heninovalisa · 1 year
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Love is in the air 😍
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heninovalisa · 2 years
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He will sent you to something beautiful
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heninovalisa · 2 years
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What we ask For?
Hi Greeting From Me.... Thank you to our Heavenly Father. I thank you for anything and Everything happens with in me. We already entering the New Dimension. I Have Called The Deepening flowing from The Spirit Of our Heavenly Father
. First He Comes to the world only for the purpose of Abba Father. To overcome all the nations.
Jesus told us to staying until He Goes before Us, in every moment that you have faced. have you been starting to stay? Let me tell you something; Now I trying to do that, and it’s change me and I feel the deepest loving from the Holy Spirit and I don’t care about the situation.
It’s part of close your situation on eyes and open the spiritual eyes.
Now life it’s about spiritual situation from The Abba Father to His loving Son/ Daughter. Don’t think about what’s happening but open
your heart to receive the holy water, He still closer to you than anybody. Be Strong!
What do we ask for?
The Lamb of God,
John 4:14 New International Version (NIV)
14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Pray; Father in Heaven.I Thank you For the holy water and I just want to stay in your throne and never thirst forever. I was remembering the moment of me” One day I started to worship in the morning and I saw the water fall from the green mountain and I open my mouth suddenly and drinking water “
Father wanting on us in His throne.
He told us to put your weaknesses in His will. I was remembering the moment of me, I shouted louder and I said Lord enough for everything. Now I choose to be holy and from that day I lay down my body soul and spirit in Kindom promise.
He Is Patient- 2 Peter 3:8-9
“ But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand
slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
The spirit of God already in us. Pray trough faith and start to keeping the love alive. It will become more powerful in the Mist of our life. The second after you starting to stay” continue with prayer and thanks Giving in each and every situation. Open you heart to keep the fully of holy water To give to anybody. The more you give you will get more of it.
Last year I went to India for the Mission it’s only because I hear the voice from the holy spirit to fulfill the purpose of Father in heaven. He plans for us never failed even I did wrong.
Pray: My father glory is in your presence on us, you will never faild, I surrender all the way of me to be Yours.
One day He leads me to build the truth of faith in Him. I was struggling with my mind and the condition. And trying to change the purpose, but He still come and saw me on my prayer, this is the second time I have looked my Father sad on me without said anything. It’s badly moments for me, and cries comes in my heart. Even we don’t know about what’s going on in our life, let me suggest you to just stay in the process and He will cutting down your flesh. We should been able to receive the condition and enjoyed the day with Him. Even though it’s hurting you.
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John 16:33 ESV / 49 helpful votes
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In
the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome
the world.”
Then I entering the fade of Surrender and let it be His Will not me
You will enjoy your sorrow with My Holy Father regulation. And His
guide you to forgive yourself and be happy with Him. Only in His
presence. I choose to receive my own life. And love Him more than
God bless you My brother and Sister
Haleluya Amin!!!!
Praise to the The most high in Heaven. Our Faithful Abba Father.
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heninovalisa · 2 years
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Hi everyone, I just wanted to share the wonderful testimony to you my friends.
Chapter 1
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
One of the most inevitable things about time is it changes and parallelly it does with our thinking too. Apparently, a string of events and a wide range of emotions has radically changed my views about struggle. And for me, my life was not pleasant but I had to face the reality by enduring it.
I just graduated from a college and was trying hard to apply for a job. There were many dreams which I had for me. Life kept getting harder. All my friends began to be busy with their own stuff. At that point I decided to go for a dream in which probably I might not get succeed. I decided to take language course while looking for a better job.
In the past, I have been through a lot of things and one of the most heart breaking thing was I lost my father. The most admiring thing about my dad was he never gave up no matter what the circumstances were. Whenever my beloved dad faced any rejection or struggles he received grace from God through prayer. Even today whenever I find myself in an unpleasant situations or scaling up daunting challenges, I encourage myself by remembering my dad who never gave up.
In 2007, when I was 14, we celebrated Christmas in a small town and for me it became the city of sadness because I have to accept the fact that my dad passed away. It was an unexpected devastating moment of my life. It was going to dramatically change the course of my life and the people closest to me.
The thing I miss the most about my dad is right after the school I used to go to his office and use to wait until we go home together. It obviously bothered my mom because I use to miss my homework due to staying with dad long at his office. While in all this my father would get happy seeing me at his place. I use to help him in his office by messing up everything, by writing on papers and indulged myself in things which I considered or felt right to do it. And on the way back to home, we use stop by our favorite food corner to grab my favorite meal.
Life was never been the same after my dad went to be with Lord in Heaven. It tore me up from inside. Everything about my life abruptly changed. It made me feel like my world came crushing down into chaos. We have to move from one city to another to continue living. I was with my mother and sister (who was 7 years old). During this time I got the result of my first intermediate school graduation exam. Me and my friends were been excited to choose the senior high school. But because of the financial condition my mother suggested me not to choose an expensive school which she couldn’t be able to afford. We lived in a small rented hose and mom has to sell snack for our daily expenses. I could do nothing and often found myself missing my dad terribly in cascading tears. I had to deal with my own struggles with the escalating time.
I happily approached my mom to convey that I was accepted in the best high school in our city. But she ignored and said, “I know the school is very good for you, but the fee required is expensive for me”. Her words lingered in me with millions of other questions running over my mind. I started thinking of taking another school.
However, I was encouraged by a friend of mine to entire the expensive school. After registering every student is require to pay fees for the first semester. I kept quiet, sat for a moment and was trying to figure out why am I here? Who will be my provider for the money? Even though I don’t pray often but I was quite sure I will receive the mercy from the father in heaven.
Once again I received God’s grace and help when all the doors were closed. I started to discipline myself to pray and read the Bible every afternoon in my room. School activities began and students were required to stay in the dormitory. I was happy because I could enjoy the delicious food not like at home which was sober. Besides that, there were friends who loved me sincerely.
Sometimes I use to feel inferior because I could see other friends can call their parents and ask for anything, whereas I can’t. It saddened me. I didn’t had anyone to share my feelings. Finally I decided to complain to the Father in Heaven. Every day, I use to pour my heart to Him.
I found myself in a new semester. I started getting along with my friends, we use to laugh together and even cry. During the high school I was always called by the teachers for the same reason I haven’t paid the fees. Every time that happened it hurt me badly. I have complained, cried and got angry on God and asked “Why? Why? Why? I don’t like the way my life is and when can I be like others. Where is my Father?” I finished praying went to school and explained to teachers that I can’t pay the fees and asked a bit more time to pay my fees and requested them to allow me to take part in the exam.
I was allowed to attend the exam and to my surprise a friend of mine approached me and said, “I have a little pocket money which you can use to pay your fees so that you may continue with your exam”. I was so stunned and speechless, cried while receiving the money. Whenever a similar situation came again, it did not occur to my mind to call mom or anyone to cry.
I always prayed and hoped that Father God will help me. Through all the ways He helped me. He showed His Love. I began to bravely call Him my Father, my provider. He refreshes my soul, which brings me into tender love. Even though I faced financial struggles but I never gave up on prayer. I shared all my feelings to my Father in Heaven without caring whether he will answer it or not.
Chapter 2
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Now I was ready to entire the university. Students were enrolling themselves in the top universities in the Indonesia and aboard. I also thought about it, but the mere thought of who is going to take responsibility of my tuition fees use to bother me. My marks were not good enough. I finally decided to continue my education in Jakarta. As I was been packing to leave, and my mother said, “It’s better to go to college here because who will help you in Jakarta”. My answer was, “Yes! You are right but anyways I am going to Jakarta”. Despite of all the circumstances, I decided not to give up on my situation. I started praying for it without caring whether God will hear it or not.
I arrived in Jakarta with brand new dreams fully trusting in God to start a new life. At the weekend I attended a spiritual event where each participant guided to pray to God to make a way out. I stood in the back row and was been praying, “ God I have no father and you are the only one whom I look up to and the only thing I want from you is I don’t want hear my name being called because I haven’t paid the fees like back in those days of my high school times”.
I was about to embark on a new journey and God was the only person whom I trusted and who have the audacity to deliver me from all of my heartaches. I came back to my room to make preparations for my university. I was absolutely aware of the fact that my mom was not supportive to me to continue my education because of not having enough money. Sitting on the sidelines of life, confused and clouded with uncertainty I was broken. And the worst part was my mom doubted my heart belief.
After a month of getting use to college life much to my shock I met a woman send by Father in Heaven who was willing to pay my fees till I get graduated. It was a pure act of Divine intervention.
My eyes started flooding with tears. All I wanted to do was to slow down my tears back and racing heart. But I couldn’t hold back my tears as it was hard to take her words seriously. I began to work hard in my studies. I was able to finish all of my assignments. And the best thing was I was never been late to pay my semester fees. The greatest truth is my Father in Heaven who is provider prepared everything for me.
The presence of my Heavenly Father removed all my grief. I had cried in nights drifting through hopelessness. I use to call him even though I couldn’t see light at the end of the tunnel until his compassion came through a woman who was willing to take full responsibility of my fees.
Though there were challenges, but with God on my side and since I was been overtaken by His inexplicable grace I could finish my graduation in socio-political science. It was like a dream come true moment with friends taking pictures of each other hugging with eyes swelled up with tears of joy. Needless to say, I could feel my heart hammering in my chest enveloped in happiness it was so surreal. Climbing on the wings of memories all I can say is God’s intentions are so much greater than ours. We can’t even fathom what He has planned for us. Our finite brain can’t comprehend His ways.
We are chosen as children in the Kingdom of Heaven. Children will get facilities from His Father. Jesus will give it to you and me too. No matter what our conditions are; why should you hesitate to go to His presence? Royal facilities will be given when the child begins to speak to His Father. Speak your heart, your bitterness, your lack or poverty and your ignorance thoroughly. Call Him and ask Him to reveal Himself in all your circumstances. Never stop pray even in an increasingly difficult situation until God fills your heart with new hopes because all the glory and thankfulness belongs to Him.
For me prayer is a way to separate myself from the hardships of my life and to see Jesus holding my hand, even in pain, despite the awareness of my limitations. Like I told you before, back my in my college I would chose to call Heavenly Father at any time in every twist and turns, in all my lows and dark moments were I felt cornered, deserted and insulted. He will fulfill all your needs. Do your part by calling Him Father. He is in Heaven and the most incredible thing about Him is you can call Him at any time. He is faithful. He is good. He is full of love. He loves you more than I can ever put on words.
Father I am your child. You are my Father lead me to my destiny only for your kingdom purpose.
Hallelujah! Amen!
Chapter 3
“Therefore Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19
My phone beeped with a text from the servant of God congratulating me on graduation. Around the third week down the flip the calendar we met each other in a fellowship. She came, stood next to me and said, “It’s enough! Don’t work for your flesh, this is the time to serve your Father in Heaven”.
This episode of my life made me realize that Father in Heaven used her to navigate the level of my life for the royal facilities that was been kept in store for me. I was in transition period from a child who often asks the father for her basic needs to a child who should do the commandment of the father in heaven.
I started to participate in the community prayer lead by her. Until one day she suggested me to make a spiritual group. I used this opportunity to understand what is God’s purpose in my life? Beside that I also wanted God to answer my prayer in an even more remarkable way.
This was also a transition period for my personality. It dawned on me that it was the time for me to get new blessings of course in a comparable quality to make me humble in order to appropriately enjoy the blessings of Father in Heaven.
I heard God talking to me through a servant of God who said while praying for me, “I am the God who promised. I willing fulfill my purposes”. The words plowed through my heart. It was downright overwhelming, to know that Father still accepted me and was gracious towards me who was always just interested in asking things without thinking of the obligation as His child.
From that moment on I made the decision to complete my assignment as a child who resolved to do the best in every God given responsibility. Whenever I have failed I went back to God to repair and correct myself. And all through the journey He has given the Opportunity to learn and to rectify myself.
In the His Divine purpose he permitted me to come to India with a call from the Father in Heaven as an instrument of blessing.
Prepare yourself to be a leader to fulfill God’s calling in your life. God is never late. His time is always right. Be the light wherever you are. Pray for everyone present in your life. Don’t keep bitterness. Think of good things and be pleasing to Father in Heaven. You are chosen to
be a blessing to the nation. Don’t let pain, bitterness or fear block God’s purpose for your life. The Lord will prepare you as leaders to proclaim the truth.
Be humble like Father in Heaven. Pray to Him in all the circumstances of your life. Let our lives always please the heart of the Almighty God. So, I really would encourage you my brothers and Sisters God’s Love will fully prepare you to be a leader for the nations
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heninovalisa · 2 years
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Woman in Love
Cinta dan Ketulusan
Semua manusia ingin hidup dalam kasih dan ketulusan yang nantinya menimbulkan rasa aman dalam ketidaknyamannya seseorang. 1 Korintus 13:1 sekalipun aku dapat berkata-kata dengan bahasa atau segala hal yang kumiliki tetapi jika aku tidak mempunyai kasih, aku sama dengan gong yang berkumandang dan canang yang gemerinci. Kasih adalah pusat transaksi, transformasi, ketidakpastian yang menjadi pasti. Kasih Bapa kepada kita merupakan suatu transformasi kehidupan yang kekal. Keselamatan yang kekal yaitu Kasih yang sempurna yang Bapa miliki buat anaknya.
Renungkanlah kasih seperti apa yang ada dalam pikiran kita, hati kita. Sebab Bapa terlebih dahulu mengasihi kita.
He sent His son, a new-born Babe, with peace and holiness.
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent His Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know about Love. Abba Father Love you so much.
Ketulusan seperti apa yang kita inginkan? Bukankah yang terbaik adalah apa yang Bapa sudah berikan untuk kita? Dia baik sangat Baik buat anak-anak Nya. Saat Bangsa Israel keras kepala dan memberontak Firman Tuhan datang kepada Bangsa tersebut melalui Nabi Yesaya; 7:10-25. Imanuel akan datang melalui kehamilan dari seorang peremuan muda lalu melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki dan akan menamaiNya Imanuel. Dilanjutkan pada ayat Pasal 11; Roh Tuhan ada padaNya, Roh Hikmat ada padaNya Roh Pengertian, Roh Keperkasaan,Roh pengenalan dan takut akan Tuhan. Ia tidak akan menyimpang dari kebenaran, seperti ikat pinggang jadi tidak akan lepas.
Raja damai datang bukan hanya menyelamatkan kita supaya menjadi Kristen lalu hanya berutinitas bagaimana jika kita kesulitan karena tidak ada yang mengasihi kita di dunia ini dengan ketulusan yang ajaib? Kita harus lari kemana? Siapa yang dapat menolong kita?
Bapa.... Ada Bapa.. Bapa yang setia yang berikan anakNya yang tunggal untuk menyelamatkan kita semua. Bapa setia, He is Love. Bapa tidak dapat menahan kesetiaanNya untuk kita. Dia tidak melepaskan kita. Siapa yang mau mengorbankan nyawa untuk kita? Siapa yang bisa? Siapa yang berani?
Doa: Bapa terimakasi untuk penebusanmu kepada saya, saya bersyukur bisa menjadi anakmu,bisa menangis, senang dengan Bapa dalam kepercayaan kehidupan yang Bapa berikan. Amin.
Lebih dalam sedikit, Firman adalah Allah sendiri. Beberapa hal yang penting untuk membangun diri seorang perempuan, hanya bersumber pada firman.
Bapa begitu senang dengan wanita yang menyembah, dalam perjalan Tuhan Yesus terdapat beberapa cerita wanita yang bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus dan memiliki kedekatan yang dikenang hingga saat ini, bahkan menjadi pelajaran dalam firman Tuhan kepada manusia. Tuhan Yesus bertemu dengan Maria dan Marta. Respon yang membuat Tuhan Yesus senang, hanya duduk di kaki Tuhan, artinya tidak ada ada lagi keinginan dunia ini: tidak sibuk sendiri, tidak memikirkan perkara yang diluar kemampuan kita.
Maria duduk dan tenang serta tinggal diam. Cerita ini dilanjutkan dengan Tuhan membangkitkan Lazarus, saat ini terjadi Marta dan Maria juga menjadi cerita sejarah hingga hari ini. Maria yang hanya datang dengan hati yang berkorban karena Maria mengenal hati BAPA. Hati BAPA lebih lembut dari sutera, hati BAPA mentransformasi respon Maria disaat keadaan sangat tidak baik. (Lukas 10:38 & Yohanes 11:1)
Tuhan Yesus juga bertemu dengan Perempuan Samaria, waktu bisa berkomunikasi dengan Bapa menjadi hal yang dinanti oleh setiap perempuan. Bapa tidak datang untuk orang benar tapi orang yag berdosa. Perempuan yang apa adanya mencerikan keseluruhan hidupnya kepada pribadi yang penuh kasih. Perempuan yang percaya karena firman yang keluar dari mulut Allah. Air hidup yang dimaksudkan Tuhan yaitu kekekalan atas perolehan keselamatan bagi perempuan ini dan bagi kita. Artinya air hidup tersebut masih ada dan masih ada untuk kita juga, air hidup berarti memenuhi segala hal yang kita pikir kita mati, kita tidak sanggup lagi, kita tidak mungkin bisa, kita gagal, kita takut, kita sudah menyerah. Pada kenyataannya air hidup yang akan memenuhi kita agar kita hidup kembali, kita bangkit kita menang.
Doa: Bapa berikan saya air hidup, ajari saya untuk menyembah Engkau seperti yang Bapa kehendaki, hanya kepadaMu aku berharap dan bersyukur serta kepadaMu kuberikan kasihku dan ketuluusan hati ku. Jadikan hidupku persembahan yang hidup bagi kemuliaanMu Bapa. Datanglah kerajaanMu dan Jadilah KehendakMu atas Hidup saya (ganti kata saya dengan nama saudara).
Sampai disini duu yaa.... Semoga jadi berkat.. Selamat Bertumbuh. God bless you.
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