Aight nerds, I know this is archived but I figure I'll make a post with my other blogs so it's easier to get ahold of / so you know why this weird witch blog is following you fhshahhd
My new witch blog is here: http://kkeolineun-jeonsa.tumblr.com
My main blog is here: http://cxttlefishcxller.tumblr.com
My k-pop blog is here: http://sunflower--saranghae.tumblr.com
My flight rising blog is here: http://fef-rising.tumblr.com
My writing blog (dedicated solely to the game Obey Me!) Is here: http://beelze-bae.tumblr.com
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This is probably my favorite hex because it’s just so darn easy, and usually pretty effective.
The last time I used it was on a woman who was being baligerant to a cashier at the grocery, (the cashier was from India and this woman was telling her very loudly that she should go back to Iraq and stop taking a job from her poor Canadian granddaughter… I guess the granddaughter had applied there and not got the job? I don’t know the deets). I turned to her, clutched my necklace (it’s just an antique looking locket watch, nothing special), pointed to her and said the words just loud enough that she could tell it wasn’t English.
I guess it didn’t hurt that I was also dressed pretty witchy.
She was like, “Did you just curse me?!?” and I just smiled, winked at the cashier and walked out. I waited just outside the Second Cup that was next to the grocery to watch this lady come out… And didn’t she just trip over her own two feet in grand fashion on her way to her car! I laughed and I laughed and I laughed.
What? I’m not… No, who am I kidding… Yes I am a bitch.
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Y’all asked for it so y’all gonna get it! I’mma start off with the barebones essentials and work my way to basic definitions. Sit down on something comfy and get yourself your warm beverage of choice and maybe grab a notebook because here goes.
What are runes?
Runic alphabets have been around since about 150 AD and used as a writing system by a lot of Germanic languages. These systems were eventually phased out, slowly but surely, with the progressive Christianisation that started around 700-1100 AD. The three most commonly known (and used?) Are the Elder Futhark, the Younger Futhark and Futhorc.
Runes aren’t, themselves, broadly meant for divination, thought there are a few passages in the Eddas that mention Odin “finding” and using them.
Alright, so which alphabet should I use?
Whichever one you want! I prefer using the Elder Futhark, because it’s the first alphabet I learned and got familiar with, but that doesn’t at all stop you from using the Younger Futhark or Futhorc. I’d heavily suggest making sure you read up on the differences in each alphabet though; Ansuz, for example, won’t look the same, mean the same or even be called the same from one alphabet to another. 
Familiarize yourself with each of them if you want/can, and choose based on your own preferences and criteria. Always work with what feels best for you!
But I’m not really familiar with Germanic traditions / I’m a baby witch, should or can I use runes for divination?
This is the concept that got my goat real good the first time. You do not, in any way, shape or form, need to be experienced to cast runes. This is a notion that is outdated and perpetuated by gatekeepers and exclusionists. No one gives a flying flip how long you’ve been practicing witchcraft, or if you even practice at all!
Divination should be seen as a tool to further yourself and/or your craft. It can be used by itself or in conjunction with other activities, practices or beliefs. I was 15 when I started learning about runes (dear god that was literally over ten years ago) and I had no idea what I was doing back then. I read up as much as I could about the system I was wanting to use and, once I was comfortable with it, I started doing small readings.
It shouldn’t matter how new or familiar you are to divination, rune casting or Germanic traditions. If rune casting feels right to you, you are more than free to use whatever divination method feels right to you.
What should I do before I start a reading?
As a Norse Pagan, I usually invoke my patron deities (Baldr and Loki, in this case), as well as Odin and Freyja, sometimes Gullveig/Heiðr because reasons. I have no idea whether or not this has any actual bearing on the reading itself, as mine were as accurate before I converted as they are now.
Making sure you’re in a quiet and/or comfortable space is also a good idea, even if that just means popping in some earphones and listening to something that makes you focus and feel calm.
This is also a good time to mention that cleansing your runes (stone, bone, wood or otherwise) is a very good idea. I typically do this with candles, incense, a bowl of water and a point of quartz for each element. I don’t do this nearly as often as I probably should, since most people suggest cleansing them after each reading… but, whatever, being lax with that hasn’t bitten me in the ass so far. So if you’re a spoonie, don’t worry: cleanse your runes when you feel they need to be cleansed, and that’s it.
Alright, I think I’m ready; how do I start reading?
Let me start by saying that the bullshit about never reading yourself? It’s just that. Bullshit. Do readings on yourself if you want to. Who the hell is going to stop you. Do whatever you want.
On that note, there are a few ways to cast runes, though these probably aren’t close to being the only ones: 
Intuitively choosing the stones Lay the runes down on a flat surface and let your hand hover over them and pick out the ones that feel right. You can either pick them in order of the spread you’re using, or place the runes where you feel they belong on the spread.
Throwing the stones Make sure you have a large flat surface to work with (preferably the floor honestly) where you won’t drop, scatter or lose a rune. You can use a mat underneath, and read the stones that fall on the corresponding positions in the spread or circle. (You can find many of these with a quick google search, or make your own mat!) Otherwise, you can take the first stones you see facing up and lay those out according to your spread.
Picking them blindly Either you or the person you’re reading pull stones blinding out of a pouch, bag or other container, and lay them out according to the spread you’re using. Pretty straightforward.
If you can think of another method, literally nothing is stopping you from using that instead. The runes are acting as a universal translator for whatever it is you’re tapping into. They’re just a tool to receive a message. How you choose to receive that message is completely up to you!
So I’ve got my runes laid out, now what?
Now comes the fun part. I can only really give you a good run-down of the Elder Futhark, and though it’s a good starting point, I would highly advise you do your own research on whatever alphabet you want to use. Wikipedia is a great place to start, but don’t stop there: look at several different websites and lists and compare. Combine and condense the information for yourself, and get to learn the definitions and meanings for yourself!
ᚠ Fehu • catle wealth, money, hard work paying off, can represent spiritual wealth reversed: effort gone to waste, natural and/or financial loss, greed
ᚢ Uruz • ox physical strength and speed, great energy, courage, masculine reversed: physical weakness, illness, violence, misdirected aggression
ᚦ Thurisaz • thor reactive, destructive and/or defensive force, tendency towards change reversed: dangerous compulsions, betrayal and malice, lies, spite
ᚨ Ansuz • of the Æsir  revelations, intuition, signs and signals, wisdom, power of words/names reversed: misunderstandings, delusions and vanity
ᚱ Raido • chariot physical/spiritual journeys, transition, seeing the bigger picture reversed: crisis, maybe due to stagnation, unwanted disruption
ᚲ Kaunan • torch creativity and inspiration, power of transformation, power of life reversed: instability, lack of creativity, false hope revealed, disillusionment
ᚷ Gebo • gift gifts in the form of sacrifice or generosity, contracts, partnerships reversed/opposed: greed, isolation and dependence, over-sacrifice
ᚹ Wunjo • joy comfort, pleasure, companionship, possibility of going over the top reversed: sorrow and alienation, growing distance, raging frenzy
ᚺ Hagalaz • hail wrath of nature, destruction for the sake of creation, natural order reversed: natural disasters, powerlessness, suffering
ᚾ Naudiz • need strength/growth from hardships, survival, determination reversed: deprivation and emotional starvation, constraints/restraints
ᛁ Isaz • ice challenges and frustration, psychological block, anticipation reversed/opposed: can oppose other runes with malice and treachery 
ᛃ Jera • good year hard work is fruitful, peace, happiness and relief, breaking the cycle reversed: sudden setbacks and bad timing
ᛈ Pertho • vagina secrets, mysteries, undiscovered abilities, choosing your own path reversed: stagnation, isolation and loneliness
ᛇ E/ihwaz • yew tree strength, stability, endurance, trustworthiness, your goal is realistic reversed: confusion, dissatisfaction and weakness of the mind
ᛉ Algiz • elk shield, the instinct to protect yourself/others, connection to the gods reversed: hidden dangers, loss of link to the divine, turning away
ᛊ Suwilo • the sun success and goals achieved, you have the power you need to succeed reversed/opposed: deception, false goals, gullibility, divine wrath
ᛏ Tiwaz • tyr honour and leadership, authority, success in competitions reversed: artistic block, over-analysis and sacrifice, imbalance/conflict
ᛒ Berkana • birch tree fertility in a broad sense, personal/physical growth, new beginnings reversed: family/relationship issues, anxiety over loved ones, abandon
ᛖ Ehwaz • horse steady and gradual progress, teamwork/loyalty, relationships reversed: reckless haste and its consequences, restlessness
ᛗ Mannaz • mankind the self, the human race, your attitude toward others and vice-versa, social awareness, altruism reversed: mortality, self-deception, cunning and manipulation
ᛚ Laguz • water literal/metaphorical flow, imagination, the unknown, chance of loss reversed: confusion/uncertainty, may be making the wrong choice
ᛝ Ingwaz • probably freyr warmth and love in general, tying loose ends, relief, freedom to move reversed: moving without change, fruitless effort, helpelessness
ᛞ Dagaz • dawn breakthroughs and clarity, security, power to change and grow, the ideal reversed/opposed: endings and coming round full circle
ᛟ Othila • inheritance ancestral property, what is most important, spiritual heritage and safety reversed: slavery, homelessness, bad karma, what one is unwillingly bound to
Phew! What a list. These are just brief descriptions and meanings that I’ve been able to compile and condense over the years.
But, what does “opposed” mean?
I see where you’re coming from. As a baby diviner, I, also, was confused by this. But let me explain how I’ve come to understand it! 
Sometimes, if you’re doing a set spread, you’ll have a spot for things like, “what will oppose you”, or “what you need to avoid”. Things like that. If, say, a rune like Suwilo was found in something like that, you’d want to try and keep a sharp mind to avoid deceptions or letting yourself be too gullible.
When runes don’t have a reversed form, their position in your spread will usually determine what they mean. (Though really this is true for literally any rune.)
Anything else I should know?
The best advice I can ever give anyone is to always do what you feel is right. If you find yourself wondering, “Should I do this? Is this right?” If you question yourself at all, you should probably not to the thing and go with something else.
It’s also important to mention that the names I have for the runes may not be the ones that you’ve learned to know them by; a lot of runes can go by different names depending on who you ask and where you look. Do your research, and know the runes by the names you feel are best! (And preferably historically accurate.)
As always, if you have any questions regarding runes and how to read them, please ask me! My ask box is literally always open and almost always empty.
ᚺᛖᛁᛚᛚ ∙ ᛟᚲ ∙ ᛋᛇᛚᛚ
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List of Greek Gods & Goddesses
Zeus (Jupiter) - King of the gods and ruler of the sky. God of rain, thunder, lightning,wind, law, oaths and hospitality.
Hera (Juno) - Queen of the gods. Goddess of the sky, women, marriage, childbirth, family, heirs, kings and empires.
Poseidon (Neptune) - God of the sea and rivers, floods and droughts, storms, earthquakes and horses.
Demeter (Ceres) - Goddess of fertility, plant life, agriculture, the harvest, motherly relationships, the seasons and sacred law.
Hestia (Vesta) - Goddess of the hearth, home, domesticity and family.
Hephaestus (Vulcan) - God of fire, volcanoes, metalworking, stone masonry, sculpture and crafts. Husband of Aphrodite. Son of Zeus and Hera.
Athena (Minerva) - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy and handicrafts. Daughter of Zeus and Metis.
Hermes (Mercury) - Messenger of the gods. God of boundaries, thieves, travelers, sports, communication, language, commerce and trade. Guide to the underworld.
Apollon (Apollo) - God of the sun, light, truth, music, poetry, healing, plague, prophecy and archery.Twin brother of Artemis.
Artemis (Diana) - Goddess of the moon, the hunt, wilderness, animals, childbirth, chastity and protector of the young. Twin sister of Apollo.
Aphrodite (Venus) - Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, desire and pleasure. Wife of Hephaestus and lover of Ares.
Ares (Mars) - God of war, violence and bloodshed. Son of Zeus and Hera.
Hades / Pluto (Dis) - God of the dead, the underworld, subterranean regions, darkness, riches and metals.~ Although Hades was a major ancient Greek god, and was the brother of the first generation of Olympians, He resided in the underworld, far from Olympus, and thus was not usually considered to be one of the Olympians.~  
Dionysus / Bacchus (Liber) - God of wine, viticulture, fruitfulness, grape harvest, parties, festivals, madness, drunkenness, ecstasy, and theater. ~ Besides the twelve Olympians, there were many other cultic groupings of the twelve gods. Most listings include either Hestia or Dionysus as the twelfth Olympian.~
Achlys- The goddess of poisons. The personification of misery and sadness. Said to have existed before Chaos itself.
Aether- The god of light and the upper atmosphere.
Aion- The god of eternity, personifying cyclical and unbounded time. Sometimes equated with Chronos.
Ananke - The goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity.
Chaos - The personification of nothingness from which all of existence sprang. Depicted as a void. Initially genderless, later on described as female.
Chronos - The god of empirical time, sometimes equated with Aion. Not to be confused with the Titan Cronus (Kronos), the father of Zeus.
Erebus - The god of darkness and shadow.
Eros (Cupid) - The god of love and attraction.
Gaia (Terra) - The first earth mother. Mother of the Titans and wife of Ouranos.
Hemera - The goddess of the day.
Hypnos (Somnus) - The god of sleep.
Nemesis - The goddess of retribution.
The Nesoi - The goddesses of the islands and sea.
Nyx (Nox) - The goddess of the night.
The Ourea - The gods of mountains.
Phanes - The god of procreation in the Orphic tradition.
Pontus - The first sea god , father of the fish and other sea creatures. Husband of Thalassa.
Tartarus - The god of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld, the Tartarean pit (which is also referred to as Tartarus itself).
Thalassa - Personification of the sea and consort of Pontus.
Thanatos (Mors) - God of Death. Brother to Hypnos (Sleep) and in some cases Moros (Doom)
Ouranus (Caelus) - The first sky father. Father of the Titans and husband of Gaia.
Anchiale - Goddess who perhaps represented the warmth of fire.
Anytus - One of the younger Titans or Curetes. Anytus was an attendant of the goddess Demeter who fostered her Arcadian daughter Despoine.
Asteria -Goddess who presided over the night, stars and nocturnal prophecy. She was the mother of the goddess Hecate. After the fall of the Titans, Asteria was pursued by Zeus and but leapt into the sea to escape him where she was transformed into the island of Delos.
Astraeus - God of the stars, the winds, and the art of astrology. He was the father of the four directional winds and the five wandering stars (the Planets).
Atlas - God of astronomy and the revolution of the heavenly constellations. He was arrested by Zeus and condemned to bear the heavens upon his shoulders.
Aura - Goddess of the breezes.
Clymene - Goddess of fame and renown. She was the wife of Iapetos and mother of Prometheus.
Coeus - God who presided over the axis of heaven in the north around which the constellations revolve. At the end of the Titan-War, he was confined by Zeus in the Tartarean pit.
Crius - God of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year. Associated with the constellation Aries. He was later cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus. Crius was sometimes named as a leader of the Gigantes who rebelled against the rule of Zeus.  
Cronus (Saturn) - The King of the Titans, originally an agricultural god and a god of time. He led his brothers in the ambush and castration of their father Uranus, but was himself deposed and cast to Tartarus from his own son Zeus .Alternative stories tell of Saturn escaping to Italy where he ruled during a golden age of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity.
Curetes - A group of shield clashing Titan gods who came to the aid of Rhea to act as guardians of her son Zeus.
Dione - Prophetic goddess who presided over the Oracle at Dodona alongside Zeus.
Eos (Aurora) - The Goddess of the dawn. She was the mother of the wandering stars (the planets) and the four directional winds by the Titan Astraeus.
Epimetheus - The Titan god of afterthought. He was appointed with the task of creating the beasts of the earth.
Eurybia- Goddess of the power of the sea.
Eurynome - Goddess of earth’s flowery meadows. She was the mother of the three lovely Graces by Zeus.
Hecate / Hekate - Goddess of the new moon, crossroads, protector of the home, childbirth, magic, spirits and potions. She supported the Olympians in the Titan war and retained all of her privileges.
Helios (Sol) - The old titan god of the sun. He rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by four fiery, winged steeds.
Hyperion - The old god of light, and of the cycles of time measured by the lights of heaven – the sun, the moon and the dawn. Hyperion was one of the four brother Titans who held Uranus fast while Cronus castrated him with the sickle. At the end of the Titan War he was cast into the pit of Tartarus by Zeus.
Iapetos - God of mortality and the allotment of the mortal life-span. He was cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus at the end of the Titan War.
Lelantos - The Titan god of the breezes of the air.
Leto (Latona) - Goddess of motherhood, light, womanly demure, modesty and the night. She was the mother of the twin gods Apollo and Artemis by Zeus.
Melisseus - God of honey. He was one of the protectors of the infant Zeus. His daughters were the god’s nurses.
Menoitios - The God of violent anger and rash action. Zeus blasted him into Erebus with a thunderbolt, where he became a bondsman of King Hades.
Metis - Goddess of memory and good counsel.The Mother of Athena.
Mnemosyne- Goddess of memory, words and language. She was the mother of the nine Muses by Zeus.
Okeanos - God of the oceans.Husband of Tethys and father of the rivers and lakes.
Pallas - The old god of war craft and the military campaign season. Some say Athena defeated him in battle and crafted her aegis-cape from his goatish skin.
Perses - God of destruction.
Phoebe - The first moon goddess.Goddess of intellect and the original prophet of the great Oracle of Delphi. She was the grandmother of the gods Apollo and Artemis and gave Apollo his prophetic gifts and Artemis the light of the moon.
Prometheus - God of forethought and the creator and benefactor of man.
Rhea (Ops) - The Queen of the Titans and mother of the gods. Goddess of maternity, female fertility and the mountain wilds. She saved her son Zeus from being eaten by his father Cronus by substituting the child for a stone wrapped in swaddling cloth.
Selene (Luna) -The old titan goddess of the moon. She rode across the sky in a silver chariot drawn by two white horses.
Styx - Goddess of oaths of allegiance and of the deadly, netherworld River Styx.
Tethys - Goddess of the sources of fresh-water. She was known as the great nurse of life and spawned the Rivers, Clouds and Springs.
Theia - Goddess of sight and the shining light of heaven (“aither”). She was the mother of Helios, Selene and Eos.
Themis - Goddess of the natural order, divine law and tradition. By Zeus she was the mother of the Fates and of the Seasons, and had a seat by his side on Olympus as adviser.
Achelous - Oldest of the river gods.Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Acheron - A river god. Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Adrestia - Goddess of the revolt and equilibrium between good and evil.
Aeolus - God and ruler of the winds.
Afer - the south-west wind.
Agathodaemon - A spirit of vineyards and fields, providing luck, happiness and health.
Aidos (Pudicitia)  - Goddess of modesty, shame, reverence and respect. A companion of Nemesis.
Alethia (Veritas) - Goddess of truth.
Alpheius - River god of Elis. He pursued the numpty Arethusa until she was changed into a spring by Artemis.
Amphitrite (Salacia) - Goddess and queen of the seas. The wife of Poseidon.
Angelos - Daughter of Zeus and Hera. Possibly an early form of Hecate. Connected with the underworld.
Anteros  - God of passion, mutual love and tenderness. Son of Aphrodite and Ares.
Arte (Virtus) - Goddess of virtue.
Aristaeus - Protector of beekeepers.
Asclepius - God of healing and medicine. Son of Apollo. He was struck down and killed by Zeus for bringing the dead back to life. He became the constellation Ophiuchus.
Asopus - A river god.
Asterion - A river god. Judged the contest between Hera and Poseidon for the patronage of Argos.
Astraea - Goddess of justice.
Ate (Fraus)- Goddess of evil, mischief and moral blindness.
Boreas (Aquila) - God of the north wind.
Caerus - God of opportunities and favorable moments.
Calliope - Muse of epic poetry, telling of heroes and their deeds; was often portrayed with Homer.
Cephisus- A river god.Father of Narcissus.
Cer - Goddess of violent death.
Charis - Goddess of delight.
Chloris (Flora) - Goddess of flowers and the personification of spring. Wife of Zephyrus.
Clio - Muse of History.
Corus - God of the north-western wind.
Crimisus - A river god. Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Cybele (Magna Mater) - Anatonian mother goddess who was closely associated with Rhea and Gaia.
Deimos- God of terror. Son of Ares and Aphrodite.
Dike (Justicia) - Goddess of justice and the spirit of moral order and fair judgement
Doris - A sea goddess. Daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
Dysnomia - The spirit of lawlessness.
Eirene (Pax)- Goddess of peace.
Eleithyia (Lucina) - Goddess of childbirth. Daughter of Hera and Zeus.
Elpis (Spes) - Personification of hope.
Enyo (Bellona) - Goddess of war, destruction, conquest, and blood lust who accompanies Ares on the battlefield. Daughter of Zeus and Hera.
Eosphorus (Lucifer) - God of the morning star.
Erato - Muse of love lyrics and bridal songs.
Eris (Discordia) - Goddess of discord and strife. Daughter of Zeus and Hera. Started the Trojan war by creating the apple of discord.
Eunomia - Goddess of lawfulness and good order.
Euphrosyne  - Goddess of joy and festivities.
Eurus - God of the the east wind / south-east wind.
Euterpe - Muse of lyric poetry.
Granicus- A river god. Granicus was a river of Ida near Troy.
Harmonia (Concordia) -  Goddess of harmony and concord. Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.
Hebe  (Juventus) - Goddess of youth. Cup-bearer to the gods and daughter of Zeus and Hera. Wife of Herakles.
Hermaphroditus - Deity of hermaphrodites, unions, androgyny, marriage, sexuality and fertility. Child of Aphrodite and Hermes.
Hesperia - Goddess of dusk.
Hesperus (Vesper) - God of the evening star.
Himerus- God of desire. An attendant of Eros.
Horcus - The personification of the curse that would befall upon any person that broke an oath they had taken.
Hygieia (Salus) - Goddess of good health.
Hymen - A god of marriage and the wedding feast.
Iaso- Goddess of healing.
Limos (Fames)- Goddess of starvation and famine.
Iris (Arcus) - Goddess of rainbows and the messenger of Hera.
Kakia - Goddess of vice.
Ktesios- Spirit who guarded storerooms.
Melicertes (Portunus) - God of ports and harbors.
Melpomene- Muse of tragedy.
Moros- Personification of doom.
Morpheus (Somnia) - God of dreams. Son of Hypnos.
Nemesis- Goddess of revenge and retribution.
Nereus - The old man of the sea. Son of Pontus.
Nike (Victoria) - Goddess of victory. A constant companion of Athena.
Nile - was the River-God of Aigyptos (Egypt) in North Africa.
Notus (Auster) - God of the south wind.
Pan (Faunus) - God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, beekeepers, goats, of mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality.
Peitho (Suada)  - Goddess of persuasion
Persephone (Proserpine) - Queen of the underworld. Wife of Hades and daughter of Demeter. She was seen as the personification of spring.
Phantasos- God of surreal dreams.Son of Hypnos.
Pheme (Fama) - Goddess of rumour and report.
Phobetor - God of nightmares.
Phobos - God of fear and terror.Son of Ares and Aphrodite.
Phyllis - God of escape.
Plutus - God of riches and wealth. Son of Demeter. Blinded by Zeus so he might favor both righteous and irreverent people indiscriminately.
Ponos - God of hard labor and toil.
Praxidice- Goddess of enterprises, evil deeds and their punishment.
Priapus - God of fertility, vegetables, nature, livestock, fruit, beekeeping, sex, genitals, masculinity and gardens.
Psyche - Goddess of the soul.
Satyrs (Fauns) - Half-human woodland spirits, with the legs and feet of goats. Followers of Pan (Faunus) and Dionysus (Liber). They had hairy bodies with short horns on their foreheads. Older Satyrs were called Sileni.
Telesphorus- God of convalescence.
Terpsichore - Muse of the dance.
Thalia - Muse of comedy.
Thaumas - God of the awe-striking wonder of the sea. Embodiment of the sea’s dangerous aspects
Triptolemus - One of the original priests of Demeter, one of the first men to learn the secret rites and mysteries of Eleusinian Mysteries. When he died he was deified as the god who presided over the sowing of grain-seed and the milling of wheat.
Triton - The messenger of the sea. Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
Tyche (Fortuna) - Goddess of fortune and luck.
Urania - Muse of astronomy.
Zephyrus (Favonius)- God of the west wind. Husband of Chloris.
They are the daughters of the titans Helios and Selene,and are described as the four handmaidens of Hera:
Eiar (Spring)
Theros (Summer)
Phthinoporon (Autumn)
Cheimon (Winter)
Auge, first light (initially not part of the set),
Anatolê or Anatolia, sunrise,
Mousikê or Musica, the morning hour of music and study,
Gymnastikê, Gymnastica or Gymnasia, the morning hour of education, training, gymnastics/exercise,
Nymphê or Nympha, the morning hour of ablutions (bathing, washing),
Mesembria, noon,
Sponde, libations poured after lunch,
Elete, prayer, the first of the afternoon work hours,
Aktê, Acte or Cypris, eating and pleasure, the second of the afternoon work hours,
Hesperis, end of the afternoon work hours, start of evening,
Dysis, sunset,
Arktos or Arctus, night sky, constellation (initially not part of the set).
THE NYMPHS: Female spirits who represented different elements of nature:
Oceanids (nymphs of the ocean),
Nereids (sea- nymphs),
Dryads and Hamad Dryads ( nymphs of ash trees)
Oreads (Mountain Nymphs),
Epipotamides (river nymphs),
Naiads (nymphs of brooks, lakes and springs),
Crenids (nymphs of springs),
Limnades (nymphs of lakes, marshes and swamps),
Nyseides ( bacchant nymphs),
Potameides ( nymphs of fountains, lakes rivers, and springs),
Limoniades ( nymphs of meadows of flowers) ,
Napaeae ( nymphs of glens).
THE CHARITIES (The Graces): Goddesses of charm, beauty and nature.
Aglaea- Splendor
Euphrosyne- Mirth
Thalia - Good Cheer
-The three goddess who controlled the thread of life of every mortal from birth to death.
Clotho (Nona) spun the “thread” of human fate.
Lachesis(Decuma) dispensed it.
Atropos (Morta) cut the thread (thus determining the individual’s moment of death).
 - - - > For a list of the Roman Gods Click Here
- - - > For a list of the Norse Gods Click Here
- - - > For a list of the Slavic Gods Click Here
SOURCES: “Who’s Who of Greek and Roman Mythology” by David Kravitz / theoi.com / “Encyclopedia of Spirits” by Judika Illes / “Classic Mythology” by William Hansen / “Mythology” by Edith Hamilton
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List of Norse Gods & Goddesses
AEGIR (sounds like “Eye-Ear”)  - God of the Oceans, Storms and Banquets.He is married to the goddess Ran.
ANGRBODA (sounds like “Ann-Ger-Bo-Duh”) - She was originally married to Loki. They are the parents of the three creatures Hel, the Midgard Serpent and the Fenrir wolf.
BALDR / BALDUR (sounds like “Bal-Durr”) - Deceased God of Light, Joy, Purity, Eloquence and Mercy. 
BESTLA ( sounds like “Bes-tla”) - Mother of Odin and his brothers. Wife of Burr. 
BLODUGHADDA - “Bloody-hair”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
BRAGI (sounds like “Brae-Ghee ”) - Son of Odin. God of Poetry, Wisdom, Linguistic Genius, Speech, Musical Talent, Eloquence and Charm. Odin made him the Skald of Asgard. 
BURI  ( “Boo (as in book) - ree” ) - The first god in Norse Mythology. He is the father of Borr and grandfather of Odin, Vili and Ve.
BURR (sounds like its written)-  Father of Odin. Husband of Bestla.
BYLGJA - “Billow”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
DAG / DAGR (rhymes with bag) - God of the Daytime. His chariot is drawn by Skin-faxi (shining mane), who’s light illuminates the world. His parents are Dellingr (the dawn) and Nott (the night). 
DELLING / DELLINGR (sounds like “Dill-ing-jer”) - God of the Dawn. Father of Dag (the day).
DROFN - “Comber”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
DUFA - “Wave”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
EIR (sounds like “Air”) - Goddess of Medicine, Health and Physicians. Her name means “help” or “mercy.” 
ELLI  ( rhymes with belly ) - Goddess of Old Age who is the embodiment of the crone and the wisdom and strength of the elderly. 
FARBAUTI ( sounds like “Far-bod- ee” ) - Father of Loki. Husband of Laufey. God of Wildfire. 
FORSETI (“sounds like “Four-set-ee”) - God of Justice, Mediation and Reconciliation. The son of Baldr and Nanna. 
FREY / FREYR  (sounds like “Play”) - God of Fertility, Summer, Sunshine, Rain, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Prosperity, Luck and Peace. He is the twin brother of the goddess Freya.
FREYA  (sounds like “Fray-ah”) - Goddess of Love, Fertility, Beauty, Gold, Magic, Death and War. She is the twin sister of the god Frey. 
FRIGG / FRIGGA (rhymes with “Dig” ) - Queen of the Norse Gods. Wife of Odin. Goddess of Prophecy, Marriage, Motherhood, Home, Family, Spinning and Weaving.
FULLA  (sounds like “Full-uh” )- Handmaiden of Frigg. She carries Frigg’s trunk and looks after her shoes and shares secret counsels with her.
GEFJON ( sounds like “Geff- yoon” ) - Goddess of Good Fortune, Land, Luck and the Plowing of the Soil.
GERDA ( ”Gerrr-Duh” )  - Wife of Frey. Not much is known about her. She could possible be some kind of earth goddess with influence over Gardens and / or Herbs.
GNÁ  (sounds like “Gee-en-eh” )- Minor goddess. Frigg sends her into various worlds on errands.
GULLVEIG (sounds like “ Gool-vague ”) - The Thrice-Reborn. Goddess of Alchemy and Witchcraft.
HEIMDALL (sounds like “ Haym-dahl ”) - The watchman of the gods. God of surveillance. Heimdallr is attested as possessing foreknowledge, keen eyesight and hearing, and keeps watch for the onset of Ragnarök .
HEFRING - “Lifting”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
HERMOOR -  Messenger of the gods. Son of Odin. 
HEL / HELLA (sounds like its written) - Goddess of The Dead. Ruler of Helheim. She is the daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda. 
HIMINGLAEVA - “Transparent-on-top”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
HLIN (sounds like “Hill-een”) - Goddess of Compassion and Consolation, Frigga’s second attendant. She kisses away the tears of mourners and relieves their grief.
HÖD ( rhymes with “Odd” ) - Blind god of winter and the darkness that accompanies it. 
HONIR - God of Indecision, Avoidance and Mystery.
HRONN - “Wave”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
HYNDLA (sounds like“Hin-day-uh”) - Goddess of Genealogy, Bloodlines, and Family Trees. Watcher of the ancestors.
IDUNN (sounds like “Ee-done”) - Goddess of Youth, Spring and Orchards. She grows the magical golden apples of immortality that keep the Gods young. Her husband is the god of poetry, Bragi.
JORD (sounds like “Yord”) - Goddess of the Earth. Mother of Thor. Jord is also the mother of the Land-spirits or the Landvaettir. She is the daughter of Nott.
KARI (sounds like “Car-ee”) - God of the North Winds. His two brothers were Logi, an ancient fire-god, and Aegir the Lord of the Seas. 
KOLGA -  “Cool-wave”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
LAUFEY (sounds like “Loff-ee”) - Wife of Farbauti. Mother of Loki. 
LOFN (sounds like “Lauf-inn”) ­­- Goddess of Forbidden Love. She is also an arranger of marriages and one of the hand maidens of Frigga.
LOGI (sounds like “Lor-gee ”) - Fire Giant, God and Personification of Fire. His two brothers were Kari, Lord of the winds, and Aegir the Lord of the Sea. Not to be confused with Loki!.
LOKI (sounds like “Low-key”) - Trickster God and Master Trouble Maker. God of Lies, Agility, Cunning, Magic, Deceit, Mischief, Revenge, Thieves Artifice and Fire. 
MAGNI and MOOI (sounds like “Mock-knee” / sounds like “Moo-ee”) -  Móði and Magni are the sons of Thor. Their names mean “Brave” and “Mighty”.
MANI (sounds like “Muh-nee”) - God of the Moon.  Máni controls the motion of the moon and its waxing and waning. Brother of Sol, the sun goddess.
MIMIR (sounds like “ Mee-mere”) - A God who was renowned for his knowledge and wisdom who was beheaded during the Aesir-Vanir War. Afterward, the god Odin carries around Mímir’s head and it recites secret knowledge and counsel to him.
NANNA (sounds like its written)-The late Wife of Baldr.  After Baldr’s death, Nanna died of grief. When she was alive, Nanna ruled over Joy and Peace.
NERTHUS (sounds like its written) - Goddess of Fertility, Lakes, Rivers, Sacred Waters and Revenge. She was the first wife of Njord and the mother of Freyr and Freya.
NJORD (sounds like “ Nigh-ord ”) - God of the Winds, Seafarers, Fishing, Coasts, Inland Waters and Wealth. He can either increase or withhold the seas bounty and calm the waves, the winds and even fire. He is the father of Frey and Freya.
NORNS - Three goddesses who rule the destiny of gods and men. They are Urd (“The Past”), Verdandi (“What Is Presently Coming into Being”) and Skuld (“What Shall Be”).
NOTT  (rhymes with “Hot”) - Goddess of the Night. She drives a dark chariot, drawn by Hrim-faxi (frost mane), whose mane creates the dew and hoarfrost. 
ODIN  (sounds like “ Oh-din or O-thin ”) - King of the Gods. Husband of Frigg. God of War, Wisdom, Poetry, Death, Magic, Sorcery, The Wild Hunt, Royalty, Frenzy and the Runic Alphabet. 
ODUR (sounds like “Oh-Durr”) - God of the Summer Sun. Husband of Freya.
RAN (rhymes with “Can”) - Goddess of the Oceans and Seas. Wife of Aegir. She is frequently associated with a net, which is primarily used to drag the drowning to their deaths.
RIND (sounds like its written) - Goddess of Women’s Protection.
SAGA (sounds like “Saw-Ga”) - Goddess of History and Storytelling. She could be considered Asgard’s “librarian”, and she has her own hall named Sokkvabek (Sunk-Bench).
SIF (rhymes with “Biff”) - Wife of Thor, and mother of Magni, Módi and Thrud. Her most famous attribute was her long hair that was the most perfect shade of gold. Some believe she may be an earth goddess with influence over Grains and the Harvest.
SIGYN -(sounds like “Sig-In”) Wife of Loki. Goddess of Loyalty and Compassion.
SJOFN (sounds like “See-off-en) - Goddess of Affection. 
SKADI (sounds like Skahd-ee”) - Goddess of Winter, Hunting, Skiing,  Mountains and Wilderness.
SNOTRA (sounds like Sin-ot-rah)- Goddess of Prudence, Virtue and Self Control. 
SOL / SUNNA (sounds like “Soul”) - Goddess of the Sun.She drives her chariot  pulled by the horses Allsvinn (“Very Fast”) and Arvak (“Early Rising”).She is the sister of Måni, the Moon-god.
SYN  (sounds like “Sin”)- She guarded the door of Frigg’s great hall, Sessrumnir, keeping out all unwelcome visitors. Syn was also called upon to guide or protect defendants in trials.
THOR (sounds like “ Thore” or “Torr”) - The God of Thunder, Lightning, Storms, Oak Trees, Strength and the Protector of Mankind. His wife is the golden haired goddess Sif.
THRUD (sounds like its written) - Goddess of Strength. Daughter of Thor and Sif. 
TYR (sounds like “Teer”) - One handed God of War, Honor, Battle, Oaths, Heroic Glory, Courage and Duels. 
ULLR (sounds like “You-Ler” ) - God of Archery, Snow Shoes and the Shield; he is the son of Sif and step-son to the god Thor. 
UNN - “Wave”. One of the nine daughters of Aegir and Ran who personify the waves of the sea.
VAR(sounds like its written) - Goddess of Oaths and Agreements.
VE (sounds like its written) - Vili and Ve are the two brothers of the god Odin, with whom they shared a decisive role in the creation of the cosmos. 
VIDAR (sounds like “Vee-dar”) - God of the Forest, Silence and Vengeance.  
VOR (sounds like its written) - Goddess of Wisdom. 
VILI (sounds like “Vil-ee”) - Vili and Ve are the two brothers of the god Odin, with whom they shared a decisive role in the creation of the cosmos.
… . .
OTHER LISTS: Greek Gods , Roman Gods
SOURCES: /  “Norse Mythology” by Neil Gaimen / “Edda” by  Snorri Sturluson, “ Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs”  by John Lindow, / The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion” by Daniel McCoy / http://www.northernpaganism.org / https://thenorsegods.com / 
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My Thoughts on The Gods - Part 4
Here’s my next part in the series - this time featuring Hel! 
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Hel is the feeling of peace prior to natural death. She grants those with a good heart and mind the peace of passing away in one’s sleep, a smile on their face as their pain eases and they are taken to her realm. 
Hel protects the souls of those young spirits that die before having the chance to live. She guards them with the fierceness of a mother, keeping them from suffering the loneliness she herself suffers from. 
Hel is the cloaked figure that lays flowers upon the graves of the forgotten. She appears in the comforting form any living being perceives her as before vanishing the moment they look away. 
Hel works in hospices, comforting those who are marked for her realm with the kindness and fairness she does with those who already reside there. When not appearing herself, she looks after hospice workers who do, giving them the strength to endure the constant exposure to one of life’s harshest realities. 
Hel has a great respect for those who reach out to the outcasts of society: the homeless, the mentally ill, orphans, those suffering from other diseases, abused and neglected animals. As someone who felt the sting of others’ disgust at her appearance, she looks favorably upon those who step up and make the effort to help those who everyone else refuses to. 
Hel relishes celebrations like el Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, in which families come together to honor those loved ones who have passed on. It’s a day of celebration in her own realm as the residents of her realm feast and celebrate their memories of their loved ones. 
She is the comforting touch on the shoulder when you grieve over lost loved ones
She loves animals, especially dogs. Being a goddess of death does not preclude her enjoying life
In a similar vein, she is all about enjoying the moment. Life is short and instead of ruminating on the bad, it’s important to be grateful for what you do have. 
Guides lost spirits to her realm when they are ready to pass on
Seeing the various depictions and stories of death in various cultures fascinates her
I associate butterflies with her, namely the black ones like in Bleach. Moths as well
Loves skull and other bone imagery
She is the slow tendrils of incense swirling about a room
She is the cool kiss of a winter’s wind
Much like with hospice workers, she stands by the sides of funeral workers, grave diggers, doctors, and nurses. Each of them faces death on a regular basis, even if it’s in radically different ways
I think she’d find stories like Another interesting - at least for their takes on death and accepting it
Patron goddess of morticians
Gets along with other death deities like Hades or Osiris. They gather together sometimes to discuss their work and followers
Psychological horror comes to mind when I think of her
She is the realization and embracing of one’s own mortality
Finds games like God of War and Jotunn entertaining, for various reasons
Gets on with Skadi, in part due to their associations with winter. You can find the pair sharing a warm drink on a cold winter’s night in companionable silence
She is the comforting voice of a suicide hotline operatorShe is the urge that fights back against dying just yet, of winning another day’s battle against one’s inner demons
She is the soft whisper of encouragement in the ears of teens crying their eyes out whilst in the throes of depression
She is the ache in your chest and the smile on your face when you think of a lost loved one
She watches over those grieving, doing her best to calm their spirits and bring brighter memories to mind
Snowflake obsidian, obsidian, smoky quartz, and black tourmaline are crystals that come to mind for her
Considers knowing when to move on just as important as grieving properly. Your life can’t stay on pause because you’ve been touched by death
Appreciates those who take the time to remember loved ones and do things in honor of them, from giving offerings to doing some of their favorite things
Discovering one’s ancestry can be a devotional act for her
A silent protector of those on the frontlines - facing death on a daily basis
Archaeology and anthropology are interests of hers - learning about the past through mementos left behind
Paranormal investigations and spirit work as well. She appreciates those willing to bridge the gap between this world and the next
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Sometimes you need to check up with your deities, so I created this little spread I use to talk to my deities!
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How is our relationship right know?
How can I improve our relationship?
A message you got for me
Like this spread? support me here or get a reading from me
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for @saturn-space-squid
Blith is the Norse goddess of mental health, and one of Mengloth’s handmaidens.
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Skaði (Skadi) is the Goddess of winter and the hunt in Norse mythology she also is associated with bowhunting, skiing, winter, and the mountains. She lives in the highest reaches of the mountains, where the snow never melts and is married to Njörðr (God of the sea). However, their marriage was not a happy one; Njörðr couldn’t stand the cold and dreariness of the mountains, and Skaði couldn’t stand the light and noise of Njörðr’s home by the seashore, so the two eventually parted ways.
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Iðunn, (Idunn) is the Goddess of spring and eternal youth in Norse mythology and the wife of Bragi, the god of poetry and music. She is keeper to the apples of youth and supplies them to the other Gods and Goddesses to help keep them young and beautiful forever. Since the Gods are not immortal, the apples are considered very precious.
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a guide to making sigils!
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Keep in mind that there are countless ways to make a sigil, and some ways work better for other people! This is just an easy way to do it, especially if you’re new to sigil making. :)
First, start off with a positive affirmation (for example: “I am a strong, intelligent person”.) Do not use negatives, so instead of writing “I will not be harmed” you could write “I am safe from harm”.
Then, remove the vowels from your affirmation: “I am a strong, intelligent person” > “mstrngntllgntprsn” Then remove any repeating letters: “mstrnglp”
Then you will assign each of these letters to a number. I use this chart:
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So it would look like this: “41295737″
Then, pick a shape! Circles are the easiest to use, but any shape works. I find that the shapes i use for sigils change depending on the sigil I’m making!
Once you’ve drawn your shape, assign numbers (1-9) around the outside of the shape in random order:
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Then you can basically trace lines between the numbers!! I like to add funky shapes or extra lines (often in my sigils i have an extra line running down the center). Make it beautiful! Make it your own!
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Here’s what i came up with: The lighter teal is the actual lines between the numbers, and the darker blue are decorations/extra lines i added in.
if there’s a line that alternates between two numbers, i usually put small circles on either ends of the line! This is preference though.
Here’s the finished product:
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- you need to charge and activate your sigil for it to work. you can charge it by putting it in the sunlight, putting it in the moonlight, plants, putting it under your pillow, crystals, and countless other ways!
- you can activate it by burning it, tearing it up and throwing it into the wind, forgetting about it, carving/drawing it onto something, and countless other ways!
thats all! Blessed be :)
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@crow-of-eden :3
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greek mythology | gods & goddesses | hermes’ offspring
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This app is wonderful for keeping a Book of Shadows on your phone! You can have multiple books, thye are super customizable and an unlimited number of entries in each book. Best of all its FREE! Its great if you're a digital witch, or practice in secret like me~
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Tarot’s Knights in Fiction
Sometimes, the easiest way to remember is to associate tarot with your favorite characters.
Knight of Cups
Game of Thrones: Jon Snow
Jon embodies this knight’s unrealistic idealism. He always does what is right, even if it kills him. And it did. He was stabbed to death for it.
Harry Potter: Gilderoy Lockhart
Lockhart displays this knight’s shadow aspect. Vanity and pride so great that he would hurt others just to extend the applause.
The Lord of the Rings: Frodo Baggins
Frodo exemplifies this knight’s dedication to his quest, which springs from innocence and purity of heart instead of plain ambitiousness.
Merlin: Arthur Pendragon
Arthur is this knight in his sanitized form. Handsome, kind and in love. He is also this knight’s stereotype — heart over mind; pretty, but not so bright.
Knight of Wands
Game of Thrones: Jaime Lannister
The younger Jaime exemplified this knight. The prowess in battle… the outward bravery… and the daring recklessness that hurt his reputation.
Harry Potter: Sirius Black
In his youth, Sirius was this knight rebelling against his family because of his principles, and bullying Snape just for fun. A blend of morality and immaturity.
The Lord of the Rings: Boromir
This knight comes alive in Boromir’s effortlessness in proving his worth. But also in the weakness and impulsiveness he displayed in the face of temptation.
Merlin: Sir Gwaine
Gwaine’s strategy of fight now, think later and hope for the best is a showcase of this knight’s courage and optimism. To him, fortune favors the brave.
Knight of Swords
Game of Thrones: Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay exhibits the shadow aspect of this knight. The violence and the ruthlessness. But also the strategic mind in battle that usually ensures triumph.
Harry Potter: Severus Snape
This knight is a Slytherin. And no one is more of a Slytherin than Snape. The determination. The precision. The successful way he concealed his true self.
The Lord of the Rings: Legolas
Like this knight, Legolas is a mechanical fighter. Efficient and effective every step of the way. As a friend, he is reliable. As an enemy, he is fatal.
Merlin: Morgana
Morgana exemplifies this knight’s way of thinking: that cruelty can be justified by one’s station and title. As well as the extremist stance on vengeance.
Knight of Pentacles
Game of Thrones: Arya Stark
Like this knight, Arya patiently waited, trained and absorbed the pain. And the moment she was ready to strike, not even Death could stop her.
Harry Potter: Hermione Granger
Hermione embodies this knight’s foresight. Like him, she is always prepared for the worst. Never attacking without thinking first.
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn
Aragorn demonstrates this knight’s humility. He does not want power or wealth. He desires only stability and the freedom to be himself.
Merlin: Sir Lancelot
Lancelot personifies this knight’s gentle demeanor and introverted nature. As well as the selflessness and piety towards those who have earned his loyalty.
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Friendship Tea
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This chilly time of year is a great time to gather with friends and loved ones and strengthen your bonds! This zesty tea will remind you all of the warmth you share for one another, and bring peaceful memories of sunlight and energy.
You Will Need:
💛 1-2 lemons, sliced
💛 ½ a cup of passionfruit (not the skin! Scoop the pulp and seeds out with a spoon)
💛 4-6 white tea bags
💛 Friends to share it with!
To Prepare:
💛 Bring 5-7 cups of water to a boil
💛 Add lemon and passionfruit to water. Simmer for 10-20 minutes.
💛 Turn off heat, add white tea bags, let steep for 5-10 Minutes.
Not only are Lemon and Passionfruit two fruits that help promote and maintains healthy friendships, but they are also both loaded with Vitamin C and other antioxidants to help promote a healthy immune system and keep you and your friends from sharing germs. 
Sip with friends and enjoy!
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Hey, if you’re a fan of Undertale and/or fanfiction, I’m foraying into the realm of writing a consistent project! Any feedback is welcome--I’d love to know if I should continue.
Between Iron and Silver Chapter 1: Fallen Down
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You were very young when you fell into the Underground.
It’s a story your mother likes to tell often to the few friends that come through the Ruins. She has made no effort to allow you to forget that you aren’t her child by blood, but she has loved and raised you with all of her heart all the same. In all of your life, you’ve never wanted for anything, be it happiness or security, and you’re forever grateful.
You must have been five or six when you woke, surrounded by sunlight, birdsong, and lemon-yellow buttercups. All you could remember was a camping trip to Mount Ebbot, hiking almost all the way to the summit before setting up your tents. You had gotten up early in the morning to relieve yourself, finding a path behind your chosen bushes that wound further up the mountain. Curiosity drove you to follow to a wide, tall cave near the summit holding only a tangle of vines along the walls and ground, and a wide hole beneath, seeming to lead right to the pit of the earth. You had dropped a few rocks over the edge to hear where the bottom might be, but as you leaned further over the pit, you lost your balance and tumbled into the hole.
You don’t remember much of the fall, and none of the landing at all, but your fear is unforgettable. Crying out for your parents earns echoes in the cavern, deep enough that the hole you fell through is nothing more than a distant disc of light. No one answers your calls.
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“My Beauty Glows Like The Sun”
Draw this sigil on a bottle of makeup that you use Or on a bottle of facial cleanser or cream that you use
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