hereticnora Β· 6 years
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β™Š β€” β€œI’VE GOT A NEW FRIEND –” the heretic wailed in his joy; hands cupped to contain said partner closely (and affectionately) to his chest. β€œβ€“ and he probably bites!”
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❝ Well, isn’t that cute. I have a new friend too, but she ran away somewhere ❞ It was not her cat she had brought home. The kitten was alone in an alley and Nora was not heartless when it came to animals. She had always loved them ❝ I can’t see anyone but us here ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
Elijah found himself in the kitchen of the Salvatore school, cooking up something.. He was trying to keep himself busy, the fear constantly running through his mind. But by cooking and trying to find some normalcy, he found himself focused. He heard the footsteps before they even made it into the kitchen.Β β€œNeed something?”
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❝ Who is asking? ❞ The heretic questioned, not answering his question. She walked over to where he was and raised her eyebrows ❝ I don’t need anything from you, unless you know how to find someone without using magic ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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At first Valerie had been upset at what the other two heretics had done. Their actions to destroy the phoenix stone had made her briefly lose Stefan. She eventually was able to get his soul back to his body even if the spell had been taxing on her. Then as the years went by she grew past her grudges and accepted what had happened. Once Nora asked if she was sure that it wasn’t Rayna Cruz, the heretic nodded. However, once she began to ask about the twins from Caroline she sighed.Β β€œYes, they were both born as siphoners. They’re both lucky to not have the kind of families we had,” she shrugged.Β β€œAs for me, uh, I traveled around the world a lot. I wrote in journals and learned about more magic. But I returned here because I got a job.”
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Usually it was only one twin that was born as a siphoner, and that is what Nora assumed the Saltzman twins were. She barely remember the day when they tried to help Caroline ❝ Hmm, I forgot we helped Caroline. I am guessing the age and death caught up with me. I did not know that two siphoners could be possible ❞ Oh, her mother should have seen how the world had began to accept the unique species now. Her father as well, because he was no better. Especially they should have to see that no matter what gender you fall in love with, it’s more accepting now than when she opened up about her sexuality ❝ They are, and shall be happy about it ❞ She agreed with Valerie. Nora listened to what the other had to say, which was rare, because sometimes she could stop to listen ❝ Travelling sounds fun. Did you see any exciting places? More magic? Now I am interested, what sort of magic was it? ❞ It didn’t cross her mind that it could be more magic to learn. How many spells could exist? Probably over a thousand ❝ What, you got a job? That’s quite... Interesting. What are you working as? ❞ Her eyebrows raised.
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
It wasn’t rare for Natalia to go on late night walks in the woods by herself, in fact it was a thing she did far before she was even a triggered wolf. She loved listening to the rustle of the leaves as the wind blew, the quiet that nature offered to give her some peace to think. Eyes closed for a brief moment as she took everything in, it was then she heard the footsteps behind her.Β β€œLooks like I’m not the only person to like night walks.” Came the comment as she looks to the other behind her.
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Wandering around in the dark was not new to Nora. She had done it plenty of times. The nights were special when it was peaceful and quiet, and only a few sounds filled the air. A wind that makes the most peaceful sounds. This night was very quiet, almost too quiet, and the heretic began to wonder if the world’s creatures were gone, where had she no clue. But everyone were presumably asleep. What normal person wandered around in the darkness when danger could lurk around behind the trees. At the sound of a voice, Nora frowned ❝ Neither did I, and people never fail to surprise you. I’d began to think I was the only one who enjoys this, walking out in the world at night. It’s more nice than the day time, because it’s not as many sounds, or imbeciles who easily can make you irritated at them ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
(ΒΈ.β€’ β™› β†’ β€œHow is that even happening?” She muttered, grabbing her head with one hand, feeling the pain there, she was alive and she didn’t know why she needed to be in Mystic Falls so badly but something was making her stay and looking for something.
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The brunette heretic turned around when she heard a voice. Her eyes widened and she stared at the blonde. She could not believe that it was Mary Louise ❝ I have no idea, but it’s strange ❞ She replied and stepped closer to her ❝ Mary Lou, you are alive again ❞ Nora became nervous, but quickly grabbed the blonde’s hand and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms tightly around her waist ❝ I have missed you ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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β€œ i’m sorry, i’m not much help. ” She offered half of an empathetic smile, the frustration felt on both sides of the predicament.Β β€œ the year? no, i’m afraid i haven’t gotten that far yet. ” her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the question .Β β€œ despite knowing i am in a town called mystic falls, i do not know where i am, how i am here, the last memory i have is.. of dyingΒ && i know i don’t belong here. ”  
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❝ Do not worry about it. I’d not been to much help either if someone would’ve asked me ❞ She did not want the other brunette to feel bad about not being able to help. Nora gave her a polite smile ❝ Why are you saying that you do not belong here? Dying is my last memory too, so we have something in common. I am Nora ❞ 
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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β€œI’m finding that being drunk and here…makes everything that little bit more easier to deal with.” God knows he just needed a drink too or five..somehow he couldn’t quite remember how many it had been but he wasn’t gonna complain or be all brooding and that is what counted.Β β€œYou want one too?”
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❝ Isn’t it easier for humans to get drunk? ❞ The heretic asked and raised a brow as she sat down beside the Salvatore brother ❝ Taking a drink with Stefan Salvatore, that's going to be something new, but why not. i do not say no to drinks. How is the human life? ❞ She waved to the bartender so she could order something to drink.
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
Still not sure how to feel about some of this new technology stuff.
❝ You are not alone with that. They have done too many changes that requires private classes for those who are almost from the stone age ❞ Now was she not from the stone age, but when it came to the new technology stuff, then she was not modern.
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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β€œA little bit of magic, and making sure to moisturize.” the witch teased as she looked at her old friend, enjoying the compliment. It was always nice to hear, especially when things were as tense as they had been around the boarding school the last few days. β€œSomeone else like Mary Louise?” she asked, raising an eyebrow for just a moment before offering a sincere β€œI’m sure she'l show up sooner or later, everyone is making an appearance lately.”
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❝ The magic is doing its job then. You still look the same as.. hmm, has it been fifteen years? ❞ Gosh, had she been dead for so long? That was insane. She thought the years went slow when she was still only a siphoner ❝ Yes, it’s odd that she is not back yet. I thought that she would be back the same day as me because we died at the same day. But maybe this century would confuse her more ❞ She shrugged ❝ And maybe now I can continue with my studies at the college, or whatever it was called ❞ She smiled ❝ Have I missed something fun? ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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As time passed she regretted how much hatred she felt towards her family of heretics and Lily. It had been wasted since she truly only hated Julian anyways.Β β€œAt least you had each other by your side and were able to have that last moment,” she tried to lighten the situation. Despite the moment resulting in their deaths not everyone could have that closure.Β β€œNo more people like Rayna Cruz at least, no,” she nodded.Β β€œThey just didn’t bother to take the time to understand and siphoners aren’t seen as monsters anymore. Those twins that Caroline carried are still alive,” she added.
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The blonde heretic was right, at least Mary Louise and Nora had each other when they died, but they could have a life together ❝ You are right, we did. Only sad thing is that we could have began a new life together. Same goes for Malcolm, Oscar and Beau, but Lily as well ❞ Nora thought that maybe they did not fit in in today’s century. Despite that she had got used to it a few years ago, it was still a lot of new things she still had to learn ❝ Are you sure it isn’t someone like Rayna Cruz? ❞ She raised a brow. Nora could not help to be a bit insecure about that ❝ Are they both siphoners? Well, better late than never then. It’d been fun if the Gemini coven from our time could see it now. Anyway, how have you been and what have you been up to? I want to hear everything! ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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When she first found out about both Nora and Mary Louise’s death she’d been heartbroken over Stefan. Over time she’d been able to process her grief and really miss their company. She always believed that if they had all been able to change their murderous ways of the past they deserved a second chance.Β β€œI did. I found the explosion site after,” she kept it simple.Β β€œI just wish I could’ve been able to help stop that from happening.”
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A deep sigh escaped from Nora. It was nothing Valerie could do to save her and Mary Louise, nor could either of them expect it to happen ❝ I do not think you would have been able to stop it. Mary Lou was already dying so we could not have saved her and I could not imagine a life without her ❞ It had already been a pain to be without her for a while after their fight ❝ But nobody can stop us now, right? ❞ She asked, studying the other heretic’s face as she waited for an answer ❝ Everyone always saw us as nothing more than a threat to the world ❞ 
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
Despite the fact that it was a holiday, it was a bad day for Klaus. He was in a mood, with little to no sleep. The feeling of being suffocated and powerless against the beatings of Mikael was enough to piss him off. The sudden call pulled him from the depth of his dark mind,Β β€œI don’t know, 2032 I think?” Shoulders rise and fall at the guess. He’s been alive for only two weeks, and that was enough to look at a calendar here and there.Β β€œMystic Falls may have new businesses and all, but it’s still the same Mystic Falls. It will always be the same Mystic Falls.” The town sign should have hadΒ β€˜Supernatural hot-spot’ printed clear as day beneath the town name.Β β€œLet me guess, you were just brought back to life?”
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People seemed to be a tad more benevolent nowadays and that made the heretic feel a bit better. Sure it still annoyed her that she was back to life all of sudden, but she got a second chance. Now she could have the life she always wanted, whatever that is ❝ 2023, bloody hell. I have missed six years of a glorious life with delicious snacks and to annoy humans ❞ She commented after hearing his answer ❝ Yes, I’ve noticed there’s new things around here and that is what’s new for me, but other than that it still looks the same. Only difference is that the Salvatore house now is a school. What a shame ❞ The heretic thought it was beautiful as it was, and now little supernatural kids ran around there in the house. Her head tilted and she nodded her head ❝ Correctly, I recently returned from the dead. Not very happy about it yet ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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Qetsiyah hadn’t exactly been trying to be inconspicuous, but when she heard a woman call out to her, she was a little surprised. Turning the face the woman, she looked her over, quickly determining that she didn’t know her, and picking up from the questions being asked that the woman didn’t know who.she was either. β€œ2032.”
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The brunette siphoner stared at her ❝ 2032?? ❞ She had not expected that it had gone a few years since she passed away. It was not so many years ago, but it was still a few years at least ❝ Many years ❞ She mumbled ❝ Well, they say time flies when you are having fun and seems to be the same way with everything. Have you seen a blonde girl around? Kinda tall and medium length blonde hair, green eyes and pale complexion? ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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πŸ’‹β€” β€œI wasn’t aware I looked like a bloody tour guide,” the original vampire sneered at the woman that had so rudely stepped in front of her. That was until she actually thought about the questions that were asked. It wasn’t about the place – no, the girl seemed more than cognitive of the fact they were in Mystic Falls. It was the when, and that’s what turned things from annoying to concerning. β€œIt’s twenty-thirty-two.” She eyed the stranger suspiciously, wondering if and when more information would follow.Β β€œYou remember nothing?”
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The brunette’s eyes rolled and she shook her head ❝ Nah, you do not look like a tour guide ❞ She replied. Tour guides could presumably look very different in this era than what she had seen ❝ Brilliant, hundred years later and I return to the earth again ❞ She joked. Then she had been dead for a few years only ❝ I do. I remember my whole life, but I died in 2017. I am not hundred percent sure if I found peace. Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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Another blast from the past. She was starting to think she saw dead people more frequently than the living, but she pushed the thought aside as she looked at the heretic. β€œIt was a long time ago…” the Bennett witch admitted as she offered Nora a warm smile. β€œHey stranger.”
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Nora smirked when she spotted the familiar face ❝ Oh look who is still alive. What is your secret to still being young and beautiful? ❞ She frowned, tilting her head. The heretic had always thought Bonnie Bennett was a beautiful woman ❝ Good to see a familiar face, although I’d hoped for someone else, but oh well you cannot get everything you wish for ❞ Her eyebrows raised.
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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She jumped somewhat, brain on full alert when a woman calls for her.Β β€œYes?” She’s unsure if they’re talking to her or somebody nearby, but she responds, trying to keep her voice even.Β β€œMystic falls?” Amara repeats, finally getting some clue on the town she woke up in. Confusion and sadness took hold of her features, for the last memory is a faint but devastating thought.Β β€œI am looking for answers myself.” 
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Nora sighed after hearing the other brunette’s words ❝ Brilliant. I’d hoped someone would know ❞ At the moment she only wanted to know what year it was ❝ I am guessing you do not what year it is, then? And what answers are you looking for? ❞
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hereticnora Β· 6 years
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Valerie had been exploring the town when her ears suddenly picked up on a familiar voice nearby. Her eyes scanned around the area before she saw the figure some distance away. She used her vamp speed to travel over before making the human forget the situation and leave. Once the human was gone she turned around to face Nora before wrapping her arms around the brunette.Β β€œI’ll answer your questions, but I’ve just missed you so much.”
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Nora was taken aback when arms suddenly wrapped around her. Last time she hugged someone was several years ago. The brunette heretic hugged Valerie back, but quickly pulled away ❝ You found out about mine and Mary Lou’s death? ❞ She asked, curiously ❝ You’ve been missed as well ❞
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