest to kiss him softly, both content. 
Meanwhile, a familiar figure belonging to one and only Frank Castle was standing on a rooftop opposite their own corner of hell, not being able to look away, full well knowing he should have done so a long time ago.
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hellafiction · 4 years
a few hours ago i published my first work in a while, its Matt Murdock smut, hop its not too much out of character!
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hellafiction · 4 years
Our own corner of hell (Matt Murdock x Reader) Nsfw
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Fandom: Daredevil  Kinks? Daddy kink, dirty talk, voyeurism but with hearing, voyeurism.
Plot: Matt offers an old friend to work for him, not realising they would end up as neighbours, under the spell of long term attraction, Matt cant help himself but go over to ‘’give her a hand’’.
You’ve known Matt for years, so when he’d offered you a job you accepted without thinking twice, being a lawyer was a job from hell, so being in hell with friends sounded like a much better deal than your previous situation.
You had just stepped out of a dodgy taxi in front of a couple of buildings in Hell’s Kitchen, it was an unusually rainy day in this scorching summer month.
(Y/n) eventually made it to her new apartment, near a bright ass billboard she knew she was gonna hate, but it is what it is,right? She looked around the living space, it looked a bit drab, had too much space. She set her bags down in the appropriate areas, two suitcases and a large box. She sighed and unpacked, settling everything neatly.
Looking at the clock, it read 8pm, (y/n)’s tired eyes bore into the wall for a minute, before it was decided that coffee was in order, so seeing as there was no food or anything else of that sort in her house she set out to find a coffee shop.
Locking the door behind her, she heard the lock twinge to the door next door, she paid no mind to it.
‘‘(Y/n)?’‘ A familiar voice exclaimed.
She turned to the side just to see Matty- her dear friend standing now in front of her.’’Hell sure is cramped, isn’t it?’’ she said giving off a nervous laugh.
Matt gave off a grin that made (y/n) almost see red horns on his head.
5 minutes later they were walking down a somewhat familiar street to reach the nearest coffee shop, the walk was mostly quiet except the times when someone shared a joke.
Eventually they sat down with their hot drinks, enjoying the content silence.
‘‘You know i missed you.’‘ Matt quietly admitted, in the ironic privacy that only a public place can provide, safe to get intimate without being too close.
Looking at him, she let his statement sink in with hope brewing in her chest unbeknownst to her. ‘’Me too, its been way too long.’’ The statement held hints of nostalgia.
A week had gone by at that point, (y/n) befriended Foggy and Karen and life seemed to look up.
(y/n) collapsed on her couch, she felt a slight draft on her legs- it was getting chilly, the (h/c) woman couldn’t be bothered to close the open window, she justified it by telling herself that the breeze was nice. Her thoughts started to drift and eventually she found herself thinking about soft but strong hands squeezing her breasts.
God, it felt like her cunt had a heartbeat.
It was hard to contain it all day, while helping Matt sort papers and get ready for court when there was nothing else for her to do. 
Her small hands started to travel down her body, hiking up one of her legs on the couch, she started to slowly stroke herself, she let out a soft sigh that could have been mistaken for a moan. She played with herself for a while but it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t satisfying her how she wanted it. Getting up from the couch and walking over to her bedroom, upon entry she scanned the room for a soft pink bag, once she spotted it she grabbed it to search for what she thought she needed. Spotting the rather loud bullet vibrator, she quickly got her way back to the comfortable couch.
Turning it on, she settled on a fast, pulsing speed on her clit, the sudden contact made her sharply gasp and her eyes rolled back.
Meanwhile, a not so thick wall over, Matt froze, unintentionally tuning in on (y/n)’s apartment.
Hearing the loud buzzing and her laboured breathing, his eyebrows rose as he processed what was happening, he couldn’t help but imagine her sprawled out in the living room, clothes messy, hands between her thighs as she held the toy. Before he knew it, he was already half hard.
Being able to hear her, smell her, imagine her, was absolute torture.
Its like he suddenly lost control of any common sense, he followed his split second decision to go next door over, he had no idea what he would say. He was sure that the attraction was mutual though, Matt just prayed that he was right.
The sounds rapidly grew closer, he opened her door and for a moment, he just stood there, taking everything in with his senses. 
Upon seeing him, her heartbeat spiked and he could sense her body temperature rise. Being caught in the compromising position, she gave off a gasp.
He had to say something or he would surely fuck it up and she would never want to see him again. ‘’Need a hand?’’ Oh god, was this seriously what he goes with? Had he no skills, what happened to his seduction ‘’powers’’? 
(y/n) wasn’t sure if she had finally lost it, but Matty, her biggest real life fantasy, was standing there, looking a bit unsure, yet radiating power. With His glasses off, mesmerising eyes on display. ‘’Please,’’ to her embarrassment, It came out as a whine.
Matt felt relief wash over him so now that he felt more confident, he strutted over to (y/n), he knelt down before her, feeling overwhelmed with her scent.
(Y/n) looked down, caught off guard, she took in his appearance, he looked flushed and glowing, a smirk on his face. Suddenly, she felt his hot mouth kissing her thighs as he slowly drifted to the outside of her throbbing cunt. She wanted to cry with the too slow pleasure to the point of pain.
‘‘please,’‘ she begged desperately.
‘’Please what? Use your words, or did you suddenly lose your ability to speak?’’ He said it in a stern voice,’’ or do i have to make you remember English?’’
His dominating tone was killing her, she felt his grip on her tights tighten painfully, it made her let out a couple of short cut moans. ‘’ Please- daddy fuck me-’’ cutting herself off after realising what slipped out of her mouth made her freeze with mortification.
Matt froze as well for a second, her heartbeat so loud it could have deafened him, if he wasn’t hard then, he was definitely now. ‘’ Good girl, let daddy take care of you now.’’ 
(Y/n) felt like a ton of bricks was lifted off of her, she would have caught a plane to a remote island and never returned if she had made this weird.
Matt slowly licked her,’’ i can feel your dripping cunt pulsing baby, its like it has its own heartbeat.’’ 
(Y/n) moaned at his words, she felt him pick up the pace, it was still not enough, not hard enough, she wanted to not be able to walk properly for days. ‘’Harder,’’ she begged like a sinner.
‘‘Do you rather want me to fuck you until you learn to take what you’re given?’‘ He growled, now crawling up her body and straddling her.
‘‘You’re the best real life fantasy iv’e ever had.’‘ she whispered heatedly.
He laughed for a moment, before kissing her softly, eventually they pulled apart.
‘‘-And dirtiest too,’‘ she moaned when he bit her neck softly, scattering hickeys all over her neck and chest.
A part of Matt was unable to accept that hes what she wanted, that what she said was true and not a heat of the moment thing, he oh so desperately hoped he was wrong for once in his life.
‘‘You’re a bit too overdressed sweetheart,’ he kissed her neck,’‘don’t you think?’‘ 
His laboured breaths were like music to her ears, she wanted to hear more. Gathering up the courage, she grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped them over, somehow they ended up on the floor, her on top of him. (y/n) grinded down on him, resulting in him letting out a moan.
‘‘So you decided to be a naughty girl, huh?’‘
Oh god he knew how to take her apart, reduce her to a begging mess with only his words.
He started to unbutton her flannel,when he cupped her breasts he realised that she had no bra underneath,’’ all ready for daddy..’’ he trailed off.He took his sweet time to feel every inch of her chest.
She couldn’t help but rock her hips against  him to get some friction, desperately dry humping.
‘‘so needy...’‘
The need for him overpowered her embarrassment.
She felt the throbbing pressure building up inside her, her cunt starting to pulse more intense. ‘’I’m gonna-’’ she gasped.
‘‘Yes cum for me, cum for daddy, ride it out,’‘ he softly said, guiding her through her approaching orgasm while he felt his own release not far behind, but no, he wouldn’t let himself cum just now.
Not soon after, she rode out her last wave of her release, still humping him with need, desperately.’’This is embarrassing-’’ she mumbled.
‘‘No. NO this is the best thing ever, you feel amazing..’‘ trailing off, he added, ‘‘ and we are not done yet baby, i did say i’d teach you how to take what is given.’‘
Her embarrassment was forgotten at his words, so she slid down his body, releasing his cock, she enthusiastically licked it, making him in turn shiver and moan, it encouraged her enough to try and take all of him in her mouth.
He could feel her hot mouth around him, her saliva dripping, as she moved up and down, swirling her tongue.
‘‘Make sure to remind me to walk in on you more oft-aaah,’‘his sentence was cut short.
‘‘Baby, at this rate we’re going i’m not gonna be able to fuck you.’‘  He was desperately trying to keep a hold of himself, it was deemed almost impossible with the most pleasant sensory overload he’s ever had.
(Y/n) eventually obeyed his words, releasing his cock with a pop.
The devil eventually decided that for him to teach her a lesson, he should be on top,’’get on your stomach and lift your ass up sweetheart,’’ he commanded.
Hiking up her short skirt, he rubbed her ass before entering, he groaned in satisfaction.
‘‘Ohyes, yes, yes, don’t stop,’‘ her words sounded like sinful prayers, luckily, he was the devil of their own corner of hell.
At this point, he was ramming into her with no mercy, reckless abandon that somehow, simply because it was him, seemed controlled.
A thing that should be impossible for a mere mortal.
Eventually, all good things have to come to an end, but it didn’t have to mean it was the end, his last few pumps intensified their over-stimulation to the point of it being almost too cruel.
He’s release filled her and it triggered her second orgasm, losing her support, she panted, face down on the floor, while her ass was still up.
Matt couldn’t have been any different, barely holding up himself, he pulled out and collapsed next to her,so she rolled onto his chest to kiss him softly, both content. 
Meanwhile, a familiar figure belonging to one and only Frank Castle was standing on a rooftop opposite their own corner of hell, not being able to look away, full well knowing he should have done so a long time ago.
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hellafiction · 5 years
Scotland and no, Government told us to just suck it up that some of our loved ones might die.
everyone do me a favor and rb with where you live and if you’re getting school/work off bc of coronavirus
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